Khilozar-komod ophthalmic moisturizing solution 10ml

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Hyaluronic acid , which is part of the solution, is a natural polysaccharide. Its molecules bind water molecules, and the aqueous solution has adhesive properties to the cornea and forms a uniform tear film on its surface, which lasts a long time, does not cause irritation and is not washed off. The eye is protected for a long time from dryness and irritation, which often occurs when wearing contact lenses and working at a computer.

Dexapanthenol also effectively maintains eye hydration and promotes intensive tissue regeneration. Constantly moisturizing the surface of the eye helps speed up the healing of wounds resulting from injury or surgery.

The use of the solution quickly relieves eye irritation, relieves fatigue, and makes wearing contact lenses comfortable. The important thing is that the solution does not damage the surface of the lenses.

The drug does not contain preservatives, so it is well tolerated by patients even with long-term use.


No data provided.

Composition and release form

A milliliter of the drug contains the following components:

  • Sodium hyaluronate – 1 mg;
  • Dexpanthenol 20 mg.

Additional substances include sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sterile water, sorbitol.

The drug is produced in the form of a sterile solution that does not contain preservatives, in original containers of the Komod system. The container contains 10 ml of the substance Khilozar-Komod, which corresponds to 300 drops. The bottle along with instructions for use is placed in a cardboard package.

Khilozar-Komod, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Place 1 drop in both eyes up to 3 times a day. If necessary, more often on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist. There are no restrictions on the duration of use of the drug.

When wearing lenses, instillation is carried out without removing them. If after using the drops for several days the complaints persist or you have to use them very often, you should consult your doctor.

When instilled, the container is held with the dropper down and vigorously pressed on its base. Contact of the dropper with the surface of the eye should be avoided. After the procedure, slowly close your eyes so that the liquid is evenly distributed. When using other ophthalmic drugs simultaneously, an interval of 30 minutes should be observed between their use. Use eye ointments after instilling this solution. The KOMOD system contains about 300 drops of solution and is intended for individual use.


Khilozar-Komod is used in ophthalmological practice to lubricate, protect and moisturize the surface of the eye (mucous part of the conjunctiva and cornea). This remedy helps eliminate discomfort, burning, and foreign body sensation associated with dryness of the anterior surface of the eyeball. It is used in case of adverse effects of environmental factors:

  • Climatic conditions, which include dry air due to air conditioning and the use of heaters, wind, solar radiation, cold temperature, cigarette smoke and other polluting and irritating gases in the air.
  • Increased load on the visual system due to prolonged work at the computer and other electronic devices, driving in the dark, and watching television.
  • Use of contact lenses (both hard and soft).

Analogues of Khilozar-Komoda

Level 4 ATC code matches: Systain Ultra
Systain Gel

Systain Balance



Visine Pure Tear




Mirtilene Forte

Emoxy optic



Natural tear

Artificial tear






Hilo-Komod , Hilomax-Komod , Hiloparin-Komod , Blefarogel , Artelak balance .

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

  • H04.9 Disease of the lacrimal apparatus, unspecified
  • H11.9 Disease of the conjunctiva, unspecified
  • H18.9 Disease of the cornea, unspecified
  • H53.1 Subjective visual disturbances
  • H57.8 Other unspecified diseases of the eye and adnexa
  • H57.9 Disorder of the eye and adnexa, unspecified
  • S05.0 Conjunctival trauma and corneal abrasion without mention of foreign body
  • T88 Other complications of surgical and therapeutic interventions, not elsewhere classified
  • Y97 Factors associated with environmental pollution
  • Z58 Problems related to physical environmental factors
  • Z97.3 Availability of glasses and contact lenses
  • Z98.8 Other specified postsurgical conditions

Reviews about Khilozar-Komode

The advantage of the drug is a special container - a complex system of reservoirs and valves, which prevents the penetration of air, ensures sterility and extraction of drops of equal size.

The metal parts of the container are partially coated with a layer of silver, which also further ensures the sterility of the solution. The absence of preservatives eliminates their undesirable effects on eye tissue. That is why Khilozar-Komod eye drops are well tolerated by patients and can be used for a long time. Reviews about the drug are positive, they note a rapid improvement in the condition of the eye mucosa, the disappearance of pain, pain and dryness. Most often, these drops are used by people who work at a computer and use contact lenses. However, there is a category of patients with chronic conjunctivitis , keratopathies and postoperative eye irritation, who were also prescribed this drug for 3 weeks. Many people note the inconvenience of the IV.

