Instructions for use of Vaginorm S suppositories (Method and dosage)
The instructions for Vaginorm S provide for intravaginal use of the drug. The tablets are recommended to be inserted deep into the vagina once a day, preferably in the evening. The tablet is inserted in the body position - lying on your back, with slightly bent legs.
If the severity of vaginal flora is mild or moderate, the course of treatment may be limited to 6 days.
In case of severe disorders, the drug can be used daily for several weeks or even months.
Repeated courses of therapy significantly increase its effectiveness.
Vaginal tablets Vaginorm-S - reviews
I hope I helped restore my own flora
If you do not take medications for thrush in a comprehensive manner, then you can purchase it during these suppositories, it is quite expensive
Good afternoon Several years ago I was prescribed Vaginorm S to restore the flora; after 3 or 4 suppositories (I don’t remember exactly), terrible thrush began, which I had never complained about before. Now my leukocytes were elevated again, I donated the tank. sowing. It was revealed that the vagina’s own flora is minimal and intestinal infections are present in small quantities, but in fact they shouldn’t be there at all; a diagnosis of vaginal dysbiosis was made. They prescribed the following (may be useful to someone): 1) Hilak Forte (30 drops 3 times a day) 2) Mucofalk 2 times a day, dilute in accordance with the instructions. 3) Hexicon candles - 7 days at night. 4) Vaginorm S suppositories. Here comes the most interesting part: 6 suppositories. To avoid THRUST, I was prescribed from the 1st day of treatment (i.e., when I started inserting Hexicon suppositories and drinking for intestinal flora) - day 1-day 5-day 10 of treatment, Fluconazole tablets 150 mg 1 time per day (i.e. . it turns out 3 tablets for the entire treatment period). Also, if itching occurred, Gynofort cream was recommended (I didn’t use it, but when after the 2nd candle there was a little discomfort, I had Miramistin on hand, I didn’t spray it THERE, but I treated the outside of the labia and the discomfort went away. As a result, I was without I had no problems putting on candles for flora - Vaginorm S and the thrush was gone, I’ll go for a smear in a week, I hope the smear will also please me.
Khanova S.P.psychologist experience
According to many reviews of use from clients, there is only one disappointment and, as a consequence, refusal of treatment from a gynecologist. It is believed that the use of this drug is expensive and ineffective. Something from the category of old Soviet medicine.
Advantages: works quickly
Disadvantages: it is important to get tested first
For a long time I suffered with specific discharge that caused me discomfort. The gynecologist prescribed various examinations, I went through them all, brought back the results and gave me a detailed treatment plan. Bacterial viginosis - this diagnosis was made to me based on test results, so all the previous medications that I took for thrush did not give the desired benefit. Vaginorm I started taking this remedy after a number of other medications, as a final treatment.
And I used Vaginorm after Terzhinan. The doctor prescribed it to restore my flora so that there would be no unpleasant discharge again. Great))) the doctor explained this: that the normal environment in the vagina is acidic, where my own lactobacilli can live. When there is inflammation, such as colpitis, this already means that the environment has become alkaline due to bad microbes. First, we prescribe an antibiotic (Terzhinan, Neopenotran, etc.), and then we need to acidify the environment back so that their normal lactobacilli can live and develop there. It’s been half a year now and I forgot that there was such a PROBLEM)))))) As for the price and in my opinion it’s not a pity to give it away if only everything would go away and happen again)))))
In my life I have not encountered any female ailments, I didn’t even have common thrush, this was the case before my first birth. Then it started, I suffered from thrush, and over the last two years, bacterial vaginitis. The treatment was successful, but after a while there was again an unpleasant smell, discharge and, naturally, discomfort; you were afraid to go out in public. She was also treated with vaginal tablets Vaginorm S.
