Climactic Heel: reviews and features of a homeopathic remedy

Every woman over 45 experiences a difficult period of menopause, which means the gradual cessation of childbearing function. This happens due to hormonal changes, reducing the production of female hormones, in particular estrogen. This phenomenon affects the functioning of all systems and organs, so all sorts of changes and annoying symptoms begin to appear. These include menstruation disorders, destabilization of the psycho-emotional state, vegetative-functional disorders, and noticeable external aging. Numerous anti-menopausal drugs help stop or significantly slow down these processes, as well as relieve symptoms. Modern pharmaceuticals offer a wide selection of such: hormonal agents, natural phytohormones, dietary supplements, homeopathy. The latter is widespread among those who are accustomed to trusting everything natural and who appreciate the gentle treatment of drugs on their body. Perhaps the most common representative of a homeopathic remedy for menopause can be called Climact Heel. Reviews about it, instructions for use and main features are presented below.

Indications for use

It is recommended to start using the drug Klimakt Hel at the initial stage of the manifestation of menopausal syndrome, at the first signs of hormonal changes. Regular use of the drug contributes to the complete normalization of a woman’s condition, eliminating the most important manifestations of menopause:

  • Tides;
  • Heavy sweating;
  • Accelerated heart rate;
  • Sleep problems;
  • Jumps of emotions;
  • Cramps in the head, migraines.

The homeopathic remedy is part of complex therapy, and primarily eliminates hot flashes with pain. Without a course of proper therapy, hot flashes usually bother the patient from a month to five years, several times a day.

The sooner you start treatment, the greater the chance that this difficult period will pass unnoticed.

Many patients suffer for several years before turning to the clinic for help. You should not endure discomfort; competent help and observation are the key to excellent well-being.

The natural formula of homeopathic remedies, as in Klimakt Hel tablets, is absolutely harmless.

Side effects

The medicine, although homeopathic, has side effects. People with liver problems may experience a surge in liver enzyme activity. This reaction occurs from the use of any drugs containing Sanguinaria. In difficult cases, drug-induced jaundice may appear. Complications during treatment mean that you need to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Allergies of various forms may occur, with individual intolerance to the components.

It is important to know: cases of overdose with Climax Hel have not been recorded. But this does not mean that the amount of the drug consumed can be increased without the knowledge of the attending physician.

Why should you pay attention to homeopathic medicines when treating menopause?

Homeopathic medicines include minimal dosages of medicinal components. Thanks to this, it has a soft and gentle effect on the tissues of the body. Because of this, such medications have virtually no contraindications and do not cause side effects.

These medications can be used as a single drug or as a complex of drugs. In the latter case, the components of the medicine are specially selected in such a way as not to mutually exclude each other’s components, but only to enhance their effect on the female body. If the components of the medicine are selected correctly, then it is very effective in combating the symptoms of menopause.

However, if you intend to treat menopause with homeopathic medications, then prepare yourself in advance for the fact that you will have to be patient, because the effect of taking it will not be observed immediately. Most often, homeopathy is taken in courses, the duration of which ranges from 3 months to several years. The product can be taken without any fear of side effects or any other negative reaction of the body.

Storage standards

Keep the medicine Klimakt Hel out of the reach of younger family members.

The medicinal composition is valid from the moment of production - 5 years. Under no circumstances should you take the drug after the specified period! It must be disposed of in accordance with the law.

Permissible temperature for storing the medicine: from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.

It is important to know: the drug Klimakt Hel is homeopathic and does not in any way affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate complex machinery. It is allowed to be taken by people whose work involves attentiveness and reaction speed.

Treatment of menopause

Despite the fact that menopause is not a pathology, it can bring women a lot of unpleasant sensations. Changes in hormonal levels significantly worsen well-being, which negatively affects the quality of life. It is almost impossible to completely eliminate the symptoms characteristic of menopause.

Experts recommend that almost all women experiencing menopause take hormonal medications. This method of treatment allows you to compensate for the lack of the hormone estrogen and reduce the signs of approaching menopause.

In addition to synthetic hormones, homeopathy can also be used. One such remedy is Klimakt-Hel. Reviews from patients indicate that this drug has a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Do homeopathic remedies help with menopause? The answer to this question will be yes. Such preparations should not be equated with herbal ones. They may contain not only various plant extracts, but also chemicals.

Directions for use: dosage

The course of treatment with the drug Klimakt Hel is prescribed by a doctor, its duration depends on the patient’s condition and the severity of menopausal manifestations. The average period lasts 1-2 months. Tablets are taken 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals or an hour after. The product is placed under the tongue until completely dissolved.

The medicine Klimakt can be taken together with other medications. Do not increase the dose yourself; you must take the drug strictly according to the instructions or as directed by your doctor. Do not take the tablets more than three times a day.

