Heparin gel for external use 1000IU/g 30g

Heparin-based ointment and gel are popular and long-known drugs to many. These products can be found in the first aid kit of many Russians; most often they are used to combat bruises or contusions. In addition, medications are used to treat varicose veins of the legs, deep vein thrombosis, and hemorrhoids.

Heparin is a direct anticoagulant that inhibits blood clotting. The absorbable drug eliminates the inflammatory process and exhibits an anesthetic effect.

The healing properties of heparin-based drugs are determined by the active substances that are included in their composition. Thanks to heparin, the medication prevents blockage of the lumen of blood vessels with blood clots, reduces blood viscosity, and eliminates inflammation. Benzocaine relieves pain, and benzyl nicotinate promotes vasodilation and enhances the effect of heparin.

Heparin ointment - basic information

Heparin-based ointments differ slightly in composition:

Heparin ointment:

  • heparin sodium (heparoid);
  • benzocaine;
  • benzyl ester of nicotinic acid (benzyl nicotinate);
  • glycerol;
  • octadecanoic acid;
  • petrolatum;
  • emulsifier No. 1;
  • sunflower oil;
  • para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester;
  • para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester;
  • distilled water.

Heparin ointment is used for thrombosis, phlebitis, hematomas

Heparin Plus:

  • heparin;
  • benzocaine;
  • benzyl nicotinate;
  • glycerol;
  • petrolatum;
  • octadecanoic acid;
  • corn oil;
  • emulsifier No. 1;
  • preservative E216 and E218;
  • distilled water.

In appearance, Heparin ointment is a homogeneous mass of a whitish-yellow hue.

According to the instructions for use, a local remedy is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Superficial thrombosis of the legs.
  • Inflammatory lesion of the outer lining of the veins.
  • Hematoma under the skin.
  • Inflammation of the walls of blood vessels after an injection.
  • Swelling of tissues and bruising after injury or bruise.
  • External form of hemorrhoids.

The ointment is applied to the damaged area. To do this, take 0.5–1 g of the product on an area whose diameter is from 3 to 5 cm. The product is applied with gentle rubbing movements twice or thrice a day until the inflammation disappears. The duration of treatment is from 3 days to 1 week.

For hemorrhoids, cotton tampons soaked in ointment are used. The tampon is applied to the hemorrhoids and secured or inserted into the anal canal. In this case, the drug is used for 3–10 days.

Heparin gel - description of the dosage form

Heparin gel contains the following components:

  • heparin;
  • carbopol 980;
  • para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester;
  • para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester;
  • triethanolamine;
  • bitter orange flower oil;
  • lavender oil;
  • ethanol (96%);
  • distilled water.

Heparin gel helps with swelling, bruising and inflammation of the veins

Heparin gel contains 30,000 IU sodium heparin. In appearance, it is a thick, colorless gel with a yellowish tint and a pleasant aroma.

Heparin Active is used in the following cases:

  • Swelling and bruising due to blunt force trauma or bruising.
  • Inflammation of the walls of superficial veins (complex treatment).

A small amount of gel is applied to the damaged area and then rubbed in gently. Frequency of application – from 2 to 3 times per day. The therapeutic course lasts from 3 days to 2 weeks until the inflammatory process disappears. The decision to extend the course is made by the doctor.

After applying the product, you should wash your hands thoroughly (except for those cases when the damaged area is on the upper limbs).

The drug is used only for patients over 18 years of age.

The name of the medicine depends on the manufacturer, for example, a gel marked “Active” is produced by the Borisov Pharmaceutical Plant in Belarus, and the Heparin Akrikhin 1000 gel is produced by the chemical and pharmaceutical plant of the same name in Russia. And the composition of both drugs is the same.

Heparin 1000 is available without a prescription, but before using it you should consult a doctor to avoid negative reactions.


Heparin gel belongs to the group of direct coagulants. This is an effective product intended for external use. When applied to the skin, the gel has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. When used, it is possible to reduce pain and eliminate swelling. In addition, with the use of the gel, microcirculation improves and tissue metabolism is activated. As a result, this promotes the resorption of blood clots, as well as the restoration of vein patency.

The gel has a uniform consistency. It may be transparent or have a slightly yellowish tint. When used, thrombus formation slows down and connective tissue regeneration accelerates.

The main active component of the gel is sodium heparin. When used externally, this substance practically does not enter the bloodstream, which eliminates systemic effects and does not lead to changes in blood clotting parameters.

