Oxytocin - a medicine to stimulate labor and lactation

Natalya Reznik, Candidate of Biological Sciences

“Chemistry and Life” No. 9, 2016

A woman takes care of the home: she extinguishes emerging conflicts and radiates goodwill and peace. A man protects his home, not allowing hostile people or just strangers into the family circle. These traditional patterns of behavior have lasted for several millennia because they rely on physiological differences between the sexes. And an important role in these differences is played by the hormone oxytocin, which enhances female goodwill and male aggressiveness.

Oxytocin - the hug hormone

The cuddle hormone or oxytocin has certain physiological functions. Its main task is to promote procreation. The production of the hormone is observed not only in humans, but also in animals. The substance is released into the blood during orgasm and also stimulates muscle contractions, helping the male sex hormones reach the egg. During labor, oxytocin triggers contractions. Its role in the life of a man and a woman is very important.

Oxytocin is a hormone that also affects a person’s physical condition. Studies have shown that its presence in the body has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems.

Oxytocin regulates the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. It reduces the synthesis of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone. The main task of a person is to monitor the level of oxytocin in the body. Excess of the hormone can lead to poor functioning of the adrenal glands and provoke a general loss of strength.

Oxytocin is:

  • normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • restraining emotions and eliminating negative perceptions;
  • normalization of libido;
  • normalization of general condition.

According to studies, the hormone reduces symptoms of pain, facilitates menstruation and relieves a person from a depressive state. It has a positive effect on the functioning of organs and systems.

Prospects for the use of oxytocin[edit | edit code]

In recent years, we have become much better able to understand how the secretion of hormones from the adenohypophysis is regulated. The discovery and detailed study of new regulators of adenohypophysis hormone secretion will inevitably lead to the development of new drugs for the treatment of disorders of this secretion. Thus, the description of a special receptor for stimulants of GH secretion and the identification of a probable endogenous ligand of this receptor (Kojima et al., 1999) open up new possibilities for influencing GH secretion. The discovery of five types of somatostatin receptors and the development of selective stimulators of individual types of these receptors will likely lead to the creation of more effective drugs with fewer side effects. The discovery of the ability of somatostatin and dopamine receptors to form functionally more active heterodimers (Rocheville et al., 2000) may provide new ways to influence the secretion of GH or prolactin.

Advances in the field of peptide synthesis and genetic engineering have made it possible to obtain various analogues of hormones, which are now used in the clinic for deficiency or excess of hypothalamic and pituitary hormones. Although the advantages of recombinant gonadotropins over natural ones have not yet been demonstrated, it seems clear that recombinant hormones will be increasingly used. Understanding the structural and functional characteristics of pituitary hormones will make it possible to create new effective drugs. Thus, identifying the details of the interaction of GH with its receptor made it possible by site-directed mutagenesis to create pegvisomant, a synthetic analogue of GH with the properties of a pure GH antagonist. It is hoped that similar methods will be able to obtain modified forms of other hormones.

How to Increase Oxytocin Levels

for stimulating the production of oxytocin . You don't need to take miracle pills or sign up for therapy to do this. The following will help to positively influence the level of the hormone in the body:

  • simple communication. Pleasant communication with friends improves mood, which contributes to a natural increase in oxytocin in the body;
  • embrace. Constant hugs increase oxytocin levels and reduce cortisol. This action helps improve mood;
  • massage. A light relaxing massage minimizes stress levels and promotes hormone production;
  • food. Tasty and healthy food brings pleasure and promotes the natural production of hormones;
  • Pets. Caring for your pet, showing love and affection help improve the general condition and reduce stress levels;

But this is not a panacea. If oxytocin levels are low, such exposure will not help. In this situation, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis and, based on its results, appropriate therapy. The production of oxytocin be provoked by applying impulses to active points of the body.

