"Nutrilight" (vitamins): instructions for use. Vitamins "Nutrilight": reviews, prices

The Nutrilite brand has become popular and in demand for residents of most countries of the world. The developers of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements Nutrilite took into account absolutely all the needs of the body and created unique products for health and beauty. Being healthy is the need of any person, but you can maintain and increase your health only by taking care of it. And it is a sufficient amount of vitamins in the body that is one of the main criteria for health. When producing Nutrilite vitamin complexes, the company uses only plants grown under control in its own fields, which can be a guarantee of environmental purity. It is not only high-quality raw materials for the production of health products that distinguishes this brand from the products of other companies. Even the needs of the human body under various loads and the digestibility of health products are taken into account.


How does Nutrilight differ from other brands?

The main difference is that this is the only brand in the world that does not just sell vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements. “Nutrilight” creates them from plant products grown on its own, specially certified farms, where organic farming is guaranteed to be cultivated. From a seed planted in the ground to the finished natural product - all with your own hands, without a drop of chemicals - the motto is “Nutrilight”.

The company employs 150 researchers and scientists. The company conducts 25,000 product tests monthly and more than 500,000 quality assessments annually, producing 15 billion tablets and capsules per year. All of them are certified in full compliance with GMP standards (everything is taken into account: development, raw materials, production, packaging, transportation).

Philosophy of health

“Nutrilight” is a whole philosophy that promotes a healthy lifestyle. It includes vitamin and mineral complexes, products for health, sports, and weight normalization. This philosophy teaches people to take responsibility for their lives.

To maintain optimal health, we first need to eat a balanced diet. But even in this case, the body will become deficient in essential microelements and vitamins by 20-30%.

This is due to chemical fertilizers that have soaked fruits and vegetables, as well as meat products containing hormones and antibiotics from animal feed. City residents consume water and breathe air filled with salts of heavy metals and chemical compounds of technogenic origin.

The amount of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber contained in food is not enough to neutralize the body. Helping him in this matter is the main task of the Nutrilight complexes.

The vitamins created by this brand protect every cell of our body from an aggressive environment. As a result, metabolism is normalized, health is improved, youth is prolonged, the risk of cancer is reduced, and life expectancy increases.

A little history

The founder of Nutrilight was the American chemist Carl Franklin Rehnborg. Having lived in China for a long time, observing the population of different regions, he realized that the length and quality of life depend on food. And not so much on what it has, but on what it lacks.

The health of peasants is stronger than that of city residents because they do not abuse salt, have a lot of plant products in their diet, and a limited amount of fat and sugar. Rehnborg came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a nutritional supplement that could balance a person’s diet.

In 1934, he founded the world's first company producing products exclusively on a natural basis. It even uses biological agents to control pests.

What connects Nutrilight and Amway?

(“American Lifestyle”) is the largest leader in direct sales with a volume of $11.8 billion, covering 29 European countries with a product range of more than 450 items. These include beauty products, organic home care products, energy drinks, and dietary supplements.

The company employs 700 scientists who work in development and research centers to create products that are safe and of high quality. The main feature of Amway is the desire for naturalness and purity of products. That is why the niche of health products in the company is worthily represented by the Nutrilight brand.

Amway guarantees the quality of its products by conducting 500,000 tests annually and allowing customers to return purchases for a full refund within two weeks (and some products up to a year) after purchase in case of complaints.

Reviews of the company's products

There are a lot of reviews about Nutrilight products, most of which are enthusiastic. Women who took Nutrilight vitamins during pregnancy and lactation are especially pleased. Their reviews report an easy pregnancy and the birth of healthy children.

They recommend consuming the Nutrilight protein shake in parallel, which helps ensure high-quality absorption of all phytonutrients contained in tablets and capsules.

“Omega 3”, “Vitamin B Complex”, “CaMg Concentrate from Vegetables and Fruits”, “Daily”, “Vitamin C” - all these are wonderful preparations from Nutrilight. Reviews from people who have used them speak of vigor and good health.

Among the advantages, many users note that these complexes, unlike chemical pharmaceutical ones, can be taken constantly without taking breaks. This says a lot. And Multicarotene, reviews of which are positive, works better than any antibiotic.

Customer Reviews

Ekaterina, 31 years old, Irkutsk:

“In the winter season, my nails constantly break, and my hair falls out much more than in the summer. A friend told me about Amway vitamins a long time ago, but I still didn’t dare buy them. And then she gave them to me for my birthday. The package contains 90 tablets, according to the instructions you need to drink one tablet per day. After taking it for two weeks, I began to notice that my nails stopped peeling, became harder and grew faster. But the hair continued to fall out. Perhaps after completing the course, something will change. I definitely recommend Amway vitamins.”

