Nootropic drug Actavis Phezam - reviews

Phezam. If you need a good maintenance nootropic, I recommend Phezam. We encountered this drug twice. At first, my mother started having memory problems. She is already over 60, so this was not surprising, but she still did not want dementia to gradually progress. Therefore, we consulted a doctor. The doctor recommended taking these pills. As a result, my mother really felt better, she even began to solve crossword puzzles without problems.

I remembered about the drug when problems arose at work. We had competition for promotion, I felt completely exhausted, with great nervous tension. I had to stay late at work, to show that I was approximately fulfilling my duties and coping with everything well. Against the backdrop of tension, breakdowns began, insomnia, headaches, I began to forget some things, just out of the blue. Therefore, to support my brain, I decided to take nootropics. There was still a plate of Phezam left at home from my mother, so I started drinking it.

The effect exceeded all my expectations. Both in terms of drug tolerability and positive effects on the nervous system. Therefore, today I will make a detailed review.

Fezam: description

Phezam is a drug that has a versatile effect on the nervous system. The nootropic is designed to improve memory, normalize blood circulation, and increase brain nutrition. Available in capsule form. Contains two synthetic components that have long been used by neurologists.

The medicine is produced by the European concern Balkanfarma, located in Dupnitsa in Bulgaria. The packaging of the drug is simple in purple and white colors without any special designs. Inside are white capsules - sixty pieces, 10 in each blister, plus instructions.

Fezam: contraindications

A contraindication to taking the drug is hypersensitivity to the active substances and other components that make up the drug. Their list is indicated in the instructions for use.

Drug treatment is not prescribed for children under 5 years of age. It is prohibited to use the drug when diagnosing serious disorders in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Treatment with the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, since studies that confirm the absence of a negative effect of the drug on the fetus and newborn child have not been conducted.

Fezam is prohibited for hemorrhagic stroke, Parkinson's disease and Huntington's chorea. When taking the drug, it is important to exclude psychomotor agitation. Use medication with caution in the presence of bleeding disorders.

What is the drug for?

Despite the fact that I used a nootropic to maintain a generally healthy nervous system, Phezam is also intended for the treatment of specific brain diseases.

  1. It is very useful for stroke patients. In this case, some nerves are damaged, some die, but for some the changes are reversible. Taking the capsules helps restore neuronal activity and quickly create new nerve connections bypassing the affected structures.
  2. An effective remedy for reducing blood circulation. The brain really needs oxygen, thanks to it important processes of energy production take place, on which the work of neurons is based. Stroke is an acute lack of oxygen, called hypoxia, but there is also a chronic lack. The blood flow is not blocked, but is reduced. This occurs as a result of clogging of blood vessels with fat, their spasms, and disruption of the functioning of the vascular walls. The drug improves circulation.
  3. Recommended for diseases that are accompanied by impaired memory and mental functions. Actually, cognitive abilities depend on how well the brain is supplied with nutrition and oxygen. With a regular lack of air, problems begin. This includes different types of dementia, amnesia, including after injury.
  4. A useful remedy for labyrinthopathy. You know that in a person’s inner ear there is not only the auditory apparatus, but also the vestibular apparatus. There are diseases in which the organ of balance is disturbed, for example, too much fluid is formed in the cochlea. At the same time, a person loses balance and hearing decreases.
  5. Prevention of migraine development.
  6. Suitable for children. The drug is used for children who are delayed in development, including speech. In complex therapy it is suitable for the treatment of dyslexia (inability to read).

For people without diagnosed diseases, Fezam is recommended in terms of increasing attention, concentration, and speed of thinking during periods of overexertion, stress, sessions, exams, and annual reports.

What can you expect from your appointment?

When using the product, many problems that previously bothered you go away.

  • Headaches go away.
  • The perception of information improves.
  • Facts are remembered faster.
  • Short-term memory stops suffering. There are no more problems with lost keys or a switched-on stove.
  • Vision improves. Normalization of visibility occurs as a bonus due to the improvement of blood circulation.
  • The reaction to the weather in the form of headaches and dizziness disappears.
  • Irritability and temper are reduced.
  • Internal organs that depend on the parasympathetic nervous system work better: dyskinesia, convulsions, paresis, and bladder incontinence go away.

What does it contain and how do the components work?

