Sedative Valemidin (Farmamed) - reviews

Composition and release form

The sedative is intended for oral use. Sold in dark glass bottles of 25, 50 and 100 ml. Drops are brown in color, with the possible appearance of sediment. Packaged in cardboard packaging of 1 bottle.

The composition of the drug includes extracts of medicinal plants. These are valerian, hawthorn, motherwort and peppermint. Magnesium is also included in the base. Thanks to this, Valemidin has unique therapeutic properties:

  1. Motherwort and valerian have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, eliminate spasms and normalize blood pressure.
  2. Mint calms the nervous system.
  3. Hawthorn improves vascular permeability, restoring normal blood supply to tissues and the brain.

Additional ingredients are xelite, vitamin C, ethyl alcohol, water, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate.

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription, the set includes a measuring spoon.

The shelf life is no more than 3 years under optimal storage conditions.

pharmachologic effect

Due to its natural composition, the product has a pronounced pharmacological effect. There is an improvement in the emotional background, symptoms of irritation, anxiety and causeless restlessness are relieved.

The drug reduces the negative manifestations of stress, eliminates insomnia, and normalizes sleep. There is a restoration of heart rate and blood pressure levels.

The property of valerian manifests itself in slowing down the functioning of the central nervous system, due to which relaxation occurs, anxiety and problems with falling asleep go away. The plant is especially effective in combination and has a slow therapeutic effect.

Motherwort has sedative properties and normalizes the function of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system.

Magnesium is an important element that regulates necessary processes in the body. Without its participation, many physiological reactions do not occur; it helps improve the function of individual cells and the nervous system. It has an anti-stress effect, inhibits excitations occurring in the central nervous system and reduces the feeling of irritability and anxiety.

The drug does not cause addiction and does not cause a feeling of drowsiness when taken during the day. In the evening it does not interfere with falling asleep.

The main advantages of Valemidin are:

  1. Effective after a single use.
  2. Natural composition.
  3. Does not impair mental activity, preserves memory.
  4. It has a pronounced sedative and antispasmodic effect.
  5. Does not affect performance.

Sedative Valemidin (Farmamed) - reviews


A very bad drug. Due to the diphenhydramine it contains, in combination with alcohol (drops in alcohol), it causes a strong toxic effect, manifested in disruption of the functioning of the heart, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Agent Provocateur

Contextual advertising stubbornly pushed Valemidin calming drops onto me. They know how to interest me

But I was in no hurry to buy them, I felt quite good even without doping, but I took note... people with anxiety disorders always need to be on alert. We need to pamper and cherish our nerves.

One doctor gave me advice: if the feeling of anxiety goes off scale, then you shouldn’t try to wait out this condition; it’s better to drink any herbal tincture once. In principle, I do this; in my pharmacy bar there is always:



Hawthorn and other joys.

These drugs cost pennies, but the effect is decent.

But give me something different, new, with an official website on the Internet

Valemidin cost me 246 rubles. You need to drink it in a course.

Here is a cardboard package, inside there are instructions and a bottle with drops.

A dark glass bottle, volume 50 ml, with a dropper.

I still have an old batch, since 2022 Valemidin has been produced in 25 ml bottles.


Valemidine has a gentle effect on the central nervous system, without producing a toxic effect and without forming dependence on the drug. Helps restore a sense of calm during stress, anxiety, increased nervous excitability, sleep disturbances, and neuroses. Development based on natural components has no analogues.


Neurosis Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) Stress Sleep disorders


25 ml of the drug contains:

  • Valerian 32-34% (8.3 ml per 25 ml)
  • Motherwort 32-34% (8.3 ml per 25 ml)
  • Hawthorn16-17% (4.2 ml. per 25 ml.)
  • Peppermint 16-17% (4.2 ml per 25 ml)
  • Diphenhydramine0.1-0.2% (25 mg per 25 ml.)

Composition 50 ml

Mode of application

The drug is administered orally, 30-40 drops, previously diluted in a small amount of water, 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

The course of treatment is 10–15 days. The drug can also be used symptomatically.

Repeated courses of treatment are possible no earlier than after 1 – 1.5 months

Instructions for use


Shelf life: 3 years.


