Stella tablets for women. Instructions, what they are needed for, analogues, price

Women's tablets "Stella" are the newest drug that makes it possible to correctly and correctly adjust hormonal levels. One of the most important advantages of these tablets is their strong effect on the hormones of the female body due to the non-hormonal substances that make up the medicine.

The development of the drug was carried out under the strict control of the best domestic gynecologists and obstetricians, thereby ensuring the high safety and effectiveness of the dietary supplement.

Indications for use

Stella, tablets for women, is a drug that the best Russian specialists, known both in the field of gynecology and endocrinology, worked on.

This non-hormonal product contains a huge amount of healing components that make it possible to adjust the metabolic processes of estrogen, as well as to prevent the occurrence of various pathologies in the female reproductive system.

The dietary supplement is also prescribed to women who have recently had genital surgery. The substance increases the healing of damaged tissues and also has a positive effect on the regeneration of cells of the reproductive system.

As part of complex therapy with other medications, Stella enhances their positive effect on the body. Since the drug is made exclusively from natural ingredients, it is able to “cleanse” the body of stronger chemicals introduced into the body during or before surgery.

The product can be prescribed even to healthy women, as it strengthens female uterine cells and has a positive effect on all functions of the reproductive system.

Stella can be prescribed by your doctor as a drug that corrects hormonal levels. The supplement is used for the necessary stimulation of the hormone production system in cases of severe or moderate estrogen deficiency.

The medicine is prescribed to eliminate symptoms for the following indications:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen or in the presence of general discomfort in the pelvis.
  • Period disturbances and pain syndromes during menstruation.
  • Coarsened mammary glands at various stages of the menstrual cycle, usually expressed by pain syndromes.
  • Diseases associated with papillomavirus.
  • Manifestations of relapse of a benign organ-specific tumor of the mammary glands in the postoperative period.
  • Significant uterine tumors and neoplasms.

Stella, tablets for women, can also be prescribed by specialists as an excipient for the following indications:

  • Endometriosis.

  • Mastopathic syndrome.
  • Myoma.
  • Pain during the menstrual cycle.

The active composition of this drug is an auxiliary substance in the treatment of non-inflammatory diseases, such as:

  • Changes in breast tissue as a result of pathology.
  • Mandatory supplementation of the female body with certain hormones to maintain the necessary background at the preliminary stage of diseases associated with menopause.
  • Weakening of ovarian function during the female transition period.

Gynecology and endocrinology doctors may prescribe the drug to relieve symptoms or eliminate side effects from other medications.

Also, the medicine can be prescribed when using oral contraceptives for a long time. Another use is to relieve negative effects during therapy, which is aimed at restoring hormones through the use of medications.

The main advantage of Stella is its exclusively natural composition, which introduces changes into the female body at the genetic level. In this regard, its contraindications are kept to a minimum. It has been proven that the drug affects not only the hormonal system of women, but also has a positive effect on the female body as a whole.

This applies to both pubescent girls and mature women. Stella is a reliable assistant for preventing new benign tumors, and also prevents the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer.

Stella tablets for women

Menstruation with pain syndromeMonologue
Use of contraceptive hormonesMonologue
Chest painComplex, combined with other medications

The table shows the most common ailments found in women, as well as the type of use of the drug. The monological method is the use of dietary supplements exclusively without other drugs. Complex use - in combination with other medications prescribed by a doctor.

For what pathologies is Stella prescribed?

Doctors recommend Stella capsules for many problems in the female body. In most cases, medicine is prescribed both for pathologies caused by hormonal and other disorders, and for the purpose of preventing them.

As part of complex therapy for non-inflammatory ailments: - uterine fibroids; — fibrocystic mastopathy; - endometrial hyperplasia; - fibroids; - excessive growth of tissue on the mucous membrane; - pain and other unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen; - irregular periods due to the decline of ovarian function with the onset of menopause; - painful discomfort and tightness in the chest; - swelling of the mammary glands. In order to prevent: - reducing the brightness of “hot flashes” characteristic of the period of menopause and perimenopause; - diseases associated with the papilloma virus; - exacerbation of non-cancerous glandular tumors in the postoperative period; — formation of neoplasms of malignant origin in the mammary glands and cervix; — recurrence of fibroadenoma after surgery.

