Buy Magnesium sulfate powder for oral solution 25g in pharmacies

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


What is magnesium sulfate? The State Pharmacopoeia defines magnesium sulfate (formula MgSOi) as a medicinal product and indicates the standards for its production and the highest doses of use. The product “magnesium sulfate” is assigned the code OKPD24.42.13.683.

With water, this substance forms hydrates, the most important of which is heptahydrate - bitter, or Epsom salt - this is magnesia , as it is more often called, which is used in medicine. Available in powder form, from which a solution or suspension is prepared for oral administration and in ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

Depending on the route of administration, it has different effects on the body. injections ) - sedative , diuretic , vasodilator , anticonvulsant hypotensive , antispasmodic , antiarrhythmic , tocolytic , hypnotic .

The mechanism of action as an anticonvulsant is due to the fact that magnesium reduces the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from synapses, suppressing neuromuscular transmission, and has a depressant effect on the central nervous system.

The tocolytic effect (relaxation of the muscles of the uterus) is explained by the fact that magnesium reduces the contractility of the uterus and increases blood flow in it.

The antiarrhythmic effect is due to the stabilization of cell membranes and a decrease in the excitability of cardiomyocytes. Effects after intravenous administration develop immediately, after intramuscular administration - after 1 hour.

When taken orally, it has a choleretic effect and serves as a laxative , which is used for constipation or to cleanse the intestines, for blind probing, poisoning with salts of heavy metals (it is an antidote). The laxative effect is due to poor absorption in the intestine, in which osmotic pressure increases and water accumulates, which leads to dilution of the intestinal contents and increased peristalsis.

The injection solution can be used orally as a laxative. The onset of effect when taken orally after 1-3 hours, lasts 4-6 hours.

Magnesium sulfate has also found its use in cosmetology in the manufacture of emulsions, lotions and creams. It is used as a relaxing bath salt that relieves muscle tension.


When administered parenterally (injections), it penetrates the BBB. In breast milk it creates concentrations that are 2 times higher than the concentrations in the blood. Excreted by the kidneys, the rate of excretion is proportional to the level of glomerular filtration. diuresis increases .

When administered orally, it is poorly absorbed from the intestine. With malabsorption and consumption of fatty foods, magnesium absorption is reduced. Deposited in bones, muscles, kidneys, myocardium.

Magnesia for hangovers and simultaneous intake of alcohol

It is enough to study the instructions for the drug to understand that it is not compatible with alcohol. If you continue to abuse alcohol while using magnesia, then there will be no effect from the medication. If the patient is restrained and does not drink too much alcohol, then magnesium sulfate will not harm the body.

The main negative consequence when trying to combine the drug and alcohol is too much stress on the urinary system, since it is magnesium that activates it in the first place . The second point is the effect on the central nervous system. After entering the body, ethanol first stimulates it, but then a noticeable inhibition occurs. Magnesium sulfate also has a sedative effect, so excessive inhibition of the central nervous system may occur. For these two reasons alone, you should avoid taking large doses of alcohol at the same time and treating a hangover with magnesium. The only time when you can continue to drink alcohol while taking the described medication is to use it to treat damaged skin, apply compresses and lotions.

During therapy with magnesium and the simultaneous consumption of significant doses of alcohol, negative reactions may occur:

  • lack of effect from treatment with the drug;
  • the formation of urinary stones (large intake of ethanol provokes the precipitation of magnesium sulfate into powder);
  • depression and inhibition of the central nervous system, increased drowsiness, nausea, respiratory failure, and in difficult cases, coma.

Indications for use

  • hypomagnesemia , tetany ;
  • ventricular tachycardia;
  • arterial hypertension , crisis state with cerebral edema ;
  • urinary retention;
  • brain concussion;
  • encephalopathy , epileptic seizure ;
  • poisoning with barium chloride , salts of heavy metals ;
  • bronchial asthma (as part of complex therapy).

Magnesium Sulfate powder is used orally for:

  • constipation;
  • gallbladder dyskinesias , cholangitis and cholecystitis (for tubing);
  • duodenal intubation;
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals;
  • to cleanse the intestines.

Release form, composition

Magnelek contains magnesium citrate and pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6).

