What are vitamins for? What vitamins and vitamin complexes should you take?

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Fatigue, apathy, bad mood, and malaise, which often occur during the off-season, may be associated with vitamin deficiency. These valuable substances have a huge impact on the functioning of the human body and maintaining excellent health.

What substances are called vitamins? What species are known? Where are they found in nature? Which synthetic additives are most effective and which are less effective? Below, we will try to find answers to all these questions.

Types of vitamins

Modern science has discovered 13 vitamins; a person can get them with food, from vegetables, fruits, meat, or from special industrial complexes.

Fat-soluble type

This group includes those substances that dissolve in a fatty environment.

These include the following connections:

  • retinol;
  • calciferol;
  • tocopherol;
  • phylloquinone.

Excess fat-soluble vitamins are excreted outside the body. Excessive consumption of these compounds is dangerous to human life.

Water-soluble species

The group includes compounds that dissolve in an aqueous environment. These include vitamin C and B vitamins.

B vitamins are:

  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • AT 5;
  • AT 6;
  • AT 7;
  • folate;
  • cyanocobalamin.

These vitamins are very important for humans; they are not deposited in tissues and are easily excreted outside the body.


These compounds are classified in a separate group. They do not have the characteristics characteristic of vitamins, but they have some of their properties.

Here, too, there is a division into the ability to dissolve in water and fat.

Fat-soluble: vitamins F, N; coenzyme Q.

Water soluble:

  • choline;
  • inositol;
  • para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • L – carnitine;
  • orotate;
  • pyrroloquinoline quinone;
  • pangamic acid;
  • B16;
  • B17;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • U.

How do they work

All about vitamins

Almost everyone needs multivitamin complexes. We tell you what you need to know about vital substances, why they are needed, how hypovitaminosis manifests itself, and why it is best to drink multivitamins.

Since then, scientists have discovered dozens of similar substances and understood the mechanism of their action on the human body. Vitamins do not supply energy like proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but they are involved in metabolism and help normalize almost all processes in the body


A person gets most vitamins only from food

, because our body is able to synthesize only some of them, and then in insufficient quantities.

Functions of vitamins

Vitamins are components of enzymes and hormones; only at their required level can the body launch a full-fledged metabolic process.

What is the biological role of vitamins:

  • hematopoiesis;
  • protecting the body from toxic effects and harmful effects of radionuclides;
  • ensuring the full functioning of various systems of the human body.
Name of the compound, its daily dosageFunctions performed Where can I find
Beta-carotene (1300 mcg)· work of immunity;
maintaining vision;

· maintaining healthy skin

Bright vegetables, fruits, sweet potatoes, mangoes, spinach, carrots
Retinol (1000)· skin health;
· strength of bones, teeth;

maintaining healthy mucous membranes

Dairy products, chicken, fish, meat
B1 (1.8 mg)· breakdown of carbohydrates;
energy production
Cereals, legumes, meat, nuts
B2 (20 mg)· combating the effects of free radicals;
control over the formation and growth of red blood cells
Yeast, organ meats, almonds, mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, eggs, whole grain bread, milk
B3 (5 mg)· produces serotonin, melatonin;
· reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol
Beets, green vegetables, eggs, dairy products, fish, yeast, chicken, meat
B5 (5 mg)· responsible for memory;
· synthesizes sex hormones, red blood cells;

Regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Meat, chicken, unprocessed grains, turkey, whole grains, vegetables, egg yolk, vegetables
B6 (2 mg)· immune support;
hemoglobin production;

· takes part in protein metabolism

Bananas, avocados, nuts, beans, meats, whole grains
B7 (50 mcg)· skin protection;
· reduction of mental tension;

glycogen metabolism

Whole grains, mushrooms, cauliflower, nuts, yeast, eggs, legumes, bananas
B9 (400 mcg)· cellular construction;
· reducing the risk of developing heart disease and weakening of blood vessels;

· reducing the likelihood of fetal defects

Spinach, broccoli, leafy vegetables, yeast, banana, mushrooms, melon, lettuce
B 12 (3 mcg)· protection against the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancerDairy products, beef, fish, eggs, chicken
Ascorbic acid (90 mg)· strengthening the immune system;
· protection of the circulatory system;

· preventing the negative effects of free radicals;

· protection of cells from premature withering;

· removal of toxins

Fresh fruits, vegetables
Vitamin D (15 mcg)Regulates the absorption of phosphorus and calciumProduced in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Liver, yolk, beef
Tocopherol (15 mg)· protection of cells from oxidative processes;
· work of immunity;

· prevention of the development of senile dementia

Seeds, vegetable oil, nuts, spinach, melon, coriander, apricots, cabbage

When does the body lack vitamins?

