Review of 10 ointments for psoriasis - treatment duration, price, results

Doctors recommend ointments to treat psoriasis . They are divided according to the active substance:

  1. topical corticosteroids (glucocorticoids);
  2. zinc pyrithione;
  3. vitamin D3 analogues (calcipotriol);
  4. natural substances.

Corticosteroid ointments give the best results , but they have the most side effects and are addictive.

Let's look at each group and which ointments are effective.

Ointments with the active ingredient – ​​glucocorticoid

Let's consider the first group of ointments - they are the most effective, but also the most unsafe (in terms of the number of side effects).

Glucocorticoids are hormones that are produced in the body by the adrenal cortex. They have been used as medicines since the 40s of the last century.

Natural or artificially synthesized substances, they are widely used in medicine . Glucocorticoids have immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, and antiallergic effects.

Topical steroids can cause addiction and unpleasant side effects, so they should be used strictly according to the instructions and under the supervision of a doctor.

1.1. Ointment and cream "Dermovate"

The drug Dermovate contains a strong glucocorticoid. Be careful when treating psoriasis with this ointment.

Ointment "Dermovate"

Active substance

Clobetasol propionate

Indications for use

Psoriasis (except extensive vulgar and pustular), age from 1 year.


Use with caution during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Duration of therapy

The course is individual, but no more than 4 weeks. If there is no improvement during this period, reconsider therapy.

Mode of application

Apply a thin layer of cream and ointment to areas affected by psoriasis 1-2 times a day.

Reviews of Dermovate

Reviews speak of effectiveness, and an addictive effect is also noted. The disease returns as soon as the use of the ointment is stopped:

Review from user Anastasiya about Dermovate ointment

Medical research

Professor of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, A.N. Khlebnikova published a paper on the results of treatment with Dermovate ointment:

After 2 weeks treatment with clobetasol propionate cream, there was a regression of skin rashes by 75% in 42.9% of patients, while in the group of patients who used externally chalcinonide cream (class II), this effect occurred only in 15.8% (p < 0.001). After 2 weeks after completion of treatment, relapse was observed in 62.9% of patients treated with chalcinonide, and only in 3.2% of patients treated with clobetasol propionate.

Dermovate ointment gives results in the treatment of psoriasis, according to a study by A.N. Khlebnikova.


Glaxo Operations UK Limited (UK)

Side effects

  • atrophy on the face - thinning of the skin and dilation of blood vessels, warts;
  • pustular form of psoriasis (rare).


The average price in Moscow is 430 rubles. for 25 years


Medical studies have shown that Dermovate gives results in 42.9% of cases. Reviews on the forums are positive, but the harm of hormones is also noticeable: as soon as the patient stops using the ointment, psoriasis returns.

1.2. Ointment and cream "Cloveit"

The drug Cloveit gives results, but there is a risk of side effects if used incorrectly.

Cloveit ointment

Active substance

Clobetasol propionate.

Indications for use

Advanced forms of psoriasis (from 12 years of age).


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Duration of therapy

Individually, but no more than 2 weeks. If there is no result, reconsider the treatment and diagnosis. If further treatment is needed, use drugs with lower strength glucocorticoids.

Mode of application

Rub a small amount of ointment into the affected areas 1-2 times a day. Wash hands after use.

Reviews of Cloveit

There are few reviews. Those who have tried the ointment talk about the possible consequences:

Review from user Guest_Sergey about Cloveit ointment

Review from user Rokfeller about Cloveit ointment

Medical research

Research on the drug Cloveit was carried out by Russian scientists in Saratov.

Clobetasol propionate (“Cloveit” ointment for external use, Jelfa) is a powerful and very effective topical agent, the use of which in a short course in patients with moderate psoriasis in the stage of progression of dermatosis allows to stabilize the process on the skin and reduce the duration of exacerbation of the disease. The use of clobetasol propionate in a short course during the progression of severe forms of psoriasis is very safe and is not accompanied by subclinical signs of an increase in atrophic phenomena in the skin.

As we can see, the study shows the effectiveness of the drug. It should be used carefully, in a short course.


Elfa Pharmaceutical Plant (Poland)

Side effects

  • acne, steroid purpura;
  • inhibition of epidermal growth, subcutaneous tissue atrophy;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • hypo- or hyperpigmentation of the skin;
  • dry skin, hypertrichosis or baldness;
  • inflammation of hair follicles, atrophic stripes, secondary infection.


