Gepagard active with l-carnitine: reviews, instructions, composition of the drug

Hepagard Active is a multicomponent hepatoprotector. It contains three active components - vitamin E (tocopheryl acetate), the amino acid L-carnitine and essential phospholipids made from soybeans.

The official instructions for the drug say that it has hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, choleretic, hypolipidemic and cholelitholytic effects.

The release form of Gepagard Active is capsules for oral administration. The drug is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company BIOS. The price of one package (30 capsules of 360 mg) is about 350-400 rubles. It is much more profitable, according to experts, to buy a large package containing 120 capsules. It costs about 1300-1400 rubles. The hepatoprotector is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Composition and mechanism of action of Gepagard Active

Hepatoprotectors as a class are used quite often. They can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases of the hepatobiliary system. Along with products based on ursodeoxycholic acid and tablets of animal origin, dietary supplements are very often used.

Gepagard Active is a dietary supplement. It contains several active components at once, so the drug has fairly high efficacy rates. So, the official instructions say that the active ingredients of the dietary supplement are essential phospholipids from soybeans, vitamin E (also called tocopherol acetate) and an amino acid called L-carnitine. The capsules also contain excipients that do not have pharmacological activity.

Therapeutic effects of the components:

  1. L-carnitine. It is similar to B vitamins. It has anabolic, antihypoxic, anti-inflammatory, and antithyroid effects. The amino acid helps stabilize fat metabolism, accelerates local regenerative processes in liver tissue and other organs of the hepatobiliary system, and slightly increases appetite. Under the influence of the element, the processes of breakdown of protein and carbohydrate molecules also slow down. The amino acid promotes the mobilization of fat from fat depots. L-carnitine has a neurotrophic effect, restores the integrity of nervous tissue, and has a positive effect on protein metabolism. There is evidence that the component restores the alkaline reserve of the blood and increases the body's resistance to the effects of various types of toxins. Moreover, under the influence of the substance, tolerance to physical activity increases and digestion in general improves.
  2. Vitamin E. Is a natural antioxidant. Binds to and then neutralizes the toxic effects of free radicals on liver cells. Tocopherol acetate also stabilizes the processes of cellular respiration, prevents the development of hemolysis of red blood cells, and reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries. It was noted that when replenishing vitamin E deficiency, if any, the body's resistance to infectious agents increases.
  3. Essential phospholipids. Their structure is similar to endogenous phospholipids that are produced in the liver. When EPL enters the body, they are embedded in cell membranes and thereby facilitate the regeneration of damaged tissues. Under the influence of the components, the detoxification function of the liver is stabilized. Also, essential phospholipids stop inflammatory processes in hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, reduce the bile lithogenicity index, thereby preventing the development of cholelithiasis. Under the influence of EPL, the synthesis and passage of bile is normalized, the quality of the skin and nail plates improves. They have a positive effect on digestion and relieve pain in the right hypochondrium and abdominal region. EPL also has a positive effect on the course of autoimmune pathologies, if any. Long-term intake of phospholipids leads to a decrease in the activity of liver enzymes.

The secret of Gepagard's effectiveness is that it successfully combines the membrane-protective effects of phospholipids and vitamin E, as well as the lipotropic effects of the amino acid L-carnitine.

Hepatoprotectors – essential liver support

Hepatoprotectors are drugs that enhance the repair processes in liver cells and support its normal functioning. The need for the use of hepatoprotectors under conditions of increased stress on the liver is obvious. Due to diseases, poor diet and many other unfavorable factors, the metabolic function of the liver suffers, which hepatoprotectors will help restore. Hepatoprotective drugs have been known for quite some time; New and improved drugs are being developed to protect the liver. Hepatoprotectors are in great demand, and this is natural: with the modern rhythm of life, it is rare that a person does not experience problems with the liver, but even those who have this important organ in perfect health would benefit from preventing its diseases with the help of hepatoprotectors.

The liver is one of the most metabolically active organs in the human body, and it is the liver that is most susceptible to free radical damage. To protect the liver from free radicals, essential phospholipids are used in hepatoprotectors. These are substances that are analogues of phospholipids that make up cell membranes, which allows them to stop the destruction of liver cells and promote the regeneration of damaged areas of hepatocyte membranes, thus restoring the normal functioning of the liver. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant and is naturally included in some hepatoprotectors. It protects cellular and mitochondrial membranes from contact with free oxygen atoms, peroxide compounds of fatty acids and other free radicals, making it easier for the liver to break down and process harmful substances that enter the body.

Instructions for use of the drug

Let's look at the cases in which Hepaguard Active can be prescribed. In fact, the medicine has a lot of indications for use. First of all, drugs are prescribed to individuals who have an increased need for vitamin E and essential phospholipids.

Also, indications for use are such hepatobiliary diseases as biliary cirrhosis of the liver (secondary and primary), fibrosis, cholangitis, fatty hepatosis, chronic non-calculous cholecystitis (beyond the acute stage), biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis of viral, alcoholic, drug and autoimmune etiology. Leisure of prostitutes Yaroslavl Individuals. Real profiles.

You can take a dietary supplement for other diseases, including psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, dermatitis, radiation sickness, chronic or acute intoxication, and atherosclerosis.

It is possible to prescribe Gepagard to prevent the toxic effects of drugs. Thus, the medication is often recommended for people who are forced to use antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs and other drugs with a pronounced hepatotoxic effect for a long period of time.

