Bromhexine expectorant - reviews


Bromhexine is not such a rare case when the trade name of a drug corresponds to the international non-proprietary name and is consonant with the pharmacologically active substance included in its composition. The primary duty of bromhexine, which it successfully copes with, is to make the mucus accumulated in the bronchial tree transportable and ready for evacuation from the body. In other words, the drug has an expectorant and mucolytic (mucus-thinning) effect. The mucolytic (also called secretolytic) effect of bromhexine is associated with its ability to depolymerize and destroy mucopolysaccharide and mucoprotein fibers of mucus. It improves the rheological properties and facilitates the sliding of bronchopulmonary secretions along the epithelium.

The drug also has a mild antitussive effect. The functional state of the cells of the bronchial alveoli is one of the important components of a well-functioning and stable breathing process. Bromhexine stimulates the secretion of endogenous surfactant, which has a stabilizing and protective effect on the alveoli. However, you should not expect an immediate effect from the drug: its effect begins to fully manifest itself 2-5 days after the start of administration.

There is one “golden” rule, which is fully applicable to bromhexine: taking mucolytics cannot be combined with drugs that suppress the cough center (for example, codeine derivatives): otherwise, all the liquefied mucus will remain in the respiratory tract and the effect of the expectorant will be reduced to zero. Treatment with bromhexine obliges the patient to provide his body with plenty of fluid so that nothing interferes with the manifestation of the secretolytic properties of the drug. In order to facilitate the removal of sputum from the bronchi, it is recommended to combine bromhexine in pediatric patients with postural drainage (the attending pediatrician can tell you in detail about the technique of this procedure) and/or chest massage.

Bromhexine tablets are taken without regard to the patient's diet at a dose of 8-16 mg 3-4 times a day. In children aged 6 to 14 years, a single dose should not exceed 8 mg. Duration of treatment ranges from 4 days to 1 month. Bromhexine is taken in the form of syrup and solution in the same way (with the same frequency of administration and dose). To facilitate dosing of the drug, the syrup package is equipped with a measuring spoon.


Hi all!
Today is my review of Pharmstandard “Bromhexine” cough syrup. There are a lot of reviews, and it seems that everything has already been said and there is nothing to add, but I cannot remain silent and not insert my two cents. I purchased this drug more than a year ago, and I keep forgetting about it, it sits in my closet in the farthest corner, but it deserves more. I purchased it by accident and purposefully at the same time, purposefully looking for a cough medicine for a child, and by accident, since I was not looking for exactly that. The pharmacist advised me (I told me my age, said that I didn’t need it with the exorbitant price, and said that I wouldn’t drink bitter, offered several, and remembering that my mother also gave me something similar to drink, I chose this one to try and evaluate the result. Cough syrup Pharmstandard “Bromhexine”: >Contents: Manufacturer: Expiration date on the box (poorly stamped): The drug is standardly designed, comes in a box that contains a minimum of information, and inside there are instructions and the dark bottle itself colors. The bottle has a simple screw cap, there is no safety mechanism against opening by a child (but I think the child will take a sip and throw this stuff away), but this is due to the low cost.

The bottle itself: Expiration date on the bottle: Information: Simple cap: In the instructions there is a full description for those who are interested: The other side (continued): If I'm not mistaken, there was also a measuring spoon inside the box, but this is not 100% certain, maybe something It’s confusing because I bought it a long time ago, and I have accumulated spoons from different drugs.

The active substance is bromhexine hydrochloride.

Indications for use: diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of difficult to separate viscous sputum (and the instructions provide a more detailed description of such diseases).

Our cough has gone from the initial dry cough to a deep and gurgling cough. I’m not an expert, but many mothers who identify wet and dry coughs and whatnot can correctly interpret the type of cough. I only know that this is the last stage of my child’s cough, when the child begins to cough up phlegm, and it comes and goes and irritates the baby. When I described to the pharmacist that we had a similar cough, she recommended this syrup, and she was right.

It’s a pity, of course, that I always think about it late, since the results from it are noticeable after two or three days, when the cough disappears altogether. Just yesterday you were doing something, and a child was walking around the apartment loudly coughing, and today there is silence, you even feel somehow uneasy, you can no longer determine the location of your child in the room. At some point, it even seemed to me that something was terribly missing, that some kind of change had come, and then I realized that it was my child who stopped coughing so loudly that even the birds on the street scattered in different directions.

I don’t even know what else I can write about him. The syrup simply relieves the child of a cough in a few days, although before that he can walk with it for weeks.

