Arnica montana (Arnica) C6 grain. 5g Doctor N/Russia

The medicinal properties of an unpretentious wild plant called arnica have been successfully used by pharmacists. They created homeopathic multicomponent remedies from this natural healer: ointment and gel, which can be used to relieve pain and inflammation from injuries, bruises and hematomas. Arnica is also used to produce a tincture that has a hemostatic effect, and a medicinal dermatological cream that helps normalize blood circulation and metabolic processes in the epidermis.

Mountain arnica is a poisonous, perennial plant with orange or yellow flowers collected in baskets. Flowers are used to make medicines; leaves and roots are used less frequently. Source: Flickr (Fluxura95)


The composition of Arnica-Heel drops as active components includes extracts of components of plant origin (including perennial woodleaf extract - 5 g/100 g, mountain arnica - 5 g/100 g; tomatoes - 5 g/100 g, echinacea - 5 g /100 g; autumn crocus – 5 g/100 g, white crocus – 5 g/100 g, hemp-like sapling – 5 g/100 g, bittersweet nightshade – 10 g/100 g, wild indigo – 10 g/100 g ; poison sumac – 10 g/100 g, black nightshade – 10 g/100 g, globulus eucalyptus – 10 g/100 g), as well as honey bee extract – 10 g/100 g and the substance Acidum benzoicume resina D3 – 5 g/ 100 g.
As auxiliary components, the product contains purified water and ethanol 96% (35% vol.).

One milliliter of product corresponds to the volume of 21 drops.

Homeopathic Arnica ointment contains matrix homeopathic tincture of mountain arnica (Arnica montana) D1 in a concentration of 10 g/100 g and petroleum jelly.

The Arnica tincture contains: 40 ml of arnica flower tincture (in a ratio of 1:10) and 70% ethyl alcohol as an excipient.

Arnica-Hel cream for the care of oily skin contains arnica montana extract, essential oils, organic acids (lactic, malic, fumaric), vitamin C, white petrolatum, paraffin paraffin, purified water, ethanol, emulsifying cetyl stearyl alcohol (A-type) .

The gel contains 5% arnica herb extract, as well as a number of auxiliary components, the presence of which allows you to optimize the effect of the active substance.

Effect of the ointment

In pharmaceuticals, arnica-based drugs are prescribed to achieve a calming effect and relieve spasms.

The components included in the ointment have different effects on the injured area:

  • Arnica montana extract is used to speed up the healing process of wounds, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and helps stop bleeding. This is an indispensable remedy for healing bruises and pain relief.
  • Plantain extract – has an antibacterial effect on burns, bruises, abscesses and ulcers.

  • Lobelin , which is part of the extract, has a moderate antimicrobial effect.
  • Inulin, which belongs to the group of polysaccharides, activates the activity of the immune system. At the same time, the body's resistance to infections increases significantly.
  • Helenalin is added to provide a hemostatic effect.

By increasing blood flow in the upper layers of the epidermis, the process of resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages is enhanced. Improvement from the use of Arnica will be noticeable already on the 2nd day: the skin will be actively restored, the injured area will no longer be bothered by pain.

The high concentration of active components included in the ointment provides a complex therapeutic effect:

  1. Reduced puffiness and swelling.
  2. Elimination of pinpoint hemorrhages and extensive hematomas.
  3. Regeneration of vessels damaged as a result of trauma.
  4. Acceleration of the recovery process of muscles, skin, ligaments, tendons, subcutaneous tissue.

"Arnica" ointment, the instructions for use of which contain all the necessary information about the use of the drug, is also used for cosmetic purposes.

Arnica extract has an effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, significantly reducing the production of sebaceous secretions. Treatment with acne courses allows you to restore the skin to a healthy appearance, saturating it with moisture and eliminating the possibility of clogged pores.

Release form

Dosage forms of Arnica Montana:

  • Drops for enteral use Arnica-Heel, which are available in 30 ml bottles with a dropper. The product is a clear, light yellow liquid with the odor of benzoic acid and ethanol.
  • Homeopathic ointment, which is a greenish-yellow substance and is available in 30 g in aluminum tubes.
  • Arnica-Hel cream for oily skin care.
  • Gel URGO Arnica 50 g.

Terms and conditions of storage

The shelf life and conditions are specified in the instructions:

  • Storage temperature should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius;
  • Store the drug in a dark place where children cannot reach it;
  • Can be used for 2 years, based on the release date on the packaging.

Important! After the expiration date, Arnica should not be used to avoid irritation and allergies.