In addition, the dietary supplement can be used not only for pathologies of the mammary glands, but also for other health problems. So, using Stella can help:

  1. Get rid of excess weight.
  2. Increase performance.
  3. Normalize sleep.
  4. Eliminate acne, pimples and other skin manifestations.
  5. Stabilize psycho-emotional balance.
  6. Strengthen hair, thereby preventing excessive hair loss.

Composition of the medicine

Stella, tablets for women contain the most powerful combinations of healing substances.

This biologically active preparation contains the following additives:

  • Medical extract from medicinal plants of the red family.
  • Soy extract.
  • Epigallocachetin – 3 gallates.

The newest method of processing raw materials of plant origin makes it possible to obtain high-quality medicinal substances. The three main components are obtained from a plant base through secondary synthesis.

They provide the opportunity to stabilize the metabolic processes of hormonal substances. In addition to the main active ingredients, the capsules contain excipients, namely lactose and aerosilic acid.

Features of application

Before prescribing Stella for menopause, doctors do a hormone test, as well as other studies confirming metabolic problems. Based on the data obtained, the doctor diagnoses menopause and recommends that the woman use dietary supplements - harmless drugs based on herbal components. These pills will not only not be dangerous during menopause, but can also help a woman avoid “age-related” troubles, such as fibroids and endometriosis. The dietary supplement was originally created for women who suffer from metabolic disorders, but the effect of the drug is general strengthening for all systems and organs.

There are virtually no side effects when taking the drug. Most women who took this remedy noted that thanks to Stella they lost several extra pounds. At the same time, another category of women complained about weight gain. But doctors do not see this as a problem precisely because of taking the drug, since none of the components contained in the tablets provoke weight gain. In order not to become a hostage to kilograms, you need to reduce coffee and alcoholic drinks. They are the ones who can provoke extra pounds when taking Stella.

The drug is used not only to improve metabolism, it is also recommended for women who have undergone surgery on the female genital organs.

During the recovery period after surgery, doctors also take advantage of this medicine to prevent and eliminate post-operative complications.

Release form and price categories

Stella, tablets for women are produced by the manufacturer in the form of large capsules of different colors containing 400 mg of the active substance. The box contains 5 gray blisters, each of which contains 9 capsules. There are a total of 45 units of the drug in the package.

Each yellow capsule contains at least 100 mg of broccoli plant extract, 60 mg of green tea (as indicated by the green color), 60 mg of non-genetically modified soybeans. In addition to the above substances, the manufacturer adds auxiliary components to the drug, such as milk sugar and silicon dioxide.

This dietary supplement contains a whole active substance complex, recognized by the World Cancer Research Fund as effective and beneficial for women's health. The cost of the drug is certified by the manufacturer in advance and depends on the specific region of sale. On average, the price for one package ranges from 700 to 1300 rubles.


The pharmacological effect of the drug is due to the action of the main components included in its composition, namely:

  1. reducing the risk of hormone-dependent new formations;
  2. providing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects;
  3. significantly reducing the rate of vessel formation in the pathological area;
  4. reducing the production of enzymes that transform male sex hormones into female ones in areas where fatty tissue is deposited.

The main active ingredient of the drug affects the female body at a deep cellular level, eliminating weak or dying cells that have an atypical structure. Clinical studies have proven that epigallocachetin acts exclusively on the vessels that feed tumor conglomerates. The component has a pronounced rejuvenating effect on cells.

Under the influence of this substance, acute and chronic phenomena of an inflammatory nature are eliminated in the pelvic organs. It is these foci of pathology that are the main cause of extensive hormone imbalance, which harms reproductive functions in women of any age.

If you experience symptoms such as pain in the abdomen before and during the menstrual cycle, significant weight gain or sudden mood swings, you should immediately consult a specialist for detailed advice and change the dosage regimen of the drug.

Studies conducted by clinical specialists show that Stella women's tablets normalize estrogen metabolism in the body. Epigallocachetin is a component that gives a woman’s cells a second youth.

In addition to the above, its composition has antioxidant properties, which helps prevent any, even the most complex inflammatory processes. The components of the drug stimulate the response at the cellular level.