The taste, of course, is not pleasant, but it is an effective drug. I read in the instructions that it comes with a measuring syringe, and I remembered that after the purchase I swore that ours had a spoon, so I can definitely say that it came with a measuring spoon. Apparently I'm lucky that it's not a syringe, but a spoon. It says to take it regardless of food intake, so that’s what I did, I just gave the drug when I remembered. Three times a day, as recommended, didn’t work out for us, but two for sure.

The child didn’t like the taste, but there was nothing to do, the mother said to drink it, and immediately washed it down with water, although there is no such recommendation, these are the wishes of the child himself.

I recommend this syrup!

BROMHEXINE (tablets)

They also turned out to be much cheaper, although I can’t give an exact price. Also 50 rubles or so. Since the therapist prescribed taking two tablets at once three times a day for several days, you need a lot of tablets for one course. It's quite expensive. And with domestic analogues the savings are obvious. Their dosage is the same as the German one - 0.008 grams (8 milligrams). Why overpay and many times over? And so all medications are expensive, I think that if you can save money on some without compromising effectiveness, why not do it.

They are sold in packaging - two plates of 25 tablets each. There are a total of 50 tablets in the package. There is definitely enough for one course, and there will be more left. On the packaging itself you can read some information about the components and storage rules. Firm-“, Russia, Samara region, Zhigulevsk city.

The date of manufacture is visible on the side of the box.

These plates contain the tablets. They are large, but can be cut in half for convenience. The expiration date is written on the edge of the plate; it is as much as three years.

The tablets are small in shape, easy to swallow, and white in color. The tablets taste like ordinary ones, nothing special, they are swallowed quickly, you won’t notice their taste.

We usually take tablets during periods of cough exacerbation. I don’t have it as often as my husband, so mostly he’s the only one who drinks them. When the cough gets worse, take two tablets three times a day as the doctor advised, when it subsides a little, of course, reduce the dosage one at a time, then once a day. When taking the drug, the cough noticeably subsides the next day or two days later. Therefore, a long course of treatment is usually not required. Just a regular big plate with pills.

Before use, of course, you should read the instructions, which detail the indications and contraindications.

There are few contraindications, but they should be taken into account - these are children under three years of age, pregnancy first trimester, lactation period, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In principle, like many drugs. Pretty harmless pills. There are also side effects, but they are rare. My husband and I have not yet had them during the entire period of treatment. Bromhexine tablets are effective for coughs. I only buy them now. They always help, the main thing is that if the cough gets worse, take a whole course of them right away, and not when you remember, it’s better to take more the first day, then you can reduce the dosage. The effect will be faster. If we drink constantly and regularly, then after a week there is no cough at all. A cheap, effective drug that is worth paying attention to and not overpaying.

Now I always keep it in my medicine cabinet, and if I run out, I buy it, because I never know when my husband will have a cough next time. Of course, if it is no longer just a cough, it has dragged on and turned into something more, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to consult a doctor so as not to worsen the situation.

Bromhexine expectorant - reviews


+ helps

- causes drowsiness


I took Bromhexine Berlin-Chemie tablets, a foreign manufacturer, but they didn’t help. But quite by accident, with a strong cough, I came across Bromhexine tablets from the Borisov honey plant. 8 mg of drugs. 50 pieces. I took 2 tablets 3 times, to my surprise, the cough went away. I was treated for only 2 days.. And the price is 30 rubles. per package. I am very pleased with the effect and recommend it to everyone.



  • Active formula
  • help with advanced stages
  • easy to swallow
  • inexpensive.


  • Cause drowsiness
  • lethargy
  • The effect of taking it is not for everyone and is individual.

Bromhexine tablets are a well-known drug that have always been in plain sight in the pharmacy for many years.

Once upon a time, during a cough, it seemed ineffective to me, and also did not help my mother with tracheitis (it was prescribed by a doctor), so lately I have avoided it.

But a recent incident changed my opinion.

My husband caught a cold (for your information, he gets sick surprisingly rarely, his immunity is very powerful). He successfully treated a cold throat with vodka, and regarding the cough, he consulted a doctor whom he respects at his place of work. She advised him to take Bromhexine in tablets.

You need to take them for at least 4 days, 3 times a day, and they promise results on the 2nd day of use.

And so it happened. On the 2nd day, my husband began to cough noticeably less. I didn’t cough at all during the day, but started coughing in the morning. The cough turned from dry to wet.

You cannot take the drug at night, like any mucolytic agent. Only during fasting, subject to motor movements and drinking plenty of fluids to facilitate the removal of sputum.

To summarize, I note that my husband took only these tablets for cough, and they helped him. But I’m not sure that only they will help with advanced forms and weak immunity.

However, during the entire duration of the appointment, the husband felt severe drowsiness, and with his work as a driver, this is extremely dangerous.