Phezam is a combination of two compounds:

  • Piracetam is actually a nootropic. Phezam contains 400 mg of the component, while cinnarizine contains only 25 mg. The main properties of piracetam are stimulation of metabolic processes in brain tissue. The product helps in the rapid, more active absorption of glucose. The brain under the influence of the component becomes less susceptible to oxygen starvation. The speed of information transfer between neurons increases. The remedy has a particularly beneficial effect on the area that has suffered a stroke, restoring blood flow and nerve function in this area.
  • Cinnarizine is a compound that has the maximum effect on blood flow. On the one hand, it thins the blood, increasing its movement through the vessels. On the other hand, it affects the vascular walls by toning the tissues, helping to improve blood circulation in the arteries, veins, and capillaries. A little acts as an anti-inflammatory component that prevents the formation of blood clots on the inner surface of the arteries as a result of inflammatory processes.

In general, Phezam has two main actions - maximum nutrition and good blood supply. Due to this, all brain processes improve.

Once in the body, both components are well absorbed by about 90%. In this case, the active effect of the compounds in the body begins after a couple of hours and lasts for 2-4 hours. Cinnarizine binds to blood proteins and circulates in the circulatory system, performing its functions. Piracetam is transported to the brain, where it accumulates in the cells of the hemispheres, increasing trophism in the tissues.

Fezam instructions for use

Fezam should be taken several times during the day. The usual standard dosage is one capsule three times. I take the tablets after meals with plenty of water. You should not bite into the medicine so that the components do not become inactivated in the stomach.

Depending on the disease, the dose may vary slightly. For example, if there are problems with movement after a stroke or paresis, then take one capsule about an hour before going for a walk. You should then continue to take one capsule every 6 hours. Children are given one capsule once or twice a day, depending on age.

You need to understand that a single dose is unlikely to produce results. You need to drink regularly. There are courses lasting a month or three. I haven't taken it for over a month. In any case, you can drink for a maximum of three months, then take a break. Over time, courses can be repeated up to three times a year.

Fezam should not be combined with alcohol. When taken together with sedatives and blood pressure pills, the effect of the latter is enhanced. The effect of drugs aimed at treating psychiatric diseases and depression improves, so the drug can be recommended in complex therapy.

Children under 5 years of age should not take the drug immediately after a stroke, especially a hemorrhagic one with hemorrhage. The drug is not prescribed if the patient has increased nervous excitement.

Rules of use and special instructions

Tablets are taken 3 times a day, 1-2 pieces. Course duration is up to 3 months. As a maintenance therapy, it is recommended to take fezam 2-3 times a year.

When taking doping tests, athletes must stop taking the drug 2–3 days before testing. This is due to the fact that cinnarizine in the drug can give positive tests.

Since Fezam can cause drowsiness, when using it, you should be careful when operating various mechanisms and when driving a car. You should also avoid alcohol, as this can cause brain cell death.

Are there any side effects

Phezam increases blood flow to the brain, so at first you may feel a slight headache from increased intracranial pressure. Another side effect may be indigestion and allergic reactions in the form of a rash. However, these phenomena do not occur often and indicate poor tolerability of the drug.

In any case, I recommend initially buying a pack of 20 tablets and checking how you react to the composition. Only then buy a larger package.

If you take more capsules than you should, there may be an overdose, during which all the side effects actively appear. Therefore, it is better to drink exactly as much as you should for your problem.

Negative effects

Negative reactions when taking Phezam can be observed from different systems of the human body. But the most frequently recorded negative neuropsychic effects are:

  • Coordination disorders.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Depression.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Internal anxiety.

During treatment with the drug, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract may occur, which can provoke a complex of dyspepsia phenomena. There is a possibility of allergic reactions: swelling, urticaria, itching of the skin, etc.

An overdose causes abdominal pain. When it is confirmed, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage. There is no specific antidote, but the condition can be stabilized with hemodialysis. Symptomatic therapy is also indicated.

Fezam reviews from neurologists and patients

The drug helped me well. At first it seemed like nothing was happening. But I continued to take it for a week. And by the fifth day I noticed that I was really thinking better. The necessary numbers stopped slipping out of my head, and I managed to keep several processes in my field of attention at once. And after a working day, I felt invigorated, and not squeezed like lemon. During the decisive month, I managed to maintain my position and achieve a positive assessment of my work. As a result, I received a promotion. And, on the one hand, this is the full merit of Fezam. There were no specific side effects. The first days there was a certain feeling of overwhelm in my head, but then it gave way to clarity and lightness.