This has other effects such as:

  • Cancer prevention and prevention.
  • Elimination of negative dysplasia effects.
  • Improvement of uterine cervix tissue.

Diode STELLA dietary supplement 45 capsules - reviews


Stella treated mastopathy at an early stage and now I regularly take this remedy for prevention purposes. I was prescribed a complex therapy that included the drug Stella. I followed the course of use of this medicine according to the instructions - I took each tablet in accordance with the time of day during meals.

The symptoms of the disease went away and an examination by a doctor a month later confirmed the positive effect of the entire treatment. Of all the medications, they only left me with Stella as a preventive measure - take a maintenance course every winter and summer.


This drug is completely herbal: broccoli extract, green tea extract, non-genetically modified soybean extract. That's all. What other corpse poison? Complete nonsense!!! I started taking it 15 days ago. I like. My periods this cycle are just great. It’s been 5 years since I had a meager 2 days each. And this time it’s just super. Everything is going as expected, just like it was 5 years ago.


I'm 46 years old. Changes began to appear in the mammary gland, uterus and ovaries, hormonal therapy is contraindicated for me. Therefore, my gynecologist prescribed the drug “Stella”. I drank it for 1 month. I took a blood test for hormones - everything is fine! Although before that they “jumped”! Hot flashes do not appear, irritability is gone. There is no pain during menstrual bleeding. There are advantages to this drug! The only thing: the high price, but considering that this drug also has cancer prevention, I think then it won’t be a pity to pay any money for it! I was prescribed to drink it for three months. I think for myself, my beloved, I earned 6000 rubles. and I can spend it on myself, for the sake of my health!!!



good dietary supplement for maintaining health


Very expensive for an ordinary dietary supplement

After pregnancy, problems with hormones began, however, probably like many others. Our kids “eat” a lot from their bodies. I completely switched to proper nutrition, but there was still something missing in my body, I began to use various vitamins and dietary supplements to restore my body faster, given that I like to play sports, and this is additional stress for the body, although beneficial for perspective. But some problems never went away - the tightness of the skin was not pleasing, which made the appearance of cellulite more visible, acne, fatigue. For this reason, I began to scour the Internet on the topic of female hormones, the causes of cellulite and an excess of the hormone estrogen in the body. Thus, I came across an advertisement for this dietary supplement “Stella”, which promised women the restoration of hormonal levels when taking this dietary supplement for a month. I went to the pharmacy website. ru, where I order all my medications, and scraping my soul I paid almost 2300 rubles. One pack costs around 1100-1200 rubles, but 2 packs are needed for a monthly course of use (such recommendations are in the instructions for using these dietary supplements). The regimen for using the dietary supplement is simple: a yellow capsule in the morning, a green capsule at lunch, and a red capsule in the evening. To avoid confusion, on the back of the package, under each capsule, everything is labeled as to when. During the period of taking it, your periods disappear and appear when you finish the course of taking this dietary supplement - this is exactly what happened to me, so perhaps it is recommended to drink it after the end of your period. During and immediately after finishing taking the dietary supplement Stella, I did not feel any obvious changes, although I may have felt less tired and felt better. But the skin came to a more elastic and improved state with a decrease in cellulite only 2 months after the end of the treatment. I don’t know if the dietary supplement had an effect, or all together, but I think this dietary supplement also contributed to the restoration of my health, like any other dietary supplement, but for a price tag several times lower than Stella. I don’t have any obvious health problems, so perhaps I can’t fully appreciate it (or vice versa) to say for sure whether it helps in any way or not. Although if anyone is really bothered, you can get tested for hormones before and after using Stella dietary supplement and see the difference. In summary: a good drug in its category, but too expensive for its category. Therefore, if you do not have obvious health problems, then I do not recommend this drug, although you can fork out money once as a preventive measure. In any case, it is vital for us girls to monitor our hormones.



natural herbal composition, effect


Price, complicated dosage regimen, not available everywhere, effect is there, but temporary