Having found out why the human body needs vitamins, you need to focus on those cases when taking them is required.

Taking synthetic vitamins is necessary in the following cases:

  • diet including monotonous foods;
  • lack of a balanced diet;
  • weight loss process;
  • frequent being under stress;
  • chronic diseases;
  • treatment with medications that reduce the absorption of vitamins and minerals;
  • period of illness;
  • recovery after surgery;
  • receiving sports loads;
  • vegetarianism;
  • therapy with hormonal medications;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • elderly age;
  • postpartum period;
  • breast-feeding;
  • intense mental stress;
  • childhood;
  • bad habits.

Vitamins are useful for all ages. In mild cases of deficiency, it is enough to establish the correct diet; in severe situations, it is impossible to do without taking special complexes or administering them with injections.

We look at the symptoms of vitamin deficiency in the table.

Vitamin nameManifestations Names of drugs to correct the deficiency
A· blurred vision at dusk;

dry cornea

Retinol acetate
AT 3· disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
· dermatitis;

· mental disorders

A nicotinic acid
AT 6· anemia;
· disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;

peripheral neuropathy

Nerviplex, Pyrodoxine hydrochloride
AT 7· dermatitis;
· enteritis;

· inflammatory processes in the intestines

AT 9Congenital defects in the fetusFolacin
AT 12· disruption of red blood cell productionNeurobex
WITH· production of “wrong” red blood cellsAscorbic acid
Vitamin D· anemia;
· rickets;

decreased bone density, increased fragility

Aquadetrim, Ergocalciferol

Microflora disturbance

If disruptions occur in the intestinal microflora, various problems begin, including with the production of vitamins. “Disturbance in the production of vitamins begins when something is wrong with the microflora. Bloating, gas formation, gurgling, grumbling, puffing up - this is an obvious sign of a malfunction of the microflora,” notes gastroenterologist-hepatologist Sergei Vyalov .

At the same time, there is no need to panic right away, since the body has support. “The vitamins are in some supply, so they will last for some time. And sooner you will have time to pay attention to other problems than to failures due to problems with the functioning of the microflora,” says the doctor.

There is a certain period of time that can be waited without any serious damage to health: 2-4 weeks. The main thing during this period is to exclude spicy and sweet foods from your diet, advises the gastroenterologist. This will allow you not to feed the microflora, which is already malfunctioning. Ideally, everything should recover on its own.

But there may also be unexpected consequences of such a situation. “Due to the fact that our microflora is disrupted and there is increased gas formation, there are not enough vitamins, two types of problems arise. The first one is known to everyone: irritable bowel syndrome. Here pain appears plus some stool disturbances. This could be diarrhea, constipation, or a combination of both.

A spoonful of bran and avocado. Why our intestines need fiber Read more

The second option is a violation of hormone synthesis in the intestines. Hormones are responsible for the feeling of fullness, so with such a failure we have an immense glutton and we overeat. This is due to the fact that hormones are responsible for ensuring that when food reaches the desired parts of the intestine deep below, the brain receives a signal that it’s enough to eat. Or, conversely, that you need to eat more. When this signal is compromised, we are on a fast track to obesity. Moreover, a feeling of hunger may develop when there is only gurgling in the stomach, but everything is fine with the stool,” recalls Sergei Vyalov.

Only one piece of advice may be relevant here: do not start the problem. Because there are risks of serious deterioration. “You need to properly limit spicy and sweet foods so as not to feed the microflora, which is already disturbed. Perhaps this will be enough, and then after a week or two you can return all these products back to yourself and observe. If it hasn’t gone away within 2 weeks, hasn’t changed in any way due to a change in diet, or has returned when foods were returned to the diet, it definitely won’t go away on its own,” says the doctor.

Everything in the body is interconnected, and especially in the intestines. And it is important to carefully monitor its condition so that the microflora provides all the necessary functions: the formation of immunity, the production of vitamins, etc. Otherwise, problems with the digestive system may arise, which will take a long and difficult time to solve.

Types of synthesized vitamins

Taking into account the needs of the human body, special synthetic forms of vitamins have been developed. They are available in liquid and dry forms and are absorbed faster than those that a person receives from food. To avoid the possibility of an overdose, you must take such drugs strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Synthesized vitamins come in liquid and dry forms.