Properties of the drug

The complex effect of the drug is determined by the active substances included in its composition. After contact with the skin, each component exhibits its effect.

Heparin-based products destroy blood clots and prevent the formation of new ones

Nicotinic acid benzyl ester promotes vasodilation, thanks to which the main component is absorbed faster. And sodium heparin, after entering the bloodstream, stimulates antithrombin III (a protein that regulates blood clotting). As a result, the activity of thrombin (an enzyme that provokes blood clotting) decreases, platelets lose their ability to stick together and create blood clots. In addition, thanks to heparin, the blood produces fibrin (the basis for blood clots) more slowly.

Thanks to the properties described above, products containing heparin destroy formed blood clots in the lumen of the vessel and prevent their appearance. These are not all the advantages of medications based on sodium heparin. The creams perfectly resolve hematomas and eliminate the inflammatory process in the damaged area.

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic that reduces the intensity of pain.

After treatment, the product containing heparin penetrates all layers of the skin, but is almost not absorbed into the bloodstream. That is, the concentration of the active component in the blood is quite low.

Heparin ointment is used for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, mastitis

Contraindications and warnings

The main contraindication to the use of the gel is hypersensitivity to the active substance or other components in its composition. Do not apply the gel to the skin in places where their integrity is damaged. This prohibition applies to both open wounds and ulcerative-necrotic lesions that accompany various vein diseases. It is also necessary to prevent the drug from getting on the mucous membranes.

Contraindications include an increased tendency to bleeding and confirmed thrombocytopenia. This pathology is manifested by the causeless appearance of bruises and nosebleeds.

Do not use the gel before reaching the age of 18 years. This is due to the fact that the drug has not been tested for its safety and effectiveness for children. Since the active substance does not penetrate the placental barrier, there are no prohibitions on the use of the gel during pregnancy. But, in this case, the decision on the advisability of treatment with the drug must be made by the doctor. Heparin also does not pass into breast milk, so the gel is approved for use during lactation.

If you are intolerant to the drug, allergic reactions may occur. They are manifested by itching and redness of the skin at the site of application of the gel. After stopping use of the product, the symptoms, in most cases, quickly disappear on their own.

An overdose of the gel for external use has not been recorded in practice. But theoretically it is possible. If necessary, to neutralize the effect of heparin, its antagonist, protamine sulfate, can be used.

With prolonged use of the product on large areas of the skin and in combination with indirect anticoagulants, it is necessary to monitor blood clotting parameters.

Purpose of the drug

As the instructions say, the use of ointment is permissible in the following cases:

  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities. Heparin-based drugs are most often used to treat varicose veins in the legs. It's no secret that varicose veins occur as a result of impaired blood flow and valve failure. At the early stage of the disease, swelling and redness of the affected area occur. A little later, spider veins appear on the lower extremities. It is at this stage of the disease that it is recommended to use heparin ointment; the product quickly eliminates the inflammatory process and normalizes blood circulation. The drug is recommended to be used for 14 days.
  • Thrombophlebitis. This pathology is characterized by inflammation of the internal venous wall with the formation of a blood clot that closes the lumen of the vessel. Heparin ointment or gel is also actively used to eliminate the symptoms of thrombophlebitis. The active ingredients stop inflammation, accelerate the destruction of blood clots, and prevent their re-formation. However, the damaged area must be treated with extreme caution, since strong rubbing increases the likelihood of a blood clot breaking off.
  • The use of products containing heparin is permissible for periphlebitis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the vein), as well as for inflammation of the venous wall after an injection or injection of solutions that irritate the vessel.
  • Heparin ointment is used to treat hemorrhoids. This disease occurs due to blockage of the veins of the rectum, and therefore for effective therapy it is necessary to eliminate its cause (that is, a blood clot in the lumen of the vessel). With the help of heparin ointment, the inflammatory process and pain quickly disappear. In addition, the drug eliminates formed blood clots and prevents the formation of new clots.
  • Heparin-based gel or ointment can heal trophic ulcers (an open wound on the skin or mucous membrane that does not heal for a long time). The drug dilates blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity, so that it circulates faster, saturates the damaged area with useful substances and oxygen. As a result, wound healing accelerates. However, it is forbidden to apply ointment and gel to the defect itself, as the likelihood of hemorrhage increases.
  • Inflammation of the mammary gland during breastfeeding. The drug with sodium heparin is sometimes used as part of complex therapy. For lactation mastitis, the anti-inflammatory properties of the drug are incredibly useful.

