Homeopathy Bittner Richard Remens - reviews

Let's sum it up

Representatives of the fair sex use Remens to eliminate various problems: disruption of the menstrual cycle, facilitating menstruation, increasing the chances of pregnancy, treating endometriosis and other inflammatory pathologies of the female genital organs. Despite the fact that this drug is used for various purposes, its effectiveness is evidenced by about 95% of positive reviews.

Negative reviews are much less common. Most often they are associated with the fact that the resulting effect is less than expected. However, we should not forget that each woman’s body reacts individually to any drug.

Features of artificial menopause

The main difference between an artificial menopause and a natural one is that the cessation of ovarian function occurs abruptly (in the case of surgical intervention, almost instantly), and not over several years, as nature intended. The body is deprived of the opportunity to gradually adapt to existence in conditions of hormone deficiency, therefore, with artificial menopause, more than half of women experience manifestations of menopausal syndrome in the most pronounced form. These signs are divided into early and late.

Early signs of artificial menopause

Some of them appear already in the first week.

  • neurovegetative disorders: night sweats, hot flashes, headaches, dizziness, palpitations, paresthesia (tingling, goosebumps);
  • general weakness, increased fatigue, sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • emotional lability, irritability, tearfulness, decreased or loss of libido, depressive states, fear, anxiety, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness;
  • vaginal dryness and itching, burning and pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia).

Late signs of artificial menopause

They appear several months or years after artificial menopause and develop much faster than during natural menopause.

  • decreased turgor and elasticity of the skin, dryness and thinning of the skin, brittle hair and nails;
  • urological disorders: urinary incontinence, frequent urge, pain when urinating; urinary tract infections (cystitis, urethritis);
  • cardiovascular diseases: the progression of atherosclerotic changes accelerates, blood pressure increases, the tendency to thrombus formation and vasospasm, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases;
  • osteoporosis (decreased bone density, increased risk of fractures): with artificial menopause it occurs faster (especially in the next 5-10 years), pain in bones and joints.

Experts say that at present, the severity of the manifestations of artificial menopause as a whole is beginning to approach those of natural menopause. This happens, firstly, due to their competent and timely correction; secondly, due to the fact that among patients, unfortunately, the proportion of relatively young women is growing (at a young age, the body’s adaptive reserves are greater, there are fewer concomitant diseases, therefore, changes are tolerated somewhat more easily).

Types of artificial menopause

Surgical menopause

The most radical of all methods of stopping ovarian function. This is achieved by completely removing them. This operation, called oophorectomy, is indicated for cancer of the ovaries, uterus, and mammary glands. Its consequences are irreversible, i.e., ovarian function will never be restored. Sometimes menopause develops even after the removal of only the uterus (for example, with extensive purulent damage) with preservation of the ovaries. This happens immediately or some time after the operation due to a disruption in the blood supply (when the uterus is removed, the vessels that supply the ovaries are ligated).

Radiological (radiation) menopause

This type of menopause is provoked by radiation therapy: X-ray irradiation of the ovaries themselves (in the treatment of malignant tumors), or in the treatment of other diseases (tumors of other pelvic organs, blood diseases, etc.). The changes in the ovaries that occur in this case are considered partially reversible: their function can be restored, although not always fully.

Medicinal (medicinal) menopause

It is used in the complex treatment of tumors, endometriosis, and infertility (as one of the stages of preparation for IVF). It is achieved by introducing special drugs - artificial analogues of hypothalamic hormones, which indirectly, through the pituitary gland, first stimulate the ovaries, and then (when the reserves of pituitary hormones are depleted) force them to temporarily stop their activity. This method is the most “gentle”, because it involves the complete restoration of normal functioning of the ovaries after the end of therapy.

Reviews from patients about the drug Remens

“I suffered for a long time from unexplained insomnia, lethargy, depression, and often had sudden mood swings. At the same time, there were very noticeable disturbances in the menstrual cycle (with huge variations in weeks).

Once upon a time, I was diagnosed with an increased level of estrogen in the blood and a deficiency of another hormone - progesterone. I drank wild yam for quite a long time, but I never saw any effect. A friend was prescribed Remens and she highly praised it. I also decided to try it.