To be honest, I'm disappointed. First of all, the taste is disgusting, like drops

Greens, menthol and herbs + ethanol are terrible. But this is still a medicine, not a delicacy, so for the sake of the effect you can be patient.

And here the second thing begins: the drug is very weak, it only dulls it a little and that’s all. It is generally useless to drink it for insomnia. I drank it, but I didn’t see any effect. It’s good that there were no side effects.

I finished the bottle and didn’t buy any more, returning to old friends.

My rating is probably one... no effect, terrible taste, overpriced.


I tried several sedatives during my senior year. I didn’t like the mint-based sedative “Valemidin” - it had a very nasty taste, I just didn’t have the strength... Take it, don’t drink it, but your mouth still burns with mint essential oil, as if you had taken a sip of mouthwash...

I would have a very difficult release, my nerves would crack, stretch and threaten to break. They tore, but after protection, thank the creator))

Mom, as an experienced woman, advised me to take a sedative, which I had never done before - there was no need...

I bought Valemidin, but I couldn’t drink it - I tried it once, twice... And I realized that I couldn’t drink mouthwash. I don’t even like mint chewing gum, I buy fruit gum, and this is such an attack on my taste buds...

The bottle is still at home, I don’t know who to give it to)) When some friend comes to cry about her lost happiness, I’ll give her a drink, and then she’ll immediately switch to more pressing problems - for example, how to drink a sedative and catch her breath after that)) )

A little more detail to describe the pros and cons.


Well, a very large bottle - 100 ml... drink - don’t drink too much)

And that’s all, I guess I didn’t appreciate the effect, to be honest...


  1. Not very calming;
  2. You fall asleep with it as usual and without any medications for your nerves;

It smells and tastes like minty nuclear war... But at least not Corvalol - it actually smells like I’m at a funeral right now, and everyone around me is freaking out...

Would you like a bottle? I'll give it to you, I'm not greedy))


Good day to everyone who stopped by!

Recently, the sedatives I had tested, such as

MOONORON EVALAR, Afobazol, Corvalol, all kinds of sedative herbs. The stress level is just off the charts, due to the situation at work (and not only). And in the last week I JUST STOP SLEEPING . This hasn't happened to me for a long time. Yes, stress is always present in my life to one degree or another, but to stop wanting to sleep AT ALL, to simply get insomnia - I couldn’t even “dream” about that.

In the vastness of Aireka I came across the soothing drops VALEMIDIN.

Apparently I was so impressed by the diphenhydramine in the composition, in combination with herbs, that I immediately acquired this product. Fortunately, its cost is low - 130 rubles. But now I feel sorry for this money too.

So, the composition:

In my opinion, everything you need to pass out and sleep like a baby.

I took it, as recommended, 30 drops dissolved in a small amount of water, BEFORE meals. This is during the day. And for the night, accordingly. To get a good night's sleep.

What can I say in the end: the drug did not help me “AT ALL”. There was no trace of any urge to sleep, so to speak.

Plus, lying at 3 a.m. with my eyes open in the dark (and knowing that I had to get up for work at 6, and work requires considerable mental effort and concentration), my heart suddenly began to pound. Well, that’s not a big deal at all, friends!

Having suffered in this way for several days, I stopped taking these dubious sedative drops, and again in an active search for a miracle cure that could help me calm down and finally get some sleep!

If anyone would like to share information, I would be grateful!

PS In the end, I returned to the time-tested




There is none of them.


