Buy Feminal capsules No. 30 in pharmacies

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Isoflavones are phytohormones that have an effect on the body similar to the effect of estrogen hormones . Red clover extract contains 4 types of isoflavones, which are structurally similar to female hormones more than other phytohormones. Therefore, they are very effective when used to reduce the symptoms of menopause .

Isoflavones interact with estrogen receptors in bone tissue and in the tissues of the cardiovascular system, preventing bone fragility and pressure changes. They also influence similar recipes in the hypothalamus, which suppresses the manifestation of vegetative symptoms of menopause . The drug inhibits the effect of arotomase, thereby reducing the risk of developing breast cancer, and reduces the production of cytokines.

Feminal capsules 160 mg 30 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

Estrogen-like, antimenopausal.

Composition and release form Feminal capsules 160 mg 30 pcs.

Capsules - 1 capsule. (221 mg):

  • active ingredient: dry red clover extract (Trifolium pratense), standardized to 40% isoflavones - 100 mg;
  • excipients: MCC; silicon dioxide; magnesium stearate;
  • capsule: gelatin; titanium dioxide; azorubine; iron oxide black; iron oxide red;
  • energy value - 0.9 kcal (3.7 kJ); proteins -

Does not contain sugar, sweeteners or preservatives.

Capsules, 221 mg. In blister, 15 pcs., 2 bl. in a cardboard pack.

Directions for use and doses

Inside. 1 capsule (keep in mouth until completely dissolved outside meals) 4-5 times a day. Taking the drug begins 1-2 days before the start of menstruation and continues throughout the entire period of menstruation.


A complex homeopathic medicine, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition. It has analgesic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. Stabilizes the psycho-emotional state.

Indications for use Feminal capsules 160 mg 30 pcs.

Premenstrual syndrome and algodismenorrhea (painful irregular menstruation; increased emotional excitability, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular disorders and neuroses).


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. Age up to 18 years (due to lack of experience in clinical use). Pregnancy and breastfeeding period. Lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.

special instructions

Information for patients with diabetes: the carbohydrate content in the maximum daily dose of the drug corresponds to 0.088 bread units.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The drug does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions (driving a car and other vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher, operator, etc.).


No cases of overdose have been identified to date.

Side effects Feminal capsules 160 mg 30 pcs.

Allergic reactions are possible. To date, no cases of side effects have been reported. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

Cases of incompatibility with other drugs have not been reported. The use of homeopathic medicines does not exclude treatment with other medicines.

Indications for use

Feminal is indicated if a woman has severe symptoms characteristic of menopause :

  • tides;
  • bouts of sweating ;
  • sudden increase in heart rate;
  • irritability;
  • various sleep disorders;
  • nervousness;
  • headaches;
  • increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • mood swings.

It's worth remembering that many of these symptoms can be caused by other causes. Therefore, before taking the drug, you should consult your doctor to determine whether the condition is related to menopause .

Buy Feminal capsules No. 30 in pharmacies

Feminal Buy Feminal in pharmacies MANUFACTURERS Jadran (Croatia)

GROUP of dietary supplements that reduce the risk of functional disorders of female cyclic processes

COMPOSITION Feminal capsules are made on the basis of isoflavones obtained from red clover. 1 capsule contains 100 mg of dry extract of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), containing about 40 mg of pure isoflavones: biocanin A (biochanin A), formononetin (formononetin), daidzein (daidzein), genistein (genistein).


PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION Isoflavones are the most effective phytoestrogens. Due to their structural similarity to estrogens, they are capable of actively binding to estrogen receptors in body tissues. Depending on the concentration of endogenous estradiol and receptor location, isoflavones can act as estrogen receptor agonists or antagonists. This selective ability to connect allows them to be classified as natural selective modulators of estrogen receptors. Red clover has significant advantages over other plants containing isoflavones, since it: - contains 4 isoflavones (soybeans contain only 2); — contains the largest amount of isoflavones (10-20 times more than in soy); — contains polyphenols with strong antioxidant properties; — is not a genetically modified product.

INDICATIONS FOR USE Feminal capsules are recommended as a biologically active food supplement - a source of isoflavones. Red clover extract fully satisfies the body's daily need for isoflavones, so experts recommend it to women before, during and after menopause as an effective aid: • with menopausal disorders (frequent and intense hot flashes, night sweats, pain in the mammary glands , neurosis and depression); • with brittle bones; • with elevated cholesterol levels; • for general health promotion.

CONTRAINDICATIONS Individual intolerance to dietary supplement components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 16 years of age.

SIDE EFFECTS No data available.

INTERACTION No data available.

DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Adults are recommended to take 1 capsule per day with meals. One original package is enough for a 30-day course of administration. This remedy can be taken for a long time.

OVERDOSE No data available.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS If taken simultaneously with other medications, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

STORAGE CONDITIONS Store carefully closed, at room temperature, in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children.