  • Dosage 100 mg/10 mg (100 mg magnesium citrate and 10 mg vitamin B6): film-coated tablets, white, oval, biconvex, scored.
  • Dosage 50 mg/5 mg: film-coated tablets, white, round, biconvex in shape.
  • Powder for preparing a solution for oral administration is white or almost white with a yellowish or gray tint, odorless; The presence of soft lumps is allowed. 1 package contains anhydrous magnesium citrate 618.4 mg, which corresponds to a magnesium content of 100 mg, as well as pyridoxine hydrochloride 10 mg. Excipients: anhydrous citric acid, sugar.

The main analogues are Magne B6, magvit.

Contraindications for Magnesium Sulfate

  • arterial hypotension;
  • severe chronic renal failure;
  • severe bradycardia ;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • AV block;
  • period before childbirth (2 hours);
  • depression of the respiratory center.

Prescribed with caution for myasthenia gravis . Contraindications for oral administration: appendicitis , intestinal bleeding , intestinal obstruction , dehydration (dehydration) .

Side effects

With intravenous use: headache, polyuria, decreased blood pressure, nausea, severe sedation, uterine atony .

Signs of hypermagnesemia : bradycardia, double vision, shortness of breath, slurred speech, asthenia, decreased and loss of tendon reflexes, depression of the respiratory center and impaired cardiac conduction.

When taken orally: vomiting, diarrhea , exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, flatulence , thirst, intestinal pain, electrolyte imbalance (fatigue, asthenia, convulsions).

Zinc sulfate in cosmetics

When used wisely it is not dangerous. It even has antiseptic and wound-healing properties.

However, with excessive use, for example, daily shampooing with zinc-containing shampoos, toxic effects may occur. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Excess zinc in the body negatively affects the reproductive system, heart and blood vessels. The pro-oncogenic property of zinc was also shown, when this element contributed to the development of malignant tumors.

Instructions for use of Magnesium Sulfate (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use of the solution in ampoules

A 25% solution is most often used intravenously or intramuscularly. For hypertensive crises , convulsive syndrome , spastic conditions, 5–20 ml of the drug is prescribed.

For eclampsia - 10 - 20 ml of 25% solution up to 4 times a day.

To relieve seizures in children, 0.1-0.2 ml per kg of weight of a 20% solution is administered intramuscularly.

For acute poisoning - 5-10 ml 10% solution intravenously.

Magnesium Sulfate powder, instructions for use

How to take magnesium sulfate as a laxative? Powder in an amount of 20-30 g is dissolved in 100 ml of water (preferably warm) and drunk at night or in the morning half an hour before meals. For chronic constipation, enemas are given - the same amount of powder per 100 ml of water. The drug can be used as a laxative only occasionally.

Method of using powder as a choleretic agent

Prepare a solution from 20 g of powder and 100 ml of water. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. In case of poisoning with salts of heavy metals, take a solution orally - 20-25 g per 200 ml of water. During duodenal intubation , 50 ml of a 25% solution is injected through the probe.

Magnesium sulfate is also used as a fertilizer; a separate section is devoted to this.

Application as fertilizer

Magnesium sulfate is a fertilizer that is a source of magnesium and sulfur for agricultural and ornamental crops. This fertilizer is white crystals, highly soluble in water. Accelerates the growth of new shoots and increases the amount of harvest, improves the taste of vegetable crops by increasing the content of sugar, starch and vitamins. To prevent magnesium deficiency, it is recommended to add 50 to 100 g of bitter salt per m2 every year. During the growing season, carry out root and foliar feeding.

Application to plants causes growth and promotes vigorous flowering. For example, for roses, take 1 tablespoon of powder in a bucket of water and water each bush with 2 liters of this solution. Fertilizing is carried out in June and until mid-July, as it causes increased shoot growth. You can also carry out foliar feeding by spraying. For the working solution, take 20 g of the drug per 10 liters of water.

The role of magnesium preparations in obstetrics and gynecology. Borovkova E.I.

Vladimir Trofimovich Ivashkin , academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences:

– Now I will ask Professor Ekaterina Igorevna Borovkova to give us a report on the role of magnesium preparations in obstetrics and gynecology. Here's a broad approach: magnesium in obstetrics and gynecology.

Ekaterina Igorevna Borovkova , professor:

– In fact, the range of obstetric and gynecological diseases that require and for which the use of magnesium preparations is justified is quite wide, and within the framework of a 20-minute report, I, of course, will not be able to voice the entire spectrum, but I will still touch on the main conditions.