The average price in Moscow is 300 rubles. for 25 years


The use of Cloveit cream gives results when applied in a short course under the strict supervision of a doctor. People's reviews are not enough to evaluate. In any case, this drug cannot be used independently, without a doctor’s prescription.

1.3. Cream "Powercourt"

Powercourt cream should be used with caution, like all hormonal ointments for psoriasis.

Cream "Powercourt"

Active substance

Clobetasol propionate.

Indications for use

Psoriasis (except pustular and vulgar), from the age of 1 year.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • with caution for pregnant and lactating women.

Duration of therapy

No more than 4 weeks

Mode of application

Apply 1-2 times a day in a thin layer to areas affected by psoriasis.

Reviews about Powercourt

Reviews about glucocorticosteroids in general:

Stator user review on glucocorticoids

Medical research

Recommendation for the use of the drug by Professor Elena Vladimirovna Matushevskaya (FSBEI DPO “Institute for Advanced Training of the FMBA of Russia”):

On the domestic pharmaceutical market, clobetasol is represented by topical cream Powercourt (0.05%). This is a strong and effective fluorinated glucocorticosteroid that should be used for 5-10 days until the severity of the process resolves.

According to the recommendations of doctors, drugs with glucocorticoids (including Powercourt ointment) should be used for a short course.


Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (India)

Side effects

  • exacerbation of psoriasis symptoms;
  • acne, steroid purpura;
  • inhibition of epidermal growth, subcutaneous tissue atrophy;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • hypo- or hyperpigmentation of the skin;
  • dry skin, hypertrichosis or baldness;
  • inflammation of hair follicles, atrophic stripes, secondary infection.


The average price in Moscow is 320 rubles. for 15 years


Doctors recommend using the drug with caution, because it belongs to the group of topical steroids. These medications can be addictive.

1.4. Ointment "Afloderm"

Afloderm ointment has many contraindications and can cause burns. See your doctor before using the drug.

Ointment "Afloderm"

Active substance

Alclomethasone dipropionate

Indications for use

Psoriasis, including in children from 6 months.


  • hypersensitivity to alklometasone or any of the auxiliary components of the drug;
  • lupus;
  • viral skin infections;
  • skin manifestations of syphilis;
  • chicken pox;
  • open wounds, trophic ulcers;
  • skin post-vaccination reactions;
  • children's age (up to 6 months).

Duration of therapy

Individually, no more than 3 weeks.

Mode of application

Apply 2-3 times a day, in a thin layer.

Reviews about Afloderma

Reviews are not enough for rating. The drug causes concern, and many do not even try it, because... it is hormonal and can be addictive.

Review from user Igor 123 about Afloderm ointment

Continuation of the review from user Igor 123 about Afloderm ointment

Medical research

The Medi medical portal published instructions for the drug, which contain the results of a study of Afloderm ointment:

At the clinic of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, a study was conducted of the effectiveness and safety of the drug aclomethasone dipropionate in 30 children with atopic dermatitis aged 6 months to 3 years. All observed patients showed a pronounced clinical effect on the therapy. The SCORAD index, which takes into account the prevalence of the skin process, the intensity of clinical manifestations and subjective symptoms, such as itching and sleep disturbances, decreased during treatment from 61 to 5 points. No undesirable local or systemic events were identified in any child, either during treatment with Afloderm or during subsequent follow-up.

Based on the results of this study, we see that the drug gives results in the treatment of children. However, keep in mind that this study relates to atopic dermatitis. Use the drug with caution, only under the supervision of a physician.


BELUPO dd (Republic of Croatia)

Side effects

  • itching, burning, erythema;
  • dry skin, irritation, papular rash;
  • acneiform rash, hypopigmentation;
  • perioral dermatitis, dermatitis;
  • secondary infection, skin atrophy, stretch marks, prickly heat.


The average price in Moscow is 380 rubles. for 20 years


The drug has a weak and moderate effect, due to which it can be used in children from 6 months. Medical studies confirm its effectiveness, but there are not enough reviews to evaluate it.

Causes of psoriasis

Scientists have not yet come to a conclusion about why the disease occurs. In their opinion, there are many reasons for the development of psoriasis, however, the pathology is non-infectious, which means that it is impossible to contract psoriasis from another person. The diagnosis of the disease should be taken seriously, since the first symptoms may not cause any particular concern, but if the disease is not diagnosed at the initial stage, this will complicate the further treatment process and increase the possibility of irreversible complications.