Hello, I want to share my impressions of the dietary supplement Stella, such an unusual name, but oh well. Manufacturer: Russia, I rarely take dietary supplements from our production, but in this case it was prescribed by a gynecologist. Due to polycystic ovary syndrome, I have hormonal imbalances; the amount of estrogen is reduced, while the amount of androgens is increased. Because of this, there are periodic failures in the cycle. This time, too, the delay was long, and not because of pregnancy, but just like that, and the doctor prescribed Stella for me for a course of 15 days. You need to drink it three times a day with meals, tablets by color, on the back of them it is written which one is in the morning, which one in the afternoon, and which one in the evening. One contains green tea extract, the other contains broccoli extract, and the third contains soy isoflavones, that is, a drug based on plant components, these are not synthetic hormones or any other rubbish! Broccoli extract acts thanks to indole-3 carbinol, green tea extract thanks to a substance called epigalocatechin, soy isoflavones also contain substances that affect estrogen metabolism. This is what it looks like: This drug works interestingly, it evens out the level of estrogen, that is, when the amount of these hormones is increased, it lowers them, and when the amount is low, it increases it, it reduces the amount of bad estrogens. It is used in many cases, but it was prescribed to me specifically for the purpose of bringing menstruation closer, since it disappeared and it helped me. On the 11th day of taking Stella, a miracle happened. Many write negative reviews that this dietary supplement does not help, that it is an expensive pacifier, while they themselves write that they prescribed it to themselves after hearing about it on the radio or from a friend, and they expect a miracle from the dietary supplement when cysts, fibroids and serious diseases, Stella alone cannot eliminate such ailments, because the instructions say that this is a supplement, that it is effective in complex treatment, that is, it does not replace other types of treatment, but simply helps, and in my case it performed its function, just I don’t expect a miracle from her, the doctor said that you can drink more from the 5th day of the cycle for a month to even out the cycle, then I’ll write about it. But the fact that Stella can stimulate the onset of menstruation WITHOUT synthetic hormonal drugs is yes, at least in my case, with reduced estrogens. Here are the instructions for you: By the way, the instructions also talk about the effect on human papilloma, including reducing the manifestation of cervical dysplasia and protecting cells from carcinogens, in general, very good for HPV, which is now common. In addition, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects are also promised. The drug costs from 850 to 1200 rubles, such is the difference in pharmacies, I bought it for 850 rubles, one package lasts for 15 days, it was enough for me, but for a course a month you need two such packages, expensive, but it would be effective. This is the insert that was in the package: This is the size of the capsule: To be honest, I didn’t even expect any effect, but this is how it turned out. I think the downside is the high price, why this price is unclear to me, for tea, broccoli and soy? Moreover, Russia produces. But that's okay. I recommend this dietary supplement, but don’t expect super miracles and it’s better to consult a doctor, the drug works, that’s a fact, but everyone’s cases are individual. For now I’ll give it four because of the price, and I need to test it further, I’ll look at the effect and write. Update June 29, 2022. The next cycle I took Stella again, as there was a delay, and my periods came again, after seven days of taking it, that is, it definitely stimulates menstruation with reduced estrogens, but I want to take a course for a month, is there any effect of normalizing the cycle after stopping Stella, there will be, that means it clearly helps the body, and if not, then there’s little use, you won’t drink it all the time, I’ll write about the results later. UPDATE October 11, 2022. This time there was a delay, I took Stella, it didn’t help, there are no periods, the ovaries are very large according to ultrasound, that is, polycystic disease is thriving, so the effect is temporary. I'm lowering my ratings for this. Good health to everyone.


Stella capsules are completely absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract 3-4 hours after use. Healing substances enter the blood and immediately affect the synthesis of estrogen, and also have a positive effect on the general hormonal background of a woman.

The reproductive organs are also susceptible to positive effects. The drug reaches full concentration in the blood plasma within 24 hours. The dietary supplement is excreted through the kidneys; its presence in the body does not exceed 1.5 days.

Why is high cholesterol dangerous?

Elevated cholesterol levels lead to the risk of developing coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke and gangrene of the extremities!

It is necessary to reduce the concentration of total cholesterol in the blood: a decrease in the concentration of total cholesterol in the blood by 10% leads to a reduction in mortality from heart disease by 20%. Little physical activity (physical inactivity), excess nutrition and smoking have a bad effect on cholesterol levels.