Let's start, of course, with obstetric conditions, because obstetrics requires the use of various medications with the greatest caution and only for strict indications. Let's start with preeclampsia. Let me remind you that we still establish the diagnosis of preeclampsia or the diagnosis of gestosis using the classical Zangemeister criteria - this is pathological hypertension, this is proteinuria and edematous syndrome.

It is now clearly defined what we should understand by hypertension during pregnancy, and this is an increase in blood pressure to 140/90 millimeters of mercury and above. Pathological hypertension and preeclampsia is a condition when blood pressure rises to 160/100 or 110 millimeters of mercury.

Speaking of proteinuria, the “gold standard” in its diagnosis is the assessment of proteinuria in 24-hour urine. It is possible, of course, to use test strips, but you need to be very careful about a one-time urine test, since obtaining results for one-time proteinuria is not always reliable, except, of course, when we detect 1 gram or more of protein in a one-time urine test.

Edema syndrome is currently not a reliable sign of preeclampsia or gestosis, since up to 80% of pregnant women have edema to varying degrees. However, a significant increase in edema, the appearance of edema in the lumbar region, the development of anasarca, of course, for us is a sign of a deteriorating condition of the patient and a worsening course of preeclampsia or gestosis, as it is called in our country.

Accordingly, when a diagnosis is made, you and I must immediately begin therapy. And in the first place is, of course, antihypertensive therapy, the purpose of which is to lower blood pressure. A pressure less than 150/80-100 millimeters of mercury is considered safe.

Abroad, the drugs of choice are Hydralazine or Labetalol, which are administered parenterally, but in our country, unfortunately, they are not registered in this form of administration. The second drug is a calcium channel blocker, and Nifedipine is actively used in the world. In our country, of course, this drug is also available and we can actively use it with you.

It is important to adhere to clearly developed regimens for the use of medications to lower blood pressure in order not to cause hypotension, because a slight decrease in pressure is very important for both the fetus and the patient in order to maintain uteroplacental blood flow and blood flow in the brain.

So, if we prescribe Nifedipine, then a single dose is 10 milligrams sublingually, and then we repeat the dose every 30 minutes until we get the desired effect. Co-administration of magnesium sulfate is possible, however, the combined use of calcium channel blockers and magnesium sulfate somewhat weakens the effect of each of the drugs used. Therefore, we still strive to prescribe monotherapy so that there is no polypharmacy.

It is possible to use centrally acting drugs. Methyldopa is approved for use, but the drug is limited in time of use, that is, in order to obtain the desired therapeutic effect, we sometimes need several days to select a therapeutic dose. Therefore, for severe preeclampsia, the drugs of choice for us are either calcium channel blockers or magnesium sulfate.

Magnesium therapy in obstetrics is very common. This is due to the fact that magnesium is a safe drug and can be safely used at any stage of pregnancy. This drug, according to the level of evidence, is highly effective and safe in the treatment of preeclampsia. Dosed administration of the drug is also very important so that we do not cause an overdose of magnesium sulfate. An additional positive effect of magnesium therapy is the achievement of the so-called neuroprotective effect. It has been proven that the use of magnesium sulfate in periods from 24 to 32 weeks of pregnancy, in the event of premature birth, reduces the likelihood of developing cerebral palsy and intragastric hemorrhages in premature newborns. The mechanism of this neuroprotective effect is not fully understood, but a number of mechanisms are being considered. For you and me, the most important thing is that in the event of the development of severe gestosis or severe preeclampsia, the prescription of magnesium drugs allows us to achieve not only stabilization of blood pressure, but also allows us to carry out some kind of prevention of the development of cerebral palsy.

The dosage of the drug for severe preeclampsia is 4-6 grams of dry matter administered over 5-10 minutes, then we switch to intravenous administration with an infusion pump at the rate of 1-2 grams of dry matter per hour. Naturally, we must monitor diuresis with you, because one of the symptoms of an overdose of magnesium supplements is oliguria. Additional criteria for an overdose of magnesium sulfate are a decrease or complete disappearance of knee reflexes and a decrease in the purity of respiratory movements. In the event of an overdose, we will stop your magnesium therapy infusion and administer calcium gluconate intravenously.

The algorithm of action for the management of patients with preeclampsia is determined, of course, by the severity of preeclampsia and the length of pregnancy. If the pregnancy does not reach 34 weeks, then we begin magnesium therapy, but not with the goal of prolonging pregnancy, but with the goal that we need to gain at least two days in order to either transfer the patient to a specialized institution, or in order to in order to have time to prevent respiratory distress syndrome. From 34 completed weeks of pregnancy with severe preeclampsia, the patient is allowed to give birth, of course, under the cover of concomitant therapy.