Alena, 26 years old, Vladivostok:

«I bought chewable tablets with vitamin C for my son. For me, he belongs to the category of frequently ill children; the attending physician always advised him to drink vitamin C to maintain immunity. Ordinary ascorbic acid did not help us, I looked for a replacement for a long time, in the end I settled on Nutrilight Amway vitamins and I have no regrets: they have a pleasant taste, my son likes them, and now we have been walking without a runny nose for more than a month. I am very pleased".

Nutrilight is a natural biological food additive. Suitable for anyone who leads an active lifestyle and takes care of their health.

The company gives women harmony

Among the brand's products there is a real gift for women, which is called: “Nutrilight Women's Harmony”. Created specifically to bring harmony into our lives, it helps a woman regulate hormonal balance, remove emotional stress, and relieve somatic and behavioral symptoms during the premenstrual period.

“Women's Harmony” is produced in three versions for three age categories: from adulthood to 44 years old, for middle age and for women over 65 years old. This is a real gift from Nutrilight!

The vitamins contained in the capsules are especially necessary for those who do not have enough fruits and vegetables in their diet, as well as whole grain products. They are also useful for those who eat irregularly, use highly processed foods, or have bad habits.

This dietary supplement is a completely herbal product, it does not contain any artificial ingredients, it also does not contain gluten and lactose, and is suitable for diabetics. The mixture of carotenoids contained in the supplement provides antioxidant protection.

The composition also contains various oils: evening primrose, borage seed, olive (first pressed); There is soy lecithin, yellow beeswax, glycerin, gelatin. This supplement also contains many useful extracts: ginger root, angelica officinalis, sacred vitex, orange.

It is very important that the supplement contains two types of polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega-3 and omega-6. Everyone knows how beneficially they affect metabolic processes and hormonal levels.

The course required to support the body is 1 month when taking from 1 to 4 capsules per day.

"Beauty Formula" from "Nutrilight"

“Beauty Formula” for women is one of the new products from “Nutrilight”. This supplement was created specifically to successfully compensate for health losses associated with daily stress, poor environment and unhealthy lifestyle.

For normal functioning, our body primarily needs vitamins and antioxidants. Not all useful substances supplied with food can be synthesized in the intestines - this is our reality.

To support the immune system and lower cholesterol levels, it is necessary to take Nutrilight antioxidants. Vitamins play an equally important role. Therefore, several times a year you need to take them in courses.

In addition, the new Beauty Formula supplement from Nutrilight will also take care of maintaining the beauty of your hair, nails and skin. Vitamins and essential elements are included in its composition precisely for this purpose.

1. Vitamin H (biotin) – makes the skin smooth, hair – lush, reduces brittleness and splitting of nails.

2. Vitamin C – neutralizes free radicals (antioxidant). Makes the skin and blood vessels strong, helps produce collagen, rejuvenates the skin.

3. Silicon – ensures the absorption of vitamins and minerals. The lack of silicon makes their use useless. This element is responsible for the strength of connective tissue - the basis of tendons, nails, hair and skin, maintains its youth, helping to synthesize collagen.

4. Collagen is a protein of connective tissue. It is part of all organs, ensuring their strength and elasticity. Its main task is to ensure regenerative function; it is a powerful catalyst for metabolic processes.

And, of course, like all Nutrilight products, Beauty Formula does not contain artificial ingredients.

Nutrilite vitamins

is represented by unique products, the composition of which allows the body to cope with the problems of many body systems - nervous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular.
Pleasant-tasting chewable tablets from this series contain a complex of not only vitamins, but also vital minerals, including calcium and magnesium, without which almost all systems of the human body cannot function normally. Nutrilite multivitamins are in particular demand and popularity. This is due to the maximum benefits of these products. Just one tasty chewable tablet and all the necessary nutrients are delivered to all organs. Organic concentrates are used in production, which guarantees the harmlessness and excellent digestibility of multivitamins.

The Nutrilite brand includes a series of dietary supplements, each of which is aimed at improving the health and functioning of various systems of the human body. Natural ingredients are harmoniously combined in Nutrilite dietary supplements and allow everyone to be healthy and beautiful without putting a lot of work into it. But today it is not so easy to balance your diet in such a way as to receive all the necessary substances. And with Amway health products this has become a reality. High-class specialists have developed unique compositions of all additives offered to the buyer.

