Edarbi Clo 40mg+12.5mg, 98 film-coated tablets

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited during breastfeeding

Prohibited for children

Allowed for older people

Allowed for liver problems

Allowed for kidney problems

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system occur quite often. Hypertension is especially common and occurs not only in people of retirement age, but also in young people. The disease is easier to treat in the initial stages, which is why it is recommended to undergo systematic medical examinations in order to promptly identify certain changes in the body. Pharmacology provides a fairly significant number of antihypertensive medications that can cope with the manifestations of high blood pressure. The drug "Edarbi" is very popular.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: Taceda Pharmaceuticals USA, USA
Release form: tablets

Active ingredients: azilsartan, chlotalidone

Synonyms: Edarbi

All effects of the drug are provided by its constituent components:

  1. Azilsartan is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, an antihypertensive component.
  2. Chlorthalidone is a diazide diuretic.

The main pharmacological effects of the drug are the following:

  • preventing the manifestation of the effects of angiotensin II - vasospasm, increased heart rate, increased aldosterone production;
  • blocking receptors for angiotensin II in the adrenal glands and blood vessels;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • increased excretion of sodium and chlorine in the kidneys;
  • increased diuresis.

The hypotensive effect of the drug depends on the dose. The effect of taking a single dosage lasts 24 hours.

Features of the drug "Edarbi"

Often, the recommendations of cardiologists focus on this particular drug, since it is available in tablets, the main active ingredient is azilsartan medoxomil potassium, and is characterized by increased efficiency. The medicine can quickly reduce blood pressure because it is a second-generation receptor antagonist. The drug is used not only to reduce blood pressure, but also in a number of other cases. Indications:

  • Hypertensive disease;
  • Essential hypertension;
  • Heart failure (chronic and acute form)

The drug has different dosages - 20, 40, 80 mg. The drug is considered a combination drug, since it contains a diuretic and medoxomil. The combination of substances provokes a quick effect. The drug is taken once a day to obtain a sustainable result. Contraindications include the inability of pregnant women and nursing mothers to take the product. It is also not recommended to use Edarbi before adulthood. Side effects:

  • Dizziness and anemia;
  • Too sudden change (decrease) in pressure;
  • Nausea, as well as vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Itching and rash, muscle spasms;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Angioedema, peripheral.

The cost of the drug is 500-650 rubles, so many are looking for an analogue of Edarbi tablets, which had the same indications and composition, but would have a more affordable price.

Edarbi Clo - instructions for use

The drug must be taken once a day without breaks or withdrawal without the consent of the doctor. The initial dose of the drug is 40/12.5 mg. If necessary, the daily amount of the drug can be increased to 40/25 mg.

In accordance with the instructions for use, taking a double dose of Edarbi Clo is prohibited.

The medicine is intended for long-term use, which requires monitoring of the electrolyte composition of the blood. The withdrawal of the drug is carried out gradually.

How to take Edarbi - before or after meals

The medicine should be taken regardless of food and washed down with 100 ml of water. It is recommended to take it at the same time, preferably in the morning.

Doses of the drug should be selected with caution in patients with renal impairment. The most common side effects are dizziness, dyspepsia, increased urea and creatinine levels, and decreased potency. Gout does not develop due to increased concentrations of uric acid, including with long-term therapy.

It is prohibited to prescribe the drug and its full analogues for renal failure, severe forms of diabetes, patients under 18 years of age, pregnant women, hypokalemia, the use of Aliskiren, and liver damage. Caution is necessary when using the drug in patients over 75 years of age, with cardiomyopathies, heart failure, kidney and liver disorders.