Prevention of respiratory dyspress syndrome is legalized throughout the world in the period from 24 to 34 weeks of pregnancy, the schemes are presented on the slide. Some other dosages of glucocorticoid drugs can be used, however, only these two regimens - Betamethasone and Dexamethasone - have been proven to be highly effective in prevention.

Let me remind you that when carrying out prophylaxis, it is very important to do it only once during pregnancy; we do not carry out repeated prophylaxis with you. The maximum effect is achieved after at least 24 hours, and the duration of the effect lasts for 7 days. But there is no point in administering at least one dose of the drug if you do not have the opportunity to carry out a full course of prophylaxis, since a one-time administration of the drug and subsequent delivery will only worsen the outcome, since it will suppress the activity of the adrenal glands in the newborn.

What has been proven to prevent preeclampsia? This is very important for us, because, unfortunately, the diagnosis of preeclampsia requires an immediate response from us and, as a rule, early delivery. The prophylactic use of low doses of aspirin from 12 weeks of pregnancy has been proven, and the effectiveness of calcium supplements has been proven, but only in the risk group of women who do not receive enough calcium during pregnancy. It is very easy to identify this group; a simple question to the patient is: how much dairy products does she take per day, and if she drinks less than a glass of milk per day, it is believed that most likely the patient is not getting enough calcium. She may be prescribed calcium at a dosage of 600 to 1000 milligrams per day throughout pregnancy. And a number of studies have proven the preventive role of using magnesium preparations in various dosages from the moment of pregnancy.

Please note that there is no evidence of the effectiveness of the use of histogens, heparin, antioxidants and limiting the use of table salt to prevent the development of preeclampsia.

The next obstetric complication, which is very common, and for which you and I can use magnesium sulfate or other magnesium preparations, is premature birth. There is also a large, fairly extensive developed evidence base, which indicates that we can reduce the risk of premature birth, but in limited groups of patients. It has been proven that reducing various intrauterine interventions for medical reasons or in connection with termination of pregnancy, reducing the number of embryos that we transfer into the uterus during assisted reproductive technologies, as well as the use of magnesium-containing drugs, reduces the likelihood of premature birth.

The use of multivitamin preparations as a prophylactic regimen has been proven to be ineffective. Since the onset of pregnancy, only two preventive measures have been proven - quitting smoking and using magnesium supplements at different stages.

The use of calcium supplements, various biological additives, antioxidants is ineffective, and there is no evidence of the effectiveness of the Bed rest regimen. Bed rest and complete rest, unfortunately, do not increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

The question of using pessaries in obstetrics remains controversial, but until we have received a reliable answer, we can, of course, use them. But what is interesting is that the use of cervical sutures is not used in many countries of the world, since it has been proven that this allows us to prolong pregnancy only in that group of women who have already had a history of premature birth. If we note a decrease in the length of the closed part of the cervix, suturing in such a situation does not contribute to prolongation of pregnancy, and in case of multiple pregnancy, on the contrary, it increases the likelihood of premature birth.

When diagnosing preterm birth, it is very important to strictly adhere to the diagnostic criteria. We are talking to you about the threat of premature birth only if we have at least some uterine activity and there are dynamic changes in the structure of the cervix - its softening, its shortening, opening of the uterine pharynx. When the uterine pharynx is dilated more than three centimeters, you need to understand that tocolysis is most likely ineffective, but we will still carry it out, since we need to gain time to prevent fetal respiratory distress syndrome.

The drugs presented on the slide are currently used for acute or massive tocolysis. In the first place are calcium channel blockers and cyclooxygenase inhibitors. Magnesia sulfate stands out separately, which can be used in conjunction with previous preparations. When prescribing calcium channel blockers, it is very important to adhere to the dosage; the maximum daily dose should not exceed 180 milligrams. According to the recommendations of the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 30 milligrams are administered once, and then 10-20 milligrams every 4-6 hours; we will determine the dose and frequency of administration according to uterine activity. And it is very important to understand that maintenance therapy is ineffective and has not been proven.

Our task is to reduce uterine activity, then we stop using the drug due to its proven ineffectiveness.

