Review of the 17 best ointments for hemorrhoids: advantages, applications and prices

Hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease, manifested by pain in the sphincter, burning, bleeding, prolapse of the hemorrhoid, as well as itching in a delicate area. Under no circumstances should this disease be neglected, and a comprehensive approach to treatment is necessary:

  • local (ointments, suppositories);
  • internal (taking medications).

For particularly severe or advanced types of hemorrhoids, surgical intervention is practiced. Many people with such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids try to avoid surgery. Pharmacological companies produce various forms of medications for hemorrhoids. The most common and effective remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids is ointment.

What is ointment?

Ointment is a liquid form of a medicine, the purpose of which is external and internal use. Basically, it is applied to any bruises, mucous membranes or wounds (not open), to alleviate pain or completely get rid of an abscess. The ointment contains an active substance, but is usually based on fat, lanolin or petroleum jelly.

This form of the drug is not intended for use on an open (wet) wound surface. Apply the product directly to dry skin or a clean wound.

The substances that make up the ointment are distributed equally throughout the base. Ways of their influence on the problem area of ​​the skin:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • vasoconstrictor effect;
  • hemostatic effect (venotonic or hemostatic).

At the slightest suspicion of hemorrhoids (if there is discomfort in the sphincter area), it is recommended to visit a specialist for examination, otherwise there may be complications

Some ointments contain active (fast-acting) substances that help reduce blood clotting; this plays an important role if the patient has acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids. Such a remedy will help dissolve the blood clot, and the painkillers, in turn, will relieve discomfort (pain). Therefore, multicomponent ointments have found widespread use.


Levomekol is a combined drug for external use. Among its properties are anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and restorative. Often, exacerbations of hemorrhoids are accompanied by some kind of infection (since the intestines contain various microbes that can penetrate inflamed hemorrhoids, as well as injured tissues, during the process of defecation).

As a result, an infectious process develops, a complication of which can be purulent inflammation. The components contained in the ointment clean the damaged surface, and also accelerate the process of its healing and restoration of the mucous membrane.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ointments

Ointment for hemorrhoids is quite easy to use, both externally and internally. It is good for the fairly rapid and deep penetration of substances that act locally on the affected area, thereby alleviating or completely relieving pain in a delicate area. For external hemorrhoids, the ointment cannot be replaced with any type of rectal suppository. The only drawback is that it is not completely absorbed when applied to the problem area of ​​the skin due to the fatty components.

Nevertheless, ointments are quite often prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women, women after childbirth and children with a tendency to allergies.

Important! The ointment, like rectal suppositories, cannot be used to replace another method of treatment. These remedies help improve the effectiveness of hemorrhoid treatment and will also help relieve pain.


Ointment for hemorrhoids "Aurobin" is a combination preparation based on corticosteroids - hormones of the adrenal cortex, which are distinguished by their immunosuppressive effect. Thanks to this, the drug has its antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect.

It also contains lidocaine, which has a local analgesic (pain-relieving) effect and relieves itching and burning sensation in the perineal area. Triclosan, which is part of Aurobin, is a broad-spectrum antiseptic and protects the affected perianal area from fungi and bacteria, and dexpanthenol promotes the regeneration of the affected epithelium and mucous membrane of the rectum. The components of the drug effectively complement each other, which helps to successfully combat the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids.

It is worth noting that the drug has a number of contraindications, including:

  • age up to 1 year;
  • taking lidocaine for other purposes (excessive concentration in the body is fraught with bradycardia);
  • skin infections (in this case, corticosteroids are not used);
  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

It is important! Due to the corticosteroids contained in Aurobin, long-term use of the drug by children of any age is prohibited due to the possibility of adrenal insufficiency.

Mode of application

In the initial stages of external hemorrhoids, the nodes are located on the surface - under the skin around the sphincter. If this disease is not treated in time, hemorrhoids can fall out of the anus (some of them cannot be set back). It is in such cases that ointments for hemorrhoids will be the best help.