Instructions for use Edarbi Clo tablets 40 mg + 12.5 mg 98 pcs

Edarbi® Clo is a combination drug that contains an angiotensin II receptor antagonist (azilsartan medoxomil) and a thiazide-like diuretic (chlorthalidone). The simultaneous use of two active substances leads to a more pronounced decrease in blood pressure (BP) compared to taking each of them in monotherapy. When taking the drug once a day, an effective reduction in blood pressure is achieved within 24 hours. Azilsartan medoxomil , one of the active ingredients of the drug Edarbi® Clo, is a specific antagonist of angiotensin II type 1 receptors (AT1). Angiotensin II is formed from angiotensin I in a reaction catalyzed by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE, kininase II). Angiotensin II is the main vasoconstrictor factor of the RAAS (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system), its actions include vasoconstriction, stimulation of aldosterone synthesis and secretion, increased heart rate (HR) and renal sodium reabsorption. Azilsartan medoxomil is an oral prodrug. Azilsartan medoxomil is rapidly converted to the active molecule azilsartan, which selectively antagonizes the effects of angiotensin II by blocking its binding to AT1 receptors in various tissues, such as vascular smooth muscle and the adrenal gland. Therefore, its action is not related to the angiotensin II biosynthetic pathway. The AT2 receptor is also found in many tissues, but it is not involved in the regulation of the cardiovascular system. The affinity of azilsartan for the AT1 receptor is 10,000 times higher than for the AT2 receptor. Inhibition of RAAS activity through ACE inhibitors, which suppress the formation of angiotensin II from angiotensin I, is widely used in the treatment of arterial hypertension. ACE inhibitors also suppress the breakdown of bradykinin, which is catalyzed by ACE. Since azilsartan does not inhibit ACE (kininase II), it should not affect bradykinin activity. Azilsartan does not bind to or block other receptors or ion channels that play an important role in the regulation of the cardiovascular system. Azilsartan dose-dependently suppresses the vasoconstrictor effects of angiotensin II infusion. A single dose of azilsartan at a dose equivalent to 32 mg of azilsartan medoxomil suppressed the maximum vasoconstrictor effect of angiotensin II by approximately 90% at the time of highest concentration, and by approximately 60% 24 hours after administration. In healthy volunteers, plasma concentrations of angiotensin I and angiotensin II and renin activity increased, and aldosterone concentrations decreased after a single oral dose and after repeated doses of azilsartan medoxomil; No clinically significant effect on serum potassium or sodium levels was detected. In general, the pharmacodynamic properties of azilsartan medoxomil are consistent with blocking the AT1 receptor. The antihypertensive effect of azilsartan medoxomil develops during the first 2 weeks of use with the maximum therapeutic effect achieved after 4 weeks. A reduction in blood pressure after oral administration of a single dose is usually achieved within a few hours and persists for 24 hours. Chlorthalidone , a thiazide-like diuretic, inhibits the active reabsorption of sodium ions in the renal tubules (the initial part of the distal convoluted tubule of the nephron), increasing the excretion of sodium and chloride ions and increasing diuresis. In addition, chlorthalidone increases the excretion of potassium, magnesium and bicarbonate ions, and retains calcium ions and uric acid. The antihypertensive effect of chlorthalidone is associated with the removal of fluid and sodium from the body. The diuretic effect develops 2-3 hours after taking chlorthalidone orally and persists for 2-3 days. The antihypertensive effect of chlorthalidone develops gradually with the maximum therapeutic effect achieved 2-4 weeks after the start of therapy. In clinical trials, the combination of azilsartan medoxomil/chlorthalidone was more effective than the combination of azilsartan medoxomil with hydrochlorothiazide or the combination of olmesartan medoxomil/hydrochlorothiazide, although a higher proportion of study participants in the comparison group required a dose increase due to insufficient blood pressure (BP) control. In a double-blind, 12-week dose-escalation study, azilsartan medoxomil/chlorthalidone 40 mg/25 mg was statistically significantly superior to olmesartan medoxomil/hydrochlorothiazide 40 mg/25 mg in reducing systolic blood pressure in moderate to severe hypertension. Similar results were obtained in all patient subgroups, regardless of age, gender or race. The combination of azilsartan medoxomil/chlorthalidone lowered blood pressure more effectively than the combination of olmesartan medoxomil/hydrochlorothiazide in each hour of the 24-hour interval between doses of drugs, according to ABPM (24-hour blood pressure monitoring).

Analogues of Edarbi Clo

Complete substitutes for the drug are not produced. The closest in composition is an analogue of one active substance - the antihypertensive monodrug Edarbi, containing only azilsartan.

If a doctor is choosing what can replace Edarbi Clo, the patient’s condition and the market for antihypertensive drugs with a similar mechanism of action should be analyzed. Among such group substitutes that affect angiotensin II receptors, the following drugs are distinguished:

  • drugs based on losartan - Vasotens, Cozaar, Lozap, Lorista;
  • analogues containing valsartan - Diovan, Valz, Sartavel, Exforge (with amlodipine), Co-Exforge;
  • medicines based on telmisartan - Telzap, Micardis, Tanidol, Telpres, Telminorm, Telmista, Telsartan;
  • preparations with olmesartan - Cardosal, Olimestra;
  • analogues with candesartan - Ordiss, Kandecor, Atakand, Angiakand;
  • substitutes based on irbesartan - Aprovel, Irsar, Irbis.

