Instructions for use CYANOCOBALAMIN

pharmachologic effect

Cyanocobalamin is a biologically active drug that has hematopoietic, erythropotic, metabolic and antianemic effects. Accelerates tissue healing processes, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system and the hematopoietic system, improves processes in the liver, enhances the activity of thromboplasts and prothrombin , activates the blood clotting process, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Activates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates . Forms an energy reserve in the body and actively participates in the process of transmitting nerve impulses. It is part of phosphocreatine and promotes the accumulation of hemoglobin in red blood cells . Stimulates bone marrow (normoblastic erythropoiesis). This drug normalizes liver function , has a positive effect on the blood coagulation system, and in high doses increases prothrombin .


The drug is absorbed primarily in the small (less in the large) intestine, then transported into the cell through the receptor system. In the blood it combines with transcobalamins I and II, and then is transported to tissues, where it is metabolized. In the body, this vitamin is deposited in the liver. It is excreted from the body by the renal excretory system.

B vitamins in the form of injections

B vitamins can be taken by mouth or orally, as well as parenterally or by injection. In order for the body to take the maximum dose of vitamins, neurologists recommend injecting them. Injections are usually performed in the gluteal muscle. You should know that vitamin injections are somewhat painful, so it is best to do them in a medical clinic. The treatment course of vitamins is 10-20 injections.

If you have such an opportunity, it is best to take vitamins by injection for medicinal purposes, since their bioavailability or absorption by the body is higher when administered by injection.

For neurological problems, it is vitamin injections or droppers that are used, since it is necessary that the maximum possible amount of the drug enters the body and immediately begins to act by combining with blood proteins. As already noted, the most important vitamins for spinal health are B1, B12, B6 and B9. To prevent diseases of the central nervous system with food, a person can consume them if he adds the following products to his diet:

  • B1 (thiamine) is found in chicken, liver and grains.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) is found in eggs, shrimp, oysters, tuna, ham, chicken, minced beef and lamb, liver, cottage cheese, cheese, and nuts.
  • B9 (folic acid ) contains greens, bananas, avocados.
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) contains salmon, liver, lamb, shrimp, sardines, cod, tofu, kelp.

Indications for use of the drug

  • iron deficiency anemia of various origins;
  • folate deficiency and vitamin deficiency anemia ;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • dystrophy in young children;
  • motor neuron disease;
  • lumbosacral radiculitis ;
  • cerebral palsy in children;
  • lesions of the trigeminal nerve;
  • multiple sclerosis ;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • chronic hepatitis ;
  • Down syndrome;
  • neuralgia, neuritis;
  • skin diseases ( psoriasis , eczema ).

Instructions for use of Cyanocobalamin (Method and dosage)

The drug is administered intramuscularly, intravenously, subcutaneously and intralumbarally . Therapy with Cyanocobalamin is accompanied by regular monitoring of coagulation parameters and the overall blood picture. The dosage of the drug depends on the specific disease:

  • for aplastic anemia, 100 mcg is administered every other day until hematological and clinical improvement is obtained;
  • for iron deficiency and posthemorrhagic anemia - 30-100 mcg three times a week;
  • anemia in children - 40 mcg per day for 15 days;
  • neurological traumatic diseases and diseases of the nervous system - in increasing doses from 250 to 500 mcg, duration of treatment - up to 2 weeks; if the patient's condition improves - 100 mcg per day;
  • damage to peripheral nerves caused by trauma - 200–400 mcg every other day for one and a half months;
  • Down's disease , cerebral palsy and dystrophies in children - 15–30 mcg per day;
  • diabetic neuropathy , radiation sickness - 60-100 mcg for a whole month.
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver - 100 mcg per day for 30 days;
  • funicular myelosis , multiple sclerosis - 15–30 mcg of solution is administered, gradually increasing the dose from 200 to 500 mcg.

How to give injections

Vitamin B12 injections

can be done in different ways:

  • subcutaneously;
  • intramuscularly;
  • intravenously;
  • into the spinal cord.

