INFLUNET (powder)

INFLUENET® (Influnet®)

The most dangerous symptoms of a drug overdose can be caused by paracetamol.



An overdose of paracetamol may cause liver failure, which may lead to the need for liver transplantation or death.

In the first 24 hours it is possible: pale skin, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, sweating. Within 12-48 hours, signs of liver dysfunction may appear (increased activity of “liver” transaminases, increased prothrombin time, hepatonecrosis). Signs of impaired glucose metabolism and metabolic acidosis may occur. Toxic effects in adults are possible after taking more than 10 g of paracetamol: increased activity of “liver” transaminases, acute pancreatitis, usually with impaired liver function and toxic effects on the liver. The clinical picture of liver damage appears after 1-6 days. In cases of severe poisoning, severe liver failure may occur, including hepatic encephalopathy, coma and death. Acute renal failure with acute tubular necrosis, which is diagnosed by severe pain in the lumbar region, hematuria and proteinuria, can develop without severe impairment of liver function. There are reports of cases of cardiac arrhythmia and pancreatitis with an overdose of paracetamol.

Taking 5 g or more of paracetamol may cause liver damage in patients with the following risk factors:

- long-term treatment with carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone, rifampicin, St. John's wort preparations, or other drugs that stimulate liver enzymes;

- regular consumption of alcohol in excess quantities;

- glutathione deficiency (due to malnutrition, cystic fibrosis, HIV infection, starvation, exhaustion).

At the first signs of an overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor, even in the absence of clear symptoms of poisoning. In the early period, symptoms may be limited only to nausea and vomiting and may not reflect the severity of the overdose or the risk of damage to internal organs.


During the first hours after an expected overdose, it is advisable to administer activated carbon orally. 4 or more hours after the suspected overdose, it is necessary to determine the concentration of paracetamol in plasma (earlier determination of paracetamol concentration may be unreliable). Treatment with acetylcysteine ​​can be carried out up to 24 hours after taking paracetamol, however, the maximum hepatoprotective effect can be obtained in the first 8 hours after an overdose. After this, the effectiveness of the antidote drops sharply. If necessary, acetylcysteine ​​can be administered intravenously. In the absence of vomiting, an alternative option (if it is not possible to quickly obtain hospital care) is to prescribe methionine orally. Treatment of patients with severe liver dysfunction 24 hours after taking paracetamol should be carried out in conjunction with specialists from a poison control center or specialized liver disease department.

Ascorbic acid


When using 1000 mg or more ascorbic acid, headache, increased excitability of the central nervous system, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperacid gastritis, damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, inhibition of the function of the insular apparatus of the pancreas (hyperglycemia, glycosuria), hyperoxaluria, nephrolithiasis (from calcium oxalate), damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys, decreased capillary permeability (possible deterioration of tissue trophism, increased blood pressure, hypercoagulation, development of microangiopathies).

High doses of ascorbic acid (more than 3000 mg) can cause temporary osmotic diarrhea and gastrointestinal disturbances, such as nausea and stomach discomfort. It should be borne in mind that the appearance of clinically significant symptoms of overdose is always associated with severe liver damage due to an overdose of paracetamol.


Symptomatic, forced diuresis.



Symptoms of a phenylephrine overdose are similar to those of side effects. Additionally: irritability, headache, dizziness, insomnia, increased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, increased excitability, reflex bradycardia. In severe cases of overdose, hallucinations, confusion, convulsions, and arrhythmias may develop. It should be borne in mind that the appearance of clinically significant symptoms of phenylephrine overdose when taking the drug is always associated with severe liver damage due to an overdose of paracetamol.


Symptomatic therapy, for severe arterial hypertension, the use of alpha-blockers such as phentolamine.



Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Influnet are not provided.

Side effects of Influnet

When used in recommended doses and duration, the drug is well tolerated, side effects are extremely rare.

From the cardiovascular and circulatory systems: agranulocytosis (absence or marked decrease in granulocytes in the peripheral blood), thrombocytopenia (decrease in the number of platelets), thrombocytosis (increase in the number of platelets), hyperprothrombinemia (increase in prothrombin in the blood plasma), erythropenia (decrease in the number of red blood cells) , neutrophilic leukocytosis (increased number of leukocytes), anemia (decreased hemoglobin); increased blood pressure, bradycardia, arrhythmia, angina pectoris.

From the nervous system and sensory organs: headache, agitation, irritability, anxiety, weakness, dizziness, respiratory depression, tremor (shaking).

From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea).

Metabolic disorders: metabolic disorders, inhibition of glycogen synthesis, excessive formation of corticosteroids, sodium and water retention, hypokalemia (decreased potassium content in the blood plasma).