The causes of psoriasis may be:

  • infections;
  • skin injuries;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • metabolic disease;
  • thermal and chemical burns;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • increased skin dryness;
  • avitaminosis;
  • neuroses and stress;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
  • violation of skin care rules;
  • bad habits;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • helminthiases;
  • long-term use of potent drugs;
  • frequent contact with harmful chemicals;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • diabetes.

Ointments with the active ingredient – ​​zinc pyrithione

Let's consider the next group of ointments for psoriasis - with activated zinc pyrithione.

The effect of drugs with activated zinc pyrithione has not been fully studied. According to one theory, zinc pyrithione disrupts the transport of vital substances to the cell. As a result, she dies. This substance also kills streptococci and staphylococci , which can provoke the development of psoriasis.

2.1. Cream "Skin-cap"

Skin-cap series drugs are popular and effective for the treatment of psoriasis, according to reviews and medical studies. However, the disease returns again if you stop taking it.

Cream "Skin-cap"

Active ingredient, composition

Zinc pyrithione

Indications for use

Psoriasis, from 1 year of age.


  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • Pregnant and lactating women - with caution.

Duration of therapy

Treatment takes 1-1.5 months, a repeat course is the same (as prescribed by a doctor).

Mode of application

Shake vigorously and apply a thin layer 2 times a day.

Reviews about Skin-cap

On forums they write about the effectiveness of the ointment, but only during use.

Review from user xrustalnaia about “Skin-cap” ointment

Review from user cakura1 about the drug “Skin-cap”

Review from user ninaola about “Skin-cap” ointment

Review from user Sergio about “Skin-cap” ointment

Medical research

The Federal State Institution “State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology of the Federal Agency for High-Tech Medical Care” conducted a study on the effectiveness of the drug Skin-cap.

The treatment of vulgar psoriasis with Skin-cap (40 patients) was compared with other methods (10 patients).


The use of Skin-cap as an external agent in monotherapy in patients with mild psoriasis vulgaris led to clinical remission of the disease in 83.3% of patients. The use of the drug Skin-cap as part of complex therapy (in combination with PUVA therapy) for patients with severe and moderate psoriasis made it possible to achieve clinical remission in 91% of patients. A higher effectiveness of treatment of patients with severe and moderate severity was established in the group of patients receiving PUVA therapy and Skin-cap preparations compared to patients treated with PUVA therapy and 2% salicylic ointment

From this study we see that the drug gives results in 83.3% of cases. The ointment is more effective in complex treatment, for example, in combination with PUVA therapy.


Side effects

  • allergic reactions.


The average price in Moscow is 800 rubles. for 15 years


The drug is non-hormonal (according to the manufacturer), it gives results, but is not always durable.

Reviews have shown that there is a result, but psoriatic plaques appear again. Medical studies have shown that this ointment gives remission of psoriasis in 83.3% of cases.

2.2. Cream "Psorilom"

Psorilom cream is effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Due to the natural composition there are few side effects.

Cream "Psorilom"

Active ingredient, composition

Zinc pyrithione, herbal extracts and essential oils.

Indications for use

The instructions do not indicate - for patients with psoriasis. However, based on reviews and the active ingredient (zinc pyrithione), we conclude that the cream exfoliates dead skin and softens it.



Duration of therapy


Mode of application

Apply a thin layer to areas affected by psoriasis and leave until the cream is absorbed.

Reviews about psoriloma

Mostly positive:

Feedback from user Romashka about “Psorilom” cream

Review from user Poli089 about the cream “Psorilom”

Medical research

The Scientific Diagnostic Center at Kazan State Medical University conducted a study on the effectiveness of Psorilom cream. 56 patients with vulgar psoriasis took part in it.

The treatment result was rated as excellent by the vast majority of patients - 71.4%, as good - by 22.9% of patients and as satisfactory by 5.7%. No patient indicated no effect.

We see that psoril ointment helps in the treatment of psoriasis. In addition, it is a non-hormonal drug, so side effects are minimal.


Side effects

Not indicated.


The average price in Moscow is 450 rubles. for 75


Psorilom cream, according to patient reviews and medical research, gives results in the treatment of psoriasis.

Symptoms of psoriasis

Psoriasis can affect the skin of any location, joints and nail plates.

