Calcium phosphate - main characteristics, properties and applications

Calcium hydrogen phosphate
Are common
Systematic nameCalcium hydrogen phosphate
Traditional namesDibasic calcium orthophosphate, disubstituted calcium phosphate
Chem. formula CaHPO4
Physical properties
StateWhite crystals
Molar mass136.06 g/mol
Density2.929 g/cm³
Chemical properties
Solubility in water0.02 g/100 ml
Reg. CAS number 7757-93-9
SMILES [ OP(=O)([ O-])[O-].[Ca+2]]
Data given is based on standard conditions (25 °C, 100 kPa) unless otherwise stated.

Calcium hydrogen phosphate

(disubstituted calcium phosphate) is an acid salt of calcium and orthophosphoric acid with the formula CaHPO4. Forms crystalline hydrate.

Chemical properties

An inorganic compound, a salt formed by Ca and phosphoric acid. Formula of Calcium Phosphate: Ca3(PO4)2. Usually it is a colorless fine crystalline powder that is poorly soluble in water. When exposed to acids, the substance is converted to hydrogen phosphate . Molar mass of compound = 310.2 grams per mole.

Obtaining Calcium Phosphate. The product is widely distributed in the form of minerals in nature, found in phosphorite, hydroxyapatite and apatite. Contained in large quantities, it literally forms the basis of teeth and bones in vertebrates. From a school chemistry course, you can recall the reaction of the formation of Calcium Phosphate from sodium phosphate and Ca chloride . As a result of the metabolic reaction, the necessary substance precipitates.

The product is used as the main source of calcium for feeding birds and livestock; added to phosphate rock to fertilize acidic soil; used in the production of abrasives, ceramics and glass; used in the food industry; used in medicine.


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Used for feeding livestock and as a phosphate fertilizer. Also involved in the process of milk ripening during cheese production.

Indications for use

It is recommended to take medications containing this substance:

  • during periods of intensive growth and development of the skeleton in childhood;
  • to protect and strengthen bones and teeth;
  • patients who cannot tolerate milk and dairy products;
  • during the treatment of osteoporosis , osteomyelitis , rickets , caries , periodontitis , bursitis , dislocations and bone fractures.


  • Ripan R., Ceteanu I.
    Inorganic chemistry. Chemistry of metals. - M.: Mir, 1971. - T. 1. - 561 p.
  • Chemical Encyclopedia / Editorial Board: Knunyants I.L. and others. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. - T. 2. - 671 p. — ISBN 5-82270-035-5.
  • Chemist's Handbook / Editorial Board: Nikolsky B.P. and others. - 3rd ed., rev. - L.: Chemistry, 1971. - T. 2. - 1168 p.
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Drugs containing (Analogs)

Level 4 ATC code matches: Calcium gluconate
Calcium Sandoz Forte

Calcium glycerophosphate

Trade name of the medicine: Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate . The chemical compound is part of the following vitamin and mineral complexes: Vitatress , Rost-Norma , Complivit , Osteoton , Glutamevit , Kaltsinova , Oligovit , Elevit Pronatal , Stop Osteoporosis , Supradin .

An excerpt characterizing calcium hydrogen phosphate

After Nikolai's departure, the Rostovs' house became sadder than ever. The Countess became ill from mental disorder. Sonya was sad both from the separation from Nikolai and even more from the hostile tone with which the countess could not help but treat her. The Count was more than ever concerned about the bad state of affairs, which required some drastic measures. It was necessary to sell a Moscow house and a house near Moscow, and to sell the house it was necessary to go to Moscow. But the countess’s health forced her to postpone her departure from day to day. Natasha, who had easily and even cheerfully endured the first time of separation from her fiancé, now became more excited and impatient every day. The thought that her best time, which she would have spent loving him, was being wasted in such a way, for nothing, for no one, persistently tormented her. Most of his letters angered her. It was insulting to her to think that while she lived only in the thought of him, he lived a real life, saw new places, new people that were interesting to him. The more entertaining his letters were, the more annoying she was. Her letters to him not only did not bring her any comfort, but seemed like a boring and false duty. She did not know how to write because she could not comprehend the possibility of truthfully expressing in writing even one thousandth part of what she was used to expressing with her voice, smile and gaze. She wrote him classically monotonous, dry letters, to which she herself did not attribute any meaning and in which, according to Brouillons, the countess corrected her spelling errors. The Countess's health was not improving; but it was no longer possible to postpone the trip to Moscow. It was necessary to make a dowry, it was necessary to sell the house, and, moreover, Prince Andrei was first expected in Moscow, where Prince Nikolai Andreich lived that winter, and Natasha was sure that he had already arrived. The Countess remained in the village, and the Count, taking Sonya and Natasha with him, went to Moscow at the end of January. Pierre, after the matchmaking of Prince Andrei and Natasha, without any obvious reason, suddenly felt the impossibility of continuing his previous life. No matter how firmly he was convinced of the truths revealed to him by his benefactor, no matter how joyful he was during that first period of fascination with the internal work of self-improvement, which he devoted himself to with such fervor, after the engagement of Prince Andrei to Natasha and after the death of Joseph Alekseevich, about which he received news almost at the same time - all the charm of this former life suddenly disappeared for him. Only one skeleton of life remained: his home with his brilliant wife, who now enjoyed the favors of one important person, acquaintance with all of St. Petersburg and service with boring formalities. And this former life suddenly presented itself to Pierre with unexpected abomination. He stopped writing his diary, avoided the company of his brothers, began to go to the club again, began to drink a lot again, again became close to single companies and began to lead such a life that Countess Elena Vasilievna considered it necessary to give him a stern reprimand. Pierre, feeling that she was right, and in order not to compromise his wife, left for Moscow. In Moscow, as soon as he entered his huge house with withered and withering princesses, with huge courtyards, as soon as he saw - driving through the city - this Iverskaya Chapel with countless candle lights in front of golden vestments, this Kremlin Square with untrodden snow, these cab drivers and the shacks of Sivtsev Vrazhka, saw old Moscow people who wanted nothing and were slowly living out their lives, saw old women, Moscow ladies, Moscow balls and the Moscow English Club - he felt at home, in a quiet refuge. In Moscow he felt calm, warm, familiar and dirty, like wearing an old robe. Moscow society, everything from old women to children, accepted Pierre as their long-awaited guest, whose place was always ready and not occupied. For Moscow society, Pierre was the sweetest, kindest, smartest, cheerful, generous eccentric, absent-minded and sincere, Russian, old-fashioned gentleman. His wallet was always empty, because it was open to everyone. Benefit performances, bad paintings, statues, charitable societies, gypsies, schools, subscription dinners, revelries, Freemasons, churches, books - no one and nothing was refused, and if not for his two friends, who borrowed a lot of money from him and took him under their custody, he would give everything away. There was no lunch or evening at the club without him. As soon as he slumped back in his place on the sofa after two bottles of Margot, he was surrounded and conversations, arguments, and jokes ensued. Wherever they quarreled, he made peace with one of his kind smiles and, by the way, a joke. Masonic lodges were boring and lethargic without him.