The ointment has unique properties that will help cope with hematomas of any severity, joint diseases, as well as bruises and abrasions.

Do not forget to consult with your doctor, and it is better to use the drug in consultation with him.

Proper use of homeopathic “Arnica” ointment will help overcome many diseases and will also promote rapid healing of injuries.

pharmachologic effect

Drops are a complex remedy in which substances of animal and plant origin are present in homeopathic dilutions. The drug has pronounced sedative, immunomodulatory, detoxification, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and angioprotective effects.

The tincture has pronounced anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, and also increases the tone of the smooth muscle layer of the uterus.

The cream is a homeopathic dermatological remedy with capillary protective properties.

The ointment and gel relieve inflammation, have a hemostatic effect, and accelerate the resorption of hematomas and wound healing.

When can a drug cause harm?

Despite its natural composition and plant origin, Arnica ointment has some contraindications. This includes:

  • use of ointment for the treatment of children in the first year of life;
  • the presence of skin diseases and dermatitis, in which weeping wounds appear;
  • individual reaction to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

However, there are two opinions regarding the use of Arnica by nursing mothers and pregnant women. Some experts are inclined to the conclusion that expectant mothers should not take risks and use this remedy, since its effect on the unborn child has not yet been fully studied. Others allow the use of Arnica under the strict supervision of a physician.

Note! The effect of the drug on preschool children has also not been fully studied, although its use for the treatment of children in this age group is allowed. However, before using Arnica on a child’s abrasions and bruises, it is recommended to apply a small amount of the product (no larger than a match head) to the child’s wrist to test for drug tolerance.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The action of Arnica-Heel drops is aimed at reducing the pathologically increased permeability of vascular walls, reducing the severity of exudative phenomena, and improving the rheological properties of blood.

In addition, the drug stimulates tissue repair processes, activates the restoration of their functions and structure after damage.

The drug has the greatest affinity for the mucous and serous membranes , as well as the synovial membranes of the joints , which determines its effectiveness in inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system , as well as internal organs and organ systems .

The use of arnica montana in the form of a tincture allows you to accelerate the involution of the uterus after abortion and childbirth; stop the inflammatory process after menstrual bleeding, gynecological surgery and childbirth; reduce the amount of blood loss during menstruation.

Products for external use, which are available in the form of ointments, creams and gels, have a locally irritating effect, accelerate the resorption of hemorrhages and bruises, reduce pain from dislocated joints, sprains and bruises, eliminate venous congestion, activate local blood flow, and reduce swelling of damaged soft tissues.

Arnica-Hel cream eliminates excess secretion produced by the sebaceous glands (sebum), and also improves venous outflow and elasticity of capillaries, thereby helping to normalize blood circulation.

The ability of the cream to accelerate tissue regeneration makes it advisable to use Arnica-Hel for the prevention of acne and oily seborrhea.

There are no data on the pharmacokinetics of the drugs.

Indications for use

Drops are recommended to be taken for acute and chronic diseases of bacterial and viral origin, which are accompanied by severe pain and fever:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • bronchitis;
  • cystitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • rheumatism;
  • urethritis;
  • endo- and myocarditis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • synovitis;
  • tendovaginitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • diseases of veins and arteries.

In homeopathy, indications for the use of tincture are uterine bleeding (including hypotonic metrorrhagia ) and hypermenorrhea . In some cases, it is considered advisable to prescribe the drug in the postpartum period (or after an abortion) as a hemostatic agent and to accelerate the involution of the uterus.

The use of Arnica ointment and URGO gel is indicated for soft tissue injuries. Arnica-Hel cream is intended for the care of oily skin with pronounced vascular mesh ( telangiectasia ).


If for some reason the use of Arnica ointment is not possible, then its analogues can be used.

These products have the following properties:

  1. "Traumel" is a homeopathic remedy with complex action. The ointment is used for injuries, sprains, and various sprains. Arnica montana is the main active component of the drug.
  2. Kuznetsov ointment - used for joint and muscle injuries to relieve pain.
  3. Ointment “Tsel T” is effective in eliminating pain and normalizing processes in bone and cartilage tissue. In the treatment of osteochondrosis and various joint pathologies, it has an analgesic effect.
  4. "Newflex" is a drug in the form of an anti-edematous gel to eliminate hematomas. The action is aimed at increasing the elasticity of the epidermis.
  5. "Doctor Theiss Arnica" - the drug has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect, helps eliminate bruises.

The combined composition of analogue ointments provides a wide range of anti-inflammatory effects and helps relieve pain.