In addition, heparin-based products are used for lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels), elephantiasis (elephantiasis of the legs), hematomas, and edema.

Heparin gel I 1000IU/g 30g No. 1


Heparin gel 1000IU/1g 30g


The gel is colorless to light yellow with a specific odor.

Main active ingredient

Heparin sodium

Release form




pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological studies show that when applied externally, Heparin gel has a pronounced antiexudative, antiedematous, antigranulomatous, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant effect.

Indications for use

- symptomatic treatment and reduction of swelling and bruising after blunt trauma (for example, after a bruise); — symptomatic treatment of diseases of the superficial veins (varicose veins, phlebitis, periphlebitis, thrombophlebitis), varicose ulcers, varicophlebitis, conditions after removal of the great saphenous vein of the thigh as part of complex therapy.

Directions for use and doses

1-3 times a day, apply 3-10 cm of gel to the affected area of ​​the skin and rub in gently. Due to limited experience with the drug in children and because there is insufficient research data, this drug should not be used in the treatment of children.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Use during pregnancy is possible only if indicated under medical supervision. Can be used during lactation according to indications.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and other potentially dangerous mechanisms

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and potentially dangerous machinery.

Precautionary measures

If there are signs of bleeding, the possibility of using Heparin gel should be carefully considered. Heparin gel should not be used for bleeding, applied to open wound surfaces, weeping eczema or mucous membranes, as well as to infected areas in the presence of purulent processes. The penetration of heparin into healthy skin has been described in the case of topical application; Therefore, if thromboembolic complications are suspected, a platelet count should be checked to differentiate heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II. Therefore, regular platelet count checks in patients with a history of thromboembolic complications are necessary whenever heparin is used (before starting heparin, on the first day after starting use, and then regularly every 3-4 days during treatment until the end of treatment). Heparin gel contains methyl parahydroxybenzoate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate as excipients, so it cannot be used in patients with allergies to parabens.

Use in pediatrics

Due to limited experience with the drug in children and because there is insufficient research data, the gel should not be used in the treatment of children.

Interaction with other drugs

The anticoagulant effect of heparin is enhanced by the simultaneous use of anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ergot alkaloids, thyroxine, tetracycline, antihistamines and nicotine reduce the effect of heparin.


- known hypersensitivity to heparin or any component of the drug; - history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II (immune-mediated HIT type II).


per tube: active substance - heparin (in the form of sodium heparin) - 1000 IU/g; excipients - carbopol 980 NF, levomenthol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E-218), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E-216), rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials, triethanolamine, purified water.


Due to low systemic absorption, overdose is unlikely. To date, the phenomena of overdose when using Heparin gel have not been described. With prolonged use on large surfaces, hemorrhagic complications are possible. Treatment: drug withdrawal. If necessary, use a heparin antagonist - protamine sulfate (1% solution).

Side effect

Allergic reactions to heparin after applying the drug to the skin are very rare. However, in some cases, hypersensitivity reactions may occur, such as skin redness and itching, which quickly disappear after stopping use of the drug. Incidence of heparin-induced antibody-mediated thrombocytopenia type II (platelet count

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Buy Heparin gel I 1000IU/g 30g No. 1 in the pharmacy

Price for Heparin gel I 1000IU/g 30g No. 1

Instructions for use for Heparin gel I 1000 IU/g 30g No. 1

Application specifics

Using Heparin ointment is not difficult; a little product is applied to the area where the damaged veins are located and distributed evenly. The ointment is rubbed in gently, without pressure.

Heparin ointment or gel is applied to the damaged area and gently rubbed in

On average, the drug is used twice or three times a day. The therapeutic course ranges from 3 days to 1 week. If necessary, the doctor will extend the treatment to 2-3 weeks, this applies to those cases when a person eliminates large hematomas.

Regardless of the problem, you should consult a doctor before using the medicine.

Specifics of using ointment or gel for different pathologies:

  • For external hemorrhoids, soak a piece of tissue with ointment, apply it to the thrombosed nodes and fix it. To eliminate inflammation and pain in the anal canal, use a tampon, which is also soaked in heparin ointment, and then inserted rectally.
  • As mentioned earlier, heparin products are used to eliminate vascular networks and treat thrombophlebitis. In this case, the gel or ointment is applied with extreme caution so as not to aggravate the course of the disease.
  • If there is a bruise, it is not recommended to rub the ointment into the affected area immediately after the injury, otherwise hemorrhage will occur. Doctors advise treating the damaged area on the second day, to enhance the therapeutic effect, apply a bandage or gauze over the ointment.

