List of the most effective and cheapest analogues of the drug Actovegin, produced domestically and abroad

Has restrictions during pregnancy

Has restrictions when breastfeeding

Has restrictions for children

Has restrictions for older people

Allowed for liver problems

Allowed for kidney problems

Actovegin, like its structural analogs, is a metabolic drug that promotes tissue regeneration and is characterized by a fairly wide range of applications. It helps improve and restore regenerative and metabolic processes in brain cells.

Part of the group of antihypoxants. The main substance used is a biocomponent – ​​hemoderivative of calf blood. Due to the fact that Actovegin is produced in different forms and dosages, specialists have the opportunity to choose the most effective method of therapy for each patient.

Pharmacological action of Actovegin

Indications for use:

  • tablets, injections and intravenous injections are prescribed for disorders of the brain, diabetic polyneuropathy, angiopathy, trophic ulcers;
  • cream, ointments and gel are used for the prevention and treatment of bedsores, varicose veins, abrasions, cuts, and to restore skin after burns.

During pregnancy, the medicine is used to prevent the development of abnormalities in the fetus. Prescribed for diagnosing placental insufficiency. In pediatrics, drugs are used to treat children with pathologies that are neurological in nature and resulted from a difficult birth or complicated pregnancy.

Composition of the drug

But sometimes situations arise when Actovegin needs to be replaced. There are no less effective analogues of drugs that have an identical mechanism of action, but differ in components. It is worth saying that only the local form of the drug has complete analogues of Actovegin in terms of the active substance; oral and injectable forms are replaced by drugs based on other components.

Pharmacological interaction

During the period of use of Actovegin, one should not only take into account the main characteristics, but also its compatibility with other drugs.
This is necessary in order to avoid negative consequences and additional financial costs. Main combinations and their consequences for the human body:

  1. It is prohibited to add any other medications to the injection or infusion solution.
  2. Actovegin does not cause any side effects when taken simultaneously with other drugs that have an antihypoxic effect.
  3. It is not recommended to use Actovegin in combination with one of its analogs.

There are rumors...

Collected on the Internet - reviews on the use of Actovegin and its analogues in brief:

  1. My eldest daughter was prescribed Actovegin plus massage a year after the course; a week after the course, my daughter took her first independent steps!
  2. I was in an accident five years ago, the consequence was a traumatic brain injury and I suffered from headaches for a long time. Cerebrolysin saved me. The first two courses consisted of 20 injections, the next of 10 and reduced the dosage. Now there is no urgent need, but when I feel that there is pressure, I have to get a puncture.
  3. I have weak blood vessels, I often get dizzy and my eyes hurt when reading. The neurologist prescribed Actovegin. By the middle of the course I notice improvements. I undergo treatment approximately once every six months.
  4. Mexidol did not work for me, my head hurt very badly, my temples were throbbing. I went to the doctor, she changed to Actovegin, 20 injections, and then a month of Piracetam. The condition has improved, the EEG shows positive changes.
  5. For several years I was bothered by noise and ringing in my ear. I tried several medications until the neurologist prescribed Tanakan. After the fifth day of treatment, I woke up in silence, no noise, no ringing! The action lasts for 7-8 months, once for almost a year nothing bothered me. Highly recommend.
  6. I liked the effect of the first two courses of Tanakan, but the third had zero effect. I don’t understand if this is addictive or if it’s a fake.

Using the cream

The external agent Actovegin is used topically. It is easy to apply, absorbs well, without causing itching or other skin manifestations. The product is available not only in the form of an ointment, but also a cream. It has a uniform texture, white in color, 5%. Actovegin cream is prescribed for the treatment of the same pathologies as the ointment, namely:

  • poorly healing wounds;
  • ulcers caused by varicose veins;
  • cuts and bruises;
  • to restore skin after a burn;
  • prevention of bedsores.

The cream helps restore tissue by improving metabolic processes, increases the utilization of oxygen and glucose, and accelerates the healing process.

Apply Actovegin cream externally until the symptoms of skin lesions completely disappear. Typically, the course of therapy is 2 weeks, 2 times a day. To treat ulcers, wounds and burns, use 5% of the drug, thinly applying it to the damaged surface. The cream is also used to prevent bedsores.

Patients with ulcers caused by diabetes are prescribed external use of the cream at stage 3 of the disease to improve the recovery of damaged skin. A bandage with cream is applied to the area affected by trophic ulcers 2 times a day.