This disease can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • possible itching, soreness of the skin;
  • grooves, changes in shape, pinpoint depressions of the nail plate like a “thimble”;
  • clouding and discoloration of the nail to white, yellow or gray;
  • inflammation of the cuticle and periungual fold;
  • separation of the nail plate;
  • hemorrhages under the nail;
  • formation of bumps on the nail plate;
  • bending the edges of the nail plate upward;
  • the nail is thickened and crumbles from the free edge;
  • swelling of the affected area;
  • clearly defined, rounded “salmon” pink areas of the skin;
  • the presence of psoriatic plaques - bright pink and dry formations that rise above the surface of the skin;
  • active peeling of affected skin areas;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages of damaged areas;

If at least one focus of the disease is detected, you should not self-medicate, but contact a specialist for help in selecting the correct therapy.

Ointments with the active ingredient – ​​an analogue of vitamin D3 (calcipotriol and calcitriol)

The next group of ointments for psoriasis are ointments with vitamin D3 analogues, for example, calcitriol and calcipotriol. These drugs also often contain topical corticosteroids . Therefore, carefully read the composition and get detailed recommendations from your doctor before use.

Calcipotriol and calcitriol interact with keratinocytes: it inhibits the processes of their excessive division and restores separation by function. Thus, normal cell division is restored and the manifestations of psoriasis disappear.

3.1. Ointment "Daivobet"

Daivobet ointment gives results in the treatment of psoriasis, but there are many side effects.

Ointment "Daivobet"

Active substance

  • betamethasone dipropionate (topical corticosteroid);
  • calcipotriol monohydrate.

Indications for use

Chronic vulgar (plaque) psoriasis, from 18 years of age.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • psoriatic erythroderma, guttate, exfoliative, pustular psoriasis;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • rosacea and vulgar acne, rosacea;
  • tuberculosis and syphilis (skin manifestations);
  • atrophy, skin ulcers, increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • perianal and genital itching;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • ichthyosis;
  • calcium metabolism disorder;
  • fungal, bacterial, parasitic and viral skin infections;

During pregnancy and lactation - only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus (child).

Duration of therapy

Individually, no more than 4 weeks.

Mode of application

1 time per day, apply a thin layer to the affected areas. Apply no more than 30% of the body.

Reviews about Daivobet

Reviews speak of effectiveness, but only while you are using the drug. Others note that the product does not produce results.

Review from user Natalya Devyatkina about “Daivobet” ointment

Medical research

Specialists of the Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov conducted a study of the effectiveness of the drug Daivobet. Therapy was carried out on 26 patients with a limited form of vulgar psoriasis.

The results showed the effectiveness of the ointment:

An ultrasound of the skin in the affected area before the start of therapy showed thickening of the epidermal layer and the presence of foci of hypoechogenicity in the dermis (edema and infiltration), which differed significantly from the ultrasound picture of the skin of a healthy person. After 2 weeks of therapy with Daivobet, a significant improvement was noted in the skin, and although ultrasound data showed a decrease in the echogenicity of the affected skin areas, treatment was continued. At the next stage of therapy, Daivonex was used, and after 3 weeks, the ultrasound picture of the patients’ skin was practically no different from that of a healthy person, but the epidermis still remained somewhat thickened.

This study showed the effectiveness of Daivobet and Daivonex when used sequentially.


LEO Laboratories Limited (Ireland)

Side effects

  • itching, rash, burning sensation;
  • pain, irritation, rash, dermatitis, erythema, eczema;
  • exacerbation of psoriasis, pigmentation disorders, folliculitis;
  • pustular psoriasis.


The average price in Moscow is 900 rubles. for 15 years


Daivobet ointment is a hormonal remedy for the treatment of psoriasis. The drug is effective, as confirmed by studies and patient reviews. However, it may have an addictive effect.

3.2. Daivonex ointment and cream

Daivonex drugs are effective, but be careful: there are many side effects.

Cream “Davonex”

Active substance


Indications for use

Psoriasis, from the age of 6 years.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • calcium metabolism disorders;
  • caution: with hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, vitamin D hypervitaminosis, nephrolithiasis, acute liver and kidney failure, patients over 65 years of age.

Duration of therapy

Results appear in 1-2 weeks. The entire course takes no more than 1.5-2 months.

Mode of application

Apply a thin layer 1-2 times a day (cream), 2 times a day (ointment).

Children from 6 to 12 years old - 2 times a day.

Reviews of Daivonex

Positive. Those who have tried Daivonex recommend using the drug in combination with other means and methods:

Review from user dinar about “Davonex” cream

Medical research

St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov conducted a study of the drug Daivonex on 30 patients with psoriasis.

All 30 patients completed the study. Two patients noted a slight burning sensation and increased erythema when starting to use Daivonex. These phenomena disappeared after two days, despite continued use of the drug. In other cases, no side effects were observed.