Role in the human body

Calcium phosphate has a wide range of uses. Its special variety is hydroxyapatite. This compound is part of human bones and is a building material for them. The mineral is also present in tooth enamel in the form of fluorapatite. The need for phosphorus is small and amounts to 800−1500 mg. The absorption of a compound based on this mineral is regulated by the liver. This process is also influenced by vitamin D and hormones produced by the body.

Calcium phosphate is capable of reacting with food. In combination with other minerals it is capable of:

  • improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • eliminate anxiety;
  • ensure the production of collagen in sufficient quantities;
  • reduce cholesterol.
  • Phosphates are excreted in biological secretions in an amount of 4 grams. This happens every day. Obtaining calcium phosphate is possible in the laboratory. It is part of phosphorite. This substance originates in the earth's crust. There are natural sources for extracting the compound that serves as the basis for calcium phosphate using laboratory methods.

    Calcium orthophosphate is produced by the reaction of orthophosphoric acid and calcium hydroxide. Subsequently, a series of processes are carried out, including filtration, subsequent drying and grinding. The molecular (structural) formula of calcium phosphate is designated as follows: Ca3 (PO4)2.

    Other phosphate compounds

    In addition to calcium, there are formulas with aluminum, barium, iron, and sodium. Aluminum phosphate is a salt with a solid structure and a white tint. It is insoluble in water and is obtained by combining phosphoric acid and sodium aluminate. As a result, the desired salt is formed, as well as water and sodium hydroxide. In addition, there is a method in which aluminum sulfate and aluminum phosphate are mixed and then heated. The resulting material is used for the production of antacid drugs.

    Barium phosphate has an amorphous form and is a white powder . It dissolves poorly in water, but by adding ammonium chloride, as well as any acid, it is possible to increase its solubility. To obtain such a compound, it is enough to add dihydrogen phosphate of this substance to barium hydroxide. There are other methods that have become more or less widespread in production. Barium phosphate is used to make special glass for measuring radiation levels. It also provides the basis for the production of phosphors.

    Iron phosphate has the form of yellow crystals that do not dissolve in water. It is obtained by mixing sodium acetate with hydrogen phosphate of this mineral and an iron salt. The finished compound can be used to create drugs to combat molluscs, as well as homeopathic remedies used by people.

    Sodium phosphate is presented in the form of white crystals that are hygroscopic. They dissolve perfectly in any liquid. To obtain this substance, reactions between sodium carbonate and phosphoric acid are carried out. This releases some carbon dioxide. Sodium phosphate is included in the E339 additive. When interacting with baking soda, it forms a leavening agent.

    Calcium phosphate is widely used in the production of food additives. It is used to improve the characteristics of the test. The resulting composition is also suitable as a component of condensed milk and processed cheeses. It is also used as an emulsifier for sausage.

    Key sources

    Dairy products are unusually rich in calcium phosphate. It is also present in large quantities in the following products:

  • sardine and salmon fillets;
  • anchovies;
  • cereal porridge;
  • fortified juices.
  • Salt is present in large quantities in goat milk. The compound is presented in the form of micelles. These are special particles whose core is reduced in size and is insoluble. It is surrounded by adsorbing ions and solvent molecules. Salt is a component of calcium caseinate, a component of milk that belongs to the group of phosphoproteins.

    Despite such obvious benefits, experts recommend not allowing excess calcium phosphate in the daily menu. You should not take special supplements or fortified foods without a doctor’s prescription.

    The ban is especially relevant for people with kidney stones and pathologies of the parathyroid glands. The same can be said for people being treated with tetracycline antibiotics.

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