After bowel movements, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures. Use dry wipes; ointment or gel should not be used on wet skin.

Before applying the gel, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures for the anus without using soap, and then wipe the area with a dry cloth (since the ointment is applied to a dry surface). The product should be applied around the anorectal area (outside), as well as inside the anal canal (for convenience, the tubes are equipped with the necessary attachments for rectal insertion).

You should be especially careful when using ointments containing hormonal components. You should consult your healthcare provider to determine how much to apply to the affected area or hemorrhoid. Stopping the use of the drug occurs gradually.

The standard course of treatment does not exceed 5-7 days, treatment with heparin ointment lasts about 2 weeks.

At the moment, the choice of ointments for hemorrhoids is very large, and it is not recommended to choose them yourself. Sometimes applying the gel to the sphincter can cause side effects, often due to the individual characteristics of the body (for example, intolerance to any component in the composition); if they occur, you should immediately consult with your doctor. Only a specialist will be able to make the necessary adjustments in the treatment of hemorrhoids, and on your own you can aggravate an already difficult situation.


Includes sodium heparin, which has an antithrombotic effect and the ability to relieve swelling and pain. The regenerative properties of the drug are ensured thanks to allontoin, a component that stimulates tissue healing and increases cellular metabolism. Prednisolone acetate allows you to treat inflammation, has an antiallergic effect, and reduces the release of fluid during inflammation (exudate).

Apply Hepatrombin to previously cleansed skin in a thin layer with light massaging movements. The course of therapy is from 7 to 10 days. It is prohibited to use the drug in patients who are allergic to the components of the product, in case of bleeding or during infection of wounds. The ointment is contraindicated for children under 5 years of age.

Inexpensive and effective ointments for hemorrhoids


The ointment is intended for complex treatment in conjunction with rectal suppositories of exactly the same name. It has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, healing and drying effect. The product is made without hormonal components.

Directions for use: after completing hygiene procedures (recommended after defecation), apply a small layer around the sphincter 2 times a day. If it is necessary to introduce the ointment into the rectum (no more than 1-2 times a day), you can use the applicator located inside the package. After the acute pain or itching around the sphincter disappears, it is recommended to use the product for another 8-10 days. The cost of the drug is approximately 300 rubles.

Using ointments without a doctor’s advice can lead to complications, so self-medication for hemorrhoids is highly undesirable


An effective and inexpensive product. The combination ointment contains lidocaine (anesthetic), prednisolone (hormone) and dexpanthenosis (promoting speedy healing). These three components are quite a powerful remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but regular use, especially for chronic hemorrhoids, is not recommended, because contains hormones.

The cost of the drug is approximately 270 rubles.


One of the best remedies in the fight against this disease. The gel, which also contains lidocaine, accordingly, has an analgesic (local) effect. Ideal for treating the rectum with any infection or inflammation. It is not recommended to use this gel without the advice of a doctor due to the hormones it contains. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks with the introduction of the gel into the anus 3 times a day using a special device (extension).

Important! Gels are a fairly promising form of medicine, due to the fact that the pH of the gel is similar to the pH of human skin, like a cream, which allows the drug to be distributed and absorbed evenly, without any consequences for the skin. However, the price of the medicine is much higher than conventional ointments.

The cost of the drug is approximately 1,700 rubles.


An effective and inexpensive ointment that contains hydrocortisone. Hydrocortisone is a hormone that helps relieve itching in the anus and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Also contains:

  • Framycetin – has a bactericidal effect;
  • heparin – helps prevent the development of complications and thrombosis;
  • esculoside – increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, increases the resistance of capillaries;
  • Ethyl aminobenzoate and butyl aminobenzoate are local anesthetics.

The cost of the drug is approximately 320 rubles.


A good product that does not contain hormones. It contains the following components:

  • shark liver oil – wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating component;
  • Phenylephrine hydrochloride is a vasoconstrictor.