Side effects can be very unpleasant

Let me start by saying that I decided to try this drug for preventive purposes. I read positive reviews about it and decided to buy it too, especially since it has a good composition (like herbs and a little diphenhydramine), and the price is decent. I bought it, read the instructions - everything is as it should be. But I remembered one negative review and decided to play it safe; I gave myself not 30 drops, as indicated in the instructions, but 8! I took it at night and then it started. I couldn’t sleep because my pulse slowed to 50 beats per minute, or even 47 (I have a blood pressure meter), but my blood pressure was 88! In general, I didn’t sleep all night, my heart beat irregularly, and an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia began. I suffered all night, I wanted to call an ambulance, but I kept thinking “it will go away on its own.” The only thing that saved me was water. Yes, yes, I drank a lot of water all night in order to speed up the process of expelling the medicine from the body. I only fell asleep in the morning and then from fatigue. During the day everything was “fun”, there was a metallic taste in my mouth, I felt sick, my head was nerdy, I don’t even remember when in my life I was such a nerf, the reaction was like in a movie in slow motion. The pulse did not recover overnight! The slightest physical exertion simply knocked me off my feet and threw me into chills and cold sweat. And all this from eight drops of this “medicine” diluted with water! If I drank this crap exactly as it was written in the instructions, most likely I would not be writing this comment now. People, seriously, even if a doctor prescribes this drug to you, just don’t take it! It’s better to drink a tincture of motherwort or valerian, but don’t drink this poison! Although they write that the composition includes herbs and diphenhydramine, I will honestly tell you that there is something worse than diphenhydramine mixed in there! And this drug, despite its seemingly harmless composition, is really dangerous to life and health! Be careful and attentive, do not fall for advertising. Be healthy!





one big minus, cripples

I didn’t sleep all night after taking 40 drops, I started having arrhythmia, heart pain, people, don’t buy this poison, I’m telling you as a person and a medical worker.

Elena Alexandrovna

I have VSD crises. I wanted to relieve my heartbeat with Valemidin. Yes, what kind? What I drink, what I listen to the radio. I didn’t feel the slightest bit of anything. And there are no changes with sleep.


Didn't help me.


I am very surprised that this drug is sold without a prescription. After all, it contains diphenhydramine, and it is not available without a prescription.


Conditions in which the use of a sedative is contraindicated:

  1. Impaired liver and kidney function.
  2. Low blood pressure.
  3. Decreased heart rate.
  4. Severe heart pathologies.
  5. Children under 18 years of age.
  6. Individual intolerance to the active or auxiliary component.

For persons suffering from alcohol addiction, the presence of brain pathologies and head injuries, the drug is prescribed with caution.

The use of Valemidin is not recommended for pregnant women and during lactation. Since the components of the product can pass into breast milk and there is no complete information about the effect on the fetus.

Panic attack

is an attack of sudden onset of severe anxiety and fear, accompanied by vegetative manifestations and changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.


Regarding the question regarding the causes of panic attacks, there is no clear answer yet. Panic attacks usually develop at a socially active age of 20-40 years, and can occur in both men and women. But still 2 times more often in women.

The cause of panic attacks can be a state of chronic stress, especially in combination with the patient’s personal characteristics in the form of increased anxiety and suspiciousness. An important role is played by factors of the social environment and the conditions for the formation of personality.

Panic attacks can also be one of the manifestations of various somatic diseases and conditions such as pheochromocytoma, depressive disorders and phobias, heart disease, premenstrual syndrome, etc.

Types of panic attacks

  1. Spontaneous panic attack. It appears suddenly, without the presence of predisposing causes and circumstances.
  2. Situational panic attack. This type develops against the background of a specific psychotraumatic situation or as a result of a person’s feeling of expectation of such a situation.
  3. Conditioned situational panic attack. Most often, this type of attack occurs as a result of a biological “activator” (hormonal changes, onset of sexual activity, abortion, taking hormonal drugs) or a “chemical” (first use of alcohol or drugs). It should be noted that the connection in this case cannot always be traced.

Symptoms of a panic attack

According to the clinical picture, panic attacks can be typical or atypical. Typical panic attacks are characterized by various combinations of psychological and physical manifestations, such as feelings of intense fear, anxiety, a feeling of palpitations or compression in the heart, a feeling of restricted breathing or suffocation, a feeling of choking, chest pain or discomfort, nausea and other manifestations.

With an atypical panic attack, in addition to the above, it may be manifested by the following additional symptoms: a feeling of weakness in the arm or leg, blurred vision or hearing, loss of consciousness, convulsions.


In the treatment of panic attacks, an integrated approach plays a vital role - a combination of medicinal and non-medicinal methods. It is necessary to minimize the impact of traumatic and provoking factors; if necessary, psychotherapeutic methods of treatment are used. More recently

Treatment of a panic attack was reduced solely to the prescription of tranquilizers. However, at the moment there are also drugs that are not considered potent, like tranquilizers. They are sold without a prescription, and with their help it is possible to alleviate the patient’s condition in the event of an attack. Among them is the combination drug Valemidin.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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