Cyclooxygenase inhibitors, Indomethacin, can be used. The drug is used rectally, it is very important that we prescribe it for no more than 48 hours and in periods from 24 to 32 weeks of pregnancy, since use after 32 weeks is fraught with closure of the uterine duct, and we can, using this drug, cause the development of pulmonary hypertension in the fetus. The use of oxytocin receptor blockers is currently being widely developed. In our country, unfortunately, the drug is quite expensive, so it is not yet widely used, but it can be used up to 32 weeks of pregnancy. For whom it is available, please use it, the drug is no less effective than the use of beta mimetics.

In our country, beta mimetics are the first choice drugs; it is very important to use these drugs taking into account the recommended dosage and only parenterally and by infusion pump. With an infusion pump, we prescribe medications for up to 72 hours and then discontinue them; there is no evidence of the effectiveness of using beta-mimetics in tablet mode.

How to choose the right drug? Unfortunately, in our country we still prescribe mainly beta-mimetics; abroad, from 24 to 32 weeks, cyclooxygenase blockers are chosen together with magnesium sulfate, thus carrying out prevention and development, trying to achieve the neuroprotective effect of magnesium sulfate. From 32 to 34 weeks we use calcium channel blockers and be sure to prevent respiratory distress syndrome until 34 weeks. When the threat of miscarriage develops in the early stages of pregnancy, the effectiveness of the use of histogenic support and drugs containing magnesium in a dosage of three hundred to eight hundred milligrams per day has been proven.

The next condition that may require the use of magnesium-containing medications is gestational diabetes mellitus. Currently, unfortunately, this is our “scourge”, because more and more women are either overweight or obese. Any pregnancy itself is a condition accompanied by the development of insulin resistance, that is, a decrease in the sensitivity of its own receptors to endogenous insulin. And if this physiological insulin resistance is superimposed on previous insulin resistance associated with the patient’s obesity or excess weight, we can identify the development of gestational diabetes mellitus in the patient.

In this regard, according to recent studies, including in our country, screening for gestational diabetes mellitus is indicated in the period from 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy, which includes a stress test with 75 grams of glucose and, please note, the slide shows the most recent recommendations for evaluating glucose tolerance tests. Fasting hyperglycemia during pregnancy is a glycemia level greater than 5.1 mol per liter, then with a load of 75 grams of glucose after an hour the glycemia is more than 10, after two hours the glycemia is more than 8.5 mol per liter, allowing us to make a diagnosis gestational diabetes mellitus and manage the patient together with an endocrinologist, prescribing her specific therapy.

What is very important to remember when managing such patients? We do not use beta mimetics in such patients; if a patient with gestational diabetes develops a threat of miscarriage or a threat of premature birth, the drug of choice is magnesium sulfate. Further, for such patients, in addition to certain restrictions on the calorie content of the diet, the use of certain food products, we must prescribe additional micro- and macronutrients. This is due to the fact that proven deficiencies of certain micro- and macronutrients aggravate existing or developed insulin resistance. Patients with gestational diabetes are a group of women during pregnancy for whom the prescription of either multivitamin preparations or individual preparations containing micro- and macronutrients is indicated.

In our country, it has been legalized to prescribe folic acid in a higher dosage than in the population, that is, on average, we prescribe 400 micrograms for obese women, and with gestational diabetes, the daily dose, according to the standards of the Russian Federation, is increased to eight hundred micrograms. All over the world, Omega-3 fatty acids are additionally prescribed, but in our country there are no such recommendations yet. Iodine preparations are prescribed in a slightly higher dosage, this is 250 micrograms per day, and the question of the advisability of prescribing additional magnesium preparations, B vitamins and antioxidants is decided. This is due to the fact that with a lack of these vitamins, true insulin resistance worsens. But when prescribing multivitamins, this slide is shown here only to draw attention to magnesium; unfortunately, any multivitamin complex does not contain very much magnesium. The presented complex contains 25 milligrams in total, that is, if we want to achieve an additional effect from the therapy with micro- and macronutrients, we must calculate the daily dose based on the needs of the patients.

In conclusion, I would like to present to you a Russian study that was conducted. This is just the first stage of MAGIC-1, a large multicenter study. It lasted 4 months and was dedicated to the spread of magnesium deficiency in the population of Russian women and what did it show? It turned out that about 80% of patients during pregnancy experience some degree of severe magnesium deficiency. In this regard, the authors of the study recommend prescribing magnesium supplements to patients in a basic regimen to prevent the development of magnesium deficiency, worsening insulin resistance and the development of gestational diabetes, among other things.