There are no cases of overdose with Actovegin. The use of the drug is not prohibited by doctors during pregnancy and lactation. The medicine is not used by pediatricians, since there is no information about studies conducted in this area of ​​medicine. But in practice, Actovegin cream can be used to treat abrasions and bruises in children. It does not contain harmful substances and will not harm the child. But it is worth remembering that the substance can cause a local irritant reaction, so the use of the medicine is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Why is Actovegin ointment not available in pharmacies, analogues of the drug

Many people are wondering where the ointment went; most pharmacies do not have it in stock. The state registration of this medicine has expired.

An analogue of the drug in terms of the active substance is Solcoseryl ointment. The product costs even less than Actovegin. It is difficult to answer the question of which is better Solcoseryl or Actovegin ointment. Still, the same drug can have different effects on each person.

What else can replace the ointment:

  • Chimes - from 640 rubles;
  • Mexidol - about 400 rubles;
  • Cavinton - about 380 rubles;
  • Cortexin - from 800 to 1300 rubles;
  • Cerebrolysin - from 1200 - 2000 rubles.

Before using or replacing Actovegin with another drug, consult a specialist.


If you went to the nearest pharmacy for Actovegin ointment, but did not find it, you will have to purchase one of the analogues. Similar and cheap drugs that have a similar effect on human skin are:

  1. Solcoseryl. A drug intended for external use and promoting the process of regeneration and healing of the skin.
  2. Chimes. The medicine helps improve blood microcirculation and has an inhibitory effect on platelets.
  3. Algofin. The drug is prescribed for skin damage, both radiation and trophic, as well as for the prevention and treatment of bedsores, abscesses and fistulas.

They have a similar effect on the body, promoting tissue regeneration, improving microcirculation and cell metabolism, and strengthening the skin.

Local remedies

Actovegi is also available in local form. Among the most common analogues are Solcoseryl and Algofin.


The only complete analogue of Actovegin in terms of active substance is Solcoseryl ointment. It consists of 2.07 g of hemoderivat. The substance is obtained from the blood of calves, which is previously purified from proteins. The drug is prescribed for diagnosing pathologies that were caused by oxygen deficiency in cells, as well as for the treatment of burns, frostbite and dry wounds.

Description of the drug

Cosmetologists began to use ointment to prevent skin aging. To date, there is no accurate information that would confirm its effectiveness in this area. However, the fair sex who tested the product on themselves were satisfied with the result.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, experts recommend stopping the use of the medication.


Among products similar in action can be called Algofin gel. It is characterized by antibacterial and antiseptic effects. It is based on chlorophyll-carotene paste. Used for skin diseases and skin irritations. Relieves discomfort (itching, burning) and swelling. The product also protects the skin from exposure to direct sunlight and helps slow down the aging process.


The drug is produced in the form of a lyophysiate for the preparation of a solution for injection into the muscle. The medication is available in five milliliter bottles of ten pieces per package. The contents are a porous milky powdery consistency with a slight yellowish color.

The main active component of the drug "Cortexin" is considered to be a complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions; one bottle contains ten milligrams of the active substance. Glycine acts as additional components. (Russia).

Under the influence of the drug, the functioning of the brain, as well as memory, improves, concentration and perception of information increases. When using this drug, a person becomes more susceptible to stress and psycho-emotional overload.

Regular use of this drug has an antioxidant effect on the body, protects cells from the action of free radicals, increases the resistance of nerve cells under conditions of stress and oxygen starvation.

pharmachologic effect

Release form: tablets, injection solution, ointment, gel

Active ingredient: deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves

Actovegin has a positive effect on the transport and utilization of glucose and stimulates oxygen consumption. The drug also has an actihypoxic effect on the body, which manifests itself half an hour after taking the drug in tablets. The maximum effect is observed after three hours.

The medication increases the concentrations of ATP, ADP, phosphocreatine, as well as amino acids (glutamate, aspartate) and GABA. In most cases, it is used in the treatment of patients with diabetic polyneuropathy. In this situation, the patient’s general condition and a decrease in the severity of the symptoms of the disease are observed. There is also an improvement in mental well-being.

Prices for services

Name of servicePrice
Consultation with a rehabilitation specialist (initial)Price 5,150 rub.
Consultation with a rehabilitation specialist (secondary)Price 3,600 rub.
Comprehensive rehabilitation program after strokePrice from 14,839 rub. per day
Comprehensive rehabilitation program after spinal injuryPrice from 15,939 rub. per day
Comprehensive rehabilitation program for Alzheimer's diseasePrice from 15,389 rub. per day
Comprehensive rehabilitation program for Parkinson's diseasePrice from 13,739 rub. per day
Comprehensive rehabilitation program for multiple sclerosisPrice from 14,839 rub. per day
MassotherapyPrice from 2,200 rub.
Session with a speech therapistPrice from 3,410 rub.
Individual lesson on psychological social adaptationPrice 4,565 rub.
Acupuncture sessionPrice 4,290 rub.


