Complivit Calcium D3 Gold, vitamins for women tab. 30pcs

Complivit Calcium D3 Gold

Complivit Calcium D3 GOLD is a special* formula, developed specifically taking into account age-related hormonal changes in a woman’s body, contains phytoestrogen (genistein), calcium, vitamins D3 and K1.

Estrogen is a key factor in women's health and beauty, but after forty its level drops: calcium begins to be washed out of the bones faster, the production of its own collagen decreases, bones can become fragile, the aging process of the skin accelerates: wrinkles and age spots appear, the rhythm of the menstrual cycle changes, women may experience: sudden hot flashes, increased sweating, especially at night, depressed mood and problems sleeping, lack of energy even for ordinary activities.

The action of the components in Complivit® Calcium D3 GOLD is aimed at maintaining the health and beauty of women after 40 years:

  • Strengthens bones 15–20% better than a combination of calcium and vitamin D34.5;
  • Improve well-being and sleep, reduce irritability, increase vitality, alleviate vegetative-vascular manifestations of estrogen deficiency**,
  • Maintain joint health, regulate metabolism in articular cartilage cells, activate collagen production,
  • They take care of the youth of skin cells from the inside and protect against photoaging.

Complivit Calcium D3 GOLD should be taken 1 tablet.

How does Complivit Calcium D3 GOLD work?

The components in Complivit Calcium D3 GOLD act synergistically:

GENISTEIN exhibits effects similar to those of its own estrogens, helps strengthen bones by maintaining the processes of formation and mineralization of bone tissue, activates the production of its own collagen, protects the skin from photoaging, plays an important role in maintaining healthy joints - regulates metabolism in articular cartilage cells and protects joint tissue.

Genistein (GeniVida) in Complivit® Calcium D3 GOLD is produced in Switzerland using patented technology and has a high level of purity and activity of the substance1-3

CALCIUM is involved in the formation and mineralization of bone tissue, the formation of dentin and tooth enamel, strengthening hair and nails, maintaining the stability of cardiac activity, regulating nerve conduction, muscle contractions, and hormone production. Calcium controls the metabolism of fat tissue cells; adequate calcium intake promotes more effective fat loss during dieting and helps to better control weight.

VITAMIN D3 is involved in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, increases calcium absorption in the intestines and reabsorption in the kidneys, promotes the formation and mineralization of bone and dental tissue, and is necessary for the normal functioning of the parathyroid glands.

VITAMIN K1 is necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin, which regulates the processes of bone tissue mineralization. Increases bone mineral density, especially when taken together with calcium and vitamin D, and helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis, which is important for reducing the risk of fractures. At the same time, vitamin K prevents the deposition of calcium in the arteries, helping to reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disorders.

A particularly pronounced effect is observed when genistein is combined with calcium and vitamin D3 - the study showed that long-term (for 3 years) use of this combination during menopause helped strengthen bones and the spine 15-20% better than the combination of calcium and vitamin D3 , due to its complex effect on bone metabolism and mineralization.

In another observational study, taking this combination for 6 weeks reduced symptoms of estrogen deficiency such as hot flashes and night sweats, difficulty falling asleep, decreased concentration and memory problems, feelings of fatigue and loss of energy, aching bones and pain.

In addition, special studies have shown that the use of genistein helps improve skin condition by increasing collagen synthesis and protecting skin cells from photoaging, which is one of the main causes of age spots and wrinkles.

Complivit Calcium D3 GOLD – your right to remain beautiful and full of strength!

Complivit Calcium D3 Gold, vitamins for women tab. 30pcs

Active substance:

Content of active substances in 1 tablet: calcium 500 mg;
genistein (GeniVida) 30 mg, vitamin K1 125 mcg, vitamin D3 7.5 mcg. Excipients:
Sugar, Kollidon 30, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, povidone, polyethylene oxide, Kollidon VA 64, magnesium stearate, talc, titanium dioxide, glycerin, quinoline yellow, azorubine.

Contains a dye that may have a negative effect on the activity and attention of children


The compatibility of the components in one tablet is ensured by special technology.

According to scientific data, many age-related changes in the functioning of the female body and general well-being are mainly due to a decrease in the production of female sex hormones - estrogens. The decline of ovarian function, leading to a decrease in estrogen synthesis (and ultimately to the onset of menopause, i.e. the complete cessation of menstruation), usually begins at the age of 40-45 years and is often manifested by the occurrence of such unpleasant sensations as “hot flashes”, night sweats , dry skin, sleep disturbances, bad mood, irritability and anxiety, increased fatigue, which usually worsen after menopause. One of the most unfavorable consequences of age-related hormonal changes is a disruption in the process of bone formation and mineralization, leading to a negative calcium balance, thinning of bones - osteopenia and osteoporosis and, as a result, an increased risk of fractures.