Heparin ointment has long been successfully used in cosmetology to eliminate wrinkles, pimples and bags under the eyes. To eliminate bags under the eyes, a little ointment is carefully applied to the skin with your fingertips once every 24 hours. For acne, apply a thin ball of product to a cleansed face three times a day until the inflammation disappears. The same method is used to treat rosacea.

Thanks to its absorbent and anti-edematous properties, the product is used to combat small wrinkles. To do this, the ointment is applied to the skin, all movements should be light. Use the drug to smooth out wrinkles twice a day.

special instructions

The use of Heparin ointment is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Skin damage (scratches, wounds, ulcers). It is forbidden to treat an open wound with the drug, as the likelihood of bleeding increases. In addition, the drug slightly weakens local immunity, as a result of which the infection can spread to nearby tissues.
  • Impaired functions of the blood coagulation system (increased bleeding, decreased platelet count) and hemorrhages. Heparin-based products reduce blood viscosity, and as a result, its fluidity increases. For this reason, ointment and gel should not be used if the patient has reduced blood clotting or bleeding (including internal bleeding).
  • Intolerance to heparin and other components. Before using medications, a sensitivity test should be performed.
  • Heparin-based drugs are contraindicated in patients under 15 years of age.

Heparin ointment and gel should not be used if the integrity of the skin is damaged, increased bleeding and hypersensitivity to components

Most patients tolerate the medication well, but some of them complain of allergies after using it. In such cases, after external use, redness, rash on the skin, and itching are observed.

You should not get carried away with products containing heparin, as long-term use increases the likelihood of developing hypersensitivity to their substances. In this case, the skin turns red, itching, burning and other negative phenomena appear. If such symptoms occur, you should stop using the ointment or gel and consult a doctor for advice.


The main indication for the use of the gel is the treatment of thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins. The pathological condition is a common complication of chronic venous insufficiency. It is characterized by obvious signs. First of all, swelling of the limbs is noted. Additionally, the skin above the site of inflammation turns red, while the vessel becomes clearly visible under the skin. The pathological condition is accompanied by heaviness in the legs and a feeling of distension of the veins.

Also, indications for the use of Heparin gel are the following:

  • Closed soft tissue injuries due to bruises and injuries. In this case, pain and hyperthermia are noted.
  • Subcutaneous hematomas, which occur both as a result of blunt blows and after operations.
  • External hemorrhoids, including inflammation of the veins in the anal area after childbirth.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Most doctors say that heparin-based gel/ointment is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. This is explained by the fact that the drug has not been studied in this category of patients. Therefore, the consequences of using the medication can be dangerous for the fetus or newborn.

During pregnancy and lactation it is not recommended to use heparin-based products

Some doctors insist that products containing heparin are safe for expectant and new mothers. They justify their opinion by the fact that heparin does not penetrate the placenta and is not absorbed into the bloodstream and breast milk. There is no information about whether other substances pass into mother's milk.

For this reason, pregnant and lactating women are recommended to use heparin ointment or gel only for medical reasons. In this case, women must follow the dosage and carefully monitor the condition of the baby, as well as their own after using the drug.

Heparin gel for external use 1000IU/g 30g

International Nonproprietary Name (INN):

heparin sodium.

Dosage form:

gel for external use.


Colorless or slightly yellowish gel, almost transparent gel with a specific odor. Opalescence is acceptable.

Composition per 100 g:

Active substance: sodium heparin with activity 120 IU/mg in terms of dry matter - 0.833 g; Excipients: carbomer 940 (carbopol 980) – 1.3 g, methyl parahydroxybenzoate (nipagin) – 0.15 g, trometamol – 1.0 g, lavender oil – 0.1 g, polyester PE 240 – 5.0 g, ethyl alcohol 95% (ethanol) – 30.0 g, purified water – 61.617 g.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Direct anticoagulant for local use.


Direct anticoagulant, has anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, anti-edematous and analgesic effects. Reduces platelet aggregation, binds to antithrombin III, preventing the transition of prothrombin to thrombin. Inhibits thrombin activity. Reduces the activity of hyaluronidase, increases the fibrinolytic properties of blood. The gel improves microcirculation and activates tissue metabolism, thereby accelerating the processes of resorption of hematomas and blood clots, ultimately restoring the patency of veins, clinically this is accompanied by a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.


