Lactagel gel vag. tube 5ml No. 7 (Rolf Kullgren AB)

Lactagel - instructions for use

Registration number: Federal Law No. 2010/08335 dated November 13, 2010


1 tube contains: lactic acid 225 mg, glycogen, propylene glycol, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, sodium lactate, water

pH 3.8

Bacteria of various groups are naturally found in the vagina, with lactobacilli usually present in the largest quantities. Lactobacilli, processing glycogen coming from vaginal epithelial cells, produce lactic acid, thereby maintaining a normal low pH value in the vagina, which is unsuitable for the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. This is a natural and very effective defense mechanism against infections.

If the number of lactobacilli decreases and the pH level rises, the “bad” bacteria multiply. This condition is called bacterial vaginosis (BV). The main symptoms associated with BV include foul odor, abnormal discharge, and vaginal discomfort. BV is a very common vaginal condition.

Factors contributing to the development of bacterial vaginosis:

  • Prolonged menstruation
  • Antibiotic courses
  • Frequent and excessive use of intimate hygiene products
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse (sperm can change the pH of the vagina to the alkaline side)
  • Using an intrauterine device (IUD, commonly called an IUD)
Read more about the role of douching in the development of bacterial vaginosis

Often, women who experience symptoms of bacterial vaginosis independently resort to douching, associating the unpleasant odor with insufficient hygiene. At the same time, douching causes an even greater exacerbation of bacterial vaginosis, since during douching the normal microflora is washed away, replaced by opportunistic bacteria.

What is Lactagel?

Lactagel is a gel containing lactic acid and glycogen.

Lactic acid helps lower the vaginal pH (i.e., creating a more acidic environment).

Glycogen is a nutrient medium necessary for the reproduction of lactobacilli.

By normalizing pH values ​​and creating appropriate conditions for the proliferation of lactobacilli,

Lactagel restores the natural environment in the vagina and eliminates symptoms: heavy discharge, discomfort and unpleasant odor.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis (BV)
For effective relief of symptoms of bacterial vaginosis - heavy discharge, unpleasant odor, vaginal discomfortUse 1 tube daily for 7 days
Maintaining normal vaginal flora and preventing symptoms of bacterial vaginosis
Maintaining natural vaginal pH values ​​and preventing the onset of BV symptomsUse 1 tube once every three days for three months
Maintaining natural vaginal pH values ​​during a course of antibiotics and/or antifungalsUse 1 tube daily at the end of the course for 4–5 days
Elimination of BV symptoms during menstruationAt the end of menstruation, use 1 tube per day for 1–2 days.

Lactagel is available in tubes for single use. To open the tube, twist the cap and remove it.

Insert the tip of the tube completely into the vagina. Squeeze the walls of the tube. While still squeezing, remove the tube.

After this, the tube can be thrown away.

It is best to use Lactagel before bed, as some of the gel may leak out. It is recommended to use sanitary pads for linen.

Use during pregnancy

Lactagel can be used during pregnancy, however, if you suspect a vaginal infection during pregnancy, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

special instructions

The use of Lactagel should be avoided when trying to conceive, as low vaginal pH values ​​negatively affect sperm activity.

Lactagel should not be used as a means of contraception.

Do not use after expiration date.

Do not use the tube if its integrity is damaged.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Release form

One package contains 7 tubes for single use, 5 ml each.

Storage conditions

Store at room temperature.

Shelf life: 3 years

Registration Certificate Holder:

Orion Pharma LLC, Russia 119034, Moscow, Sechenovsky lane, building 6, building 3

, Sweden

Rolf Kullgren AB, Box 123, SE-646 22 Gnesta, Sweden

Consumer complaints should be sent to:

Orion Pharma LLC, 119034, Moscow, Sechenovsky lane, building 6, building 3



Lactagel gel vag. tube 5ml No. 7 (Rolf Kullgren AB)

Delivery and payment rules in questions and answers

1. What is the minimum order amount? The minimum order amount is not limited.
2. Why do prices on the website differ from prices in pharmacies?