Thus, our clinical study confirmed the high effectiveness of the drugs Daivobet and Daivonex when used as external therapy in patients with vulgar psoriasis (both with widespread and limited lesions).

Scientists noted that Daivonex gives results and does not produce as many side effects as glucocorticoids.


LEO Laboratories Limited (Ireland)

Side effects

  • allergic reactions, urticaria, angioedema;
  • hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria;
  • skin irritation, rash (scaly, erythematous, maculopapular, pustular, bullous), burning sensation, dryness and flaking of the skin, itching, erythema, contact dermatitis;
  • exacerbation of psoriasis, eczema;
  • reversible hyperpigmentation, reversible depigmentation;
  • reversible development of photosensitivity;
  • periorbital edema or facial swelling.


The average price in Moscow is 1030 rubles. for 30 years


Daivonex ointment gives good results in the treatment of psoriasis, both according to reviews and medical studies. It is recommended to use it in combination - together with other drugs or phototherapy.

Skin care cosmetics

  1. Moisturizing. Such products protect the skin from excessive dryness, fight flaking and a feeling of tightness, and restore comfort. For psoriasis, you can use emollients - special pharmaceutical products with a complex effect. They deliver water to the deep layers of the skin, restore the lipid barrier and promote damage healing.
  2. Exfoliating (keratolytics). These products soften plaques and promote healthy skin. The composition may include urea, lactic acid, salicylic acid.

For psoriasis, it is useful to use skincare products containing vitamin D3[4]. This substance helps suppress inflammation and strengthen the skin barrier. Another form, vitamin D2, is synthesized inside the body under the influence of UV rays. The compound also accelerates healing, so experts recommend taking short (no more than 15-20 minutes) sunbathing for psoriasis. Despite the benefits of tanning, you should not ignore products with an SPF filter. They protect sensitive skin from burns, which in psoriasis are no less dangerous than mechanical damage.

Ointments with active ingredients of natural origin

Let's consider another group of ointments for psoriasis - herbal ointments with a natural composition. Such ointments have an anti-inflammatory, restorative, antipruritic effect, and exfoliate dead skin particles. Unlike corticosteroids, they have no side effects (except allergies).

4.1. Ointment "Kartalin"

Kartalin ointment has an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. But the effect for the treatment of psoriasis is small - only 19.4%.

Ointment "Kartalin"

Active substance

  • string, chamomile;
  • vitamin A, vitamin D;
  • lysozyme, bee honey;
  • eucalyptus oil, lavender oil;
  • salicylic acid, grease.

Indications for use

Psoriasis, dermatoses, eczema.


Intolerance to the components of the drug.

Duration of therapy

Results are observed after 1-2 weeks, and the full course lasts 2-4 months.

Mode of application

Apply an even thin layer, without rubbing, to the affected areas 1-2 times a day. Leave the product to absorb for at least 12 hours a day.

Reviews about Kartalina

Reviews on the forums are mostly positive. The downsides are that they are expensive, don’t last long, and get very dirty.

Review from user Niki20 about “Kartalin” ointment

Review from Avale user about Kartalin ointment

Review from user cakura1 about Kartalin ointment

Review from user Dirty about “Kartalin” ointment

Medical research

In the clinic of skin diseases of the Siberian State Medical University, the effect of the drug “Kartalin” on adolescents (40 patients) was studied.

The results showed little effectiveness of the drug:

Thus, upon completion of clinical studies in the group of patients with psoriasis, where the complex of treatment measures included the protective and prophylactic drug “Kartalin”, there was a 19.4% decrease in the clinical and morphological manifestations of the disease in comparison with the same indicators in the group with traditional therapy .

According to the study, the drug provides little effectiveness in the treatment of psoriasis, only 19.4%.


Astropharma (Russia)

Side effects

Allergic reactions.


The average price in Moscow is 700 rubles. for 125 g.


Kartalin ointment is effective in the treatment of psoriasis, according to patient reviews. However, medical studies have shown the result of recovery in 19.4% of cases.

In any case, the ointment has a minimum of side effects due to its natural composition.

4.2. Salicylic ointment

Salicylic ointment is used to treat many skin diseases. Relieves the symptoms of psoriasis, but is not suitable for everyone. It is better to use as an aid.

Salicylic ointment

Active substance

Salicylic acid

Indications for use

The instructions for the ointment indicate - wounds and burns. However, Russian dermatologists recommend using preparations with salicylic acid as an adjuvant.


Hypersensitivity. Cannot be used by children.