Indications for use: about 4 times a day (after each bowel movement and hygiene procedures, as well as in the morning and evening). A topical drug that reduces swelling and reduces the lumen of blood vessels. Relieves itching in the anus, has a calming effect on inflammation and diseases around the sphincter. It is not recommended for people with increased blood clotting; we must not forget about individual intolerance to the components of the drug, so you should not use the product without the prescription and recommendations of the attending physician.

The cost of the drug is approximately 330 rubles.

If you need to administer the drug rectally, use special applicators; they should be inside the packaging of ointments for hemorrhoids

Relief Advance

An excellent and inexpensive remedy for hemorrhoids. It has an analgesic effect due to the presence of an anesthetic component in the composition. Indications for use: the ointment is used strictly after hygiene measures, on dry skin. Frequency of application – up to 4 times a day from morning to evening (ideally after each bowel movement and hygiene procedures). The ointment is carefully applied using an applicator to problem areas of the skin outside or inside the anus. Due to individual intolerance, it is not recommended to use it without a specialist’s prescription; an allergic reaction to the anesthetic components in the composition is possible.

The cost of the drug is approximately 400 rubles.

Gepatrombin G

A good ointment containing anticoagulants that can prevent the formation of hemorrhoidal blood clots. The ointment is especially effective when used in conjunction with other drugs in the acute stage of the disease with the formation of thrombosis of hemorrhoids. One of the components in the product is prednisolone, it will help relieve inflammation around the sphincter skin, reduce swelling, and also act as a local anesthetic (relieve pain in the problem area of ​​the skin). It is not recommended for use by pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as people with any skin lesions (fungus, virus). Individual intolerance to the components of the drug may occur.

The cost of the drug is approximately 220 rubles.


Troxevasin ointment relieves the symptoms of hemorrhoids. In addition, it is a local anesthetic, astringent and anti-inflammatory agent. The drug combines troxerutin and magnesium stearate and is used externally:

  • to relieve burning, itching around the anus;
  • with inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • anal thrombophlebitis;
  • inflammation of the rectum.

A local drug as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant. Troxerutin has a protective effect on veins, reduces the permeability of capillary walls, reduces swelling and exudation.

The gel should not be used if you have an individual intolerance to active substances or fillers, or an allergy to troxerutin. Like all medicines, Troxevasin ointment can cause side effects, such as hypersensitivity reactions and local skin irritation. Skin reactions may occur - rash, redness. However, the expected benefits are greater than the harm associated with the occurrence of undesirable effects.

Information on how to use the drug is in the instructions. The ointment is applied with uniform and gentle massage movements in a thin layer (approximately 2.5 g or half a teaspoon) twice a day (morning and evening) until completely absorbed. It is advisable to reapply to the affected area of ​​skin after defecation.


The ointment is based on bismuth subgallate and titanium dioxide. Proctosan promotes the healing of cracks, has a local astringent effect and dries out weeping in the anal area. The analgesic function is assigned to lidocaine, and bufexamak relieves inflammation. The ointment is indicated for use for hemorrhoids of any location; for ease of administration, an applicator is provided. The cost of the ointment is 250–300 rubles.

Need for movement

Everyone knows the saying that movement is life, but only a few follow it. Few people can force themselves to exercise regularly, but reasonable physical activity eliminates the second of the factors leading to hemorrhoids - stagnation of blood in the veins of the small pelvis.

It is believed that the most beneficial types of physical activity are gymnastics, walking, exercise on an exercise bike, and swimming, but exercises involving weight lifting, on the contrary, will lead to exacerbation or development of hemorrhoids. It is better to cross out weightlifting from the list of suitable sports that can cure hemorrhoids without medication.

For people who want to treat the manifestations of the disease by changing the motor mode, even special gymnastics have been developed. List of the simplest exercises against hemorrhoids:

• Alternating tension and relaxation of the gluteal muscles in a standing position with crossed legs.

• Alternate contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles while sitting on a hard chair with the torso slightly tilted forward.

• A whole list of exercises called “Kegel exercises” has been developed for women. More often they are prescribed for gynecological problems, after childbirth, but are no less effective for training the muscles of the anus for hemorrhoids.

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