We try to keep prices as low as possible for our clients, so the prices for drugs on our website are usually lower than in pharmacies and only apply to online orders made on the website If you urgently need medicine on the same day, and at a low price, you can find information about the availability and prices of the product on its page, in the “Availability” tab, where you can find information about stock and prices at the pharmacy of your choice.

3. When can I receive my product after ordering?

After sending the order, an SMS message about the order will be sent to the mobile phone number you specified, for example: “Oformilen zakaz No. 1234 na summu 2345.50 rub. Delivery: Zabrat na Lenina 15.” Then, during the working day, from 9-00 to 17-30, the manager of will process your order and, if it is necessary to clarify your order, will contact you at the specified phone number. Requests for goods from the order will be sent to suppliers, delivered to the pharmacy of your choice, collected into the order and prepared for sale.

Important. Orders are processed only on weekdays from 9-00 to 17-30.

Orders processed on Friday will be delivered to the pharmacy on Monday or Tuesday. Orders received on weekends (Saturday, Sunday) will be accepted and processed on the next business day, and delivered on Tuesday-Wednesday. It is possible to reduce the readiness time if all items in the order are in stock at the pharmacy you have chosen.

When agreeing on an order, we warn you about the approximate time frame for the entire order to be ready in order to avoid misunderstandings.
4. How will I know that my order has been delivered to the pharmacy?
You will receive a message on your phone and an email about your order being ready. In addition, when the goods arrive at the pharmacy, they will call you and tell you that you can come and pick up your order. Important. All letters are sent automatically when the order status changes by the operator, so sometimes situations are possible when the readiness message is ahead of the actual delivery of your order to the pharmacy. A phone call from the pharmacy is a guarantee that your order has already arrived at the pharmacy and you can receive it. So please wait for this call.

5. There are prescription drugs on the site, can I order them and get them at the pharmacy without a prescription?

Of course, you can order, but when purchasing from a Pharmacy for any prescription drug, you have the right to require a prescription, and if you do not have a prescription, the Pharmacy has the right not to issue an order to you. The items in your order are not a single item, and you will be able to receive over-the-counter drugs included in your order. Important. Those buyers who do not buy all the goods from the order, but only part of them, are included in the list of unreliable buyers.

6. If I cannot pick up my order on the day it is ready at the pharmacy, can I redeem it later? Your order is stored in the Pharmacy for 5 days from the moment it is completely ready, during which time you can pick up your order.

7. What will happen to my order if I do not redeem it within 5 days, and when can I pick it up then?

If you have not purchased your order within 5 days, your order will be canceled and the product will be put up for sale at the retail price in the pharmacy.
And you will have to make a new order on the website. If you ordered a product on the website and did not purchase it within 5 days from the date of receipt, your data will be blacklisted (emergency), and a new order will be possible only after making an advance payment on the order in the amount of 30% of its cost. When you first add to an emergency situation, a warning is sent that the next time you find yourself in an emergency situation again, you will not be able to place orders. If the buyer's account is blacklisted again, it is temporarily blocked until the administration considers the blocking. This means that you will not be able to place new orders or create a new account with the same email address and phone number . Those buyers who systematically (2 times or more) redeem their orders with a long delay, as well as those who do not buy all the goods from the order, but only part of them, will also fall into the emergency situation.
8. Can I contact the pharmacy myself and find out if my order has been received?

You can call the pharmacy using the numbers listed on the website. OUR PHARMACIES, ADDRESSES, TELEPHONES .

9. Can I change my order after I have submitted it?

Adjustment of product, quantity, choice of pharmacy, etc. after you send your order is possible after we receive the order, when our manager contacts you to clarify the order.

10. Is it possible to order delivery of medicine to your home?

We deliver orders with medications only to our pharmacies, and you can choose any one convenient for you from those presented on Remote sale of medicines (including home delivery) is prohibited by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 81 of 02/06/2002. We don't break the law.