Liquid forms are easier to absorb by the body and are safe for children. There are the following types:

  • oil-based: used for external use, they are applied to the skin, hair, nails;
  • in ampoules: used for intramuscular injections, recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases, because they do not come into contact with mucous membranes, causing their damage;
  • syrups: used in childhood, the benefits of vitamins are combined with a pleasant taste and smell.

Dry types of synthetic vitamins:

  • tablets: they are easy to store and transport;
  • capsules: have a gelatin shell, are broken down directly in the gastrointestinal tract, where they begin to act;
  • gel, marmalade: specially designed for children, have a pleasant taste and aroma;
  • powders: have a high concentration, do not contain dyes or additives, and have maximum efficiency.

Purchased vitamins must be stored correctly, otherwise they may deteriorate and lose their properties. They change under the influence of:

  • oxygen;
  • high humidity, air temperature;
  • acidic, alkaline environment;
  • sunlight;
  • microorganisms;
  • bacteria.

Where to order vitamins with delivery

A large selection of vitamins is presented in our network of online pharmacies “Aptstore”. There are both mono and multivitamin complexes available. All supplements are of high quality, so they are a good addition to vitamins of natural origin.

In the online pharmacy "Aptstore" you can quickly place your order. To do this, you need to go through a simple procedure for registering your personal account. Then add the required items to your cart. And choose delivery to one of our branches. Delivery is possible in Moscow and Odintsovo. You can find out how much vitamin preparations cost from the catalogue.

The phone number is also listed on our website. By calling it, you can also place an order and clarify delivery conditions or information about the product.

If the product you need is out of stock, you have the opportunity to pre-order. When it arrives at the warehouse, our employees will inform you about it.

What vitamin complexes should I buy?

Having figured out what vitamins are for, you need to understand that in order to get rid of a deficiency, it is unlikely that it will work only with the help of vegetables, fruits, fish and meat. Sometimes only taking special complexes helps solve the deficiency problem.

For immunity

Fruttilar Evalar: is a source of vitamins such as ascorbic acid, tocopherol, elderberry extract. They are in the form of lozenges that can be chewed like regular marmalade.

Multi Tabs Immuno plus: contains vitamins, minerals, probiotic with lactobacilli.

Complivit: contains vitamins, microelements, and has a low cost.

Centrum: used in children over 12 years of age, it contains a complex of vitamins and microelements. An important advantage is the large number of antioxidants.

Supradin Immuno Forte: echinacea, vitamin C, zinc, propolis.

For vision

What vitamins are there for the eyes? Okuwait Forte is recognized as one of the most popular. Contains lutein, zeaxanthin, carotenoids. Protects the retina from negative influences, reduces the risk of developing changes, and stops inflammatory processes.

To maintain beauty

Doppelhertz: accelerates metabolic processes, stimulates cellular renewal. Works to improve the condition of the skin, stimulate hair growth, and strengthen nails.

Solgar: contains methylsulfonylmethane, which transports sulfur, collagen, keratin. The presence of ascorbic acid, zinc, and copper enhances the positive effects of the drug. A course of treatment increases the elasticity of the skin and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Merz: vitamins contained here (L-cysteine, iron, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol) perform various functions. Dragees help increase the strength of connective tissues and stimulate cellular renewal processes.

Vitrum Beauty: contains 10 vitamins, enhanced with bioflavonoids and amino acids.

Complivit Radiance: includes green tea extract and 10 vitamins. Used to strengthen hair follicles and eliminate dandruff.

For men's health

Solgar for men: helps in easily overcoming stress, normalizing hormonal levels, increasing performance, strengthening the immune system.

Doppelherz for future dads: all the vitamins necessary for conception are collected here. Contains components to improve prostate function.

Doppelgerz Spermactive: increases libido, increases sensitivity during sexual intercourse, strengthens erection, improves the quantity and quality of sperm, stimulates their motility.

Pharma Honey "Men's Formula": aimed at increasing the body's immune forces, normalizing blood circulation processes, increasing vitality, normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Helps with high fatigue, decreased intellectual capabilities, and memory loss. Contains 26 minerals, vitamins for the male body, valuable plant extracts.

Pharma Med "Male Formula" Forte: prevents the occurrence of sexual dysfunction, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, enhances potency, increases the duration of sexual relationships, and prevents premature ejaculation.