How to maintain bone strength and good health during hormonal changes? COMPLIVIT® CALCIUM D3 GOLD is a biologically active food supplement, developed specifically taking into account age-related hormonal changes in a woman’s body, which contains calcium, vitamin D3, K1, isoflavone genistein (GeniVida).

Over the course of many years of observations and research, it has been shown that the presence of foods rich in phytoestrogens in the diet helps reduce the frequency and severity of general manifestations of menopause (hot flashes, sleep disturbances, bad mood, etc.) and maintain bone strength.

Phytoestrogens are biologically active substances of plant origin that exhibit effects similar to the action of estrogens in the female body, in conditions of a lack of production of their own sex hormones, which occurs in women after 40-45 years and is one of the natural stages of aging of the body.

One of the most studied phytoestrogens is genistein, which is part of COMPLIVIT® CALCIUM D3 GOLD.

Genistein, which is part of COMPLIVIT® CALCIUM D3 GOLD, is produced in Switzerland (DSM) using patented technology, resulting in a pure, allergen-free substance, free from GMOs, pesticides and herbicides (GeniVida).

COMPLIVIT® CALCIUM D3 GOLD also contains important components of the diet during menopause: calcium, vitamin D3 and vitamin K1, which are necessary to maintain the strength of bone tissue and help reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.

The activity of COMPLIVIT® CALCIUM D3 GOLD is due to the properties of its constituent components (according to literature data):

Calcium is a macroelement that is involved in the formation and mineralization of bone tissue, the formation of dentin and tooth enamel, strengthening hair and nails, maintaining the stability of cardiac activity, regulating nerve conduction, muscle contractions, hormone production, and is a component of the blood coagulation system. Calcium controls the metabolism of adipocytes (fat cells), promoting more effective fat loss during weight loss/dieting for improved weight control.

Vitamin D3 - participates in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, increases calcium absorption in the intestines and reabsorption in the kidneys, promotes the formation and mineralization of bone and dental tissue, and is necessary for the normal functioning of the parathyroid glands.

The use of calcium and vitamin D3 prevents an increase in the production of parathyroid hormone, which is a stimulator of increased bone resorption and bone destruction.

Vitamin K1 – necessary for blood clotting processes, because participates in the synthesis of proteins of the blood coagulation system. Necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin, which regulates the processes of bone tissue mineralization. Increases the mineral density of bone tissue and helps strengthen it (reduces the risk of fractures), especially when used together with calcium and vitamin D. According to the results of a study, taking vitamin K1 in combination with calcium and vitamin D3 in menopausal women led to an increase in mineral density and mineralization of bone tissue. Therefore, the combined use of calcium, vitamin D3 and vitamin K1 helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis, which is important for reducing the risk of fractures.

At the same time, vitamin K prevents arterial calcification, helping to reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease. When used together with vitamin D, vitamin K1 improves the elasticity of the arteries. Studies have shown that providing the body with a sufficient amount of vitamin K helps reduce the risk of developing and improve the course and prognosis of cardiovascular pathology.

Genistein is a biologically active substance of the isoflavone class, which exhibits effects similar to the action of estrogens in the female body: it reduces the frequency and severity of hot flashes and night sweats, sleep disturbances in women during menopause; has a beneficial effect on reducing risk factors for developing cardiovascular diseases. Research has shown that genistein plays an important role in maintaining joint health - it regulates metabolism in articular cartilage cells and protects joint tissue.

Genistein helps strengthen bones by supporting the processes of bone formation and mineralization, increasing collagen synthesis, increasing bone mineral density and slowing down the processes of bone destruction.

A particularly pronounced effect is observed when genistein is combined with calcium and vitamin D3 - the study showed that long-term (for 3 years) use of this combination during menopause helps strengthen the bones of the limbs and spine 15-20% better than the combination of calcium and vitamin D3, due to its complex effect on metabolism and mineralization of bone tissue. Therefore, the combined use of calcium, vitamin D3 and genistein is more likely to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, which is important for reducing the risk of fractures.

In addition, according to the results of observations, with the combined use of genistein (GeniVida), calcium and vitamin D3 for 6 weeks, more than half of the women noted a decrease in such menopausal symptoms as: hot flashes and night sweats, irritability, difficulty falling asleep, dry eyes or itchy eyes, headaches, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, poor concentration and memory loss, feeling tired or low in energy, aching or pain in the bones.

Genistein also has antioxidant properties and protects cells from aging processes, incl. skin cells from photoaging. Genistein also helps improve skin health through its ability to enhance collagen synthesis by fibroblasts and reduce collagen breakdown due to oxidative stress.

Thus, the components of COMPLIVIT® CALCIUM D3 GOLD help alleviate the symptoms of menopause and strengthen bone tissue.

Release form:

Tablets weighing 1575 mg. 30 tablets in a polymer jar. Each can is covered with a polyvinyl chloride heat-shrink tube. Each can, along with an insert, is in a cardboard box.

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