Now let's talk about the dosage regimen. The annotation for the drug says that you need to take 1 capsule 3 times a day. Capsules should be swallowed whole, not chewed or dissolved. The duration of therapeutic measures is selected individually. On average, the course lasts a month. But for advanced liver diseases, longer use may be recommended - up to 3-4 months.

If Gepagard Active is used for prophylactic purposes, then it will be enough to drink 2 capsules per day for a month. Repeat preventive courses every six months.

Vigilant guard: hepatoprotector "Gepagard Active"

"Gepagard Active" is a universal hepatoprotector for protecting the liver. The optimal composition of biologically active substances for the prevention and treatment of liver dysfunctions of the hepatoprotector "Gepagard Active" determines a wide range of its use. This hepatoprotector is based on natural essential phospholipids, analogues of substances that make up the cell membranes of hepatocytes involved in liver function. The use of this hepatoprotector is appropriate in the following cases:

  • comprehensive liver treatment regimen;
  • prevention of alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease;
  • liver protection in case of metabolic disorders and intoxications;
  • to avoid problems with the liver during periods of increased stress on it (with overeating and excessive alcohol consumption);
  • liver protection during a course of taking toxic medications;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the liver and pancreas.

A course of hepatoprotector "Gepagard Active" helps to normalize the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the degree of steatosis and cholesterol levels.

In addition, to accelerate fat metabolism and combat fatty liver, this hepaprotector contains L-carnitine. This natural vitamin-like substance is normally found in the cells of skeletal muscles and liver, responsible for the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, where their subsequent oxidation occurs, releasing energy. "Gepagard Active" is the only liver protection product containing both essential phospholipids and L-carnitine (Eurasian patent No. EA19268). The effectiveness of interaction with the liver of all components included in this product has been proven by preclinical and clinical studies. Among other things, Gepagard Active does not contain vitamins A and B and other components, long-term use of which is extremely undesirable for the liver, and therefore Gepagard Active can be taken in long courses for a long time. "Gepagard Active" is an active liver - without excess fat.

Contraindications and side effects

Gepagard Active is a relatively safe drug, but it still has contraindications for use. The drug is strictly contraindicated for persons who have individual intolerance to essential phospholipids, vitamin E, L-carnitine or auxiliary components of the capsules.

Congenital antiphospholipid syndrome is also a contraindication. The drug is not prescribed to minor patients, but in exceptional cases it is allowed to take dietary supplements from the age of 12. Gepagard Active is prescribed to pregnant and lactating women only when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs all possible risks to the fetus.

As for drug interactions, the dietary supplement combines well with other hepatoprotectors and other drugs used in the treatment of pathologies of the hepatobiliary system. During the period of taking capsules, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and harmful high-calorie foods.

Possible side effects:

  • Loose stool. It is reversible. As a rule, it appears only in the early stages of treatment.
  • Pain in the abdominal area.
  • Nausea.
  • Allergic reactions - acne, itching, burning, hyperemia, Quincke's edema.

Side effects disappear on their own after discontinuation of the drug; there is no need for symptomatic therapy.

Gepagard Active, 360 mg, 30 x 4 packs, capsules, 120 pcs.

Phospholipids are the main components of cell membranes (cell membranes) and belong to the class of highly specialized lipids that have a restorative and regenerative effect on the structure and function of cell membranes and inhibit cell destruction.

Phospholipids are called “essential”, which reflects their importance for the body as irreplaceable growth and development factors necessary for the functioning of all cells of the body. Essential phospholipids are absorbed very quickly and eliminate cell membrane defects.

With regular course intake of phospholipids, it is possible to weaken the negative effect of oxidized lipids, reduce the severity of membrane damage, accelerate the regeneration of cell membranes, and improve metabolic processes occurring in the liver. Gepagard Active dietary supplement has a hepatoprotective effect, helps normalize digestive processes, improves the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, taking Gepagard Active dietary supplement helps maintain the nervous system and the conduction of nerve impulses. This is due to the fact that lecithin serves as a substrate for the formation of myelin sheaths of nerve cells and axons.

Gepagard Active, as a source of phospholipids, is recommended for improving the functional state of the liver, the normal performance of metabolic processes by this organ and detoxification of the body.

L-carnitine contained in the dietary supplement Gepagard Active plays a very important role in normalizing liver function and protecting it. It promotes the catabolic transformations of fatty acids, protects the liver from fatty infiltration and enhances the synthesis of anti-atherogenic high-density lipoproteins.

L-carnitine is especially useful for people whose liver is under stress from xenobiotics, alcohol and other toxicants that cause liver degeneration. Research conducted at the Federal State Institution of Science "Institute of Toxicology" (St. Petersburg) has established that the composition of active substances contained in Gepagard Active (phospholipids, L-carnitine and vitamin E) effectively combines the pharmacodynamic effects of phospholipids with vitamin E and lipotropic effect of L-carnitine.

In conditions of living in megacities and hazardous industries, the synthesis of lecithin, which effectively occurs in a healthy body, is often impaired due to a lack of essential nutritional factors in the body, which come only from food, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, the essential amino acid methionine (for the formation of choline). Environmental pollution leads to disruption of the mechanisms for the synthesis of its own phospholipids.

Therefore, taking Gepagard Active dietary supplement as an additional source of vitamin E and containing phospholipids helps optimize metabolism, improve the functional state of the liver and the body's antioxidant system. Gepagard Active dietary supplement can also be used as a means of increasing the body's resistance to the effects of toxic substances, maintaining homeostasis of the entire body, and protecting cell membranes from oxidation.

Gepagard Active

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