From the genitourinary system: increased or decreased diuresis, damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys, formation of oxalate urinary stones.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, hyperemia (redness) of the skin.

special instructions

The duration of use of the drug without consulting a doctor should not exceed 3 days.

Distorts the results of laboratory tests assessing the concentration of glucose and uric acid in plasma.

Persons prone to drinking ethanol should consult a doctor before starting treatment with the drug, since paracetamol can have a damaging effect on the liver.


Symptoms (overdose is mainly caused by paracetamol): pallor of the skin, anorexia (lack of appetite), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, increased activity of liver transaminases, increased prothrombin time, hepatonecrosis, arrhythmia, ventricular tachycardia, increased blood pressure.

Treatment: at the prehospital stage - gastric lavage, taking activated charcoal.

Symptomatic therapy: The antidote for paracetamol is acetylcysteine.

In case of overdose, the patient should consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

If it is necessary to take it together with other medications, you should consult your doctor.

Stimulators of microsomal oxidation in the liver (phenytoin, ethanol, barbiturates, rifampicin, phenylbutazone, tricyclic antidepressants) increase the production of hydroxylated active metabolites of paracetamol, which makes it possible to develop severe intoxications with small overdoses.

Paracetamol enhances the effects of MAO inhibitors, sedatives, ethanol.

Antidepressants, antiparkinsonian, antipsychotic drugs, phenothiazine derivatives increase the risk of urinary retention, dry mouth, and constipation.

Glucocorticosteroid drugs increase the risk of developing glaucoma. Phenylephrine reduces the hypotensive effect of guanethidine. Guanethidine enhances the alpha-adrenergic stimulating effect, and tricyclic antidepressants enhance the sympathomimetic effects of phenylephrine.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: 2 years.

Vacation conditions

Over the counter

INFLUNET (powder)

What a package, interesting triangular shape, and bright, delicious cranberries.
Easy to open. Inside there are 10 sachets + instructions for using this drug. So, this is a drug in the form of a powder for preparing a solution based on paracetamol, which has an antipyretic and analgesic effect. But here it is present in a much lower dosage (350 mg), which I already saw at home than in the same Coldrex (750 mg). Ascorbic acid (and vitamin C itself) - it turned out to be just 5 times more of it here than in Coldrex . Accordingly, the drug activates the body’s immune forces with greater force and enables the body to fight the disease itself. We give it a + for this.

There is also succinic acid, which normalizes metabolism in the body, helps strengthen the immune system and accelerates recovery processes, and also has an antiviral effect.

Rutoside trihydrate - to relieve pain, swelling and inflammation

Well, the phenylephrine contained in Influnet, just like any antihistamine, will reduce swelling and constrict blood vessels in the nose, which helps relieve congestion. In general, Influnet is not particularly different in composition from other anti-cold medications, only with a difference in dosage.

The method of application was also not original. Recommended to be taken after meals. We dilute the contents of the bag in a glass of boiled water, stir and drink until it has cooled) The result is a solution of a cloudy light lemon color, the taste is generally pleasant, sour, but there is no hint of cranberries, not in taste, not in smell, and certainly not in color. noticed (The instructions say that the duration of use of this drug should not exceed 3 days. Daily intake is no more than 4 sachets.

In the evening, after taking Influnet for the first time, I noticed that the effect of the drug began only after waiting for half an hour. The unpleasant symptoms of the cold gradually began to decrease, my head stopped spinning, my nose began to breathe a little, and even the aches in my body seemed to disappear. The condition could hardly be called healthy or even normal, but it was quite possible to already exist.

When I woke up, I noted that my head did not hurt or feel dizzy, but my nose was not breathing, and the soreness in my throat still remained.

After drinking the healing drink again after breakfast, it was noted that after half an hour I felt better, even my nose began to breathe. One more appointment for the night. And the next morning - a complete improvement in well-being - the disease was suppressed at the initial stage. The drug Influnet coped with this with a bang! In general, the unpleasant cold symptoms (though in my case there was no increase in temperature) disappeared after 3 doses of Influnet. In general, I try not to abuse such drugs. But sometimes you simply can’t do without it, in cases where you absolutely need to overcome a cold in a short time and not let the disease spread. Influnet coped with this task, so I will still recommend this drug for use, but my case was not very advanced; I can’t say how it will behave with more severe symptoms, but judging by its composition, it is still rather weak compared to its analogues . Influnet's price, as they say, is more than affordable - 220 rubles for a package of 10 sachets, i.e. 22 rubles - 1 sachet.

Side effects may occur in the form of weakness and dizziness (I have not noticed anything like this). Therefore, as a means of quick response at the first signs of illness, you can have it in your first aid kit.

Be healthy!

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