“... I wore lenses for ten years and used different drops to make them comfortable. Of all the drops, I liked these ones. I used them 2 times a day and there was no redness or pain in my eyes.” “... I drop Hilozar three times a day directly onto the lenses - no discomfort.” “... Five months after laser vision correction there was discomfort in the eyes, dryness. The doctor prescribed these drops, which helped me a lot - they relieved discomfort and burning. But I noticed that you can’t use them for a long time, because addiction begins, and they don’t help.” “... When working at the computer for a long time, the eyes become very tired - pain, pain and a feeling of something foreign in the eyes. I started using these drops and am very pleased.” “... I suffered with these drops - it’s very inconvenient to instill.” “... I didn’t like it: when instilled, I feel a sting, they don’t help relieve redness of the eyes and they are very expensive.”

pharmachologic effect

The drug Khilozar-Komod is a combined solution containing sodium hyaluronate and dexpanthenol, which is a prototype of vitamin B.

Sodium salt of hyaluronic acid is a natural substance, which is a polysaccharide, normally present in the liquid media of the eyeball, as well as in other cells of the body. The physiological feature of this polysaccharide is its high hydrophilicity, that is, the ability to bind water molecules. Due to the fact that sodium hyaluronate has certain adhesive properties and good viscosity, the Khilozar-Komod solution forms a thin, uniform film on the front surface of the eyeball that can persist for a long time. This precorneal film does not lead to a decrease in visual acuity and is not washed off with normal blinking, as a result of which the drug can be used throughout the day.

Dexpanthenol, which is the prototype of vitamin B, also has the ability to retain water molecules. Thanks to this, its action is synergistic with the effect of hyaluronate.

When the drug Khilozar-Komod is instilled, the symptoms of fatigue and eye irritation and relief of the condition occur quite quickly. Its use allows you to maintain the operation of the optical apparatus in normal condition and makes the use of contact lenses much safer and more comfortable. These eye drops do not deposit on the surface of hard or soft lenses and are safe.

The drug Khilozar-Komod is sold in special Komod containers. They are a rather intricate system of valves and reservoirs. The use of such a container guarantees the tightness of the system and the formation of absolutely identical droplets, the size of which does not depend on the degree of compression.

All valves and metal parts of this system that come into contact with the medicinal solution are coated with a thin layer of silver. This fact, as well as the absence of air penetration from the external environment, help keep the solution sterile throughout the entire period of use.

Due to the absence of preservatives in the composition of the drug Khilozar-Komod, it is well tolerated by patients even when used for a long period.

Price of Khilozar-Komoda, where to buy

You can buy Khilozar-Komod at any pharmacy at a price from 495 to 646 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Moisturizing drops for eyes Khilozar-Komod 10 mlUrsapharm Arzneimittel GmbH
    RUR 504 order

special instructions

To prepare the Chest of Drawers for use, you need to turn the container over so that the dropper is at the bottom, and then press on its base several times until a drop of solution appears at the end. This manipulation should be performed only before the first use of the drug. In the future, simply remove the colored cap, and then place the container with the dropper down and apply force to its base. In this way, only one drop of a certain size can be extracted from the dropper. The rate of droplet extraction is maintained at a constant level, regardless of the pressure applied.

The instillation process itself is carried out with the head tilted slightly back. After this, you should lift the edge of the lower eyelid with a clean hand and place one drop of medicine there. Then you need to slowly close your eyes, which is necessary for better distribution of the solution over the surface of the eyeball. The same manipulation should be repeated for the second eye. Once the process is complete, close the dropper tightly using the colored cap.

During instillation, it is advisable to be careful and not allow the tip of the dropper to come into contact with non-sterile surfaces (skin, eye mucosa).

If the patient uses hard or soft contact lenses, it is not necessary to remove them before instillation. The "Komod" system is intended exclusively for individual use.

The bottle with the solution should be stored in a room with a temperature not exceeding 250C. The shelf life is 2 years, but after opening the package, Khilozar-Komod can be used for no more than 12 weeks. For the convenience of the patient, there is a special column on the package in which the date of the first instillation must be entered.

Hilozar Chest of drawers moisturizing solution for eyes 10 ml

Based on 1 ml:

Sodium hyaluronate (sodium salt of hyaluronic acid) 1 mg dexpanthenol 20 mg Per 1 ml: Sodium hyaluronate (sodium salt of hyaluronic acid) 1 mg dexpanthenol 20 mg

Excipients: anhydrous citric acid, sodium citrate dihydrate, water.

The medical product “HILOZAR-KOMOD® moisturizing ophthalmic solution” is a combination of an aqueous solution of sodium hyaluronate and dexpanthenol (provitamin B5). This is a sterile solution that does not contain preservatives, in the original container (KOMOD® system). The hyaluronic acid (in the form of sodium salt) included in the HYLOZAR-KOMOD® solution is a natural substance. Sodium hyaluronate is a physiological polysaccharide compound found both in the tissues of the eye and in other tissues and fluids of the human body. A special physicochemical property of sodium hyaluronate molecules is their pronounced ability to bind water molecules. An aqueous solution of sodium hyaluronate has the necessary viscosity and high adhesive properties in relation to the anterior surface of the eye, due to which the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution forms a uniform precorneal tear film that persists for a long time, which is not washed off when blinking and does not cause a decrease in visual acuity. Thus, the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution can be used throughout the day. The dexapanthenol (provitamin B5) included in the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution effectively maintains the moisturizing properties of sodium hyaluronate, because also has a high ability to bind water.