Other users also leave positive reviews about the work of the medicine.

“I recently took a nootropic. I encountered a side effect - I really wanted to sleep, there was some lethargy. However, after two months, I realized that my irritability and anxiety went away, I began to react calmer to stress, and easily cope with difficult situations. That’s why I give Fezam a positive rating,” Yulia.

“Fezam was prescribed because of osteochondrosis, which caused headaches and dizziness. After just ten days of taking the medicine, the medicine helped me. All the negative phenomena disappeared and, as a bonus, even my memory became better. The doctor recommended taking the medication at least twice a year to improve cerebral circulation,” Andrey.

Doctors speak positively about the drug and often prescribe it as the main or part of combination therapy.

PHESAM (capsules)

Hello, readers of!
The drug Phezam is classified as a nootropic, since its main components are piracetam and cinnarizine.

I suffer from a very insidious hereditary disease - bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, which began to manifest itself with age, namely from the age of 20.

As soon as I noticed problems with my hearing, I immediately turned to specialists for a full examination, as a result of which (based on an audiogram) they revealed the 1st degree of hearing loss.

During the examination, I visited the following specialists: - Otolaryngologist; — Neurologist; — Audiologist.

In their recommendation, these experts prescribed me to take the following medications: — Cavinton; — Nootropil; — Neuromultivitis. >Over time, the hearing gradually decreased to the 2nd, 3rd degree, but there was no headache and there was no tinnitus.

And after 10 years, my hearing in my left ear sharply decreases to complete deafness (according to the audiogram, the 4th degree of hearing loss was established) and at the same moment the most terrible tinnitus, dizziness and acute headache occur.

Of course I'm under a lot of stress!!!

Due to tinnitus, another related problem appeared - insomnia.

With these symptoms, I turned to a neurologist, who diagnosed “vegetative-vascular dystonia” and prescribed the drug “Betoserk” and said that it was impossible to completely get rid of tinnitus in my case.

At the same time, all the prescribed examinations did not reveal any pathology of the internal organs of hearing!

After drinking a month's course of Betoserka, there was no improvement in my condition: tinnitus, headaches and dizziness did not go away.

After Betaserc, I independently returned to Nootropil and took it for one month, the dizziness decreased slightly, but headaches and tinnitus took me prisoner.

How can you live peacefully if the back of your head hurts for 24 hours, your temples throb, your head is torn apart from incomprehensible noises?

I started looking for information on the Internet, reading reviews about nootropic drugs that improve cerebral circulation and blood supply to the body as a whole.

Who seeks will always find.

And I found the nootropic drug Phezam.

It was stated about it on the Internet that it improves blood circulation in the hearing organs, reduces tinnitus, and eliminates dizziness (otherwise known as “labyrinthopathy”).

This is exactly what I need!!!

I bought the drug “Phesam” in the capital’s pharmacy of the “GORZDRAV” chain at a price of 300 rubles, 60 capsules in a package. (see photo No. 1).

Photo No. 1 (nootropic “Phesam”):

The package contains 6 blisters, each blister contains 10 capsules.

The capsules are white, medium in size and easy to swallow (see photo #2).

Photo No. 2 (capsules):

I started taking the nootropic drug “Phesam” as indicated in the instructions: 1 capsule x 3 times a day / after meals.

After 3 weeks the following results appeared:

1. My tinnitus has DECREASED, it hasn’t disappeared, but it has DECREASED and is not as intrusive as it was before. I could be in silence and fall asleep peacefully!

2. Headaches DECREASED, but did not go away completely.

3. Dizziness is gone! My gait became more confident than it was before.

4. Memory IMPROVED!!!!

According to the instructions, the drug must be taken for 1.5 - 3 months!

I personally have not encountered any side effects, but I strongly recommend that everyone read the instructions for use!!!!

I cannot advise you to take or not to take the nootropic “Phesam”, since I am not a doctor, but you have read my situation and my experience with this medication, so it is better to consult a doctor!!!

Thank you for your attention and be healthy! Take care of yourself!

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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