What is brewer's yeast in tablets for and how to take it correctly

Brewer's yeast: composition

Brewer's yeast tablets contain many vitamins.

In general, brewer's yeast is a plant unicellular organism. They belong to the class of mushrooms and contain many useful enzymes and some other components.

These organisms are able to accelerate the processes of fermentation and oxidation of carbohydrates (and other organic compounds). Substances that are present in almost complete composition in these mushrooms:

  1. Amino acids;
  2. Natural protein;
  3. Vitamins D, H, PP, E, B;
  4. Minerals (zinc, iron, manganese, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium).

It is precisely because of their extraordinary and useful composition that these supplements are often used in medical practice as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. This medicine can increase performance, improve tone and general well-being, increase resistance to various diseases, and increase resistance to stress.

Today there are enough products in which brewer's yeast is the main active ingredient. But for additional components in such products they often use: succinic acid, magnesium, zinc. Depending on a person’s problem, it is customary to choose the right dietary supplement accordingly.

What are pharmacy bottles made of?

Yeast is essentially a living, single-celled fungal organism. This product is obtained by growing by fermenting beer wort from malt with hops. After mixing the necessary components, the fermentation process begins, during which fermentation occurs. It is in this way that a mixture of natural ingredients becomes a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

During the production of dry yeast, its cell membrane is destroyed. Thanks to this, the human body is able to fully absorb them.

Brewer's yeast: benefits

Brewer's yeast improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Brewer's yeast is so beneficial for the body that its role is simply invaluable for the human body.

This is what these supplements are ready to give us: improving overall functioning, removing toxins, maintaining the normal functioning of the pancreas, and restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • They improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increase appetite, improve food absorption and digestion processes, normalize metabolic processes (protein, fat, carbohydrates), and maintain the acid-base balance of biofluids.
  • Brewer's yeast is a means of replenishing vitamin B.
  • Benefits for the cardiovascular system and nervous system: help in dealing with physical and emotional stress.
  • For the skin: the condition of the skin improves, especially if the skin is problematic (oily with enlarged pores, acne, pimples).
  • For hair: hair condition improves, roots become stronger, dandruff disappears. It is possible to use brewer's yeast as masks, but one drawback will be noted here. It's all about the smell that comes from the drug and it won't be so easy to wash it off.
  • Benefits for the immune system: can strengthen the immune system, exhibit antioxidant properties in a high percentage, prevent early aging, preventive against liver cancer.

Frequent intake of brewer's yeast can be indicated for both weight gain and weight loss, and depending on the case, each dose may differ.


Maria, 25 years old: I have problem skin, and with the onset of spring I am faced with the problem of acne and rashes, which are very difficult to get rid of. A friend advised me to try brewer’s yeast for the face, and within a week the first results appeared. The condition of the facial skin improved significantly, and after a month's course, acne completely disappeared.

Anna, 30 years old: I took brewer’s yeast for a month as a preventative measure. As a result, the whole body became healthier, nails and hair became stronger, the condition of the facial skin improved significantly, and I lost 2 kg of excess weight.

Valeria, 28 years old: Due to frequent dyeing and the use of stylers for styling, the condition of the hair has sharply deteriorated. I decided to take a course of taking brewer’s yeast, and at the same time I also made cosmetic masks with the addition of this dietary supplement. Within a month, the condition of the strands improved and combing became easier.

Enriched brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast with additives is even more beneficial for the body.

Enriched brewer's yeast also contains some additional component. In the pharmacy you can find such supplements with selenium, zinc, magnesium, and succinic acid.

  • If it contains succinic acid: it increases muscle elasticity (this is very useful for athletes and people with increased physical activity).
  • If it contains magnesium, the benefit will be its participation in protein synthesis and in maintaining energy reserves.
  • If it contains zinc, the supplement will solve problems that may occur as a result of zinc deficiency (high cholesterol, prostate diseases, decreased sexual activity, infertility, skin problems, problems with nails and hair). If you take brewer's yeast at the same time as iron, this will be the best treatment for anemia.
  • If brewer's yeast contains selenium, then the drug can be used as a prophylactic against premature aging.
  • If it contains calcium, the drug can be used to strengthen teeth, hair, and nails.
  • If the composition contains potassium, then there will be benefits for the nervous system (recovery), increased muscle tone.
  • Sulfur in the dietary supplement will bring elasticity to the skin and will be an excellent means of preventing aging.

The iodine in brewer's yeast will restore normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

What are they for?

The instructions for brewer's yeast say that they can be used as an additional source of B vitamins. Let's try to figure out what these tablets help with:

  • For hypovitaminosis (B vitamins).
  • For angular stomatitis.
  • From furunculosis and juvenile acne.
  • For dermatoses of neurological origin.
  • For eczema.
  • From dysbacteriosis.

