Huato boluses in the recovery period of ischemic stroke

pharmachologic effect

Huato boluses are a complex medicinal herbal remedy that has a mainly nootropic effect on the body. Under the influence of the drug, cerebral circulation and the functional state of the brain improve. Microcirculation is restored, metabolic processes in brain tissue are improved.

The drug has a positive effect on the body, which is recovering after a stroke . In the process of rehabilitation of such patients, the drug promotes more active restoration of speech, attention, memory, and mobility. The medicine Boluses Huato restores vascular patency, reduces swelling of the brain, reduces the oxygen demand of nerve cells, thus promoting the treatment of stroke, as well as recovery from traumatic brain injury .

In addition, Huato Boluses is a vasoprotector. The drug increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels and strengthens them, therefore it is an effective prophylactic for people with an increased risk of developing a stroke (that is, those suffering from migraines , circulatory disorders).

The drug is also effective for increased mental stress: it activates brain activity, improves memory, and relieves symptoms of fatigue.

About the medicine

“Huato Boluses” is a medicinal complex herbal medicine with a nootropic effect. Its main function is to improve cerebral circulation.

Presented in the form of round, smooth, black pills (boluses) with a characteristic odor. They are packaged in metal jars with a screw cap of 80 (+/- 5%) g. In addition to this container, the box will contain a dosimeter spoon for 12 pills and instructions for use.

In addition to the indications for use, doctors’ reviews of Huato Boluses, many are also interested in the cost of the drug. Today, depending on the pharmacy chain and region, one 80-gram jar will cost you 800-1200 rubles. Available from pharmacies without a prescription.

From the date of manufacture, Huato Boluses are valid for 5 years. After this period they cannot be used. It should be stored in a place protected from direct light at a temperature of 12-25 degrees.

Indications for use

Huato Boluses should be taken in the following conditions:

  • disturbances of attention and memory, impaired coordination of movements, dizziness , sensation of tinnitus due to chronic cerebral ischemia;
  • mental fatigue;
  • stroke prevention ;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy , vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • vascular spasms;
  • consequences of head injuries.


In addition to indications and reviews of Huato Boluses, we would like to draw your attention to a number of contraindications:

  • Exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • Pregnancy, time of feeding the baby with milk.
  • The patient's age is under 18 years.
  • Hypersensitivity to one or more components, including bee products.

Epileptics and people who have stomach or duodenal ulcers during remission should take the pills with caution.

Side effects

While taking the drug Boluses Huato, the patient may experience the following side effects:

  • allergies in the form of rashes on the face and body;
  • feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, nausea;
  • hyperemia , feeling of heat (in the first weeks of use).

Sometimes in people with thalamic pain, the intensity of the pain increases in the first 2-3 weeks of taking the drug. In this case, you need to reduce the dose of Bolus Huato or stop taking it completely.

If negative effects occur, you should stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.

Composition of the pill

Along with reviews from doctors about Huato Boluses, readers are also concerned about the exact composition of one pill. Let's give it based on 8 g of the drug (one bolus):

  • Dried extract of a mixture of medicinal plant components - 7.4 g. This includes:
  • angelica root;
  • large leaf gentian root;
  • Chinese wolfberry fruit;
  • Chinese angelica root;
  • Japanese Sophora flower;
  • ginseng root;
  • root and rhizome of Chuansion ligusticum;
  • Chinese cinnamon bark;
  • Japanese ophiopogon root;
  • fruit of medicinal evodia.
  • Bee honey - 560 mg.
  • Activated carbon - 40 mg.
  • Huato boluses, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

    The instructions for Huato Boluses indicate that the product should be taken orally with plenty of liquid.

    For treatment purposes, it is recommended to take 4 dosage spoons (48 pills) twice a day. It is advisable to take medications 30 minutes after eating. Every 10 days of treatment, a break of 1 day is needed. According to this scheme, treatment is practiced for two to six months. But it is advisable that the doctor individually determine the duration of the course of taking pills.

    For prevention, you should take 2 dosage spoons (24 pills) twice a day, doing this approximately 30 minutes after eating. Every 10 days of treatment, a break of 1 day is needed. According to this scheme, taking pills is practiced for two months. If the patient tolerates the pills well and notes their effectiveness, you can practice preventive pills twice a year, but you should periodically consult with your doctor.

    special instructions

    Patients should note that the drug contains bee honey - 7% of the drug’s weight. This is important for people with diabetes , as well as for those on a low-calorie diet . 1 dosage spoon contains 0.01 XE.

    It is recommended to take the medicine separately from other medications, that is, one hour before taking other medications or one hour after that.

    Taking the medication does not affect the ability to concentrate and respond adequately.


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    There are currently no analogues of the drug in terms of the composition of active elements. Ginkgo Biloba and others have a similar effect on the body

    Reviews of Huato Boluses

    Many users who took this remedy write that the medicine helped them gain clarity of thinking, get rid of fatigue and dizziness. According to reviews from those who practiced taking Huato Boluses in order to enhance the recovery process after a stroke , they state that with prolonged use there was a clear progress in recovery.