Double X Nutrilite dietary supplement allows you to restore the vitamin and mineral balance and thereby improve the health of the body. To prevent neutralization of the effects of substances when they enter the body at the same time, the components of Double X Nutrilite are separated and placed in an environment that complements each other and does not neutralize each other.

To improve the functioning of the vascular system, scientists have created the Omega-3 complex. Many people know the positive effect of essential fatty acids on physiological processes. Consuming them in sufficient quantities makes it possible to: • avoid problems with clogging of blood vessels, • improve the nutrition of all tissues, • prevent and get rid of inflammatory processes.

An ideal solution for replenishing the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals from the Daily dietary supplement. The vitamins (12 items) and minerals (8 items) included in its composition are indispensable for a full human life. And for this you need to take only one tablet a day. Simple but very useful.

An important place in the Nutrilite series is given to the health of the female body. The specially created “Women's Harmony” complex is indispensable for the fair sex. The natural components included in its composition - extracts and oils obtained from herbs - harmonize the woman’s body and prevent negative symptoms of the premenstrual cycle. In addition, they protect against adverse environmental influences. Using “Women's Harmony”, you can always remain confident in the excellent condition of your body on any day.

The Nutrilite online store provides the entire range of these products. Feedback from customers allows us to take into account all needs and continue to expand the production of vital products.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

Vitamin complexes "Nutrilight"

Among pharmacological vitamin complexes, the leading positions belong to products from the NUTRILITE brand.

Firstly, they can be taken by vegetarians and diabetics. These tablets do not contain lactose or gluten.

Secondly, many of these vitamins are made in the form of chewable tablets, they are tasty, so they are available to children, as well as people who for some reason have difficulty swallowing.

And finally, the main thing: there are no artificial ingredients or preservatives. Everything is made from plants grown on organic farms without pesticides or chemicals.

It is for this reason that the NUTRILITE brand is considered the best in vitamin and dietary supplements all over the world.

About the brand

To produce vitamins and nutritional supplements, the Nutrilight brand uses only natural ingredients obtained from plants, vegetables, fruits, and berries grown on its own farms without the addition of nitrates and pesticides. For more than 70 years, the brand has been a leader in the market in terms of the quality and reliability of its products. The manufacturing process of dietary supplements is under strict control of production standards, and the high effectiveness of the products is proven by objective results and multiple customer reviews. Amway vitamins are very popular among more than a million consumers from around the world.

Calcium and vitamin D3 for children

Nutrilight has created the only drug in the world to compensate for the lack of calcium and vitamin D3 in children from 0 years of age. This is a multivitamin complex “Nutrilight Calcium D3” for children. It is a suspension and has a pleasant taste. A child is absolutely necessary for the full development of the nervous system, muscles, bones and teeth.

For older children, chewable tablets with calcium and magnesium are recommended - a dietary supplement that provides a child's growing body with the minerals it needs, such as magnesium and calcium, in the correct proportion. The source of calcium in this supplement is oyster shells, it is perfectly absorbed.

Price – 580.00 rub. for 80 tab.

About products

Amway offers a large selection of unique dietary supplements, which contain nutrients important for the human body. Their regular consumption improves immunity, protects against colds, and promotes rapid recovery. Nutrilight vitamins are created for people with an active lifestyle.