The mechanism of action of oxytocin[edit | edit code]

Oxytocin binds to the G protein-coupled receptor; this receptor is close in structure to the V1a and V2 ADH receptors. In the myometrium, these receptors are coupled with the Gq and G11 proteins, which activate phospholipase C, which cleaves FIF2 to form IF3. The latter releases calcium from intracellular stores, which leads to a change in membrane permeability, its depolarization and the opening of voltage-dependent calcium channels.

During pregnancy, the density of receptors on the myometrium may change, but in later stages the number of receptors increases significantly, which is accompanied by a noticeable increase in the sensitivity of the myometrium to oxytocin. However, it is possible that an increase in receptor density is important not so much for the onset of labor as for contraction of the uterus after childbirth. In addition, oxytocin increases the production of prostaglandins, which also promotes uterine contractions.

Foods and oxytocin

is contained in foods , not in significant quantities, but it is quite enough to normalize the level. There is no direct substance in food, but there are other components that affect its production.

To improve your overall well-being, you should consume:

  • chocolate;
  • strawberries;
  • animal proteins;
  • oranges;
  • spicy food;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • ginseng.

Oxytocin is not directly contained in food products, but consumption of these categories promotes natural production. Eating chocolate and spicy foods in large quantities is not recommended. When the level is critically low, it is necessary to initiate effective therapy.


Replenishing the deficiency of B vitamins will help normalize the level of any hormones in the body. But to use them, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests. There are other stimulating oxytocin ampoules , as well as medications in tablet form. But they must be used under the strict supervision of a specialist and in the presence of direct indications.

Often the hormone in the form of medications is used during childbirth, when a woman’s labor is weakened and additional stimulation is required. The amount of the drug is calculated individually.

Use of oxytocin[edit | edit code]

Labor induction[edit | edit code]

Drugs that stimulate uterine contractility are most often used to induce labor and stimulate labor (Dudley, 1997). Labor induction is carried out when the risk of ongoing pregnancy for the mother or fetus exceeds the risk associated with labor induction and the birth itself. This situation occurs, for example, with premature rupture of amniotic fluid, alloimmunization, intrauterine growth retardation, placental insufficiency (for example, with diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia and eclampsia). Before induction of labor, it is necessary to ensure the maturity of the fetal lungs (the ratio of lecithin to sphingomyelin in amniotic fluid is greater than 2) and the absence of contraindications such as abnormalities of fetal position and presentation, fetal hypoxia, placental pathology and uterine scar.

Oxytocin is the best drug for inducing labor. It is usually administered IV as a diluted solution (usually 10 honey/ml), preferably using an infusion pump. Although the optimal schedule for administering oxytocin remains controversial, it is common to start with an infusion rate of 1 m/min, increasing the rate by no more than 1 m/min every 30–40 minutes. Some authors recommend a more aggressive approach: starting with an infusion rate of 6 IU/min and increasing by 2 IU/min (no more) every 20 minutes. In some clinical trials, this approach reduced the number of caesarean sections. If labor does not begin at an infusion rate of 30–40 m/min, it is unlikely to begin at higher rates. To maintain contractions after the onset of labor, the dose can be slightly reduced.

During labor induction, it is necessary to monitor the heart rate of the mother and fetus, maternal blood pressure and contractile activity of the uterus; the doctor must be ready to provide assistance. If signs of hyperstimulation appear (excessively frequent contractions or prolonged uterine tension), the oxytocin infusion should be stopped immediately. T1/2 of oxytocin when administered intravenously is only about 3 minutes, so symptoms of hyperstimulation should disappear within a few minutes after stopping the infusion. Due to its similarity to ADH, oxytocin in high doses has an antidiuretic effect. At an infusion rate of 20 med/min or more, the excretion of water by the kidneys is reduced. Under these conditions, administration of large volumes of fluids, especially hypotonic fluids (eg, 5% glucose), can cause water intoxication, leading to seizures, coma, and even death. Due to its vasodilating effect, oxytocin can cause arterial hypotension and reflex tachycardia. Deep anesthesia, while preventing reflex tachycardia, can increase arterial hypotension.