Mode of application

In the form of bandages. Apply a thin layer to the affected area and cover with a sterile napkin or gauze.

Reviews of salicylic ointment

Reviews on the forums are contradictory. Basically, they write that this remedy only temporarily relieves the symptoms of psoriasis:

Reviews from Myshka) and Stator users about salicylic ointment

Review from user J-romantica about salicylic ointment

Review from user angel about salicylic ointment

Medical research

The drug is used as an auxiliary, as prescribed by a doctor and does not treat psoriasis separately from other drugs. Therefore, no medical studies were conducted.


Tula pharmaceutical factory (Russia)

Side effects

  • temperature increase;
  • pain in the area of ​​application.


The average price in Moscow is 28 rubles. for 25 years


Salicylic ointment does not treat psoriasis separately from other drugs, only in combination. Reviews and medical recommendations speak about this.

Traditional non-hormonal creams and ointments for the treatment of psoriasis.

Often the choice of patients falls on traditional and folk methods of therapy due to ease of use, accessibility and comparative cheapness.

Advantages of traditional non-hormonal drugs for the treatment of psoriasis:

  • availability;
  • profitable price
  • ease of use.

Disadvantages of traditional non-hormonal drugs for the treatment of psoriasis:

  • the difficulty of selecting a suitable remedy for complex therapy;
  • low effectiveness of drugs;
  • Strong smell;
  • burning sensation;
  • pigmentation of surrounding healthy skin;
  • increased inflammation.

The most common non-hormonal ointments for the treatment of psoriasis are:

  • Keratolytics (salicylic ointment) - cause increased exfoliation of dead cells, thereby accelerating the process of skin cleansing. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • Herbal remedies based on aloe, celandine, sage and other herbs prevent the development of skin infections and have healing and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Moisturizers are used to combat dryness and tight skin.
  • Creams and ointments containing Kartalin, tar, ichthyol, dermatol and naphthalan have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Conclusions about ointments for psoriasis

Ointments are the first-line treatment for psoriasis; doctors recommend them first. Some give results, others are a waste of money.

  1. Corticosteroid ointments include Dermovate, Cloveit, Powercourt, Afloderm. The most effective, according to reviews and medical studies, is Dermovate, and children can use Afloderm. Such drugs should be used only for a short course , with caution and under the supervision of a doctor. They have many side effects, are addictive, and also cause exacerbation of the disease after withdrawal.
  2. Ointments with zinc pyrithione - “Skin-cap” and “Psoril” - give results in 70% of cases. Be careful, they can be addictive.
  3. Ointments with analogues of vitamin D3 - “Davonex” and “Daivobet”. The mechanism of their action is similar, as is the active substance. The drugs give results, but can be addictive.
  4. Natural medicines - Kartalin ointments and salicylic ointment . They help in the treatment of psoriasis and are mainly used as adjuncts. Separately they give a weak result.

Ointments for psoriasis mainly provide a temporary effect. When treating this disease, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and receive comprehensive treatment. Modern medicine offers effective methods for treating psoriasis for this purpose.

Tips for use

1. It’s difficult to navigate on your own among the variety of drugs. The best ointment will be prescribed by the attending doctor, taking into account the current condition of the patient. 2. It is important to correctly combine drugs during therapy. Avoid the simultaneous use of products that are incompatible with each other, even if some are used externally and others internally. 3. Strictly follow the dosage and duration of treatment as indicated in the instructions. Especially when you use hormonal drugs.

If you choose the right ointment for psoriasis, it will quickly relieve the symptoms characteristic of this disease and speed up the recovery process. Ointments are a mandatory component of complex therapy.

Links to medical research

  1. Study of Dermovate ointment, .pdf (806KB)
  2. Research on Cloveit ointment, .pdf (156KB)
  3. Main directions in the treatment of chronic dermatoses
  4. Instructions and study of the drug Afloderm on the website of the medical portal Medi
  5. Study of the effectiveness of the drug Skin-cap, .pdf (410KB)
  6. Study of the clinical safety and effectiveness of medicinal and cosmetic products from the PSORILOM line in patients with psoriasis (on the website of the official distributor)
  7. Calcipotriol preparations in the treatment of psoriasis
  8. Modern aspects of external therapy of psoriasis
  9. New approaches to external therapy of chronic dermatoses

The best remedies for Psoriasis

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Antipsoriasis cream 990 rub.

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Magnipsor ointment RUB 1,490

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Ultraviolet lamp Dermalight ® RUB 14,900.

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