Psychostimulant drugs

The drug treatment center, which is located in Zaporozhye and the region, has many years of experience and experience in the fight against drug addiction at any stage and length of use . We are ready to provide qualified drug treatment assistance with a guarantee to those addicted to drugs :

  • Opium
  • Codeine
  • Amphetamine
  • Butyrate
  • Substance abuse
  • Tropicamide
  • Heroin
  • Desomorphine
  • Cocaine
  • Hashish
  • Spice
  • Crystalius
  • Methadone
  • Pervitina
  • Mephedrone
  • Marijuana
  • Soleil
  • Psilobicin

Opioid group of surfactants

  • Heroin . A narcotic substance, gray in color with a brown or yellow tint, having a sharp, specific odor and bitter taste. It is taken by intravenous injection, dissolved in water.
  • Raw opium . A brown cake the size of a tablet, sticky and viscous to the touch. It is made from an unripe poppy head.
  • Poppy straw . A dried poppy stem soaked in a chemical solvent that causes euphoria. Causes serious deviations in a person’s mental state, provoking the development of schizophrenia or mental retardation.
  • Morphine, codterpine and codeine . The main component of many analgesics, which, when taken regularly, causes addiction and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Methadone . A drug of synthetic origin that is instantly addictive after the first dose.

Signs of intoxication from taking an opioid drug

  • A narrow pupil of the eye that does not respond to light.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • High level of sleepiness.
  • Inhibited reactions.
  • Pale skin.
  • Monotony when speaking or moving.

Opioid withdrawal manifests itself in a runny nose and body aches; the addict's bones become twisted and his muscles ache. Depression and neurosis may develop, as well as severe vomiting and excessive sweating. At the first symptoms of drug use of this group or signs of withdrawal, you must contact a narcologist for qualified help in Zaporozhye.


  • Marijuana . “Weed”, “sham”, “anasha”, “potion”, this is how experienced drug addicts also call it. The green dried part of hemp, similar in appearance to tobacco. Consumed as a smoke or added to food.
  • Hashish . A plastic mixture of resins, pollen and the upper part of the cannabis plant. Used in the form of smoke, mixing the substance with tobacco using special devices.

Cannabinoids are illegal surfactants and are prohibited by the legislation of our country.

Signs of intoxication from cannabinoid drugs

  • Redness of the eyes and dilated pupils.
  • Rapid speech and increased talkativeness.
  • Excessive and unreasonable gaiety.
  • Increased appetite and thirst.

An overdose of cannabinoids may result in hallucinations, unreasonable fear and paranoia, as well as behavioral inhibition, apathy and aggression towards others. Cannabinoids cause a change in the perception of the outside world, and when used systematically, they destroy brain cells, provoking dementia in the addict.

Psychostimulant drugs

Home Medical Encyclopedia Medicines Drugs acting primarily on the central nervous system

According to the modern classification, psychomotor stimulants are divided into purine and imidazole derivatives (caffeine, caffeine-sodium benzoate, etimizol), arylalkylamines (meridil, sydnocarb, phenamine), benzimidazole derivatives (bemityl). The last drug, bemitil, is currently considered as a representative of a new group of drugs - actoprotectors.

BEMITHYL (Bemithylum)

Pharmachologic effect. It has a psychostimulating effect, has antihypoxic (increasing tissue resistance to lack of oxygen) activity, increases the body's resistance to hypoxia (insufficient supply of oxygen to tissues or impaired utilization / absorption) and increases performance during physical activity. It is considered as a representative of a new group - actoprotective (increasing the body's resistance to extreme influences) drugs. Slowly absorbed when taken orally.

Indications for use. Prescribed to adults for asthenic conditions (weakness), neuroses, after injuries and other conditions in which stimulation of mental and physical functions is indicated.

There is evidence of the immunostimulating (increasing the body's defenses) effect of bemitil and its effectiveness in this regard in the complex therapy of certain infectious diseases.

Method of administration and dose. Take bemitil after meals, 0.25-0.5 g 2-3 times a day. The daily dose is 0.5-1 g. The course of treatment is 10-20 days in a row or 2-3 courses of 3-5 days at intervals of 2-5 days. It is recommended to eat foods rich in carbohydrates during treatment.

Side effect. When using bemitil, nausea, rarely vomiting, discomfort in the stomach, headache, hyperemia (redness) of the face are possible.

Contraindications. The drug is contraindicated for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Release form. Tablets of 0.125 and 0.25 g, film-coated, in a package of 100 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light.

CAFFEINE (Cofleinum)

Synonyms: Caffeine, Guaranine, Theine.

Pharmachologic effect. Central nervous system stimulant.

Indications for use. Central nervous system depression, drug poisoning, cardiovascular failure.

Method of administration and dose. Orally 0.05-0.1 g 2-3 times a day.