Vaginorm S is an antiseptic drug with the active ingredient ascorbic acid. Which is involved in the regulation of tissue regeneration, carbon metabolism, blood clotting and redox processes, and also strengthens the immune system. Vaginorm C is used for recurrent and chronic bacterial colpitis and to normalize disturbed vaginal microflora.
The price of the drug is 112 hryvnia for 6 tablets, which is enough for one course of treatment. Take one tablet at a time, preferably in a supine position. I did not experience any discomfort during or after use. I noticed that the pills were working only after four days, although other drugs began to act faster.
Vaginorm C was prescribed to me after a course of antibiotic treatment. I had a purulent sore throat and took strong medications. I took probiotics for my stomach, but the vaginal microflora, as it turned out, suffered greatly. An unpleasant discharge and at times itching began. The doctor prescribed Vaginorm S suppositories. I am very pleased with the drug. Affordable price, convenient vaginal tablets and excellent, and most importantly, quick results.
Good packaging.
I really liked this drug. The doctor prescribed it to me to restore the microflora. True, the price is steep, but most importantly it helped. Girls, you won't regret it. For health and such money it’s not a pity
Easy to use; restores its own microflora.
High price. I bought Vaginorm from in the Moscow Region for 824.00 rubles. the price is clearly overpriced.
What I liked about these tablet suppositories is that Vaginorm s restores its own microflora, and not foreign ones, unlike acylact suppositories. But it is better to get tested and consult a gynecologist about using this medicine, as there may be side effects. Personally, I didn’t have a big burning sensation only in the morning, and then it was normal in the afternoon and evening.
Miss Miracle
I have a long history before starting to use this drug….
It all started when I got thrush and my boyfriend and I began to treat ourselves the old fashioned way…with honey….I’ll skip this part….But I can warn you , don’t experiment if you don’t know the consequences!
Then I developed hemorrhagic cystitis and was hospitalized for 8 days. The hospital sent me to an excellent gynecologist. She advised treating the thrush with Zalain suppositories for 7 days and then restoring the microflora with Vaginorm-S. The course is 3-4 months (2 months have already passed). I’ll do it in December... and then we’ll see)))
On the positive side: there is no discharge like before, it’s more dry than wet and in general I’m happy with it so far.
The price is really biting... in our city the range is from 500 to 700 rubles)
May God grant everyone to be healthy and I wouldn’t wish this on anyone!
It so happened that in January 2013 (after a course of 3 months of Vaginorm) thrush relapsed and I was prescribed a new treatment, and after treatment Vaginorm again!!!!!
I’m thinking of looking for a cheaper analogue or a more effective product!)
I found a more effective remedy
Vagilak is taken in a completely different way, but no less effectively restores the vaginal microflora:
How is Vagilak different from Vaginorm S?
Difference between the drug
Vagilak from Vaginorm S is that Vagilak contains live lactobacilli isolated from the urogenital tract of healthy women. Vagilac's lactobacilli strains enter the vagina through the stomach and intestinal tract, colonize the vagina and effectively restore the vaginal microflora. Vaginorm C contains ascorbic acid, which eliminates the acid-base imbalance of the vagina. Vaginorm C should be administered vaginally, and Vagilac capsules should be taken orally.
a remedy that is taken if you have already realized that thrush has started for 12.50 rubles.
And I also recommend NOT AN ANTIBIOTIC, but ANTISEPTIC.
Right here.
I came to the residential complex after 3 months of taking OK, took smears and donated blood for clotting.
After 2 weeks, only a smear for flora was ready (for some reason cytology had not yet been done), the doctor said that I had vaginal dysbiosis and prescribed Vaginorm-S “suppositories” for 6 days.
It was on the eve of the New Year and while I was away on holidays, I decided not to do this, I didn’t know how the body would react, and I was 286 km from home in a village in the Ryazan region. In fact, absolutely nothing bothered me, but there was some worry, they say, since it’s dysbacteriosis, then there could be mushrooms and God knows what else.