Physical exercise and weight loss reduce the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis.


Experts recommend taking the drug only as directed, with food.

There is a certain order for taking capsules by color:

  • It is recommended to drink yellow capsules in the morning, at breakfast.
  • Green - at lunch, in the middle of the day.
  • The red capsule is taken with dinner, at the end of the day.

Regardless of the patient’s age, the dose of the drug per day is one – 3 times a day, one capsule of a certain color. According to statistics, the course of treatment lasts on average one month. The effect of the dietary supplement will be much stronger if you take it for 2-3 months. You should be very careful to ensure that at least one hour passes between doses of multi-colored capsules.

This is necessary so that the various substances contained in the capsules do not mix in the body. If a person is overweight, the dosage should be increased, but only after consultation with a specialist. It is forbidden to increase the dose on your own. These are standard conditions for taking the drug.

The attending physician can adjust the dosage depending on the woman’s age, as well as her weight category. The disease that needs to be combated also plays an important role. For some ailments, the standard regimen is sufficient, while others require an increase in dose.

Capsules can be taken as a separate drug or in combination with other drugs as additional therapy. An individual treatment method is selected for different patients. Statistics show that it is better to take the drug after the age of 14. This is due to the fact that it is during this period that various malfunctions in the reproductive system most often develop.

general characteristics

Stella capsules are a unique drug that supports the health of the female reproductive system. When using a dietary supplement, it is possible to stabilize estrogen metabolism. If this process is disrupted, there are risks of developing various serious pathologies: endometriosis, fibrocystic mastopathy, uterine fibroids, etc.

In addition, the drug is capable of:

  • Improve the condition of the mammary glands and other organs of the reproductive system, regardless of age.
  • Increase the effectiveness of treatment of various female diseases.
  • Reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer and other malignancies.

When taking the drug during menopause, it is possible to improve the general condition. It is important that this reduces the risk of gaining excess weight. With the stabilization of hormonal levels, it is possible to get rid of depression and improve the quality of sexual life.

Side effects

Negative symptoms may occur due to individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug. Allergic reactions can appear in the form of redness on the skin in various parts of the body.

Side effects may also include itching, sore throat and increased tearfulness. If the above symptoms appear, you must immediately contact your doctor to replace the drug with one that has a similar effect on the body.


Analogues of Stella are medications that are similar in pharmacological action, namely drugs containing the main active substance - indole 3 carbinol, which achieves a positive effect in treatment. Only the attending physician can make an accurate selection of replacement drugs.

An absolutely identical product in composition does not exist on the pharmacological market at the moment. But in case of allergic reactions to Stella, you can find a replacement drug. Only a doctor should do this, based on the individual characteristics of the body of his patients.

Products similar in composition:

  1. Endorm. It is a dietary supplement that is based on a concentrated extract of white cinquefoil, naked licorice, kelp and string. The main action is aimed at restoring the functional potential of the thyroid gland, capable of adjusting hormonal levels.
  2. Vagilak. Probiotic taken orally. It is used to normalize the microflora of a woman’s vagina along with a correctly selected lactobacterial complex.
  3. Gynekohel. A homeopathic remedy used for inflammatory processes in the female organs of the reproductive system.

The above list does not include all the products that can replace Stella. The choice of a suitable analogue should be made exclusively by the attending physician.

Do not neglect the drug even with mild symptoms of a particular disease. Stella women's tablets are an excellent preventative measure and have proven themselves to be extremely good both in Russia and in foreign countries.

Composition of the drug

Stella is a dietary supplement that contains three healing ingredients: soy, green tea and cruciferous plant extract. Each type of capsule has a different color, like a traffic light. Stella tablets are recommended to be taken separately, a couple of capsules. Instructions for use of Stella describe step by step how to take the drug. Doctors advise taking pills on the first day of menstruation, although the instructions do not stipulate this.

The main purpose of the dietary supplement is the prevention of fibroids, endometriosis and mastopathy. These ailments are the most common metabolic pathologies that plague women during menopause.

Stella helps many women during menopause, but this drug is not so cheap - about seventy dollars. It must be used for at least two months for the product to have the desired effect. Otherwise, women may be disappointed in the drug, considering it ineffective.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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