Side effect. Caffeinism (painful addiction to caffeine), sleep disturbance.

Contraindications. Increased excitability, insomnia, severe hypertension (persistent rise in blood pressure), atherosclerosis, organic diseases of the cardiovascular system, old age, glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).

Release form. Powder.

Storage conditions. List B. In a cool, dry place.

COFFETAMINE (Conetaminum)

Synonyms: Cofergot, Ergofein, Ergoffin.

Pharmachologic effect. A combination drug containing caffeine and ergotamine tartrate. The effect is associated with the vasoconstrictor effect of ergotamine and the improvement of brain functions under the influence of caffeine.

Indications for use. It is used for migraines (vasoparalytic form), arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure), and also as a means of lowering intracranial pressure in vascular, traumatic, and infectious lesions of the nervous system.

Method of administration and dose. Prescribed orally 1-2 tablets per dose during a headache attack 2 times a day, then 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for several days (up to 1 month).

Side effects and contraindications. Same as for caffeine.

Release form. Tablets (coated) containing caffeine 0.1 g and ergotamine tartrate 0.001 g (1 mg), in glass tubes of 10 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light.

Caffeine is also included in the combination drugs avamigran, anapirin, angisedin, antasman, askofen, askofen P, benalgin, vasobral, gevadal, dixafen, caffetin, menopause, coldrex, coldrex Teva, cofitil, novomigrofen, panadol extra, peitalgin, pyramein, plivalgin, remidon, ringn, rodavan, saridon, sedalgin, solpadeine, pircofen tablets, theofedrine, theophedrine N, tomapirin, toff plus, fencik, citramon, andrews ansver.

SODIUM CAFFEINE BENZOATE (Coneinum natrii-benzoas)

Synonyms: Caffeine sodium benzoate.

Pharmachologic effect. The pharmacological properties are similar to caffeine and are used in the same cases.

Indications for use. Central nervous system depression, drug poisoning, cardiovascular failure.

Method of administration and dose. Prescribed orally 0.1-0.2 g 2-3 times a day, subcutaneously - 1-2 ml of 10% and 20% solution.

Side effects and contraindications. Same as for caffeine.

Release form. Powder; tablets of 0.075 g (for children) in a package of 10 pieces; tablets of 0.1 and 0.2 g in a package of 6 pieces; ampoules of 10% solution, 1 ml and 2 ml in a package of 10 pieces; ampoules of 20% solution of 1 and 2 ml in a package of 10 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a cool, dry place.


Pharmachologic effect. Combined drug. The active components of pasuma have a general strengthening effect in cases of physical and mental exhaustion, and functional disorders in the genital area. The drug enhances potency and improves the course of male menopause.

Indications for use. A state of physical and mental asthenia (weakness) and exhaustion, especially in the sexual sphere; functional impotence in men after organic diseases, with de-

depressed states (states of depression), as well as frigidity (sexual coldness) of women. In these cases, taking medications without a doctor is not advisable

Method of administration and dose. Prescribe 1-2 tablets 3 times a day after meals or 1 ampoule intramuscularly daily or every other day. The positive effect of treatment is achieved with long-term use of the drug - for 1-2 months. It is recommended to alternate intramuscular injections with oral tablets every week.

Release form. Coated tablets; ampoules of 2 ml. 1 tablet contains: sodium benzoate caffeine - 15 mg, methyltestosterone - 5 mg, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - 3 mg, ephedrine hydrochloride - 1 mg, strychnine glycerophosphate - 0.35 mg, yobiquine hydrochloride - 3 mg. 1 ampoule contains: testosterone propionate - 10 mg, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - 20 mg, strychnine glycerophosphate - 0.5 mg, yobiquine glycerophosphate - 8 mg.

Storage conditions. List B. In a cool, dry place.

Sodium caffeine benzoate is also included in the preparations amidopyrin, ankofen, gluferal, pagluferal, Sereysky mixture, Anapirin tablets, Pentalgin tablets.

MERIDIL (Meridiltim)

Synonyms: Centedrin, Methylphenidate hydrochloride, Relatin, Rilatin.

Pharmachologic effect. In structure and action, Meridil is close to phenamine, but has a less strong stimulating effect and less influence on peripheral adrenergic systems; does not cause a significant increase in blood pressure.

Indications for use. Psychostimulant for asthenic conditions (weakness), increased fatigue. Can be used for depression of the nervous system caused by antipsychotic drugs.

Method of administration and dose. Take orally (in the first half of the day) 0.01-0.015 g per dose. Daily dose -0.01-0.03 g (10-30 mg). The course of treatment is from 2-4 weeks. up to 3-4 months

Side effect. Insomnia, nausea, sometimes agitation and anxiety, exacerbation of psychopathic symptoms. Causes addiction (weakening or lack of effect with prolonged repeated use).

