Remo Vax ear drops - instructions and reviews

Composition and release form

Solution for topical use1 fl.
allantoin3 mg
benzethonium chloride1 mg
butylated hydroxytoluene1 mg
phenylethanol5 mg
sorbic acid2 mg
liquid lanolin
mink oil
fillers and emulsifiers
purified waterup to 1 ml

in plastic bottles with a dispenser of 10 ml.


Remo Vax drops have no exact analogues in terms of composition; if the drug is not available in the pharmacy, it can be replaced with ear solutions with a similar therapeutic effect:

  1. Vaxol is an aerosol with olive oil. Used to protect the ear from water when swimming, to prevent the formation of plugs.
  2. Otinus - the main purpose is the treatment of various types of otitis, additional effects - softening, removal of sulfur.
  3. Audi-spray is an ear solution with sea salt, which is used to remove dirt and wax from the ears.
  4. Audi-baby is a solution similar to the previous one, created specifically for children.
  5. Brotinum - prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the ears, to soften wax plugs before mechanical removal.
  6. A-cerumen is a spray product to protect the ear from dust, water, and excess wax.
  7. Aqua Maris Oto – contains sea salt. Solution for ear hygiene.

Read more Instructions for using Otrivin Baby drops

All of these drugs are prohibited for use if the eardrum is damaged; there are other contraindications.


To remove excess earwax in children from birth and adults.

Earwax is a secretion of the glands of the external auditory canal, contains proteins, lipids, immunoglobulins and lysozyme, which maintain skin hydration and protect it from damage and bacteria. It usually removes itself when chewed. The secretion of sulfur increases many times with irritation from dust, water, in-ear headphones or earplugs, cotton swabs, metabolic disorders, sudden climate change or skin diseases; it does not have time to be removed and, accumulating, can form a sulfur plug, which can cause hearing loss, headache, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting.


Wax plugs, what is it?

The formation of earwax is a natural process, which means that the body is performing its functions correctly.
Earwax helps get rid of everything that gets into the ears: germs, insects, dirt. Wax can accumulate in the ear canal, forming a so-called cerumen plug. Some people never develop such plugs, but many suffer from it regularly.

Wax plug, reducing the lumen of the external auditory canal, weakens hearing, can cause a feeling of ear fullness, ringing (noise) in the ears and even headaches, dizziness and loss of coordination. It can also cause pain, swelling, itching and ultimately, infections of the outer ear.

If you have wax plugs, they must be removed.

The appearance and growth of sulfur plugs are promoted by:

• Increased hair growth in the external auditory canal with age • Congenital or acquired changes leading to deformation of the ear canal • Use of hearing aids • Presence of foreign objects in the ear canal (headphones, Hands free) • Water sports – “swimmer’s ear” • Attempts to remove earwax using cotton swabs.

Improper ear care

The most common way to combat excess earwax is to use cotton swabs. However, this method often brings negative results. The use of cotton swabs only increases the risk of plug formation, both by irritating the skin of the ear canal and by “compacting” the already formed wax. In addition, the use of cotton swabs leads to the movement of sulfur to the eardrum, from where it can no longer be removed by chewing movements. And in children, given their mobility and the difficulty of objective control of the procedure carried out by parents, the use of cotton swabs often leads to injury to the external auditory canal, and in some cases to damage and perforation of the eardrum.

In this regard, the value of a new Finnish hygienic product for removing earwax and preventing the formation of cerumen plugs is increasing - REMO-VAX .

REMO-VAX - ear wax remover
  • The REMO-VAX hygiene product is designed for the most effective and gentle, non-traumatic softening and removal of earwax.
  • REMO-VAX does not contain aggressive agents or antibiotics, so it can be used in patients suffering from allergic and skin diseases.
  • REMO-VAX contains emollients such as allantoin, liquid lanolin, mink oil - widely used in cosmetology. Softening the skin of the ear canal, promotes the separation of dead cells, narrows pores, and inhibits the growth of bacteria.
  • REMO-VAX solution penetrates into the thickness of the plug and softens its dense part, and also moisturizes the sulfur plug, which makes it easier to wash out.
  • REMO-VAX solution is available in a 10 ml bottle equipped with a dropper.
  • What is important is that this drug is approved for use in children from the first day of life.
  • REMO-VAX is stored at room temperature.

REMO-VAX hygiene product 1-2 times a month helps prevent the formation of wax plugs.

REMO-VAX is especially recommended for:

• Young children • Elderly people with hearing loss • People who use hearing aids • People who use headphones • People who are active swimmers • Anyone who takes proper care of their ears and their hearing. Hearing impairment significantly reduces life comfort! Permanent hearing loss causes disability. Take care of your hearing!