Men's Multivitamin Formula: Created to support the health of people involved in sports. Contains 12 vitamins, 9 elements. Increases endurance, normalizes sleep, increases energy, vigor, and normalizes the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Parity Evalar: designed to stimulate potency, contains roots of Eurycoma longifolia, yohimbe. Helps normalize testosterone production and stimulate libido.

For children

Doppelhertz Kinder: These vitamins are an excellent choice for keeping children's bodies healthy. Contains the entire group of B vitamins, glycine, ascorbic acid. The complex has a pleasant taste of raspberry and orange, which does not create problems during use. Taking vitamins helps strengthen the nervous system, increases mental activity, normalizes sleep, stabilizes the psycho-emotional background, and stabilizes metabolic processes in the brain.

Fruttilar company Evalar: is produced in the form of marmalade, reminiscent of chewing candies. Contains B vitamins, retinol, ascorbic acid.

Multi Tabs Immuno Kids: used in children from three years old. Contains B vitamins, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamins K, D, 6 minerals, lactobacilli.

Vitrum Kids: approved for use in children over 3 years old. It looks like gummy animals with a pleasant taste. Contains a wide range of vitamins.

Pikovit: there are several varieties approved for use from 1, 3, 4 and 7 years.

Adult complexes

Doppelhertz A to Zn: used to restore people who often experience mental and physical stress. Can be used to prevent the development of deficiency conditions. Contains 13 vitamins. 11 minerals. Works to strengthen the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to stress.

Selmevit: suitable for people recovering from surgery, injuries, and chronic pathologies. The drug contains vitamins and minerals that increase the body's resistance to negative factors.

Undevit: an inexpensive drug containing calcium, ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol, B vitamins and vitamin P. Indicated for use by weakened people for recovery after illnesses. Suitable for use in old age to establish normal metabolism.

Solgar Multi-1: differs from other drugs in that all its components are presented in easily digestible forms. Contains a line of basic vitamins, as well as chromium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, iodine, rutin, copper, bioflavonoids. For ease of absorption by the body, organic betaine hydrochloride is included in the composition.

Multi tabs: contains antioxidants, without which the proper functioning of the heart, urinary and nervous system organs is impossible. The drug is used to strengthen the body’s immune forces and increase its resistance in the fight against stress.

Vitrum: used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies. It is often prescribed to stabilize the body’s functioning after cancer.

Complivit: contains vitamins, minerals, supplemented with cobalt, without which the full functioning of the hematopoietic system and the processing of nutrients into energy is impossible.

Complexes for pregnant women

Doppelgerz active for expectant mothers: balanced for women who are preparing for conception.

Elevit: contains an increased amount of magnesium, necessary for relaxing muscle muscles. Therefore, the drug is used to prevent miscarriage. Contains a level of folic acid sufficient for normal fetal development.

Multi Tabs Prenatal: contains the main forms of vitamins, as well as minerals - magnesium, iodine, supplemented with the right amount of folic acid.

Fruttilar from Evalar for pregnant women: contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Suitable for use immediately after conception, as well as at the planning stage of pregnancy, during lactation. It is produced in an attractive form of marmalade berries, which does not create problems with administration even with severe toxicosis.

Complexes for maintaining vigor

Berocca: consists of components that support mental activity at any age, reduce the speed of reactions, and increase energy production by cells.

Alphabet Energy: all components are divided into three groups of components that need to be taken in the morning, lunch and evening. This is done in order to avoid conflict between substances and improve the degree of absorption by the body. The complex maintains human activity at a high level throughout the day.

Gerimax Energy: helps in the fight against fatigue, supports vitality. Vitamins and minerals are supplemented with extracts of green tea leaves and ginseng root.

Biorhythm Antistress company Evalar: capsules are taken in the morning and evening to restore the body’s biological rhythms, get rid of fatigue, normalize sleep, and improve its quality characteristics.

Complivit Superenergy: additionally contains guarana, which increases the level of energy in the body, relieves increased anxiety and chronic fatigue.

Doppelhertz Energotonic: has a varied composition, including vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids. Works to combat fatigue, increases activity levels, and accelerates recovery from illnesses.

Vitamins are important components of human life. Without a sufficient amount of them, it is impossible to achieve effective and complete functioning of the body. Therefore, it is so important to monitor their quantity, avoid deficiencies, promptly adjust the diet, and take special complexes.

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