If you and I decide to prescribe magnesium supplements in tablet form, it is very important to adhere to the daily norms. During pregnancy, the daily norm can reach 500-800 milligrams depending on body weight; on average, a patient weighing 60 kilograms has 300-350 milligrams of magnesium per day, so the choice of drug should be based specifically on the concentration of magnesium in the presented drug. We, of course, will strive to use as few tablets as possible, therefore, to achieve a daily working dose, we will choose a drug that contains the element we desire as much as possible.

And, at the end of the report, I want to repeat once again: it is very important. To obtain good perinatal outcomes and improve the patient's health, timely identification of complications, obstetric or gynecological, is very important, but it is also very important to try to carry out preventive measures. We already have information about proven preventive measures. The effectiveness of the use of folic acid has been proven, and the effectiveness of the use of microdoses of Aspirin and calcium group drugs has been proven in the risk group of patients who do not receive enough calcium. The effectiveness of the use of magnesium preparations has been proven, and abroad there is also information about the effectiveness of the use of Omega-3 acids, but in our country not all of this data has been confirmed.

Thank you for your attention!


Overdose with intravenous administration is manifested by the disappearance of the knee reflex, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, bradycardia, respiratory and central nervous system depression.

calcium gluconate / chloride solution intravenously slowly (antidote), oxygen therapy , artificial respiration, symptomatic therapy.

Overdose when taken orally - diarrhea . Symptomatic treatment is carried out.

special instructions

  • In case of severe magnesium deficiency or malabsorption syndrome, treatment begins with intravenous administration of magnesium preparations.
  • Information for patients with diabetes mellitus: film-coated tablets contain sucrose as an excipient.
  • If there is a concomitant calcium deficiency, it is recommended to correct the magnesium deficiency before taking calcium supplements or dietary supplements containing calcium.
  • With frequent use of laxatives, alcohol, intense physical and mental stress, the need for magnesium increases, which can lead to the development of magnesium deficiency in the body.
  • When using pyridoxine in high doses (more than 200 mg/day) for a long time (over several months or in some cases years), sensory axonal neuropathy may develop, which is accompanied by symptoms such as numbness, impaired proprioceptive sensitivity, distal tremor limbs and gradually developing sensory ataxia (impaired coordination of movements). These disorders are usually reversible and disappear after stopping vitamin B6.


Use with cardiac glycosides increases the risk of AV block; with muscle relaxants , neuromuscular blockade increases. When used together with vasodilators, the hypotensive effect is enhanced. The likelihood of depression of the respiratory center and central nervous system increases when used with barbiturates and narcotic analgesics .

Calcium salts reduce the effect of the drug. A precipitate is formed with clindamycin phosphate , polymyxin B , hydrocortisone , procaine hydrochloride , salicylates Ca2+ preparations , ethanol , strontium salts , arsenic acid , barium .

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics Magnesium is predominantly an intracellular cation, reduces the excitability of neurons and neuromuscular transmission of excitation, and takes part in many enzymatic processes. Magnesium is an essential element of organs and tissues; half of the total amount of magnesium in the body accumulates in bone tissue. Serum magnesium levels: between 12 and 17 mg/L (1 - 1.4 mEq/L or 0.5 - 0.7 mmol/L): indicate mild magnesium deficiency below 12 mg/L (1 mEq/L or 0.5 mmol/l): indicates severe magnesium deficiency. The deficiency can be: primary, due to a congenital abnormality of metabolism (chronic congenital hypomagnesemia), secondary, due to: inadequate intake (severe malnutrition, alcoholism, exclusively parenteral nutrition); gastrointestinal absorption disorders (chronic diarrhea, gastrointestinal fistula, hypoparathyroidism); excessive excretion of magnesium by the kidneys (severe polyuria, abuse of diuretics, chronic pyelonephritis, primary hyperaldosteronism, treatment with cisplatin). Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is involved in many metabolic processes and helps improve the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its penetration into cells. Pharmacokinetics Gastrointestinal absorption of magnesium salts occurs partly through a passive mechanism in which the solubility of the salt plays a determining role. The degree of this absorption does not exceed 50%. In the body, magnesium is distributed mainly in the intracellular space (about 99%), of which approximately 2/3 is distributed in bone tissue, and a third is in smooth and striated muscle tissue. Excretion of magnesium occurs in the urine, at least 1/3 of the dose of magnesium taken. Pyridoxine is absorbed in the small intestine. Metabolized in the liver to form pharmacologically active metabolites (pyridoxal phosphate and pyridoxaminophosphate). Distribution is predominantly in muscles, liver and central nervous system. Penetrates through the placenta and into mother's milk. Excreted by the kidneys.