Directions for use and doses

Locally, after holding the bottle in your clenched palm for 1–2 minutes to warm it to body temperature.

1. Lie on the side opposite the ear being treated. To straighten the external auditory canal, you should gently pull the ear lobe down and back (in newborns and children under 1 year old, carefully move the auricle up and back), drip about 20 drops of Remo-Vax along the back wall (the amount depends on the size of the ear canal, the level of the solution should approximately reach the border of the transition to the auricle. However, less than 10 drops do not completely cover all the walls of the ear canal).

Important! You should not try to drip into the center of the ear - an air plug may form (especially if the ear canal is narrow, tortuous or deformed, including as a result of previous otitis media).

You should not place cotton wool or cotton pads in your ear, because... they absorb the solution before it has a chance to take effect.

2. Wait 5–10 minutes. Then let the solution drain for 1 minute, turning over on the other side (or leaning over a sink/napkin). The solution may turn light or dark brown (due to dissolved sulfur). No additional rinsing is required.

For regular hygiene, it is enough to use the drug once every 2 weeks.

To remove wax plug, it is necessary to increase the action time to 20–40 minutes. In very rare cases, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure daily - up to 5 times in a row.

Clinical experience has confirmed the safety and lack of irritation even with long-term use, incl. in young children with severe skin and allergic diseases.

How to use Remo Vax solution, dosage

Before instillation, the bottle should be held in the palms of your hands so that the solution warms to room temperature and does not cause discomfort when the ear shell comes into contact with the solution. It is impossible to heat the drug on heating devices; the components included in the composition may lose their medicinal properties. To instill, you need to lie on your healthy side, slightly pull your earlobe back and up so that the solution penetrates deeper into the ear canal, and drip the required amount of solution.

Remo Vax drops do not need to be dripped into the center of the ear canal, only along the back wall of the auricle, so that an air plug does not form. If it forms, the product may not work.

The average amount of the drug per procedure is 20 drops, which depends on the size of the auricle. There should be enough solution so that it fills the passage of the canal, that is, until it passes into the auricle. For kids, about 10 drops are often enough.

After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for 10 minutes for the drug to take effect, then turn over to the opposite side so that the Remo wax flows out. Due to the presence of the solution in the ear, hearing may decrease, which is normal; after the fluid is released, hearing returns. You should not place cotton pads soaked in the solution in your ear; you should not use cotton wool, as the entire drug will be absorbed into the material and will not have a therapeutic effect. The fluid that leaks out may be yellow or brown, which means the sulfur has dissolved and is released. There is no need to rinse your ear with water.

The frequency of use is prescribed by an otorhinolaryngologist. The standard frequency of use for regular hygiene is once every 12-14 days. To dissolve the sulfur plug, the exposure time of the drug is increased to a maximum of 30 minutes, on average 20 minutes once. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day for 2-3 days. For large, “old” traffic jams, the procedure can be repeated up to 4 times a day.

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special instructions

You should not try to penetrate deep into the ear canal with a cotton swab or other object (they cause microtraumas that will facilitate the penetration of infection and can lead to injury to the eardrum). In children under 3 years of age, using cotton swabs to remove wax is a common cause of otitis externa.

Cotton swabs can only be used to clean the ear!

The shelf life is not reduced by opening the bottle and regular use of the product.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Remo Vax drops

A hygienic product is used to cleanse the ear canal cavity from excess wax. The medication has no age restrictions and can be administered to newborns. Otorhinolaryngologists often prescribe the drug to people who swim and often use earplugs and headphones. And also for elderly people with hearing impairment.

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Remo Vax hygienic drops have a minimal list of contraindications that are associated with pathological processes in the ear cavity, manifested by a violation of the integrity of the eardrum, ear pain, and fluid discharge from the ear canal, both serous and purulent. The drug is prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance to the chemicals in the composition.

Pharmacological action of Remo Vax

According to the instructions, Remo wax helps dissolve earwax (the secretion of the glands of the external auditory canal). Typically, earwax is removed on its own through chewing. Under certain conditions (irritation of the ear canal by dust, water, headphones, earplugs; sudden climate change; skin diseases), the secretion of sulfur increases many times, accumulates and can form a sulfur plug. In turn, sulfur plug leads to hearing loss, headaches, and nausea.

Remo wax does not contain aggressive components or antibacterial drugs, so it can be used in children from birth. The lanolin, mink oil, and allantoin included in its composition promote the separation of keratinized cells of the ear canal, narrow the pores and suppress the proliferation of microorganisms. And phenylethanol and butylated hydroxytoluene promote the penetration of other components into the thickness of the sulfur plug and its softening. Sorbic acid helps moisturize the cork, making it easier to clean.

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