Direct analogue of Actovegin. It can be considered the only full-fledged replacement due to the original extract from calf blood “Solcoseryl” included in the drug, which is produced by the German company.

The instructions for use for both medications indicate similar pharmacological properties, as well as indications and side effects. But comparative studies of generics have not been carried out, so their bioequivalence has not been officially recorded.

There are differences in products and concentrations of similar forms of the drug. Thus, in the Solcoseryl line there is no cream for external application and a 10% solution for injection, but an adhesive dental paste is presented.

The solution for injections "Solcoseryl" is produced in a concentration of 4.25%, and the gel for the skin in a concentration of 10%.

Average prices for the drug and its main analogues

The cost of a medicinal product (MP) depends on the dosage and form of release, as well as on the pricing policy of the pharmacy and the degree of purification of raw materials (Table 1).

Drug nameRelease formAverage price in rubles
Actovegintablets, no. 50
ampoules 5 ml, No. 5

ampoules 2 ml, No. 25



Nootropiltablets, No. 20
ampoules 5 ml, No. 12
Solcoserylointment 5%, 20 g375
Stugerontablets, no. 50185
Memoriabottle 20 ml, No. 1220
Tanakantablets, No. 30580
Omarontablets, No. 90345
Vero-trimetazidinetablets, no. 60110
Nobencapsules, No. 30600
Cortexinbottle 5 ml, No. 101290
Divazatablets, no. 100340
Mexidoltablets, no. 50390
Piracetamtablets, no. 6055
Cerebrovitalcapsules, No. 30150
Algofinointment 25 g120

These drugs are considered the most effective and similar to Actovegin in terms of their effect on the body.

Analogues of Actovegin

On the shelves of pharmacies there is a wide range of foreign and domestic analogues and substitutes for Actovegin, which differ in composition, indications, release form, course duration, drug interactions, age restrictions and cost.

When choosing an analogue, you should pay attention to the information specified in the instructions. You should not ignore the nuances of use and dosage, as this can lead to negative and irreversible consequences.

Prices for cheap analogues of Actovegin in tablets, injections and ointments (gels).

Drug nameprice, rub.Manufacturer country

The cost of the product depends on the packaging, release form, and country of origin. It is always recommended that you consider the admission restrictions before starting the course.

Side effects and contraindications

Actovegin ointment is suitable for all age groups and categories of patients. The instructions indicate that both children and pregnant women can undergo therapy. The main thing when treating such patients is to strictly adhere to the dosage and not exceed the recommended course.

Side effects when using the drug are rare. Sometimes patients experience allergic reactions in the form of itching, burning or redness. But usually such moments are associated with an individual reaction or excessive use of ointment.

During pregnancy and lactation, the medication can be used, but the prescription must be given by a doctor. He will also recommend an individual treatment regimen.

The medicine has no contraindications, but individual sensitivity may occur. In order not to provoke an inflammatory process, it is necessary to strictly monitor the expiration date of the ointment.

Actovegin or Kurantil - which is better during pregnancy

Manufacturer: BERLIN HEMI, Russia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: dipyridamole

Curantil is an analogue of Actovegin and a vasodilator with myotropic action. The drug has an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation and improves blood flow. The drug is a vasodilator. Prescribed for older patients and children over 12 years of age. The medication can be used during pregnancy, but only as indicated. Therefore, during this period it is better to use Curantil rather than Actovegin.

This substitute for Actovegin must be taken in case of impaired cerebral circulation of the ischemic type, discirculatory encephalopathy, coronary artery disease, thrombosis, thromboembolism, placental insufficiency, impaired microcirculation of any type.

The medicine can also be used as an interferon inducer and immunomodulator.

Actovegin analogues are nootropic drugs that are prescribed to patients for neurological diseases associated with impaired blood circulation and brain functionality. Before starting the course, it is imperative to exclude contraindications and take into account drug interactions, as well as the age category of the patient.

Description of the drug

The Austrian manufacturer produces Actovegin in various dosage forms. These are tablets, injection solutions, gel for laying down for centuries. But the most popular products are for local application.

Their active component is a hemoderivative from calf blood, which stimulates the entry of glucose into cells. It is completely free of proteins that could provoke an allergic reaction in humans.

According to the instructions for use, Actovegin gel, ointment, and cream are used to eliminate the following pathological conditions:

  • redness and swelling of the skin;
  • soreness, burning, stinging;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin, including those accompanied by inflammation.