Use during pregnancy

The drug is used during pregnancy when there is a threat of premature birth. As an anticonvulsant with a hypotensive effect, it is the drug of choice for the treatment and prevention of seizures in eclampsia . Therapy is started if diastolic blood pressure is > 130 mm Hg. Art. Magnesium therapy is carried out for another 24–48 hours after birth. The criteria for stopping therapy are the disappearance of seizures, the absence of hyperreflexia and convulsive readiness, a persistent decrease in blood pressure, and normalization of diuresis. The use of this drug during labor is contraindicated because it reduces the contractile activity of the myometrium.

Pregnancy and lactation

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, think you may be pregnant, or think you might be pregnant, tell your doctor. Pregnancy. Limited data from clinical studies in animals did not reveal fetotoxic or embryotoxic effects of the drug. Thus, the use of magnesium during pregnancy is possible only if necessary after consultation with a doctor. Breastfeeding period. Each of the active ingredients of the drug (both magnesium and vitamin B6) is not contraindicated during this period. Given the limited evidence regarding the use of the maximum daily dose of vitamin B6 during breastfeeding, it is recommended to prescribe no more than 20 mg/day of vitamin B6.


Level 4 ATC code matches:
Calcium Chloride

Calcium chloride

Sodium chloride

Potassium chloride



Magnesium sulfate-Darnitsa , Cormagnesin .

ANGFA – professional cosmetics without sulfates

ANGFA's products are high-quality cosmetics without parabens and sulfates, which, among other things, do not contain other dangerous components (stabilizers, fragrances, dyes, etc.). These shampoos use more expensive detergent ingredients that do not irritate the scalp or damage the hair. Moreover, such products not only do not damage, but also improve your health and help fight common trichological problems.

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ANGFA shampoos, conditioners and lotions will help you become more beautiful and attractive. Curls will delight you with health and beauty.

Reviews of Magnesium Sulfate

Magnesium Sulfate powder is often used as a laxative, reviews of which are contradictory. The laxative effect manifests itself differently in everyone: more or less pronounced. Many people note a significant increase in peristalsis and the occurrence of abdominal pain. Not everyone can drink the bitter, unpleasant solution, which sometimes causes vomiting.

It must be remembered that taking the drug is contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis or low blood pressure . This product has a good effect when performing blind probing.

Magnesium Sulfate is used for weight loss - reviews are given below.

Magnesia as a laxative

Magnesia has been used since ancient times

Not many people use magnesia as a laxative. But those who have resorted to its help say that the effect is simply wonderful. It must be said right away that it is fashionable to cope with constipation with the help of magnesia only after a doctor’s prescription, because it cannot be used in all cases.

If you try to treat yourself, you can only make the situation worse. Typically, magnesia, as a laxative, is used in the following cases:

  • If a person suffers from constipation for a long period of time, and standard laxatives do not have the desired effect
  • If a person has an acute stage of constipation, when symptoms of intoxication of the body appear. Typically, this occurs 4 or 5 days after the person has not gone to the toilet. Such intoxication is dangerous because it quickly spreads throughout the body, the person’s condition deteriorates sharply, and the stomach begins to hurt severely.
  • If you need to prepare for procedures such as a colonoscopy or x-ray, where it is important to see the condition of the organs, and not the fullness of the intestines
  • If a person is undergoing surgery affecting the intestines
  • If it is necessary to carry out “blind probing”

Also, magnesium sulfate is used for poisoning with metals, chemicals, as well as for any food poisoning. This is done because the bulk of toxins accumulate in the intestines, and therefore, in order to improve the condition and remove harmful substances as quickly as possible, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. Immediately after cleansing, the patient’s condition can improve significantly, which indicates the effectiveness of the method.

Magnesium Sulfate for weight loss

Before any diet, it is advisable to cleanse the intestines and this remedy is used once. Why can’t you often resort to this method of cleansing the intestines? Magnesium sulfate irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa, disrupts the water-salt balance and, with frequent use, leads to dysbacteriosis . It was said above how to take the powder to cleanse the intestines.