Already on the first day I fell asleep like a baby. In addition to the fact that I managed to get enough sleep, my heart rate noticeably decreased (to 65 from 85), absent-mindedness and lethargy disappeared. At work, too, everything somehow got done faster, and to a better quality. Blood pressure also returned to normal. The cycle also recovered, albeit with time. The only thing was that there was too much [information about the dose of the medicine removed] for me, which I did not understand right away. But [medication dose information removed] at night has greatly improved my life.”


“I heard about Remens for a very long time, but somehow I never came across it. When my mother began to complain about hot flashes associated with menopause, she decided to buy a bottle for her. Six months of taking these drops did not give any results, they just threw away the money. She switched to Melilotin and after 10 days, almost all symptoms of menopause disappeared.”


“I took Remens about 10 years ago. Then there were gynecological problems, the drug helped very well. Now I am faced with another problem - surgical menopause. The doctor prescribed a drug I was familiar with, Remens. I hope he saves me again."


“I am already 56 years old. I have been taking Remens for about 7 years, [information about the dose of the medication has been removed] every morning. I did not observe any signs of menopause during this time. Probably, homeopathic medicines really only help when taken systematically and over a long period of time. I recently stopped taking it and my problems began to appear again. I think it’s worth returning to my only salvation – Remens.”


“I decided to try Remens when the first signs of menopause began to appear. But it clearly didn’t suit me, even hot flashes began to occur more often. Probably, homeopathic remedies are not suitable for everyone either. I had to switch to hormonal drugs.”


“I was diagnosed with ovarian depletion, as well as elevated levels of follicle-stimulating hormone. Remens was prescribed when hot flashes began to appear. The drug helped, the hot flashes went away. To celebrate, I stopped taking the drug, everything began to return. I started taking drops again.

In the last cycle, even without any stimulation, 3 follicles appeared; before that, nothing grew. Even antral ones appeared (I don’t quite understand what it is, but the doctor said it was good). I don’t know if Remens has this effect or not, but I really hope that I’ll get pregnant soon.”


“I couldn’t get pregnant for several years. I was examined and the doctor prescribed Remens. The intended course was 3 months, since the ovaries were not functioning well and there were hot flashes. However, after two months of taking the drug according to the instructions, I became pregnant. I am endlessly grateful to this drug.”


“I once drank Remens drops, but I didn’t notice a positive effect from it. Now my sister drinks it. Due to hard work and frequent stress, her cycle was greatly disrupted.

The pharmacist at the pharmacy recommended Remens for a course of three months. She's been taking it for two months now (in tablets), and it really helps her. The menstrual cycle has almost returned to normal, and menstruation has become easier and pain-free. Remens is an effective drug, but not for everyone.”


“I have had menstrual irregularities all my life. Probably, of all the known drugs (mostly herbal based), I have tried most of them. I also had a chance to try Remens. It was better known to me as a remedy for menopause, but, as it turned out, it is also prescribed for my problem.

Although I am skeptical about homeopathic drugs, Remens decided to try it anyway. Several months of taking this remedy really had an effect. The menstrual cycle has more or less returned to normal, and my overall health has improved. However, soon after stopping the drug, everything returned to its original point.

So, the drug is really effective, but you need to take it for a very long time, since the effect is not long-lasting. Constantly taking medications, even such harmless ones, is definitely not for me. I will look for another solution to my problem."


“From the very beginning of my periods, my cycle was very irregular, and my periods were heavy and painful. The duration of the cycle could be from 40 to 90 days! For years I had to take various pills, inject hormones, and vitamins. I went to doctors and followed all the recommendations, but I was never able to achieve a lasting effect. I decided not to take hormones anymore, since my body reacted differently to each drug, and I didn’t want to be on hormones since I was young. I prescribed Remens for myself.

For the first three months I took [information about the dose of the medicine was removed] every day three times a day, then for 3 months I took [information about the dose of the medicine was deleted]. I didn’t notice any changes for 3 months, but in the fourth month there were changes. The cycle was reduced to 42 days, which was already pleasing; the subsequent months were 28-30 days. My joy knew no bounds. Of course I will continue to take this drug. Moreover, it is on a natural basis and there are no side effects.”


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