The instructions say that cyanocobalamin cannot be used simultaneously with drugs that increase blood clotting, as well as with vitamins B1 and B6. If you have an allergy to B1, then B12 can make it worse.

Administer the drug intramuscularly and intravenously

you can do it yourself. For injection into the spinal cord, you should consult an experienced doctor.

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Cyanocobalamin is a vitamin that is incompatible with thiamine bromide, riboflavin and pyridoxine (in one syringe). When prescribed simultaneously with antibiotics ( kanamycin, polymyxins, neomycin and tetracyclines ), the absorption of this medicine becomes difficult. Do not take together with drugs that affect blood clotting. Therefore, if you have been prescribed Cyanocobalamin, the instructions for use should be carefully studied.

How to measure your B vitamin levels?

A deficiency of B vitamins can occur due to a number of reasons:

  • nutritional deficiencies due to a strict vegetarian diet;
  • problems with the absorption of vitamins in the intestines due to atrophy of the mucous membrane or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helminthiasis;
  • Smoking and alcohol also reduce the level of B vitamins in the body.

You can measure your vitamin B12 and vitamin D levels with a simple blood test. A referral for this test can be issued by a physician, or the patient can do it independently at any medical clinic in St. Petersburg that provides laboratory testing services.


Cyanocobalamin-Darnitsa, Cyanocobalamin - Vial, Cyanocobalamin Bufus, Medivitan.

Combination preparations containing vitamin B12

There are a number of combination drugs on the market - Cyanocobalamin tablets in combination with folic acid (Russia), Nowfoods B12, Solgar Vitamin B12 (USA), Neurobion (Germany), Neurovitan (Italy). As a rule, the release form is tablets.

Reviews of Cyanocobalamin

Reviews about the drug are mostly positive. Patients note that after a course of treatment, hemoglobin increases, well-being is normalized and sleep improves, depression goes away, pain from neuralgia and inflammation of the trigeminal nerve decreases.

According to patient reviews, Cyanocobalamin in ampoules is an effective hair product. Many women are interested in how to use Cyanocobalamin for hair? Like all B vitamins, it has a positive effect on hair. Even regular (once a week) injections of the drug help strengthen hair roots and reduce hair loss. The drug is often used as a component of hair masks or in its pure form for rubbing into the hair roots.

What vitamins help with osteochondrosis?

One of the contributing factors in the appearance and progression of osteochondrosis is an unbalanced diet and improperly dosed physical activity. And if degenerative changes are already visible on an MRI of the spine or make themselves felt by back pain, a feeling of numbness or tingling in the extremities, a neurologist can prescribe vitamin therapy for you - injection or drip administration of B vitamins. A regimen of vitamin injections is developed individually depending on your needs , complaints and health status of each patient. So, to maintain muscles and muscle corset, injections of vitamin B6 are given. This vitamin is also needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system, so when there is compression of the nerve roots, it is advisable to use drugs containing pyridoxine. Vitamin B1 injections have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire central and peripheral nervous system. Especially injections of this vitamin are beneficial for improving the functioning of the nerves responsible for nutritional processes in tissues. A neurologist will prescribe a course of vitamin B12 injections for the prevention and treatment of demyelination (the process of destruction of nerve cells and damage to the nerve sheath). In addition to B vitamins, vitamin D is sometimes prescribed for degenerative changes in the spine. Vitamin D or calciferol is a vitamin that determines the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body. The positive effects of vitamin D are still being studied. Thus, D-vitamin therapy is even used to prevent the development of cerebral atherosclerosis and slow down the aging of the body. The form of taking this vitamin is through the mouth (orally). These vitamins are produced in oil and water solutions. Thus, by undergoing inexpensive complex treatment with vitamins for osteochondrosis, the patient can reduce or completely eliminate symptoms such as:

  • numbness in the limbs;
  • tingling or nagging pain in the arms and legs.
ServicePricePricePromotion Price
Appointment with a therapistprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 rub.
Neurologist appointmentprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 after MRI of the spine
Orthopedist appointmentprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 after MRI of the joint
Consultation with an acupuncturistprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 after MRI of the spine
Vertebrologist consultationprimary 2000 rub.repeat 1800 rub.
Consultation with a chiropractor/osteopathprimary 2500 rub.
ServicePrice according to PriceDiscountDiscount
Plasma therapy of the spine or joint1 session 4000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3 sessions 10,500 rub. free doctor's appointment 5 sessions 17,500 rub. free doctor's appointment
Classic acupuncture session1500 rub.
Complex acupuncture session2000 rub.
Pressopuncture session (combination of massage and acupuncture)1 session 1500 rub. free doctor's appointment 3 sessions 4200 rub. free doctor's appointment 5 sessions 6500 rub. free doctor's appointment
Manual osteopathy session2500 rub.
Manual therapy session2500 rub.
Autohemotherapy550 rub.5 sessions 2500 rub.10 sessions 5000 rub.
Novocaine therapeutic blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic paravertebral blockade1500 rub.
The blockade is therapeutic and medicinal, complex (use of several drugs)2000 rub.
Therapeutic intra-articular blockade with diprospan2500 rub.
Joint puncture with removal of synovial fluid2500 rub.
Intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid (without the cost of the drug)2000 rub.
Novocaine therapeutic blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic paravertebral blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic intra-articular blockade with diprospan2500 rub.
Joint puncture with removal of synovial fluid2500 rub.
Pharmacopuncture session (drug at the discretion of the doctor)2500 rub.
Pharmacopuncture session (without the cost of the drug)2100 rub.
Electrophoresis session (without the cost of the drug)400 rub.
Phonophoresis session / Ultrasound therapy procedure (UT) (without the cost of the drug)450 rub.
Magnetic therapy session350 rub.
SMT therapy session (Sinusoidal modulated currents)450 rub.
Vitamin therapy (10 injections)4000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3000 rub. free doctor's appointment
Injections (Vitamins B12)800 rub.800 rub.800 rub.
Intravenous administration of drugs450 rub.5 sessions 2140 rub.10 sessions 4050 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of drugs (without drugs, 1 bottle)800 rub.5 sessions 3375 rub.10 sessions 6750 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 1 bottle)
950 rub.5 sessions 4050 rub.10 sessions 8100 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of drugs
(without drugs, 2 bottles)
950 rub.5 sessions 4050 rub.10 sessions 8100 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 2 bottles)
1100 rub.5 sessions 4700 rub.10 sessions 9400 rub.
Subcutaneous/intradermal administration of drugs250 rub.5 sessions 1180 rub.10 sessions 2250 rub.
Intramuscular administration of drugs300 rub.5 sessions 1430 rub.10 sessions 2700 rub.

Cyanocobalamin price, where to buy

You can buy the drug in all pharmacies. The price of Cyanocobalamin in Moscow pharmacies varies from 14.5 to 25.0 rubles per pack.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Blagomin Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) capsules 9 mcg 0.2 g 90 pcs. VIS LLC
    231 rub. order
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) solution for in. 0.5 mg/ml 1 ml 10 pcs. JSC Dalkhimfarm

    48 RUR order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Blagomin Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) (caps. 200 mg No. 90) VIS LLC

    RUB 247 order

  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) (amp. 500 µg/1 ml No. 10) Yerevan chemical plant

    37 RUR order

  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) (amp. 500 µg/1 ml No. 10) BZMP OJSC

    47 RUR order

  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) (amp. 500 µg/1 ml No. 10) DHF JSC

    38 rub. order

  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) (amp. 500 µg/1 ml No. 10) BZMP

    46 RUR order

show more


  • Cyanocobalamin-Darnitsa 0.02% 1 ml No. 10 solution PrAT" Pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa", Ukraine
    14 UAH. order
  • Cyanocobalamin 0.05% 1 ml No. 10 injection solution PAT "Galichfarm", Ukraine

    12 UAH order

  • Cyanocobalamin-Darnitsa 0.05% 1 ml No. 10 solution for injection PrAT" Pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa", Ukraine

    17 UAH order


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