To lose weight, you can take baths by adding a glass of powder or more to the bath. Bath time is 15-20 minutes. You need to take a bath before going to bed, for a course of 15 procedures, carried out 2 times a week. After the procedure, you need to cover yourself with a warm blanket to achieve profuse sweating. The effect is that excess fluid is removed, swelling is eliminated and metabolic processes are accelerated. The weight loss effect occurs due to fluid loss, but after a while everything comes back. Many consider this method as an emergency means for losing weight - reviews confirm this.

Magnesia for hangovers: why is it effective?

Magnesium sulfate is an effective remedy that has long been used by doctors to relieve patients from withdrawal symptoms. As a rule, it is advisable to use it after drinking too large doses of alcoholic beverages.

The main effect of the drug is to replenish magnesium deficiency , which occurs against the background of a hangover. Other related factors can also lead to a deficiency of this substance:

  • physical exercise;
  • frequent stress;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals, monotonous food;
  • taking medications for a long time.

Magnesium Sulfate price, where to buy

You can buy Magnesium Sulfate in all pharmacies in Moscow and other cities of Russia. Magnesium Sulfate powder, the price of which depends on the number of grams, costs between 38-58 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Magnesium sulfate solution for intravenous administration.
    0.25g/ml 10ml 10pcs JSC PFK Update 61 RUR order
  • Magnesium sulfate powder 20g pack. Tula FactoryTula Pharmaceutical Factory LLC

    18 rub. order

  • Magnesium sulfate powder for injection solution 25g Tula Pharmaceutical Factory LLC

    24 RUR order

  • Magnesium sulfate solution for intravenous administration 250 mg/ml amp. 10ml 10 pcs JSC Dalkhimfarm

    60 rub. order

  • Magnesium sulfate solution for intravenous injection. 250 mg/ml 10 ml 10 pcs. Slavyanskaya Pharmacy LLC

    48 RUR order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Magnesium sulfate (amp. 25% 5ml No. 10) BZMP

    47 RUR order

  • Magnesium sulfate (amp. 25% 10ml No. 10) DHF JSC

    55 rub. order

  • Magnesium sulfate (pack 20g) Tula FF

    19 rub. order

  • Magnesium sulfate 25% ampoules 10ml No. 10Slavyanskaya Pharmacy LLC

    49 RUR order

  • Magnesium sulfate (pack 25g) Tula FF

    20 rub. order

show more


  • Magnesium sulfate-Darnitsa 25% 5 ml No. 10 solution
    19 UAH. order
  • Magnesium sulfate-Darnitsa 25% 10 ml No. 10 solution

    23 UAH order

  • Magnesium sulfate 25 g powder PrAT FF "Viola", Ukraine

    9 UAH order

  • Magnesium sulfate 25% 10 ml N10 solution for injection

    18 UAH order

  • Magnesium sulfate 25g powder TOV Istok-Plus, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

    11 UAH order


  • Magnesium sulfate Magnesium sulfate 25g Ukraine, Istok-Plus LLC

    11 UAH order

  • Magnesium sulfate Magnesium sulfate pores. 25g Ukraine, Viola FF CJSC

    9 UAH order

  • Magnesium sulfate ampoule Magnesium sulfate solution d/in. 25% amp. 10ml No. 10 Ukraine, Darnitsa ChAO

    24 UAH order

  • Magnesium sulfate ampoule Magnesium sulfate solution d/in. 25% amp. 5ml No. 10 Ukraine, Galichfarm JSC

    18 UAH order

  • Magnesium sulfate ampoule Magnesium sulfate solution d/in. 25% amp. 5ml No. 10 Ukraine, Darnitsa ChAO

    21 UAH order

show more

Harm of sulfates in cosmetics

Most often, manufacturers use sodium sulfate in cosmetics:

  1. Lauryl sulfate – marked SLS
  2. Laureth sulfate – labeled SLES.

These are surfactants designed for cleansing. Their molecules, like a magnet, attract dirt, dead epithelial cells, dandruff and other structures. And the most dangerous thing is that healthy skin cells, as well as keratinocytes, are also involved in this attraction process. This is the basis for the harmful effects of sulfates on your curls. The result of long-term use of sulfate shampoos is:

  • damage to the protective barrier of skin and hair;
  • hair thinning;
  • the appearance of split ends;
  • increased permeability of the dermis and, therefore, its slight vulnerability to aggressive environmental factors (sun rays, chemicals, etc.).
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