Afalaza - successful treatment of male diseases

A common pathology in men is prostate dysfunction. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. The drug afolase belongs to a group of drugs whose action is aimed at treating benign prostate hypertrophy. The product is produced in the form of lozenges.

My acquaintance with Afalaza

Good day to all! My name is Egor. I would like to dedicate my review to a review of Afalaza prostatitis tablets. From my friend's reviews, I realized that the tablets are worth it for me to buy them. They were brought to me at the nearest pharmacy on order. Afalase is a combined modern drug that was developed by the best specialists.

Its main effect is the neutralization of many common urological abnormalities in men's health. Namely: prostate adenoma, prostatitis and erectile dysfunction. The complex has the following effects on the body:

  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • relieves pain;
  • relieves swelling;
  • restores organ functions;
  • strengthens and tones.

So, the complex is aimed not only at treatment, but also at strengthening male strength. Afalase increases the production of male hormones, relieves inflammation in the pelvic organs and reduces the volume of the prostate gland.

Treatment tactics for BPH

Anonymous user

March 15, 2018

Dear Elena Vasilievna! I would be very grateful for your advice. Diagnosis: Prostate adenoma (BPH) - made by a urologist ~3 years ago. About myself: 76 years old, height 182 cm, weight 80 kg, working pensioner, sedentary job (researcher, separate office, computer, meetings). In the period 25 ÷ 50 years, amateur sports (running, skiing); after 50 years of age there is a decline in activity. Currently, three times a week in the gym for ~1 hour (cardio zone, moderate strength training); alpine skiing two to three times a month (on weekends). Mass of hyperplasia according to ultrasound: 2012 - 7 g; 2016 - 18 gr.; 2022 — ~20 gr. Symptoms and treatment: A year and a half ago, frequent urination (in small doses) appeared. At night 2-3 times. On the recommendation of a doctor in January 2022 - Omnic for a month. I stopped taking it because I was “shocked” by the ejaculation disorder (retrograde ejaculation). In March 2022, on my own initiative, 1 month of Prostamol-uno. Sexual function has been restored, urination is normal. When taking Prostamol there was a problem with swallowing capsules. The capsule with a perfectly streamlined shape remained in the throat until the shell was broken (determined by taste sensations). Only after this was it possible to send it into the esophagus. All methods to overcome this difficulty did not bring results. After a pause in treatment for about 5 months, problems with urination returned. Again I resorted to Prostamol. However, he only lasted fifteen days due to problems with swallowing. The urologist recommended Omnic-Oxy - supposedly there is less chance of side effects. I drank for about a month and became impotent again. From the Internet I realized that Omnic only relaxes the muscles that contract the lumen in the prostate, without affecting the size of the adenoma. Without stopping its growth and without reducing its size. The urologist suggested Finasteride. The description of the possible side effects of the drug scares me - almost degeneration of the body: disappearance of body hair, problems with the mammary glands, etc. As an alternative, he offers laser surgery. Motive: to do it while healthy and vigorous, but surgeons refuse the sick and decrepit. Possible negative consequences (the worst thing is urinary incontinence) stop me. Moreover, he himself says that the adenoma is small, up to 20 grams. In conclusion about the tests: urine - no negative; blood - sugar, cholesterol are normal; Total PSA - 0.42 ÷ 0.44 ng/ml; testosterone - 18.5 nmol/l. I'm interested in: Are there ways to shrink an adenoma or at least stop its growth without causing damage to the body? Herbal medicine, physiotherapy or something else? I assume that my current condition allows me to fight for my body using gentle methods. I would be extremely grateful for your advice. Artem

The question is closed

Why Afalaza is better than analogues

The main advantage of the medicine is a comprehensive approach to men's health. Numerous customer reviews are proof of this. The tablets treat the functioning of the genitourinary system, while restoring the functioning of the genital organs, restoring strength and desire.

  • does not cause side effects;
  • can be used when drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • affordable price;
  • no age restrictions.

In my opinion, the benefits are quite worthy.