  • Acerola-S is an exclusive food supplement that contains a concentrate of Acerola cherries, citrus peel and pulp. Contains a rich source of vitamin C, known for its antioxidant properties. Ideal for city dwellers exposed to constant stressful situations. The product does not contain glucose or gluten.
  • Daily - the supplement contains 12 vitamins and 8 minerals, consists of completely natural substances. The vitamin complex is suitable for people leading an active lifestyle, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
  • B-complex plus - contains B vitamins, the consumption of which normalizes the functioning of the central nervous and digestive systems, reduces the risk of heart disease, and protects cells from premature aging. The complex is suitable for anyone who lacks vitamins of this group, as well as elderly people and pregnant women.
  • Chewable tablets with vitamin E - one tablet contains the daily requirement of vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on metabolism, the immune system, and eyes. Rejuvenates facial skin, suitable for hair. It is considered a reproduction vitamin that can restore reproductive functions. The tablets have a pleasant taste, do not contain gluten, and are suitable for diabetics.
  • Chewable Vitamin C Tablets – Designed specifically for children, but also suitable for adults. They have a fruity taste and contain a natural source of vitamin C.
  • Chewable tablets with calcium and magnesium - created specifically for children. It is known that calcium strengthens bone tissue, and magnesium promotes the development of the central nervous system. It is these minerals that a child needs during intensive growth. Two or three tablets a day, depending on age, will ensure a complete supply of vitamins to the body. The supplement is also suitable for adults, pregnant and nursing mothers.
  • Chewable multivitamin tablets. Amway multivitamins are designed for teenagers. They contain vitamin D, C, E, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and various acids. Strengthen bones, teeth, muscle tissue, normalize the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. They have a pleasant fruity taste.
  • Chewable tablets with iron. They contain iron, which is easily absorbed by the body, a microelement that promotes proper hematopoiesis and respiration. Intended for people with a deficiency of this vitamin in the body, patients with anemia. Well suited for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Dietary supplements Calcium and magnesium. Contains minerals in their pure form, the dose of which is well balanced and easily absorbed by the body. The supplement was created for those who, for whatever reason, do not consume dairy products.
  • Natural multi-carotene. The vitamins contain natural carotenoids obtained from marigolds, algae and palm oil. Does not contain artificial additives. Nutrilight vitamins for eyes have excellent antioxidant properties. Prevents premature aging of the skin, improves visual acuity.
  • Omega-3 Complex. A natural product made from sea fish oil. Regular consumption of the complex prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, thins the blood, maintains vascular tone, normalizes blood pressure, and improves immunity. Antioxidants fight cancer cells and prevent the development of cancer.
  • Chromium Picolinate Plus. It contains chromium, which normalizes blood sugar. It is indispensable for people with various diseases of the digestive system, diabetes, those suffering from high blood pressure and those prone to strokes. Natural additives included in the complex promote better absorption of the substance.
  • Dietary supplement Garlic. It retains all the beneficial properties of garlic, and there are many of them: maintaining the immune system, lowering cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular diseases, fighting cancer cells. Has a pleasant mint smell.
  • Protein complex . It is a powdered protein complex, consisting of amino acids essential for the body. The presence of protein is comparable to meat. Easily digestible, has no specific taste. It can be consumed during fasting, as well as for vegetarians, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Beauty formula - vitamins for women. Contains silicon, vitamin C, biotin. This is a good hair food supplement to maintain skin tone. Reduces fatigue, improves mood, increases vital energy.

"Nutrilight" for children: healthy and tasty!

1. Chewable tablets “Vegetable and Fruit Concentrate” protect the cardiovascular system, have anti-allergic and anti-ulcer effects, and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Price 1200.00 rub. for 60 tab.

2. Chewable Multivitamin Tablets – 4 minerals, 11 vitamins, beta-carotene. The composition has a natural orange flavor and is intended for teenagers. Price 940.00 rub. for 120 tab.

3. Vitamin C Chewable Tablets – Contains 30 mg of vitamin C per tablet. Strengthen the immune system and have an antioxidant effect. The supplement is designed for children. Price 920.00 rub. for 100 tablets

A little about vitamins – something you didn’t know about

Murzaeva Irina Yurievna

Endocrinologist, Preventive Medicine Doctor

September 23, 2018

Vitamins are classified as a subtype of micronutrients that are needed by the body in small doses - mcg or mg , but are needed constantly!! Many of the vitamins can influence the formation of the cell genome and, accordingly, influence reproduction and susceptibility to cancer. In our country, hypervitaminosis does not occur physiologically, but multiple vitamin deficiencies do. Deficiency can be of 3 degrees of severity:

  • vitamin deficiency (complete absence),
  • hypovitaminosis (partial absence),
  • subnormal security.

Next they will write about each vitamin separately and in the form of a brief reference. Since vitamins are often closely related to microelements, I will mention them a little.