Stimulation of labor[edit | edit code]

In most cases, during normal labor, oxytocin should not be used, as this leads to hyperstimulation of the uterus, which is unsafe for the mother and fetus. For weak labor, which most often occurs in first-time mothers, an experienced obstetrician can successfully use oxytocin. In this case, the infusion rate usually does not exceed 10 honey/min; infusion rates greater than 20 IU/min are rarely effective unless lower rates are effective. Complications of uterine hyperstimulation may include traumatic injuries to the mother and fetus due to forced expulsion of the fetus due to incomplete dilatation of the cervix, uterine rupture, as well as fetal hypoxia due to impaired placental blood flow. Oxytocin is most effective in the first stage of labor during the protracted phase of slow dilation of the cervix, as well as when stopping the dilatation of the cervix and stopping the advancement of the fetus. The reflex release of oxytocin in the second stage of labor may decrease with epidural anesthesia; in this situation, the course of labor can be accelerated by careful administration of oxytocin. Third stage of labor and early postpartum period. After the birth of a child, as well as after an artificial abortion, the uterus should contract, which greatly reduces the risk of massive bleeding. Oxytocin is often prescribed to maintain uterine contractions and tone immediately after birth. Typically, 20 units of oxytocin are dissolved in 1 liter of infusion solution and administered intravenously at a rate of 10 ml/min for several minutes until the uterus contracts. After this, the rate of administration is reduced to 1-2 ml/min and the drug is administered until the postpartum woman is transferred to the postpartum ward. If oxytocin is ineffective and in the absence of arterial hypertension, ergot alkaloids—ergometrine or methylergometrine—can be used (Chapter 11). Stress test with oxytocin administration. This test is used to assess the condition of the fetus when there is a high risk of complications in the mother and fetus (for example, with diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension). Oxytocin is administered intravenously at a rate of 0.5 honey/min, then the rate of administration is gradually increased until 3 contractions occur in 10 minutes. At the same time, it is determined whether contractions are accompanied by a change in fetal heart rate, since it is known that heart rate changes during hypoxia. Using this test, you can evaluate the reserve capacity of the placenta necessary to continue the pregnancy.

Oxytocin receptor blockers[edit | edit code]

Peptide analogs of oxytocin that compete with it for receptors could theoretically be used to prevent preterm birth (Goodwin and Zograbyan, 1998). The most studied drug in this group is atosiban. In clinical trials, it significantly reduced the frequency of contractions in preterm labor, but atosiban may not be safe for newborns and is not approved by the FDA.

Why is a lack of oxytocin dangerous?

A lack of oxytocin negatively affects a person’s overall well-being. The main signs of its deficiency are:

  • menopause;
  • depressive states;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • depressed state;
  • high likelihood of developing AIDS;
  • feeling of loneliness;
  • anxiety disorders;
  • certain forms of schizophrenia.

A person with a deficiency of oxytocin feels depressed. He is in a bad mood, has no strength or desire to do anything. This negatively affects the overall quality of life. In this situation, complex therapy is required.

Oxytocin test

To determine the level of oxytocin in the body, you need to take a blood test. The procedure is unpleasant and partly ineffective. Modern methods make it possible to determine hormone levels non-invasively using functional screening.

Functional screening is carried out using the ATM Vega Test. Innovative equipment is aimed at assessing the general condition of the body, including determining hormone levels. Based on the results obtained, an individual scheme is developed.

Updated equipment allows screening to be carried out in a short time with accurate results. Based on the answers, the optimal treatment regimen is prescribed. Treatment is carried out non-medically, but with the use of special equipment. It affects the active points of the body, provoking the natural production of oxytocin.

Still have questions? You can make an appointment with specialists using the indicated phone numbers.

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