The choice of medication for therapy is made only by a doctor. The ointment is prescribed when severe skin damage is diagnosed. The ingredients of the cream accumulate in the upper layer of the epidermis and exhibit a therapeutic effect for a long time.

It is advisable to use it to treat shallow wounds, cuts, and scratches. The gel has a delicate consistency, so it is advisable to apply it in a thin layer to the mucous membranes.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Actoveginal ointment, gel and cream are included in the clinical and pharmacological group of angioprotectors. According to their clinical effect, they are also classified as microcirculation correctors. Any Actovegin dosage form is a representative of the group of reparants, regenerants.

pharmachologic effect

Actovegin gel, ointment and cream are preparations containing a purified extract from the blood of calves. Hemoderivat is characterized by the ability to accelerate the uptake of glucose and oxygen by cells. In severe skin lesions, these essential components of metabolic processes are lacking.

The use of Actovegin drugs increases the resistance of cells to the resulting deficiency. During therapy, external agents have a diverse effect on the skin and mucous membranes:

  • strengthening the energy potential of cells;
  • increasing resistance to hypoxia;
  • acceleration of molecular oxygen utilization;
  • removal of inflammatory process products from damaged tissues;
  • improvement of blood circulation in pathological foci;
  • replenishment of nutrients and biologically active substances.

Hemoderivat accelerates metabolism in cells, launching regeneration processes. In combination with the entry of beneficial compounds into the cells, this leads to rapid restoration of the skin.

It should be noted that Actovegin is able to normalize microcirculation in the veins and capillaries of the legs. This property has found active use in the treatment of thrombophlebitis and chronic venous insufficiency.

Release form and composition

Actovegin ointment is packaged in sealed aluminum tubes. Each of them contains 20 g of a whitish mass with a fatty consistency. The external product has a very specific smell of strong meat broth.

The secondary packaging of the drug is a cardboard box with attached instructions for use. In addition to the active ingredient of purified hemoderivat, the composition of Actovegin ointment is represented by the following components:

  • white paraffin;
  • cholesterol;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • purified water;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Additional ingredients accelerate the penetration of the hemoderivative into tissues and promote its uniform distribution. And propylparaben and methylparaben exhibit weak antiseptic activity. Paraffin forms a film on the skin and mucous membranes, protecting them from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Storage conditions and periods

Actovegin cream, gel and ointment are stored at room temperature in places protected from sunlight. The shelf life is 5 years. Doctors strongly do not recommend using the drugs after opening the tube for longer than 3 weeks. Hemoderivat is relatively unstable and gradually loses its medicinal properties.

Instructions for use

Actovegin ointment is used in dermatology and traumatology to accelerate the restoration of skin integrity. Its use as a prophylactic agent is also practiced. This is relevant for progressive pathologies, as well as relapsing diseases.

This should be taken into account when purchasing, focusing the pharmacist’s attention on the need for an ophthalmic product

Indications and contraindications

Actovegin ointment is prescribed for the healing of wounds formed under the influence of external and internal negative factors. It is also used in the treatment of vascular pathologies, such as varicose veins. Course use of the drug helps eliminate the external manifestations of thrombophlebitis by improving the condition of the veins.

What else is Actovegin ointment recommended for:

  • prevention and treatment of bedsores;
  • relief of inflammation due to skin injury - cuts, wounds, punctures, abrasions;
  • skin regeneration after thermal, chemical, radiation burns;
  • accelerating the healing of weeping eczema and trophic ulcers, including varicose etiology.

Often, severe radiation exposure increases the risk of damage to the skin and mucous membranes. In this case, Actovegin is always used as a prophylactic agent. In transplant surgery, it is used at the preparatory stage for surgical intervention.

Directions for use and doses

The duration of therapy with all external forms of Actovegin is 10-14 days. The lack of ability of drugs to penetrate the systemic circulation allows these periods to be extended.

For serious injuries or burns, it is advisable to use it in the form of bandages. To do this, spread the ointment evenly on a sterile napkin and apply it to the skin. The frequency of application is determined by the attending physician. Usually, for wound healing, it is enough to lubricate the wounds with the drug 2-3 times a day.

Actovegin ophthalmic gel is placed into the conjunctival sac 1-3 times a day with a glass spatula. To distribute it evenly, gently massage the lower eyelid. In the treatment of eye diseases, it is necessary to follow all the rules of asepsis.

Side effects and special instructions

External forms of Actovegin do not provoke the development of systemic side effects. In rare cases, after applying the drugs, pain, burning, and stinging are felt. Sometimes small rashes form on the skin and mucous membranes. The ointment should be washed off with water and consult your doctor. All drugs with physiological components are extremely rarely used as monotherapy.