Analogues of Feminal:

  • Klimaksan;
  • Menopace;
  • Remens;
  • Klimaktoplan;
  • Abyufen;
  • Ovariamine;
  • Qi-klim alanine;
  • Klimakt-hel;
  • Bonisan;
  • Femiwell;
  • Lady's formula menopause;
  • Climacterin;
  • Lefem;
  • Onagris;
  • Cleverol.

Feminal reviews

Reviews from women about Feminal during menopause

Women who have taken Feminal usually say that the medicine helps quite quickly after starting the course. After stopping the medication, all symptoms return. But with very pronounced manifestations of menopause , for example, “hot flashes” more than 10 times a day, the medicine may be ineffective.

Reviews from doctors about contraindications of Feminal

Reviews from doctors show that there are much fewer contraindications for taking Feminal than for estrogen drugs that have a similar effect. It is safer and very effective for mild to moderate menopause .

Reviews from oncologists about the composition of Feminal

Some oncologists admit that the composition of Feminal helps reduce the risk of malignant tumors. Others doubt that it has such a significant effect, since the drug is classified as a dietary supplement.

The problem of ovarian hypofunction in women of the reproductive period does not lose its relevance from year to year. Various clinical and physiological changes that develop in a woman’s body with a decrease in estrogen synthesis by the ovaries occur as true endocrinopathy. All manifestations of endocrinopathy are well known from the example of menopausal syndrome and late postmenopausal changes in a woman’s body [1, 3]. During reproductive age, when a deficiency of endogenous estrogens occurs, similar processes develop, but their severity is less. Women with HMS, in addition to disturbances of menstrual and reproductive functions, are concerned about a decrease in the quality of life: sleep disturbances, work capacity, bad mood, increased vegetative reactions [4]. Undoubtedly, the most effective is the prescription of hormone replacement therapy or combined oral contraception. At the same time, the problem of compensating for estrogen deficiency remains unresolved in the presence of contraindications to the prescription of estrogen-containing drugs in such patients or when they refuse to take sex steroids [1, 3, 4].

Due to the presence of these contraindications to the use of hormone replacement therapy, there is a need to use alternative treatment methods. In this case, phytoestrogens can be used. Among the various classes of phytohormones, isoflavones have the greatest estrogenic activity. The richest source of isoflavones in nature is red clover, which contains 4 isoflavones: biocanin A ( biochanin A

. Isoflavones exhibit estrogenic activity by activating estrogen receptors (ER) and antiestrogenic activity by competitively binding to ER and inhibiting estradiol. Moreover, they have a significantly higher affinity for RE-β than for RE-α [2, 5]. Due to the heterogeneous distribution of the two RE subtypes, isoflavone activity is more pronounced in tissues rich in RE-β, such as bone, capillary epithelium, skin and the central nervous system [5]. Thus, isoflavones act as selective modulators of RE, stopping early manifestations of deficiency of these hormones, without causing proliferative changes in target organs and without affecting the processes of hemostasis and the lipid spectrum of the blood. The successful and safe use of isoflavones in women with menopausal syndrome has been described in many large studies. At the same time, the use of selective RE modulators in women of the reproductive period suffering from ovarian hypofunction of various origins has been little studied, which determined our interest in such a study.

Material and methods

The study included 65 women aged 28 to 43 years, suffering from menstrual irregularities of the type HMS of primary or secondary origin (according to ICD 10 - N91.3 and N91.4). The exclusion criteria for patients were: the presence of acute and chronic (in the acute stage) diseases of the pelvic organs, concomitant sexually transmitted infections, taking hormone replacement therapy drugs during the last 3 months before the start of this clinical trial, as well as the presence of endocrine diseases, malignant neoplasms , neurological diseases.

Hormonal blood parameters were studied - the level of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroglobulin (ST4), prolactin, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), estradiol and 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH-PG ). On the 5th day of the menstrual or induced cycle, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs was performed.

To determine the differential self-assessment of the general functional state - vitality of patients with HMS, the SAN (Well-being, Activity, Mood) technique was used. The essence of the technique was that the subjects were asked to correlate their condition with a number of signs on a multi-level scale. This scale consists of indices and is located between 30 pairs of words of opposite meaning, reflecting mobility, speed and pace of functions (activity), strength, health, fatigue (well-being), as well as characteristics of the emotional state (mood). The subject must select and mark the number that most accurately reflects her condition at the time of the examination. The average score of the scale is 4. Scores exceeding 4 points indicate a favorable condition of the subject, scores below 4 indicate the opposite. The advantage of the technique is its repeatability, i.e. the possibility of repeated use of the test in the dynamics of observation and therapy of the patient.

Results and discussion

The 1st group included 34 women who took 40 mg of red clover isoflavones daily as part of Feminal for 3 months, the 2nd group included 31 women who took a placebo of the same type once a day. The average age of patients in group 1 was 34.6±4.16 years, in group 2 - 34.1±4.4 years, age at menarche - 13.1±0.8 and 13.0±0.9, respectively years (statistically unreliable), the average duration of the menstrual cycle at the start of the study was 51.0±10.7 and 51.2±3.0 days, respectively (also unreliable). The structure of the causes of HMS is shown in the figure.