  1. The most common deficiency is a lack of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12), especially in schoolchildren. This is due to the predominance of refined foods and stress.
  2. Allergies to B vitamins (especially injectable ones) are often associated not with “the vitamin itself,” but with sulfites that stabilize the vitamin solution. And if you are allergic to injectable forms, you may not be allergic to tablet forms.
  3. B vitamins are better absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, and are used in injections only for acute conditions (radiculopathy, neuritis, etc.).
  4. MYTH - B vitamins provoke cancer!!! Vitamins B1+B6+B12 do not affect tumor metastasis!!! And they even have an unpronounced antitumor effect.
  5. Vitamins B12 and D significantly reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.
  6. Vitamin E and Selenium in the experiment increased the risk of bronchial cancer - ONLY IN SMOKERS! (more than 1 pack of cigarettes per day).
  7. Vitamin C + Iron + Manganese (Mn) is the best three for the treatment of IDA (iron deficiency anemia).
  8. Vitamin B12 + Iodine + Selenium = optimal prevention of autoimmune diseases (note!!! already developed pathologies are not meant ).
  9. Vitamin PP + chromium (Cr) = excellent option in the treatment of insulin resistance and obesity.
  10. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) + magnesium = a great migraine treatment pairing!
  11. For better absorption of vitamins, movement is necessary! Physical inactivity weakens the absorption of all vitamins!
  12. To treat osteoporosis, the dose of vitamin D should maintain its concentration in the blood at least 40 ng/ml.
  13. In case of atopic dermatitis, dry skin syndrome, seizures, dry lips, conjunctivitis and recurrent furunculosis that are difficult to treat, there may be a genetic predisposition to impaired absorption of vitamins (this is a separate article) - today such an analysis is available in Russian practice.
  14. Boys are more predisposed to polyhypovitaminosis than girls.
  15. Frequent nausea without signs of infection is a common symptom of vitamin B1 and B6 deficiency.
  16. Leg cramps are often a deficiency of Iron, Magnesium, vitamins B1 and B6.
  17. A history of tuberculosis in relatives and a positive tuberculin test in a patient is an almost 100% marker of a genetic disorder in the absorption of vitamin D, which requires treatment with large prophylactic doses of vitamin D.
  18. Complivit is a vitamin that is suitable for daily use by almost everyone. Supradin - for acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, in a short course.
  19. Folic acid for preparing for pregnancy and treating hyperhomocysteinemia is better absorbed in the form of methylfolate (the active form of folic acid).
  20. Rosveratrol with a low-calorie diet (low-calorie diet) will help prevent hunger attacks.
  21. Alphalipoic acid + myoinositol + magnesium + zinc = an excellent 3-month treatment regimen for asthenozoospermia .
  22. Q10 + Selenium + Omega-3 + Alphatocopherol (active vitamin E) = against the background of dyslipoproteinemia, they can become an alternative to statins in the absence of cardiovascular disease and severe degrees of atherosclerosis.
  23. Thioctic (lipoic acid) is the best way to treat fatty hepatosis today.
  24. Zinc + vitamin C in the 1st phase of the cycle/vitamin E + Copper + Magnesium in the 2nd phase of the cycle = a universal scheme for stabilizing menstrual irregularities.
  25. Large doses of selenium that are tried to be used in thyroidology, more than 200 mcg, are fraught with toxic effects!! A dose of 75-100 mcg is sufficient for the treatment of AIT.
  26. 25% of the population has a defect in the absorption of vitamin B12. This is expressed by the phenomena of neuropathy - periodic numbness of the toes and hands.
  27. Magnesium does not have to be combined with vitamin B6; it is perfectly absorbed without B6.
  28. If you have urolithiasis (urolithiasis) and take vitamin D, so that it does not fall out as a “calcium deposit,” you need to take magnesium citrate. And keep hydrated!
  29. Vitamin K2 is not as strong a stimulator of vitamin D absorption as it is “painted to be.”
  30. Vitamin A + Omega-3 = a good treatment regimen for dry skin and acne!
  31. Anemia and other diseases can impair the absorption of vitamin D by 30% or more. And including reducing its concentration in the blood!!!
  32. Preventive (safe doses) of vitamin D for adults - 2400-5000 IU/day.
  33. The adrenal glands accumulate the most vitamin C. A safe daily dose of vitamin C is 500-1000 mg; in the active form, doses can be much higher (but this is only a doctor’s decision!!).
  34. Zinc is lost quickly during hypothermia, which aggravates the course of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections . An excellent solution is 50-70 mg of zinc for 5 days in acute conditions.
  35. Vitamin A+Selenium+Lutein = treatment regimen for diseases of the organ of vision.
  36. Algae-based omega-3s are a great alternative for those allergic to omega-3s from fish.
  37. It is better to take Omega-3 constantly; large doses are indicated only under the control of the Omega-3 blood index and blood platelet level!!!
  38. Phosphorus (+ calcium) for “strengthening bones” is needed more by children than by adults - in adults, phosphates predominate in food! For adults, vitamin D + calcium is preferred.
  39. Organic iodine, as well as inorganic iodine (potassium iodide), are absorbed with the same bioavailability. There is no need to isolate organic iodine.
  40. Vitamin E – proven prevention of bladder and kidney cancer (!)
  41. Unfortunately, active forms of vitamins are rarely found on the Russian market, which makes it difficult to use them to correct certain conditions.
  42. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is very important for the synthesis of steroid hormones, with adrenal dysfunction, for example, and has a healing property for erosive defects of the stomach, etc.
  43. Recently, science has begun to attract a lot of attention - chronopharmacology , which also studies the absorption of vitamins by time of day. For example, vitamin D and calcium are better absorbed in the evening!

To be continued ….

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