The use of HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution brings quick relief from eye irritation, helps relieve fatigue, and maintains healthy eyes.

The HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution makes wearing hard or soft contact lenses more comfortable, while the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution does not deposit on the surface of the lenses.

Constant and sufficient moistening of the ocular surface with HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution promotes the normal physiological course and accelerates the healing of eye injuries and wounds after injuries and surgical interventions.

The HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution is placed in the original “KOMOD®” container, which is a complex system of reservoirs and valves that guarantees the absence of air penetration from the outside and ensures the extraction of drops of the same size, regardless of the degree of force applied.

The metal parts and container valves in contact with the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution are partially coated with a thin layer of silver, which, together with the absolute tightness of the system, ensures the sterility of the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution in the absence of preservatives. This eliminates possible undesirable effects of preservatives on eye tissue and ensures good tolerability of the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution even with long-term use. - for additional moisturizing, lubrication and protection of the anterior surface of the eye (cornea and conjunctiva), eliminating discomfort with a feeling of “dryness”, feeling foreign body, burning sensation in the eyes, incl. arising under the influence of wearing soft and hard contact lenses, climatic factors, intense visual stress; - for moisturizing, lubricating and accelerating the healing of the anterior surface of the eye after ophthalmic surgery, as well as for damage and trauma to the cornea.

It is recommended to instill HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution 1 drop 3 times a day into the conjunctival sac of each eye. If necessary, HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution can be instilled more often.

The frequency of instillation of HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution is set individually depending on the sensations and according to the recommendations of an ophthalmologist or contact lens specialist. If a patient instills HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution very often (for example, more than 10 times a day), he should consult an ophthalmologist.

There are no restrictions on the duration of use of the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution. If, after using the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution for several days, the complaints or discomfort persist, the patient should consult a doctor.

The KOMOD® system contains and allows you to extract 10 ml of HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution, which corresponds to approximately 300 drops of solution.

After completely using the contents, you should purchase a new filled container with HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution, because the system is not intended for reuse.

Directions for use and recommendations for wearing contact lenses

Before each instillation, the cap should be removed (see Fig. 1).

Before using the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution for the first time, turn the container with the dropper down and press on its base several times until the first drop appears at the tip of the dropper (see Fig. 2). After this, the system is ready for use.

When instilling HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution, you should hold the container with the dropper down, quickly and vigorously pressing on its base. In this way, the dropper mechanism is activated and only 1 drop of solution is extracted. Thanks to the special design of the valves in the KOMOD® system, the size of the drop and the speed of its extraction remain the same even with very strong pressure on the base of the container.

The patient should tilt his head back a little, slightly pull back the lower eyelid with a finger and drop 1 drop into the conjunctival sac, as described above (see Fig. 3). Slowly close your eyes, allowing the liquid to distribute evenly over the surface of the eye.

After completing the procedure, you should tightly put the cap on the dropper (see Fig. 4). When instilling, you should avoid contact of the tip of the dropper with the surface of the eye and skin.

When wearing soft and hard contact lenses, it is possible to instill the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution into the conjunctival sac without removing the lenses.

The "KOMOD®" system is intended for individual use only. - hypersensitivity to any of the components included in the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution. During the treatment period, exacerbation of psoriasis is possible.

For pheochromocytoma, propranolol can be used only after taking an alpha-blocker.

After a long course of treatment, propranolol should be discontinued gradually, under medical supervision.

During treatment with propranolol, intravenous administration of verapamil and diltiazem should be avoided. A few days before anesthesia, it is necessary to stop taking propranolol or select an anesthetic agent with minimal negative inotropic effect. Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

In patients whose activities require increased attention, the issue of using propranolol on an outpatient basis should be decided only after assessing the patient's individual response.

The patient must mark on the bottle the date when he first instilled the HYLOZAR-KOMOD® solution. The bottle label has a special column for the patient to fill out: “Date of first use.”

After using the HILOZAR-KOMOD® solution, the container should be disposed of with household waste.


for additional moisturizing, lubrication and protection of the anterior surface of the eye (cornea and conjunctiva), eliminating discomfort from a feeling of “dryness”, a feeling of a foreign body, a burning sensation in the eyes, including under the influence of wearing soft and hard contact lenses, climatic factors, intense visual stress;

for moisturizing, lubricating and accelerating healing of the anterior surface of the eye after ophthalmic surgery, as well as for damage and trauma to the cornea.

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