In addition, the absence of adverse reactions is a very important point, since I would not want to feel pain in the liver or stomach.

Features of the product

A common drug prescribed to prevent the development of prostate adenoma is afolase. The effectiveness of the drug has been confirmed in practice. This medicine has an affordable price. It can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription.

The main components of the product are two types of antibodies. The instructions for use of the product describe in detail its pharmacological effects. When taken, a targeted medicine increases blood flow in the tissues of the prostate gland and penis. The active ingredients have a positive effect on endothelium, ensuring an improvement in the general condition of blood vessels. During treatment, functional and metabolic processes are normalized, inflammation and swelling are relieved.

The active substances included in the drug are affinity purified. That is, they undergo special processing to remove other proteins and components of the donor's DNA. This guarantees the absolute safety of the drug. When taking it, the risks of negative side reactions of the body are minimized.

Composition of Afalaz and expert opinions

The drug consists of purified antibodies, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate. In principle, the composition is quite simple, but at the same time very effective. Reviews from urologists are mostly in favor of Afalaz. Experts note a stable recovery of the genitourinary system.

“Afalase is a worthy drug against prostatitis.
The product restores blood circulation in the groin area and thereby restores the functioning of organs. Unlike many analogues, the complex increases sexual desire and gives more strength. Quickly relieves vascular spasms and pain. The drug must be taken for a long time, this is what will allow you to achieve high-quality results” Igor Petrovich, urologist, Tyumen

I absolutely agree with the opinion of experts; their reviews, of which there are a sufficient number on the Internet, describe in detail all the advantages of treatment with Afalase tablets.

Afalase 100 pcs. lozenges

pharmachologic effect

Antidysuric, anti-inflammatory.

Composition and release form Afalase 100 pcs. lozenges

Lozenges - 1 tablet:

  • active ingredients: antibodies to endothelial NO synthase, affinity purified* - 0.006 g; affinity purified antibodies to prostate-specific antigen* - 0.006 g;
  • excipients: lactose monohydrate; MCC; magnesium stearate.

* applied to lactose in the form of a mixture of three active aqueous-alcoholic dilutions of the substance, diluted 10012, 10030, 100200 times, respectively.

Lozenges. 20 tablets each in blister packs made of PVC film or aluminum foil. 1, 2 or 5 blister packs are placed in a cardboard pack.

Description of the dosage form

Tablets are flat-cylindrical, scored and chamfered, from white to almost white. On the side with the mark there is the inscription “MATERIA MEDICA”, on the other - “AFALAZA”.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, not during meals. For one appointment - 2 tablets. (keep in mouth until completely dissolved). Take the drug twice a day, in the evening and in the morning.

The recommended duration of taking the drug is 16 weeks. In case of severe pain and dysuric disorders in the first 2–3 weeks of therapy, taking the drug up to 4 times a day is recommended.

If necessary, on the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to conduct a second course of treatment after 1–4 months.


Affinity-purified antibodies to PSA modify the functional activity of endogenous PSA, altered in benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is accompanied by an increase in the regulatory effect of this antigen on functional and metabolic processes in prostate tissue. Antibodies to PSA have a preventive and therapeutic effect in prostate adenoma.

Affinity purified antibodies to endothelial NO synthase help to increase the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the penis and prostate gland; have a protective effect on the endothelium (help reduce vascular reactivity, reduce vascular spasm and improve peripheral microcirculation).

The combined use of components in the complex drug Afalase is accompanied by a synergistic effect: antibodies to endothelial NO synthase, due to their endothelial protective effect and improved vascularization, enhance the antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory activity of antibodies to PSA. The synergistic effect is probably also due to nonspecific mechanisms of enhancing intracellular signal transduction by antibodies to endothelial NO synthase.