The following modern drugs can be considered analogues of antihypertensive drugs with other mechanisms of action:

  • ACE inhibitors, including in combination with diuretics and other active substances - Enalapril (Enap, Renitec), Captopril (Capoten), Lisinopril (Lisoril, Liziprex), Ramipril (Tritace, Hartil), Trandolapril (Tarka), Perindopril (Prestarium, Perineva, Ko‒perineva, Noliprel, Dalneva);
  • calcium channel blockers - Amlodipine, Felodipine, Verapamil, Nifedipine, Diltiazem, Lercanidipine (Lerkamen);
  • diuretics - Spironolactone, Amiloride, Furosemide, Indapamide, Chlorthalidone, Xipamide, Eplerenone, Triamterene.

The medicine and all its analogues are often combined with other drugs that affect the functioning of the heart - beta blockers (Bisoprolol, Metoprolol), antiplatelet agents, antispasmodics, etc.

List of analogues of Edarbi clo with prices

Drug nameActive substanceRelease formManufacturerMinimum dosage cost
Edarby CloAzilsartan, chlorthalidone PillsTaceda Pharmaceuticals USAFrom 650 rub.
EdarbiAzilsartanFrom 800 rub.
LoristaLosartanKRKA, SloveniaFrom 165 rub.
LozapZentiva, Czech RepublicFrom 250 rub.
Valsacor ValsartanKRKA, SloveniaFrom 320 rub.
ExforgeNovartis Consumer Health, SwitzerlandFrom 1620 rub.
MikardisTelmisartanBoehringer Ingelheim Pharma, GermanyFrom 970 rub.
TelzapSanofi Aventis, TürkiyeFrom 150 rub.
CardosalOlmesartanBerlin Hemi, GermanyFrom 520 rub.
OrdissCandesartanTeva, IsraelFrom 390 rub.
AprovelIrbesartanSanofi Aventis, FranceFrom 390 rub.
DalnevaPerindopril, amlodipineKRKA, SloveniaFrom 300 rub.

Edarbi or Edarbi Clo - which is better, what is the difference

Manufacturer: Taceda Pharmaceuticals USA, USA
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: azilsartan

Synonyms: Edarbi Clo

Edarbi is a monocomponent antihypertensive analogue, which, unlike Edarbi Clo (40 mg +12.5; 25 mg), consists of one active substance, azilsartan, in doses of 20, 40 or 80 mg.

The activity of such a drug is lower, since the composition does not contain a diuretic component, which enhances the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy.

The medicine is ideal for those patients in whom azilsartan independently allows them to achieve normal blood pressure levels. The reception regimen for these analogues is identical.

Analogues of the drug Edarbi from Russian manufacturers

These are drugs that have a similar composition, as well as specific effects on the body, but have more affordable price parameters. We propose to study similar drugs that are produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies:

  • Angiakand. An excellent analogue that quickly copes with chronic heart failure, as well as high blood pressure. It has similar contraindications to Edarbi, since it cannot be used during lactation, pregnancy and under the age of 18 years. The active ingredient is candesartan cilexetil. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor regarding dosage. The cost is no more than 320 rubles;
  • Oxodolin. The most accessible analogue, which contains the substance in its composition, is chlorthalidone. In addition to quickly lowering blood pressure, additional treatment and prevention of pathologies of blood vessels and the heart are also formed. The cost is no more than 150 rubles, indications, contraindications and mechanics of action on the body are similar to Edarbi;
  • Blocktran. Price from 200 rubles, active substance – potassium losartan. Used in the treatment of hypertension, provides a rapid reduction in blood pressure, taken once a day. The dosage is determined individually, depending on the degree of development of the pathology;
  • Sartavel is considered the most popular analogue, as it is highly effective and has minimal negative side effects. Dispensed by prescription. The main active ingredient is valsartan. The composition of active components differs significantly from Edarbi, but the mechanics of action on the body remain the same.

These analogues of the drug Edarbi are quite popular, since in addition to an affordable price, they also have decent effectiveness.

Edarbi or Valsacor - which is better?

Manufacturer: KRKA, Slovenia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: valsartan

Synonyms: Exforge, Diovan, Valz, Sartavel

Valsacor is one of the most studied analogue drugs of Edarbi Clo. The drug is a monocomponent and is indicated for the treatment of essential hypertension. The strength of the hypotensive effect directly depends on the dosage of the drug.