As a rule, therapy for chemical and radiation damage to the skin and bedsores is supplemented with the following drugs:

  • antiseptic solutions;
  • hemostatic agents;
  • antibacterial drugs.

Products containing hemoderivat should be applied 40-60 minutes after other drugs. No negative chemical interactions were observed between them.

Prices and conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

When purchasing external forms of Actovegin, including eye gel, a prescription from a doctor is not required. The cost of drugs varies between 150-200 rubles.

Actovegin or Mexidol - which is better and more effective for blood vessels

Manufacturer: VECTORFARM, Russia
Release form: tablets, injection solution

Active ingredient: ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate

Mexidol is an analogue of the drug Actovegin. This drug belongs to antioxidants, inhibitors of free radical processes, and membrane protectors. The drug can increase the body's resistance to negative factors. Quickly absorbed and distributed throughout the body. The Mexidol analogue is excreted along with urine almost unchanged.

It is prescribed to patients of the older age category for such disorders and pathologies as acute circulatory disorders in the brain, mild forms of TBI and its consequences, encephalopathy, VSD, cognitive disorders of the atherosclerotic type, anxiety disorders, asthenic condition. It is also allowed to take the drug under conditions of exposure to stress factors.

For blood vessels it is better to use Mexidol than Actovegin, including for osteochondrosis.

Indications for use


  • vascular and metabolic disorders of the central nervous system, including ischemic stroke, head injury, cerebrovascular insufficiency, dementia;
  • peripheral vascular disorders, arterial and venous, as well as the consequences of such disorders: trophic ulcers, arterial angiopathy;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • skin damage: wounds and ulcers of various origins, trophic lesions (bedsores), burns, long-lasting wounds;
  • treatment and prevention of radiation injuries to the mucous membrane and skin during radiation therapy.


  • complex therapy for brain dysfunctions described above;
  • vascular disorders and their consequences;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy.

Gel, ointment Actovegin

  • inflammatory diseases and wounds of the mucous membranes and skin: burns of various etiologies, cuts, scratches, abrasions, cracks;
  • weeping ulcers (as initial therapy);
  • treatment and prevention of damage to the skin and mucous membranes due to exposure to radiation;
  • treatment of wound surfaces before skin transplantation in the treatment of burns.

Actovegin or Piracetam – which is better?

Manufacturer: OZON, Russia
Release form: tablets, injection solution

Active ingredient: piracetam

Piracetam is an analogue of Actovegin tablets and injections. The drug is a nootropic drug that has a positive effect on metabolism and blood circulation in the brain. The drug is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

Piracetam has a wide spectrum of action and is prescribed to patients of different age groups for the following disorders:

  1. Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency.
  2. Ischemic stroke and its consequences.
  3. Psychoorganic disorders.
  4. Dementia.
  5. TBI.
  6. Acute viral neuroinfection.
  7. Vestibular nystagmus.
  8. Sluggish apathetic state.
  9. Aphasia.
  10. Cortical myoclonus.
  11. Epilepsy.

An analogue of Piracetam is prescribed to children with cerebral palsy, after perinatal damage to the central nervous system, in the case of mental development, speech disorders, mental retardation.

Both of these drugs are effective for these diseases. A consultation with a neurologist is required.

Analogs of the drug in ampoules

Among analogues of Actovegin in ampoules, according to the effect they have on the body, experts identify several products described below.


It is characterized by nootropic, antioxidant, neuroprotective and tissue-specific effects. It is a yellow or white powder. Used to prepare a solution for injections. The main active ingredient is water-soluble polypeptide fractions (5-10 mg). Glycine (6-12 mg) is used as a stabilizer.

Cortexin is prescribed for:

  • pathologies of the central nervous system of an infectious nature;
  • traumatic brain injuries and to eliminate their consequences;
  • cerebral autonomic failures.

Characteristics of Cortexin

In childhood, drugs are used in the following cases:

  • delayed speech or psychomotor development;
  • diagnosing cerebral palsy, regardless of its form;
  • a pronounced decrease in learning ability, memory or thinking.

Cortexin can be used as an auxiliary component in complex therapy for the manifestation of symptoms of epilepsy or the development of chronic/acute pathology of the spinal cord. It is not recommended to use this domestic drug during pregnancy or lactation.


The medicine is available in ampoules and tablet form. Piracetam, which is the main active ingredient, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and areas of the brain responsible for mental activity.

The drug helps improve blood flow between the right and left hemispheres and blood viscosity. Experts recommend taking Nootropil if brain dysfunction occurs. Main indications:

  • psychoorganic/withdrawal syndrome;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • anemia;
  • myoclonus.