The complex use of the drug components helps improve the quality of life of patients with BPH and prostatitis, reducing dysuria and erectile dysfunction; has a vegetative stabilizing effect. The drug has been experimentally shown to have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

The drug helps to normalize the functional state of the prostate and lower urinary tract, improve urodynamics (decrease in residual urine volume, increase the maximum rate of urine excretion), normalize PSA levels. The drug also helps to reduce dysuric disorders, and in some cases, a moderate reduction in the volume of the prostate gland. The combined use of the components improves spermatological parameters (increasing the concentration of sex hormones, the number of sperm and their motility, reducing the viscosity of seminal fluid, normalizing prostate secretions); activates regenerative and repair processes in patients who have undergone surgery for BPH, reduces the likelihood of developing complications after surgery.


The sensitivity of modern physicochemical methods of analysis (gas-liquid chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) does not allow assessing the content of ultra-low doses of antibodies in biological fluids, organs and tissues, which makes it technically impossible to study the pharmacokinetics of the drug Afalase.

Indications for use Afalase 100 pcs. lozenges

  • benign prostatic hyperplasia stages I and II;
  • as part of complex therapy of acute and chronic prostatitis (as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent);
  • dysuric disorders (frequent urge to urinate, difficulty urinating, pain and discomfort in the perineum);
  • erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction) of various origins;
  • vegetative disorders of menopause in men (including weakness, fatigue, decreased physical activity, decreased libido);
  • complex therapy before and after surgical interventions on the prostate gland.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

special instructions

The drug contains lactose, and therefore is not recommended for use in patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome, or congenital lactase deficiency.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and other potentially dangerous mechanisms. Does not affect.


In case of accidental overdose, dyspeptic symptoms are possible due to the fillers included in the drug.

Side effects of Afalase 100 pcs. lozenges

When using the drug for the indicated indications and in the indicated dosages, no side effects were identified.

Drug interactions

No cases of incompatibility with other drugs have been registered to date.

Men's reviews of Afalaza tablets from the network

In addition to reviews from urologists, I would like to cite as an example the opinions of patients who prove the effectiveness of the product and the complete restoration of the functioning of the pelvic organs.

“I took Afalaza on the recommendation of my attending physician. The reason for contacting a specialist was frequent urge to pee. But to my surprise, after three months of treatment, I not only stopped running to the toilet often, but also remembered what full-fledged sex is.”

I also cannot but agree with the reviews of men, since increased potency is the main bonus to treatment with this drug.

Effect of the drug

After taking a dissolving tablet, the active substances in its composition are exposed to saliva

They break down in the mouth. They are absorbed through the hypoglossal artery and are carried through the bloodstream, producing a systemic effect. In particular, getting into the tissue of the prostate gland, they accelerate metabolic processes and normalize blood circulation in the tissues. Against this background, the likelihood of vascular spasms decreases.

When treated with the drug at the initial stage of development of prostate adenoma, it is possible to:

  • Restore damaged organ cells.
  • Gradually reduce the size of the prostate gland.
  • Remove blood stagnation in the pelvic area.

In addition, the active substances in the drug have the ability to liquefy the ejaculate. This increases sperm activity and eliminates the problem of infertility. In addition, afolase tablets, reviews indicate that they improve urination and relieve pain.

Indications and contraindications

The drug afalase, the instructions warn about this, is approved for use from the age of 18 years. Most often it is prescribed for the treatment of stage I and II prostate adenoma. It also helps in the following cases:

  • For vegetative disorders during menopause. It helps relieve fatigue, prevent a decrease in physical activity and maintain libido.
  • For disorders characterized by frequent urge and difficulty urinating, as well as pain and discomfort in the perineal area.
  • When erectile dysfunction occurs due to various reasons.

Afalase is a popular remedy in the complex therapy of prostatitis in acute and chronic form. The product has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which speeds up the process of treating the disease. Afalase is also prescribed in combination with other medications before and after prostate surgery.

A contraindication for using the product is individual intolerance. This is manifested by the occurrence of negative reactions of the body. In this case, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor to select an effective analogue. Lactose is used in the production of afalase tablets. Therefore, there are contraindications for patients with intolerance to this substance.

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