Doctors recommend that almost all women experiencing menopause take hormonal medications. This allows them to compensate for the lack of the hormone estrogen and reduce the signs of approaching menopause. Source: Flickr (Eugene Evehealth).

Application and features of Klimakt Heel

Climactic Heel is a homeopathic medicine of natural origin that helps a woman’s body adapt to dramatic hormonal changes and cope with the consequences of this. It has estrogen-modulating, anti-inflammatory, sedative, restorative, and rejuvenating effects.

The drug is very popular among specialists and patients due to the world-famous German manufacturer Heel, whose effectiveness and care towards its consumers has been famous for years.

The drug is used for disturbances in the psycho-emotional state of a woman during menopause, which is characterized by neuroses, irritability, sudden mood swings, insomnia, apathy, stress, and depression. There are also disturbances in thermoregulation due to a lack of estrogen, such as hot flashes, chills, trembling in the body, and increased sweating. The medication is used for pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, back, limbs, muscle cramps, dryness in the vagina and other organs of the pelvic area. It helps in maintaining the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system, since thinning of bone tissue is especially noticeable during menopause. It has a general strengthening and metabolic effect.

Reviews from doctors and patients about Klimakt Heel

Reviews of Climact Heel show that the drug is highly popular among patients and specialists. This is due to the high effectiveness of the product along with its gentle and gentle effect on the female body.

Statistics show that 87% of patients who used the drug during premenopause and menopause noted the disappearance of symptoms such as hot flashes, neurosis, hyperhidrosis, pain in various parts of the body, and cramps. Female representatives note that Climact Hel helps restore the quality of sexual life during menopause by restoring the water balance of the mucous membranes. According to reviews, the condition of the skin and nails noticeably improves, hair loss stops, and joint pain disappears. There is an improvement in general well-being.

The drug has a cumulative effect, and the results of its effects appear after two weeks of use. After stopping its use, the result remains for a long time, usually no less than a month.

To summarize, I would like to note that the product has an affordable price and is available in all pharmacy chains. Let menopause not become an obstacle to your happy and comfortable life. Be healthy!

Doctors' opinion

The effectiveness of homeopathic medicines still causes much controversy among specialists and patients.
Does the drug work as expected? What do the doctor's say? Svetlana Klimovich, gynecologist with 10 years of experience:

Igor Dimitrov, gynecologist, 15 years of experience:

Experts of the “old school” insist on the uselessness of homeopathic medicines. Doctors of the new generation note their effectiveness and prescribe them to patients as the main medicine or as an additional one. Feedback from women is also very contradictory. Most likely, it all comes down to the individual characteristics of the body. Every woman is looking for her own effective drug!

What is included in the medicine Klimakt Hel?

The tablets contain the following components:

  • Ignacy is bitter. Responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Sanguinaria canadensis. Reduces headaches and dizziness, relieves hot flashes.
  • Cedron. Treats nerve diseases.
  • Sepia. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membranes, reduces itching in the perineum and vagina, regulates sweating, and fights headaches.
  • Sulfur. Its action is aimed at helping a woman get rid of frequent hot flashes and night sweats.
  • Metal tin. This component is able to cope with pain that occurs during menopause due to nervousness.
  • Cuttlefish ink. Helps restore normal emotional background and relieve hot flashes.
  • Snake poison. Responsible for ensuring that the woman’s mental state remains normal.

Description of the product

Homeopathic remedies from Heel (Germany) are considered one of the best. To combat the unpleasant signs of menopause, the manufacturer suggests taking Klimakt-Hel. The instructions position homeopathy as an effective remedy that will help minimize the manifestation of a pathological condition and normalize the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

The product is available in the form of tablets intended for resorption. According to the manufacturer, if you follow the recommendations regarding their use and duration of therapy, you can significantly improve your well-being during menopause. Unlike hormone replacement therapy, homeopathy is safer for the body.

Forms of release and methods of use of the product

The product is presented in the form of white tablets.

The instructions for Climakt Hel prescribe the use of 1 tablet 3 times a day. Tablets are taken an hour after a meal or half an hour before it. The tablets dissolve, and it is in this form of administration into the body that they achieve the greatest effect and digestibility.

It has a cumulative effect, which reaches its maximum after a month of use. The course of use is prescribed individually by specialists, usually 1-2 months.

Description of the drug

Climact Hel is available in tablet form.

The product must be taken three times daily during the course. The time interval between taking Klimakt Hel and food should be at least half an hour. The standard course of taking the drug takes about two months, but in some cases the doctor increases the period. Available without a prescription.

The ingredients of Klimakt Hel reduce pain during menopause, relieve inflammation and calm the nervous system.