Upon arrival home, I bought these tablets for as much as 650 rubles. It’s so fucking expensive, but I was honestly too lazy to go to MSC to buy it cheaper, since their price starts from about 500 rubles. This ascorbic acid comes out golden.
The entire period of use passed without incident, nothing stung or burned. Once there was some discomfort during sex, but then it went away and everything was fine. To be honest, I don’t understand at all what caused this amount of negativity, but I will say that as a rule, when there is a strong reaction in the form of irritation of the mucous membrane when using suppositories, this most often indicates the presence of an inflammatory process, which I did not have, since the cytology turned out to be clean Later. Well, in the end, we live in Russia, if there was an allergy to ascorbic acid, everyone would probably already know it, since during illnesses everyone is taught by their mothers and grandmothers to drink ascorbic acid and by advertising to drink Theraflu and analogues...
The only thing I really didn’t like about using them was that when I got up in the morning and took a vertical position of the body, the medicine flowed out and actually flowed down my thighs (not in liters, but you can still feel it, just like when you’re in underwear, you have to take it right away change to dry). And with a full bladder in the morning, one gets the impression of incontinence, which will not be pleasant for anyone. I reluctantly used the last 3 tablets, as this humidity was stressing me out.
But I completed the course, the rivers disappeared, there were no side effects.
UPD 01/15/14
And the cytology that finally arrived after the holidays is clean.
I will take flora smears again at the end of the month.
UPD 02/02/14
I took all the smears again, everything is clean and fine, I can go for a consultation in surgery.
So yes, I recommend this product, but it might be worth looking for cheaper alternatives!
special instructions
The fungal flora of the vagina is not suppressed when using the drug Vaginorm S.
Menstrual or intercyclic bleeding is not an indication for discontinuation of therapy.
Ascorbic acid affects the concentration of glucose in the urine, as well as the content of lactate dehydrogenase, bilirubin and transaminases in the blood serum.
The sensation of itching and burning during therapy may be a consequence of the presence of a fungal infection , and is the reason for conducting studies to exclude or confirm candida infection .
There are no special instructions for use during pregnancy.
Vaginorm sir
Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
The minimum daily requirement for ascorbic acid in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is about 60 mg.
Ascorbic acid penetrates the placental barrier. It should be borne in mind that the fetus can adapt to high doses of ascorbic acid taken by a pregnant woman, and then the newborn may develop ascorbic acid syndrome as a withdrawal reaction. Therefore, during pregnancy you should not take ascorbic acid in high doses, unless the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk.
The minimum daily requirement during lactation (breastfeeding) is 80 mg. Ascorbic acid is excreted in breast milk. A maternal diet containing adequate amounts of ascorbic acid is sufficient to prevent deficiency in the infant. It is not known whether maternal use of ascorbic acid in high doses is dangerous for the child. Theoretically this is possible. Therefore, it is recommended that a nursing mother not exceed the maximum daily requirement for ascorbic acid, unless the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk.
Use for renal impairment
Use with caution in patients with hyperoxaluria, impaired renal function, or a history of urolithiasis.
special instructions
Use with caution in patients with hyperoxaluria, impaired renal function, or a history of urolithiasis.
Because ascorbic acid increases iron absorption, its use in high doses may be dangerous in patients with hemochromatosis, thalassemia, polycythemia, leukemia and sideroblastic anemia.
In patients with high iron levels in the body, ascorbic acid should be used in minimal doses.
Use with caution in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
The use of ascorbic acid in high doses can cause an exacerbation of sickle cell anemia.
Data on the diabetogenic effect of ascorbic acid are contradictory. However, with long-term use of ascorbic acid, blood glucose levels should be periodically monitored.
It is believed that the use of ascorbic acid in patients with rapidly proliferating and widely disseminated tumors may aggravate the process. Therefore, ascorbic acid should be used with caution in patients with advanced cancer.
The absorption of ascorbic acid decreases with the simultaneous consumption of fresh fruit or vegetable juices and alkaline drinks.