Effect of the drug

It is often prescribed to children who have impaired mental functioning and poor performance at school.

It is not recommended to use it in case of individual intolerance, renal failure, or in children under one year of age. It is also not advisable for pregnant women to undergo treatment with Nootropil.

Domestic and foreign substitutes in tablets

In most cases, patients prefer to replace the drug due to its cost. In some cases, allergic reactions to its components are observed. Before choosing an analogue of Actovegin in tablets, you should consult your doctor.


Available in tablet form based on trimetazidine (0.02 g). It has antihypoxic, antianginal, cerebrovasodilating and vasodilating effects on the body. Provides and maintains normal myocardial homeostasis. Indications for use are:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • angina pectoris;
  • ischemic diseases;
  • impaired coordination, ringing/tinnitus.

Properties of Trimetazidine

Not used in pediatrics. Also, the medicine is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.


Manufacturers produce drugs in the form of capsules. The main ingredient is idebenone. One capsule contains 30 mg of active substance. The medicine helps to activate the processes of glucose and ACE synthesis, saturate the brain with oxygen, and improve blood circulation.

It has nootropic, psychostimulating and neuroprotective effects. From the first days of administration it has anti-asthenic, psychostimulating and antidepressant effects.

Action of nootropics

Prescribed for:

  • attention/memory disorders;
  • emotional disorders;
  • depressive states;
  • headaches.

The list of contraindications includes increased susceptibility to the components and renal failure. Pediatricians can prescribe a drug only in cases where its benefits are higher than the risk of negative reactions. Lactation and pregnancy are included in the list of contraindications.


The drug is available in tablet form. The drug is a combination drug, since it is developed on the basis of two active ingredients - cinnarizine (25 g) and piracetam (400 mg). The tablets are characterized by vasodilating, antihypoxic and nootropic effects.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine helps to increase the body's defense reactions to hypoxia and activates metabolic processes in the brain. The components of the drug block slow calcium channels and lead to relaxation of the smooth muscles of arterioles.

Indications for prescription are pathologies of the central nervous system, which entail mnestic-intellectual disorders:

  • depression;
  • encephalopathy (post-intoxication or post-traumatic);
  • mental development disorder in childhood;
  • Meniere's syndrome;
  • asthenia.

Effects of the drug

In pediatrics, it is prescribed to children over 5 years of age. It is not advisable to use the tablets during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


The tablets are developed on the basis of cinnarizine. The drug helps improve cerebral circulation. The medication is prescribed for:

  • headaches, increased irritability, ringing in the ears;
  • motion sickness syndrome (if a person does not tolerate long trips or suffers from seasickness);
  • presence of vestibular apparatus disorders;
  • peripheral circulatory disorders.

Pediatricians recommend taking half the adult dose for children from 5 to 12 years old. Administration to children under five years of age is contraindicated. Also, expectant mothers should not take the drug during lactation.


Drug Memoria is developed based on natural ingredients. It includes:

  • ginseng;
  • St. John's wort;
  • spotted hemlock;
  • mountain arnica;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • purified water;
  • ethanol.

The homeopathic remedy is characterized by vasoregulatory, nootropic and antihypoxic effects. Has a positive effect on the metabolic process in the brain. Helps improve memory, accelerates psychomotor reactions.

Medicine is indicated for:

  • having memory problems;
  • migraines;
  • headaches;
  • atherosclerotic disorders.

The use of the drug is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • children and teenagers.


The tablets contain ginkgo biloba leaf extract. The drug belongs to the group of drugs with angioprotective properties. These medications help improve cerebral circulation.

The drug is used by elderly patients with cognitive disorders. The drug is also prescribed for the treatment of Raynaud's syndrome or disease, dizziness, and ringing in the ears.

Properties of the main components of the drug

The list of contraindications includes pregnancy and lactation. Also, the product is not used to treat children under 18 years of age.

What to choose

Patients often ask what helps best? It is important to determine the exact diagnosis and treatment goals. "Solcoseryl" is available in the form of ointment and gel

In the latter form, it is prescribed for the treatment of dental problems (gum inflammation) and for the treatment of corneal damage. Due to the fact that the concentration of the active ingredient is high, it is recommended for the treatment of ulcers and wounds that are characterized by the presence of pus

"Solcoseryl" is available in the form of ointment and gel. In the latter form, it is prescribed for the treatment of dental problems (gum inflammation) and for the treatment of corneal damage. Due to the fact that the concentration of the active ingredient is high, it is recommended for the treatment of ulcers and wounds that are characterized by the presence of pus.