The effect of taking a single dose appears after 2 hours.

The safety and effectiveness of such a substitute has been proven by clinical studies.

Edarbi or Lozap - which is better?

Manufacturer: Zentiva, Czech Republic
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: losartan

Synonyms: Lorista, Vasotens, Cozaar

Lozap belongs to the group analogues of Edarbi Clo in tablets. The drug is well tolerated and rarely causes dizziness or fatigue. The drug is often used as part of combination therapy for heart failure, diabetic nephropathies, and also to reduce the risk of stroke in patients suffering from cardiovascular pathologies. This analogue is not used during pregnancy, or in patients under 18 years of age.

Ukrainian analogues of the drug Edarbi

Many Ukrainian analogues of the drug Edarbi have gained significant popularity due to their incredibly affordable price, which does not exceed 150 rubles:

  • Advocard is a drug for the prevention and treatment of various heart diseases. Actively copes with the manifestations of arterial hypertension, cardiac failure, ischemia. It has a minimum number of contraindications, the cost is no more than 150 rubles. For correct and quick treatment, it is important to correctly determine the dosage;
  • Agent The average cost is 150 rubles, it copes well with numerous vascular and heart diseases, eliminates the manifestations of angina pectoris and hypertension. It has a number of advantages, since it contains components that can become the basis for the prevention of the development of heart diseases;
  • Agapurin. This is a full copy of Edarbi in properties. Copes with hypertension, ischemia, irregular heart rhythm and a host of other cardiovascular problems. Price around 100 rubles;
  • A-diston. The product costs 60 rubles and is used for mild problems with blood vessels and heart pathologies. The dosage must be agreed with the doctor separately, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease;
  • Losartan is an affordable drug that is recommended for use in patients with second degree diabetes. Helps reduce the manifestations of renal failure. Side effects: vomiting, itching, rash, diarrhea, etc., are extremely rare.

Edarbi Clo or Lorista - which is better?

Manufacturer: KRKA, Slovenia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: losartan

Synonyms: Vasotens, Cozaar, Lozap

Lorista is an imported, cheaper antihypertensive analogue of Edarbi Clo from the group of angiotensin II receptor antagonists. The medicine contains one component and is taken, as a rule, once a day in a dose selected by the doctor. Often this drug is combined with other groups of drugs, including antihypertensives. The use of Lorista during pregnancy and in patients under 18 years of age is prohibited.

Edarbi or Telmisartan - which is better?

Manufacturer: North Star, Russia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: telmisartan

Synonyms: Telzap, Mikardis, Tanidol, Telpres, Telminorm, Telmista, Telsartan

Telmisartan is a new and effective antihypertensive drug. The peculiarity of this group Russian analogue of Edarbi Clo is that the main metabolism is carried out in the liver, so the drug can be used in patients with kidney pathologies without dose adjustment.

Since the half-life of telmisartan and its analogues is longer than other active substances in this group, the duration of the hypotensive effect will be more than 24 hours.

The drug allows you to effectively control the morning increase in blood pressure, which is an excellent prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Telmisartan is not used to treat patients under 18 years of age, as well as pregnant women.

Belarusian generics

Generics are substitutes for Edarbi, which have the same composition of the drug, but have a completely different name. Products from Belarusian manufacturers are especially popular, since they were able to accurately replicate the composition:

  • Diovan. The cost is no more than 300 rubles, it has a completely identical composition, mechanics of action, indications and contraindications, like Edarbi. Recommended for use in the early stages of hypertension. Available in various dosages, the therapeutic effect occurs within two weeks of continuous use of the drug;
  • Nortivan. An exact copy of the drug, cost 320 rubles. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually. The blood pressure level decreases without changing the heart rate. After four hours after administration, the maximum effect is observed. Actively used for chronic cardiac pathologies.

Edarbi or Dalneva - which is better?

Manufacturer: KRKA, Slovenia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: perindopril, amlodipine

Synonyms: Perindopril, Amlodipine

Dalneva is a combined analogue for the hypotensive effect, containing the ACE inhibitor perindopril and the calcium channel blocker amlodipine. The medicine can cause a number of side effects - drowsiness, headaches, palpitations, visual disturbances, tinnitus, swelling of the legs, itching of the skin. This analogue is not used in patients with impaired renal function, during pregnancy, or in patients under 18 years of age. Prescribing the drug to elderly patients requires a dose reduction and caution during use.

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