Contraindications. Contraindicated for insomnia, vascular sclerosis, angina pectoris, hyperthyroidism (thyroid disease), severe exhaustion, mental agitation.

Release form. Tablets 0.01 g (10 mg).

Storage conditions. List A. In a place protected from light.

SYDNOCARB (Sydnocarbum)

Synonyms: Mesocarb.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a pronounced stimulating effect on the central nervous system; unlike phenamine, it does not have a distinct peripheral sympathomimetic activity and is not addictive (there is no weakening or absence of effect with prolonged repeated use).

Indications for use. Asthenic conditions (weakness) as a result of physical and mental fatigue, after serious illnesses and traumatic brain injuries, neurotic disorders with lethargy, sluggish schizophrenia with apatoabulic disorders (lethargy, lack of will). There is evidence of the effectiveness of the drug for bedwetting.

Method of administration and dose. Prescribed in the form of tablets 1-2 times a day in the morning (before meals). Doses are selected individually. The initial dose is usually 0.005 g (5 mg); if necessary, the dose is gradually increased in adults to 0.015-0.025-0.05 g per day.

Maintenance doses - 0.005-0.01 g per day. For patients with lucid catatonia (a mental disorder with a predominance of motor disturbances in the form of agitation, stupor, or their alternation with preserved consciousness), the dose of the drug can be increased to 0.125-0.15 g (125-150 mg) per day.

For children, debilitated patients and the elderly, the drug is prescribed in reduced doses (daily dose 0.0025-0.005 g in 2 doses).

Higher doses for adults orally: single -0.075 g, daily - 0.15 g.

Side effect. In case of overdose, headache, insomnia, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure.

Contraindications. Increased arousal, severe atherosclerosis, stage III hypertension (persistent rise in blood pressure).

Release form. Tablets of 0.005 g, 0.01 g and 0.025 g in packs of 50 pieces.

Storage conditions. List A. In a place protected from light.

Sidnocarb is also included in the drug dimethcarb.

PHENAMIN (Phenaminum)

Synonyms: Amphetamine, Amphetamine sulfate, Bezpropamine, Psychoton, Simpamin, Actedrin, Alentol, Amfamin, Amphedrine, Benzedrine sulfate, Eufodin, Isoamine, Orthedrin, Psychedrin, Racefen, Raphetamine, Simpatedrin, etc.

Pharmachologic effect. An active stimulant of the central nervous system, it also has a peripheral adrenomimetic effect.

Indications for use. Asthenic conditions (weakness) caused by overwork, asthenic depressive. states (weakness, depressed state), to stimulate labor.

Method of administration and dose. Orally (in the first half of the day) 0.005-0.01 g per day. The dose must be selected individually.

Side effect. Dizziness, nausea, chills, insomnia, cardiac conduction disturbances (arrhythmias), tachycardia (increased heart rate). Possible addiction (weakening or lack of effect with prolonged repeated use) and addiction (drug dependence).

Contraindications. Liver diseases, severe atherosclerosis, persistent increase in blood pressure, sleep disturbance.

Release form. Tablets of 0.01 g in a package of 10 pieces.

Storage conditions. List A. In a cool, dry place.

ETIMIZOL (Aethimizolum)

Pharmachologic effect. It has an exciting effect on the central nervous system and stimulates the respiratory center.

Indications for use. In psychiatry for asthenodepressive states (weakness, depression), for diseases accompanied by feelings of anxiety. To stimulate breathing after anesthesia and prevent respiratory depression during barbiturate anesthesia, to prevent pneumonia (pneumonia) in the postoperative period.

Method of administration and dose. Orally 0.05-0.1 g 3 times a day, intravenously (slowly) - 2-3 ml, intramuscularly and subcutaneously - 4-5 ml of 1.5% solution.

Side effect. Nausea, vomiting, motor agitation.

Contraindications. Excitation of the central nervous system.

Release form. Tablets of 0.1 g in a package of 50 pieces; 1% and 1.5% solution in ampoules of 3 ml in a package of 10 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light.

print versionThis information is not a guide to self-treatment. A doctor's consultation is required.


  • Ephedrine. The prepared solution is pinkish in color and has a pleasant odor; it is administered intravenously to addicts.
  • Cocaine . A drug of plant origin that causes persistent addiction to its use. The powder is usually snorted, which gives the addict a feeling of numbness and numbness throughout the body.
  • Amphetamine. In most cases, they are administered intravenously, and the drug is obtained from medications containing ephedrine.
  • Ecstasy . They are distributed in the form of multi-colored tablets that are taken orally. They provide the addict with temporary energy and provoke pleasant hallucinations.
  • Crack. Drug addicts nicknamed him (“the stone”). It is purchased in the form of fragile plates of an evaporated solution of cocaine with baking soda. It is used for smoking and leads to the development of rapid physical and psychological dependence.