"Actovegin" in the form of an ointment is not used to treat mucous membranes because it has little effectiveness. Its purpose is the regeneration of dry lesions and wounds that do not contain pus. In addition, Actovegin contains more preservative components, so it has a long shelf life.

Actovegin or Cerakson - which is better?

Release form: oral solution

Active ingredient: citicoline

Ceraxon is an analogue of Actvigen, which is prescribed to patients of different age groups. The drug is recommended for neurological diseases and disorders associated with the functionality and blood flow of the brain. Before starting the course, it is necessary to take into account existing restrictions, precautions and drug interactions.

You should not engage in self-diagnosis and therapy, as this can lead to negative and undesirable consequences. A consultation with a neurologist is required.

For disorders of brain activity, both Actovegin and its analogue Ceraxon can be used.

Contraindications and side effects

Actovegin can be used by children and adults, but this should only be done on the recommendation of the attending physician

The main precaution when using the drug is individual intolerance to the components, which results in allergic reactions.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should also be careful when using the drug - during this period, only a doctor can prescribe any prescription. In any other cases, based on data from clinical studies and consumer reviews, it can be argued that Actovegin has no contraindications

The most important thing is to use a drug with a normal expiration date. After 5 years, the active substances stop working and may not only not be beneficial, but also provoke inflammatory processes.

The ointment is very well tolerated by the body and causes virtually no side effects. Individual cases of intolerance to the components of the drug were observed, as a result of which the person felt itching or burning.

If the product accidentally gets inside, it is recommended to immediately rinse the stomach. This can be done in the following way: drink as much water as possible to induce vomiting. If even after home gastric lavage the patient feels unwell or has a fever, you should consult a doctor.

Cheaper substitutes

Actovegin is not suitable for some patients due to its rather high cost. In this case, a specialist can select cheaper substitutes based on other active components. At the same time, the cost of drugs does not affect their quality and effectiveness.


The drug is available in injections and tablet form. The main component is Mexidol. The drug is characterized by nootropic, membrane-stabilizing, antioxidant, and antihypoxic properties.

The medicine also increases the body’s resistance to stressful situations, improves memory, and helps reduce the concentration of LDL in the blood. Indications:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • intoxication;
  • purulent inflammatory processes.

To date, the specifics of the effects of drugs on the child’s body and fetal development have not been thoroughly studied. In this regard, it is not prescribed to minor children and pregnant women.


The main component of the drug is piracetam. The drug is available in capsules, tablets and solution for intramuscular administration. It is characterized by psychostimulating and neurometabolic effects. Used for dementia, TBI, Alzheimer's disease, sickle cell anemia. In childhood, it helps to cope with dyslexia, which is accompanied by learning disabilities. In the official instructions for use, pregnancy and breastfeeding are contraindications.


Can be used as a dietary supplement to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increase physical activity, improve activity and renew brain cells. The active ingredients are lecithin and gotu kola extract. Not recommended for children and pregnant women.


The medicine helps restore cells in the cerebral cortex. Tablets are produced based on several components:

  • antibodies to S-100 (specific brain block);
  • antibodies to NO synthase.

Nootropic effect of Divaza

The drug is prescribed for the manifestation of somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Use in children is not allowed.

Actovegin for children

The valuable properties of the drug, such as improving the nutrition of damaged tissues, enhancing the metabolism of glucose and oxygen, are used for effective cell restoration that occurs against the background of fetal hypoxia. This pathology often complicates pregnancy and childbirth, leads to one or another neurological symptoms and is associated with circulatory deficiency, severe toxicosis, low hemoglobin in the blood of a pregnant woman, placental insufficiency, etc.

The use of Actovegin in children is justified in the following cases:

  • chronic hypoxia, accompanied by functional or organic changes in the brain;
  • acute hypoxia (prolonged labor, entanglement with the umbilical cord, etc.);
  • brain injuries.

Most often, the drug is prescribed in the presence of chronic hypoxia that occurs during intrauterine life.

  • Newborns are prescribed Actovegin injections intramuscularly or intravenously at a dose of 0.4–0.5 ml/kg once a day.
  • Children 1-3 years old at a dose of 0.4–0.5 ml/kg once a day. IM or IV.
  • Children 3-6 years old at a dose of 0.25–0.4 ml/kg once a day. IM or IV.

Actovegin or Cavinton – which is better and more effective?

Manufacturer: GEDEON RICHTER, Russia
Release form: tablets, concentrate for infusion

Active ingredient: vinpocetine

Cavinton is an analogue of Actovegin in tablets. The drug has a positive effect on blood circulation and metabolism in the brain area. The product also increases the consumption of glucose and oxygen by the tissues of this organ. Cavinton has the following positive properties: it increases the resistance of neurons to hypoxia, switches the process of glucose breakdown to an energy-efficient, aerobic pathway, and increases the levels of AMP and GMP in the brain.