    However, there are also opinions online that the medicine is actually not that effective. Experts also often discuss Huato Boluses on specialized websites. Reviews from doctors about the drug are different. Basically, they state that the drug must be taken regularly and undergo the full course of treatment.

    Huato boluses in the recovery period of ischemic stroke

    Based on the pathogenetic importance of metabolic disorders in brain tissue during strokes, in recent years it seems advisable to prescribe to patients who have suffered cerebrovascular accidents not only drugs that affect hemodynamic parameters, but also drugs that act primarily on brain metabolism (neurometabolic cerebroprotectors). For these purposes, nootropic drugs are most often used - substances that have a specific positive effect on the higher integrative functions of the brain due to a direct effect on the metabolism of neurons, and also increase the resistance of the nervous system to damaging factors.

    The complex Chinese medicine drug Huato Boluses

    . The drug is created on the basis of medicinal plants and is used as a nootropic drug in patients in the rehabilitation treatment of patients who have suffered a stroke. In order to confirm the effectiveness of the drug in patients who suffered an ischemic stroke and assess its tolerability, the following study was conducted.

    Materials and methods

    The study included 70 patients aged from 39 to 70 years (52 men and 18 women) who had suffered a stroke of various locations (most often in the left middle cerebral artery system) with a duration of no more than one year. All patients were divided into the following groups: 1st experimental group - 27 patients under the age of 55 years (average age - 47.8+-0.8 years); 1st placebo group – 10 patients under the age of 55 years (50.7+-0.9 years); 2nd experimental group – 23 patients over 55 years of age (64.2+-1.0 years); Placebo group 2 – 10 patients over 55 years old (63.6+-0.9 years). After signing the informed consent for the study, each patient underwent an initial clinical and neuropsychological examination. Starting from the next day, the study drug was prescribed - 4 dosing spoons (48 boluses) 2 times a day in the morning and in the afternoon after meals. The course of treatment was 2 months with a break of 1 day every 10 days. In addition to the study drug, patients with coronary artery disease: angina pectoris (5 patients) received antianginal therapy, and those with arterial hypertension (22 patients) received antihypertensive drugs.

    To assess the effectiveness of therapy, the dynamics of neurological symptoms was studied using the adapted quantitative neurological scale of A.I. Fedina. Doppler ultrasound (USDG) was performed using the ANGIODIN device. All patients underwent extracranial and transcranial Doppler ultrasound before treatment, one month later and after treatment. The systolic blood flow velocity was assessed in the right and left internal carotid arteries (ICA and ICA), the right and left common carotid arteries (OSAP and OSAL). In addition, the right and left middle cerebral artery (SMAC and SMAL), right and left anterior cerebral artery (PMAC and PMAL), right and left posterior cerebral artery (PMAC and SMAL), right and left vertebral artery (PAP and PAL) were examined. and basilar artery (BA).

    All patients underwent an electroencephalographic study (EEG) before treatment, 1 month and after treatment. Over time, clinical and biochemical blood tests were performed to determine total cholesterol (CH) and triglycerides (TG). Hemodynamic parameters were assessed: systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) blood pressure and pulse. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the Student method.

    Research results

    Initially, in both groups of patients, there were statistically significant differences in neurological status when assessed on the adapted A.I. scale. Fedin was not seen. In the experimental groups, after treatment with Bolus Huato, there was a positive dynamics of neurological syndromes with a decrease in severity in points

    . When comparing the dynamics of syndromes and symptoms on the neurological scale in patients of the 1st and 2nd experimental groups, a more pronounced effect of the drug was noted in patients in the age group up to 55 years in terms of the effect on improving hearing and reducing tinnitus, reducing aphasia, coordination and autonomic disorders . In the age group after 55 years, significant positive dynamics in the reduction of photopsia were registered.

    According to ultrasound data

    in the 1st group, both experimental and control, a higher blood flow velocity was initially noted, especially in OA, PMAL and SMAL, than in the 2nd experimental and control groups (Tables 1 and 2). The most significant increase in speed indicators mainly in vertebrates (by 20.5% and 19.6% on the right and left, respectively) and PMAL (by 19.8%) was noted in the 2nd experimental group while taking the drug (Table 2). In addition, it should be noted that in the age group under 55 years of age, a more pronounced positive dynamics of increase in blood flow speed indicators was observed. The most significant increase in speed indicators was observed in the vertebrobasilar system.

    When analyzing the bioelectrical activity of the brain
    during an EEG while taking the drug Boluses Huato, a significant increase in the spectral power of the main (a) rhythm in patients of the experimental groups, fast b-band waves, and a decrease in the activity of slow t- and d-waves were revealed. During treatment, normalization of zonal differences was revealed in both experimental groups. Treatment with Huato Boluses helped smooth out interhemispheric asymmetry in 5% of patients in both experimental groups. Normalization of zonal differences was observed in 25% of patients in the 1st experimental group and in 17% of patients in the 2nd experimental group.