A small amount of heparin is absorbed from the skin surface into the systemic circulation. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed 8 hours after application. Heparin is primarily eliminated through the kidneys, with a half-life of 12 hours.

Indications for use

— thrombophlebitis of superficial veins; - localized infiltrates and swelling of soft tissues; - ; subcutaneous hematomas; - injuries, bruises of joints, tendons, muscle tissue.


- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; - ulcerative-necrotic changes in the skin in the areas where the gel is supposed to be applied; — traumatic violation of the integrity of the skin; - children's age (experience with the drug is limited).


Increased tendency to bleeding, thrombocytopenia.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus and child.

Directions for use and doses

Externally. Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins. 3-5 cm of gel is applied to the skin on the affected area 1-3 times a day with rubbing movements. For thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins, pads with applied gel are used. Localized infiltrates and swelling of soft tissues. 3-5 cm of gel is applied to the skin on the affected area with rubbing movements 1-3 times a day. Subcutaneous hematomas (including hematomas after phlebectomy). 3-5 cm of gel is applied to the skin on the affected area with rubbing movements 1-3 times a day. Injuries and bruises of joints, tendons, muscle tissue. 3-5 cm of gel is applied to the skin on the affected area with rubbing movements 1-3 times a day.

Side effect

Allergic reactions, skin hyperemia.


Overdose is unlikely due to the low absorption of the gel components.

special instructions

It is not recommended for use in case of bleeding, in the presence of local purulent processes, and also for application to open wounds and mucous membranes. Use with extreme caution in cases of increased vascular permeability. The use of the gel is not recommended for deep venous thrombosis.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not recommended to mix with other agents for external use; do not prescribe topically at the same time as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tetracyclines, or antihistamines. Combined use of the gel with oral anticoagulants may cause prolongation of prothrombin time.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form

Gel for external use 1000 IU/g.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 25 C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Patients about Heparin ointment

Heparin-based products have a wide spectrum of action. Most patients respond positively to the effect of the drug, although some complain of allergies after using it.

Most patients are satisfied with the effect of Heparin ointment and gel

Patient reviews: Nina “After the birth of the child, I began to suffer from varicose veins, my entire right leg was covered with a vascular network, and a vein protruded from under the skin. My mother advised me to use heparin ointment, which I have been using for a month now. A miracle did not happen, but the vein shrank a little. In addition to the ointment, I used a vitamin complex that the doctor recommended to me. In principle, I am satisfied with the effect of the product, the only negative is that the ointment is poorly absorbed. To facilitate this process, I put a napkin on top of the ointment layer and fix it.”

Alina “I used Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids (its external stage, when hemorrhoidal cones fall out). I applied the product with my fingers (exclusively clean hands) directly to the bump. If there were anal fissures, I injected the product into the anus using a Relief ointment applicator. Heparin ointment does not cause discomfort after application. Literally after a week of regular use, the bumps and other symptoms disappeared. I have seasonal hemorrhoids, and therefore I will use the drug in another 2-3 months. I recommend to all!".

Maria “I was advised to use Heparin gel at the pharmacy when I asked for a remedy for bruises. After the fall, my leg became swollen and a large hematoma appeared. I applied a thin layer of the product to the bruise twice a day, covering it with a napkin on top, as the pharmacist advised. On the second day, the swelling disappeared and the bruise became lighter. After another 2 days it turned yellow, and a week later there was no trace left of it. I am pleased with the results from using the gel, and the price of the drug is good!”

Similar drugs

If there are contraindications, heparin ointment can be replaced with external agents with a similar effect:

  • Hepatrombin based on heparin, allantoit, dexpanthenol eliminates inflammation, dilates blood vessels, destroys blood clots, and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • Lyoton with heparin also has an antithrombic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Venitan with beta-escin and heparin stops the inflammatory reaction and tones the veins.

Lyoton is an analogue of Heparin ointment

All of the medications described above have similar indications and contraindications. What is best will be determined by your attending physician after the diagnosis has been established.

Thus, Heparin ointment and gel are effective and relatively safe drugs that are used to treat varicose veins, phlebitis, hemorrhoids, lactation mastitis and other diseases. To avoid negative reactions, you should consult your doctor before using the product. The patient must follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the use of the drug.

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