  • Small tablets
  • inexpensive


  • Doesn't help with wet cough

Hello, dear readers!

Bromhexine tablets were recommended to me at the pharmacy for a wet cough. At that time, I didn’t think that a simple cough could be dangerous. Most often, my cold goes away quickly, and I rarely have a cough at all.

But when the temperature changes, it is very easy to get sick if you do not follow simple rules.

Bromhexine can be used to treat mild colds, including coughs. I drew this conclusion from my own experience, since these pills did not help me at all.

I took them three times a day. There was no relief from the cough after three days. I took it for 5 days, but it gave absolutely no results. The cough only got worse. Sputum discharge did not accelerate. Although the manufacturer states that it is a mucolytic agent with an expectorant effect.

As a result, I developed pneumonia. Naturally, the pills were not the cause, but they did not help me cure my cough at the initial stage.

These look like small yellow tablets, like valerian and even just as sweet. Swallowing them is as easy as shelling pears; no unpleasant sensations arise, even if you don’t drink too much water.

I recommend that you consult a doctor immediately to avoid unwanted and costly consequences.

Alina Z

I hear a lot of positive feedback about bromhexine. But for some reason it doesn't help me. How many times have I tried to treat my cough with it, but only a transfer of both money and medicine. Moreover, I do not have chronic bronchitis or any other respiratory disease. Apparently, there is also an individual perception by the body of this medicine. And for those whom bromhexine helps, I am happy.

Olya Ivanova


Bromhexine is available in two dosage forms: syrup and tablets.

It is taken to thin and remove sticky mucus.

As prescribed by the doctor, Bromhexine I took one tablet 3 times a day.

After 2 days I felt the effect, the cough noticeably moistened, and its frequency decreased.

But after another 3 days I realized that I needed to add another drug and had to take Pectolvan C with Bromhexine.

Although, as experience has shown, it was possible to get along well with Pectolvan.

Maybe, of course, Bromhexine needs to be taken longer, but in 5 days, it seems to me, there should be a positive effect, albeit small!

Elena Lyubimova


Help at the first sign of cough

Just the other day I started having a slight dry cough. It didn’t cause me any serious discomfort, just a mild cough, but I was afraid that it would develop into a more serious form. We were just visiting our parents and in the medicine cabinet I found the long-known drug Bromhexine.

First, I read the instructions for the drug Bromhexine, because I had not encountered it for a long time, and I did not find anything dangerous or suspicious in it. The drug is available in different forms, in my case it was tablets.

The main effect of Bromhexine is mucolytic, with a good expectorant effect. Thanks to the fact that I started taking the drug on time, without delaying it, it helped me cope well with the incipient cough.

According to the instructions, Bromhexine has side effects; fortunately, I did not feel any of them. There are few contraindications, only hypersensitivity to the components of this drug. Bromhexine is an affordable drug; you can buy it at any pharmacy.


Good afternoon.

Bromhexine Berlin - Hemi tablets are a popular remedy for the treatment of dry cough. I will share my experience of using it for myself and my child.

A dry cough is usually very painful and if it does not turn into a wet cough for a long time, the sputum does not come out, then the inflammatory process can drag on for several weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to help the cough pass into the wet stage. This is why I bought Bromhexine Berlin - Hemi tablets.

The dragees are small, in a sweet coating, and easy to swallow. Should be taken after meals with plenty of water. When treating a cough, you generally need to drink more water.


Taking Bromhexine tablets is not so easy to get rid of cough. I felt the effect only in the second week of taking it. This is a very long time and in my opinion, the cough has already begun to go away on its own. In addition, I didn’t like that there was no antitussive effect at all, that is, if I am treated with Ambroxol tablets, then a couple of tablets taken at night helps to relieve the cough and fall asleep peacefully, this is not the case with Bromhexine.

Now about the child. Despite the fact that Bromhexine tablets can only be taken by children from the age of 6 and there is a syrup form for children, the doctor allowed us to take the tablets after I complained that all syrups cause allergies. Naturally, the tablet had to be divided. I didn’t notice any particularly positive dynamics from the treatment, everything was the same as mine. Either the cough went away on its own, or the pills finally started working. So we won’t be treated with them anymore.


When I ask for Bromhexine at the pharmacy, they immediately give me Berlin Chemie. But since I had to buy the drug for the child as well, it turned out to be completely inconvenient to share such a small pill, it crumbled. The next time, I asked the pharmacy if they had Bromhexine in tablets, not in pills. I was very surprised when they gave me a package of Bromhexine, which is not on the display and costs 17 rubles. And by the way, there are 50 tablets, not 20!

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