    As a result of neuropsychological research

    At the end of treatment, a tendency was revealed to increase the volume of short-term memory in all program participants due to strengthened motivation and emotional involvement in the examination. In patients in the experimental groups, while taking the drug, stabilization of attention was confirmed, which was expressed in the stability of performance, which, in turn, was reflected in the acceleration of sensorimotor reactions. This was most clearly observed in the younger age group.

    Table 3 shows the dynamics of hemodynamic parameters: SBP, DBP and pulse

    in patients in the experimental and control groups during treatment with this drug. The table shows that during the period of taking Huato Boluses, there was a significant decrease in blood pressure in patients of both experimental groups with stabilization at a normal level. A longer-lasting hypotensive effect of the drug was observed in the older age group (23.5%, p<0.001) compared to the 1st experimental group (10.8%, p<0.001). No statistically significant effect on heart rate was detected. In patients of both placebo groups, no dynamics of the hypotensive effect and pulse rate were observed. The above data allow us to discuss the hypotensive effect of the drug Boluses Huato.

    The results of a dynamic study of cholesterol and TG
    are presented in Table 4. It can be seen that during the period of drug treatment in patients of both experimental groups there was a significant decrease in cholesterol, most pronounced in patients of the 1st experimental group (by 22.7%, p <0.001) compared with the 2nd experimental group (by 10.2%, p<0.05). The decrease in TG in patients of both groups was approximately equal: by 33.4% in patients of the 1st experimental group (p<0.02) and by 36.9% in patients of the 2nd experimental group (p<0.05). No changes in the lipid spectrum were detected in patients of both control groups. The data obtained allow us to speak about the hypolipidemic effect of this drug.

    It should be noted that in all cases the drug was well tolerated. An allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash was observed in only one patient. After discontinuation of the drug, a reduction in the rash was noted.


    The study showed that the drug Bolus Huato showed high effectiveness in the treatment of patients in the recovery period of ischemic stroke

    . A positive effect was noted in 49 patients of both experimental groups. A certain relationship between the effectiveness of therapy and the initial severity of the condition and age was revealed. In patients of the young experimental group (with less severe disorders), the drug had a more pronounced positive effect.

    The positive effect of this drug was confirmed by the positive dynamics of the following indicators: photopsia, headache, improved hearing and reduced noise in the head. Positive dynamics were also observed in the field of autonomic disorders, dizziness and aphasia.

    The positive effect of the drug was confirmed by an improvement in blood flow velocity parameters according to ultrasound data, which were more pronounced in patients of the 1st experimental group: higher blood flow rates in OA, PMAL and SMAL. The most significant increase in speed indicators was observed in the vertebrobasilar system in patients of both age groups. The above characteristics of the drug allow us to discuss its vascular effects, which is especially important when carrying out the rehabilitation of patients in the recovery period of ischemic stroke.

    During the treatment, dynamic monitoring of the bioelectrical activity of the brain was carried out according to EEG data. Based on its results, an increase in the spectral power of the main a-rhythm, as well as fast b-band waves, and a decrease in slow t- and d-waves were revealed. During treatment, normalization of zonal differences was revealed. The above characteristics of EEG indicators were absent in patients of both control groups. These positive effects are of great importance because... It is known that in patients who have suffered a stroke, a decrease in the threshold of convulsive readiness of the brain is very often observed.

    According to the results of neuropsychological testing, a tendency was revealed to increase the volume of short-term memory in all study participants due to strengthened motivation, as well as emotional involvement in the examination. These data allow us to state a pronounced positive effect on the cognitive functions of patients in the recovery period of ischemic stroke, and also speak about the antidepressant effect of the drug under study.

    When monitoring the effect of the drug on hemodynamic parameters and lipid metabolism, the hypotensive effect of Bolus Huato was revealed (more reliably expressed in patients of the older age group) and the lipid-lowering effect of the drug was demonstrated, expressed in a decrease in the level of cholesterol and triglycerides, which is of great importance in the secondary prevention of vascular diseases brain.

    Thus, the results of the study allow us to state that the drug Boluses Huato

    is effective in the treatment of patients in the recovery period of ischemic stroke and has a multifaceted positive effect on the vascular system of the brain, peripheral hemodynamics and blood lipid spectrum, which makes it possible to recommend the widespread use of Bolus Huato for the treatment of this category of patients.

    When discussing a more pronounced positive effect when using the drug for a number of parameters in patients of a young age group, it is necessary to take into account the duration of this study - 2 months. This allows us to discuss the issue of individual dosage regimen and duration of treatment.

    Ph.D. N.G. Lyutov

    The publication was prepared on the basis of a report on a clinical trial according to the protocol “Double-blind placebo-controlled study of the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug “Huato Boluses” in the recovery period of ischemic stroke”

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