The drug contains:

  • Sanguinaria (Sangvinaria);
  • Ignatia;
  • Stannum;
  • Cedron;
  • Lachesis;
  • Sulfur;
  • Sepia.

The homeopathic remedy produced by Hel has an accumulation effect, so you should not expect quick results. The first results will become noticeable only after at least three weeks of treatment. A noticeable improvement will occur after a full course of treatment, no earlier than in a month.


The homeopathic remedy from Hel has contraindications that should be remembered in order to avoid unwanted effects.

The use of Klimakt Hel may be unsafe if:

  • lactation disorders;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • in case of individual intolerance to some components of the drug;

It is important to know! The use of the Hel drug by pregnant women can cause serious complications. Sanguinaria, which is part of the drug, can be dangerous for expectant mothers, especially in the initial months of pregnancy.

Extreme caution must be taken if you have liver problems. It is necessary to discuss the course in detail with your doctor, and perhaps choose a different drug.


Sublingual tablets (0.3 g) may be white or white-orange in color. They include the following components:

  • Ignacy bitter – normalizes the state of the nervous system;
  • sanguinaria (Canadian) – eliminates hot flashes, migraines;
  • cedron - used for neuralgia;
  • sepia – effective for excessive sweating, severe headaches, itching in intimate areas;
  • sulfur (sulfur) – helps cope with hot flashes, reduces sweating;
  • metal tin – relieves pain syndromes of a neurological nature;
  • cuttlefish ink – normalizes the emotional background, fights hot flashes and a feeling of heat;
  • Surukuku snake venom – normalizes the psycho-emotional state.

The complex effect of the components of the drug “Klimakt-Hel” allows you to normalize the condition of a woman’s body and somewhat reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms.

For what symptoms is a woman prescribed Klimakt Hel?

Indications for the use of homeopathic medicines are the following conditions and symptoms of menopause:

  1. Increased sweating both during the day and at night, so intense that the woman has to change clothes several times a day.
  2. Hot flashes, in which heat rushes to the upper half of the body. This condition needs to be corrected, because it happens to women several dozen times a day and greatly exhausts her.
  3. Bad mood, which is accompanied by tearfulness, touchiness, irritability, and anger.
  4. Sleep disorders, due to which a woman’s performance is significantly reduced.
  5. Sometimes just a bad mood begins to border on serious psychological problems, such as depression, apathy, panic attacks. This condition cannot be ignored; it must be treated, which is where homeopathy can help.
  6. With age, the body's defenses weaken, immunity decreases, and a woman feels weak and sick almost all the time. That is, a decrease in immunity is also a reason to start treating menopause.
  7. What significantly hinders a woman’s life is that during menopause, the mucous membranes become dry. This not only prevents her from having a normal sexual life, but also creates severe discomfort in the perineal area. To restore and moisturize the mucous membranes, homeopathic medicines can also be useful.
  8. Ovarian function decreases, which is why sex hormones are no longer produced in the required quantities. In order to feel good, the balance of these hormones must be constantly replenished.

Composition and principle of action

In medicine, Klimakt-Hel is positioned as a homeopathic medicine, food additive, dietary supplement. Available in tablet form. The package contains 50 pieces. It is a complex preparation containing components of plant and animal origin. The combined effect of the active components is similar to the influence of sex hormones - estrogens. Widely used in gynecology. Provides long-term use.

The therapeutic effect is due to the restoration of the woman’s hormonal levels, the prevention of osteoporosis, and the improvement of the condition of the skin. The drug contains extracts of black cohosh, sanguinea, ignatia, cuttlefish bursa, and suruku snake venom. As well as mineral sulfur and tin. In general, Klimakt-hel has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, sedative, and estrogen-like effect. Stimulates the action of the ovaries. Affects the functions of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

Composition and mechanism of action of the drug

The effectiveness and complexity of the action of Klimakt Heel is due to the unique components in its composition, which have a truly beneficial effect.

The main active substances are:

  • Canadian sanguinaria, which simulates the effect of estrogen and relieves hot flashes, balances the emotional state, and eliminates headaches during menopause.
  • Ignacy bitter has a sedative effect and puts in order the nervous system that is subject to special stress.
  • Sepia eliminates manifestations of violations of the thermoregulatory system and helps eliminate dryness in the intimate area.
  • Cuttlefish ink also helps overcome hot flashes and stabilizes the psycho-emotional state.
  • The venom of the suruku snake has a complex effect, in particular, it has thermoregulatory, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects.
  • Metal tin blocks neuralgic pain.
  • Sulfur prevents hyperhidrosis and many discomforts.
  • Cedron actively suppresses neuralgia.

All these substances are included in the composition in homeopathic doses, which determines the effect of this remedy.

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