In addition, such tablets can be used to improve general well-being, stabilize performance and normalize the functions of the nervous system. Brewer's yeast has a much wider range of indications than indicated in the instructions, as it affects the body comprehensively, at all levels.

With zinc

Brewer's yeast tablets can be additionally enriched with various nutrients, including zinc. Such a supplement can be very useful for both men and women, because zinc:

  • Extremely important for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. It increases sperm activity, reduces the risk of developing prostatitis and prostate adenoma, and stabilizes testosterone synthesis. In women, this component reduces the risk of miscarriage and ensures a normal pregnancy.
  • Important for the health and beauty of nails, hair and skin (especially for acne).
  • Necessary for the full functioning of the immune system.
  • Helps stabilize the functions of the nervous system, improves memory, attention and mood (especially in combination with B vitamins).
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels.
  • Has an antioxidant effect.
  • Takes part in hematopoiesis.

Brewer's yeast with zinc can be used for preventive purposes, as well as for the correction of various pathological conditions associated with a deficiency of this element.

Benefits of vitamins

According to research, brewer's yeast in tablets can:

  • Stimulate metabolism.
  • Normalize the activity of the nervous system, in particular, improve sleep, eliminate the effects of stress and depression, and increase mental activity.
  • Increase the supply of oxygen to all tissues.
  • Activate the synthesis of digestive juices.
  • Normalize absorption processes in the intestines (improve the absorption of nutrients).
  • Increase your appetite.
  • Stabilize intestinal motility and normalize the composition of intestinal microflora.
  • Improve blood formation.
  • Remove toxins, radionuclides, so-called “bad” cholesterol and other dangerous substances.
  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Restore functionality.
  • Cleanse the skin, strengthen the nail plates and stimulate hair growth.
  • Accelerate healing processes, etc.

Brewer's yeast has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, and also helps eliminate or prevent many health problems.

Possible harm

Brewer's yeast can actually cause more harm to health than good in some situations. In particular, such a product can be dangerous if consumed in excess; in addition, it is contraindicated if:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Celiac disease (intolerance to certain grains, in particular wheat).
  • Gout.
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Some gastrointestinal ailments (gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcerative lesions).
  • Candidal dysbacteriosis.
  • Leber's disease (hereditary optic atrophy).

Among other things, doctors warn against combining such a drug with the medication Levodopa (its effect is neutralized by vitamin B6). Also, brewer's yeast is usually not recommended for pregnant and lactating women - they are advised to give preference to specially developed vitamin complexes.

Some contraindications to the use of brewer's yeast are relative. If you have any health problems, it would be a good idea to discuss the advisability of taking such a medication with your doctor.

Will it help with psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic dermatological disease characterized by abnormally rapid growth of skin cells, accompanied by the formation of psoriatic lesions on the body. Some doctors recommend taking brewer's yeast for this disease, in particular for:

  • Activation of metabolic processes.
  • Accelerates body cleansing.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the nervous system (under the background of stress, psoriasis usually worsens).
  • Improves the condition of the skin in general.

Usually, for psoriasis, brewer's yeast is recommended to be taken in a standard dosage. But it is better to discuss the advisability of such treatment with your doctor.

Brewer's yeast: indications for use

If you have diabetes, you can use brewer's yeast as a dietary supplement.

Among the indications for the use of brewer's yeast as a biological additive, it is worth noting the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Problematic and oily skin;
  2. Neuralgia;
  3. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  4. Intense stress (mental, physical);
  5. Hair fragility, dry hair and nails;
  6. Metabolic disease;
  7. Radiation and exposure to chemicals;
  8. Anemia;
  9. Psoriasis, eczema;
  10. Dermatoses;
  11. Furunculosis;
  12. Gastrointestinal diseases;
  13. Obesity;
  14. Poor nutrition;
  15. The presence of cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  16. Prevention of hypovitaminosis-B;
  17. Recovery period for weight gain and replenishment of vitamin deficiencies;
  18. Diabetes.

Brewer's yeast: the right method

Brewer's yeast is often taken in special courses of one to two months. During the year, no more than 3 appointments are prescribed with mandatory observance of intermediate periods (from 2 to 3 months).

Children over 12 years of age and adults are prescribed this food supplement, one tablet 3 times a day. Be sure to take one hour after meals. Large dosages should always be agreed with your doctor. If the dose is prescribed to a child under 12 years old: children 3-7 years old are prescribed 0.25 grams once a day, from 7 years old - 0.5 grams twice a day.

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