A substitute for Actovegin in tablets is prescribed for the following neurological disorders and pathologies:

  1. Lack of blood circulation in the brain area.
  2. Transient ischemic attack.
  3. Chronic vascular diseases of the membrane and retina of the eye.
  4. Thrombosis of the central artery and vein of the retina.
  5. Perceptual hearing loss.
  6. Meniere's disease.

The drug has a wider spectrum of action. Reviews about these drugs are equally positive, since they are not effective for these disorders and pathologies.

Directions for use and dosage

The product is intended for external use only. Before applying the ointment to the skin, disinfect it. The use of Actovegin ointment for cracks and burns of varying degrees occurs twice a day - the drug is applied in a thin layer. When it is necessary to treat deep wounds and ulcers, the cream must be applied in a thick, dense layer twice a day, after which a gauze bandage is applied to the affected area. It is needed to provide protection from dust and dirt. If you are faced with a weeping ulcer or wound, change the bandage three times a day, re-treating the surfaces with an antiseptic and applying a layer of ointment.

For bedridden patients, to prevent the occurrence of bedsores, Actovegin is applied twice a day during massage, changing linen and turning over in bed. The duration of use of the drug for one purpose or another is determined by the doctor. Usually the course of treatment does not exceed two weeks.

Many people do not know that ointment is actively used in cosmetology to prevent wrinkles. Actovegin affects the oxygen sufficiency of cells, optimizing metabolism and regenerative functions of the body. If there are small wounds or peeling on the skin, the drug activates blood circulation and oxygenation, as a result of which they will heal. A thin layer of ointment is applied to the skin twice a day. Cases of drug overdose have not yet been detected.

Answers on questions

Actovegin tablets or injections – which is better?

These release forms have the same composition and effectiveness. They differ only in the time of onset of action. The injections will begin to have a positive effect on the body faster.

Injections Actovegin intravenously or intramuscularly - whichever is best

The drug can be prescribed to the patient either intravenously or intramuscularly. When used intravenously, it is important to calculate the dosage correctly. Effectiveness with intravenous administration will be observed faster.

How to inject Actovegin intramuscularly: to dilute or not

The drug for intramuscular injection does not need to be diluted.

Actovegin – increases or decreases blood pressure

The drug gradually dilates blood vessels, so it can reduce blood pressure.

Is Actovegin and Cerebrolysin possible at the same time or not?

The simultaneous use of these two drugs in treatment is allowed. But it is worth considering that you cannot combine them in one syringe and make simultaneous injections.

Is it possible to take Actovegin with alcohol or not?

This drug, like its analogues, is not recommended to be combined with alcoholic beverages, even with minimal alcohol content. This can lead to irreversible consequences.

Actovegin ointment or gel – which is better?

These release forms do not differ in composition, therefore they are equally effective. The only difference is that the ointment takes longer to absorb than the gel.

When is it better to inject Actovegin: morning or evening

Since the drug is prescribed several times a day, it is injected both in the morning and in the evening.

Does Actovegin thin the blood or not?

The drug thins the blood.

Is Actovegin possible for oncology or not?

For malignant tumors, Actovegin can be prescribed to the patient unless there are other contraindications.

Are Actovegin injections painful or not?

The injections are not particularly painful. During the injection, the patient may experience some discomfort.

Mechanism of action

When producing dialysate, animal tissues are used, namely the blood of calves. It is subjected to processing at high and low temperatures, irradiation, etc., that is, its structure is destroyed. Under the influence of unfavorable conditions, cells begin to undergo changes aimed at survival in new conditions. This is how active substances are formed after heating and cooling blood serum or plasma. Getting into the soft tissues or blood of a person, these substances spur regeneration and restoration processes in the organs and cells of the body.

Dialysate is an antihypoxic agent, that is, it prevents the development of suffocation, hypoxia and lack of oxygen, and it is also a biological stimulant. Its therapeutic effect is achieved by normalizing oxygen supply to cells. Actovegin also normalizes glucose absorption.

Under the influence of glucose and oxygen, the metabolic process is normalized, and additional energy is generated, which is directed to the formation of new cells and strengthening the membranes of old ones. Among other things, amino acids accumulate in large quantities at the site where Actovegin is used, which also promotes cell regeneration and restoration of damaged membranes. Increasing the concentration of oxygen in the blood also promotes good blood circulation. This allows you to treat inflammation and remove toxins. That is, the ointment is used as a means for healing wounds.

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