Psychostimulants are a type of drugs that affect the human nervous system, causing it to become overexcited, which leads to depletion of the body and internal organs and leads to various diseases.

Classification of psychostimulants

Psychostimulants are classified primarily by their mechanism of action and chemical structure:

  • Centrally acting sympathomimetics: methylphenidate, atomoxetine, armodafinil
  • Methylxanthine derivatives: caffeine sodium benzoate, caffeine citrate
  • Sydnonimine derivatives: mesocarb

In addition, many psychoactive substances can have a psychostimulating effect. Such drugs include analeptics (awakening agents) in low doses, nootropics (improving memory and mental processes), some antidepressants (citalopram, escitalopram, sertraline, fluoxetine, venlafaxine).

Alcohol in low doses has a mild psychostimulating effect.

Symptoms of addiction to sedatives

All drugs are medicinal and are prescribed for medicinal purposes. Abuse of them can lead to addiction and the development of serious complications:

  • Dysfunction of the brain and its parts.
  • Mental dysfunction.
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and reproductive system.

Intoxication from sedatives is reminiscent of alcohol. Refusal to systematically take sedatives leads to withdrawal syndrome , which is characterized by aggression, anger, irritability and suicidality.

pharmachologic effect

Psychostimulants have a stimulating effect on brain functions, improve the transmission of impulses between neurons, which manifests itself in increased mental and motor activity.

Drugs from the group of psychostimulants increase mental performance, increase attention, and reduce the number of errors. In addition, psychostimulants increase the speed of all reflexes, physical endurance, and also reduce fatigue, hunger, drowsiness and the need for sleep and rest.

In high doses, psychostimulants have an analeptic (awakening, revitalizing) effect by stimulating vital centers in the brain - respiratory and vasomotor.

Group of volatile drugs or inhalants

  • Glue
  • Solvent
  • Petrol
  • Dyes
  • Hair and nail polish
  • Mosquito sprays

They are not recognized as drugs, but lead to a feeling of euphoria when ingested in large quantities. Those addicted to inhalants are called substance abusers, who inhale vapors of volatile drugs using a plastic bag over which they breathe rhythmically.

Severe intoxication with chemicals leads to poisoning of the blood and body, which leads to the failure of the normal functioning of internal organs and systems. Attachment to this type of activity entails a premature, painful death at a young age.

Cost of services:

Initial consultation at the clinicfor free
Persuasion to undergo home-based treatment (intervention service)from 350 UAH
Inpatient rehabilitationfrom 5,000 UAH.
Narcologist at homefrom 1,000 UAH.
24 hours in the clinicfrom 250 UAH
Alcohol codingfrom 2,000 UAH
Hemming from alcoholfrom 2,200 UAH.
Hemming for opiates800 USD
Withdrawal from binge drinkingfrom 3,500 UAH. (3-5 days)
Detoxification (alcohol). Complete cleansing of the body from toxic substances of alcohol or drugs. from 3,000 UAH.
Detoxification (heroin)from 5,000 UAH.
Detoxification (methadone)from 6,500 UAH.
Detoxification (opium)from 5,000 UAH.
Detoxification (amphetamine)from 3,000 UAH.
Detoxification (spices and salts)from 4,000 UAH.
Relieving drug withdrawalfrom 2,000 UAH
Alcohol/drug testing350 UAH
Diagnostics and consultation with a psychiatrist500 UAH
Narcopsychotherapy500 UAH
Consultation with a psychologistfrom 200 UAH
Session with a psychologist500 UAH
Accompaniment to the clinic/rehabilitationfrom 500 UAH.
Inpatient rehabilitation in Russia35,000 rubles
Rehabilitation abroad: Israel1 000 ye
Rehabilitation abroad: USA1 000 ye
Rehabilitation abroad: Belarusfrom 700 ye

Indications for use

Psychostimulants are used for general weakness, increased fatigue (asthenia), and excessive daytime sleepiness (narcolepsy).

Psychostimulants are also used for poisoning with alcohol and other substances that depress consciousness (hypnotics, sedatives), and various infections.

Drugs with a psychostimulant effect are additionally used to treat bedwetting in children and adults (enuresis) - by making sleep more sensitive, they enable the patient to wake up in time when there is an urge to urinate.

Certain psychostimulants (methylphenidate, atomoxetine, armodafinil) are used in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (when a child cannot concentrate on one activity for a long time - attention deficit, and is excessively mobile, cannot sit still even for a short time - hyperactivity).

In healthy people, psychostimulants (most often caffeine-based drugs) are used to improve performance, to treat fatigue, to eliminate morning drowsiness, and to reduce blood pressure (hypotension).

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