Figure 1. Structure of the causes of hypomenstrual syndrome.

As seen in the picture

, primary HMS predominated in both groups. When studying the somatic status, it was revealed that 7 (20.5%) women in group 1 and 6 (19%) in group 2 had increased body weight (body mass index >25 kg/m2). These same patients had an increased hirsute number (18.1±1.4), which indicates the formation of polycystic ovary syndrome in combination with metabolic syndrome. This fact is confirmed by the results of hormonal studies. In women with high BMI and hirsute number, an increase in LH concentration was observed against the background of normal FSH levels, and the FSH/LH ratio was more than 1:2.5 (average 1:2.78). The testosterone level in these patients was also higher than normal - 6.2±1.8 mIU/ml versus 1.9±2.4 mIU/ml in other women suffering from hypomenorrhea.

The TSH concentration was increased in 4 (11.7%) patients in group 1 and in 3 (9.6%) patients in group 2 (4.8±2.2 and 5.2±1.8 mIU /ml, respectively), and the level of thyroglobulin (up to 7.45±0.5 and 8.2±1.2 mIU/ml, respectively). These changes characterize hypofunction of the thyroid gland. Patients with such hormonal changes were referred for examination and treatment to an endocrinologist.

The levels of FSH and LH were reduced in the remaining women of both groups, which indicates the development of a hypogonadotropic variant of HMS in them, most likely of central origin. The level of DHEA-S and 17-OH-PG in all subjects was normal (no significant differences were noted in the groups).

Before treatment, no significant differences in hormone levels were detected between the groups. The average FSH level in groups 1 and 2 was 5.5±3.5 and 5.1±2.9 mIU/ml, respectively, and LH - 8.2±4.5 and 8.3±7. 2 mIU/ml respectively. During treatment with Feminal, the FSH level did not change significantly (4.3±1.4 and 5.5±3.1 mIU/ml, respectively, groups), the LH level decreased to 2.1±5.3 mIU/ml (p=0 ,02). This effect was especially pronounced in women with an increased FSH/LH ratio. Despite the absence of a significant difference compared to the initial data, in women of group 1 the menstrual cycle decreased to 35.8 ± 3.2 days. But these changes affected women with an initial cycle of no more than 45 days.

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs revealed an increase in ovarian volume from 12.4 to 16.2 cm3 in 8 (23.5%) women in group 1 and in 7 (22.5%) in group 2, which is associated with the formation of multifollicular ovaries. After treatment, in 6 (17.6%) women in group 1 and in 5 (16.1%) women in group 2, ovarian volume decreased to normal (<12 cm3). The thickness of the endometrium on the 5th day of the menstrual or induced cycle in the groups did not have a significant difference. Before and after treatment, this figure was below normal - 3.2±0.7 before and 3.3±0.7 mm, respectively, in group 1 and 3.0±0.5 and 3.1±0.5 mm - in group 2, which confirms the lack of proliferative effect of isoflavones on the endometrium.

Before the start of treatment with Feminal, all studied parameters in both groups indicated a reduced background of mood, well-being and activity of the patients (without significant differences). After 3 months of taking Feminal, women in group 1 had significantly higher scores on the “Well-Being” scale - 5.11 points compared to 3.45 points in group 2 (p = 0.02). The smallest differences between the indicators in patients of the studied groups were found on the “Activity” scale. This characteristic of a person’s mental state was comparable in both groups of women (4.17 points in group 1, 3.98 points in control), the differences are statistically insignificant. More optimal average scores (4.75) on the “Mood” scale were noted in women of group 1 (4.75 points) compared to patients of group 2 (3.98 points; p = 0.045).

According to the results of comparison of average scores on the scales of the SAN questionnaire, Feminal therapy administered to patients of group 1 for 3 months had a significantly optimizing effect on such characteristics of the individual’s state as well-being and activity (p = 0.003). The decrease in the number of women with low scores on the SAN scale may be due to the positive dynamics of the menstrual cycle, noted by the patients of group 1 themselves.


1. GMS in women of reproductive age is very diverse in its structure and can be a symptom of thyroid pathology or polycystic ovary syndrome, but primary GMS of central origin prevails.

2. For HMS of reproductive age, an ultrasound picture of “multifollicular” ovaries in combination with a “thin” endometrium is characteristic, which is caused by anovulation as a type of follicular atresia.

3. Women suffering from HMS have symptoms of impaired well-being, mood and activity characteristic of a hypoestrogenic state.

4. Red clover isoflavones contained in Feminal can improve the psycho-emotional state of women with HMS and partially normalize the menstrual cycle by restoring regulatory connections between the links in the regulation of the reproductive system.

Feminal price, where to buy

The price of Feminal in Moscow is 450-650 rubles. You can buy medicine in Ukrainian pharmacies for 28-32 UAH.

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