11. Can I get an additional discount?

There are no discounts on the site. We simply gave up discounts and set a minimum markup on goods, and try to keep prices at such prices that it turns out even cheaper than with the maximum possible discount, and these prices are for all our customers. Accordingly, discounts on current promotions in pharmacies do not apply to online orders made through These orders are usually already lower in cost than in our pharmacies, since the goods are made to order, with a guarantee of quick redemption, and accordingly the markup is lower than in a pharmacy, since there is no need to keep the goods in stock.

Important. When ordering a product, the buyer automatically places an order at the minimum price from the “Price in the pharmacy” and “Price to order” (if the product is in stock at the selected pharmacy at the time of ordering) . When the buyer selects another pharmacy to order, prices for items already in the cart are also automatically recalculated.


let's say candida or not, he will see, he will write candidiasis, he will not see, he will not write.
And bacterial culture is when your smear is placed in a Petri dish and filled with a nutrient medium and they see what grows after 7 days, what has grown, both good and bad, that’s what it is, this is much more indicative, plus bacterial culture gives data such as what drugs kill the pathogenic flora, that is, after bacterial culture, the gynecologist will not prescribe you something for thrush, but a drug whose active ingredient can 100% kill candida or whatever is sown in you. Of course, if you have candidiasis, you will not wait 7-10 days, you will simply be treated, but if we are talking about vaginal flora, then bacterial culture is necessary to determine its composition and quality.

The problem is that according to compulsory medical insurance, bacterial culture is done only for pregnant women and those who are undergoing surgery; everyone else is given a regular smear, which shows the presence of pathogenic flora. The smear does not give any idea about the presence or absence of your native and beneficial vaginal flora. Accordingly, when drugs are prescribed to restore healthy vaginal flora, no one knows whether it is actually damaged. You will say, of course it’s disturbed, because “there” everything cuts, itches, hurts, I will answer you that the unpleasant symptoms are only indirect confirmation that your healthy flora is fighting the pathogenic flora, it has not gone away and is certainly not disturbed, This is a normal reaction of microphora to a pathogen, naturally you need to help it, and start using antifungal drugs (if we are talking about candidiasis)

Regarding the effect of lactogel. So they prescribed it to me, in the complex therapy of candidiasis (thrush) they didn’t take any tests, which means I don’t know if my natural flora is disturbed, then I was treated with it, again no one tested the flora, the symptoms just went away, supposedly it means I was cured. Naturally, there is no candida in the smears, but I treated the candida with antifungal agents, naturally it is not there. But no one can say what happened and what happened to my vaginal flora (the healthy one), since there were no tests, but the symptoms went away, as a result, the lactogel has a placebo effect, it is prescribed just like that, in addition, no one controls whether Effect. And after 28 days, at the beginning of a new cycle, thrush started again, that is, my “flora restored by lactogel” did not protect me.

What can I say, this product doesn’t even have a normal annotation, the piece of paper inside the box does not look like an annotation for a medicinal product, but like a brochure for a dietary supplement) Pharmacokinetics are not described) “bad” bacteria are mentioned, reminds scientific pop). The manufacturer is either not a pharmacist himself, or is treating us like stupid), or maybe there is no pharmacokinetics, which is quite possible.

Next comes the moment of truth, the photo shows that the manufacturer does not promise any “cure” for bacterial vaginosis, it (lactogel) relieves the symptoms, in other words, we inject ourselves with lactic acid and hope that the “necessary” one will grow in this environment us"" flora. But there are no guarantees.

It contains only two active ingredients: lactic acid and glycogen; the rest are auxiliary substances to create a gel)

The administration of the gel is convenient due to good packaging

As a result, if you have an extra 600 rubles that you are willing to spend on your psychological comfort, you can purchase lactogel. But it’s better to just treat your gynecological diseases and strengthen your immune system. Take my word for it, if everything is fine with you, then your vaginal flora will not die from antibiotics and antifungal agents, and if you already have bacterial vaginosis, take a smear for bacterial culture and find out what, how and why, this will help you find an adequate, and the main effective remedy.

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