Instructions for use of Arnica

Instructions for use of Arnica-Heel drops

The solution is intended for enteral administration. Immediately before use, measure out the required number of drops and dilute them in 10 milliliters of drinking water.

Before swallowing the liquid, it is recommended to hold it in the mouth for a few seconds.

It is allowed to take the drug undiluted. In this case, a single dose is dripped under the tongue.

To maximize the effect of use, the product should be drunk 15-20 minutes before or an hour after meals. The dose and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

An adult is usually prescribed to take 30 drops per day (10 drops before or after main meals). If the onset of the disease is characterized by an acute course, during the first 2-3 hours the patient is given 10 drops every 15 minutes, after which they switch to the usual dosage.

Instructions for Arnica tincture

Arnica tincture is taken orally, diluting the required amount of the drug with 10-15 milliliters of drinking water immediately before use.

It is considered optimal to take the product before meals. The duration of treatment and dosage regimen depend on the indications, the general condition of the patient and the therapeutic effect.

For uterine bleeding and hypermenorrhea, it is usually recommended to take 30 to 40 drops of tincture.

According to the instructions for Arnica, the 6th dilution is preferable for brain diseases (the exception is the obsessive fear of open space, where the 1st decimal dilution is indicated).

For diseases of the digestive tract, the 3rd dilution of tincture is considered useful in homeopathy. For heart disease, doses may vary.

Instructions for dosage forms for external use

For dislocations, bruises and sprains, a small amount of Arnica ointment (30 g) is evenly distributed in a thin layer onto the skin in areas of pain projection, repeating the procedure 2 to 4 times a day. The course of application is from 7 to 14 days.

URGO Arnica gel is used in a similar way.

Arnica-Hel cream is recommended to be applied to the skin 1 or 2 times a day. To obtain a lasting clinical effect, it is necessary to undergo two courses of treatment within a year, each lasting at least 60 days.

Proper use is the key to successful treatment

Arnica ointment is used externally on abrasions, hematomas or bruises.

Arnica ointment is a fairly effective drug that helps eliminate discomfort that is the consequences of bruises, abrasions and other mechanical damage. Source: Flickr (Bygarazi)

There are a few rules to remember:

  • The wound itself should be pre-treated with any antiseptic, and only then use the drug.
  • In the presence of joint diseases and muscle pain, the product can be applied directly to the cleaned sore spot, without antiseptic treatment.
  • When you first use it, you should take a little ointment (no more than a pea) and rub it over the sore or affected area, rubbing in lightly.
  • The procedure is allowed up to 3 times a day for a week. With longer use of Arnica as an ointment, skin irritation and dry skin may occur.
  • In the first 2-3 days you may feel worse.
  • If after 5 days the discomfort does not go away, then you should not postpone your visit to the doctor, and do not use the drug “Arnica” for now.
  • If you experience redness or other reactions to the product, you should avoid using Arnica.


There is no information about cases of overdose with Arnica drugs. If you accidentally take a large dose of an oral product, or if a person accidentally swallows a topical product, you should consult a doctor.

It is known that, depending on individual predisposition, arnica poisoning can have a cardiac, gastrointestinal or nervous form.

The cardiac form of poisoning is manifested by shortness of breath, a feeling of painful pressure behind the chest bone, a feeling of melancholy, a decrease in the frequency and disturbance of the pulse rhythm, and cardiac arrest.

The gastrointestinal form of poisoning may be accompanied by stomach cramps, cholera-like diarrhea , nausea, vomiting, and neurological symptoms (dizziness, tremor , drowsiness, and in some cases, convulsions).

Symptoms characteristic of the nervous form of poisoning are: convulsions (mainly tonic, which are expressed in the form of fibrillary twitching) and paralysis (most often both upper or both lower extremities are affected simultaneously). In some cases, the development of coma with complete loss of consciousness was observed.

Side effects

You can minimize the likelihood of side effects by first consulting with a traumatologist or dermatologist. Your doctor will help you calculate the optimal dose for using the drug, reducing the possibility of an allergic reaction.

When using arnica extract, isolated cases of hives, swelling and slight redness have been observed. All these side effects are associated with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

special instructions

Arnica is a herbaceous perennial from the Asteraceae family.

Representatives of the genus, of which there are more than 30 species, grow mainly in North America. On the territory of Russia and neighboring countries, there are only 8 species of this plant (including Sakhalin arnica (Arnica sachalinensis)).

Arnica montana is widespread throughout Europe: it can be found in beech or pine-birch forests, forests, in glades, light edges, and dry meadows. Alpine arnica grows at altitudes of up to 2800 meters.

The herb arnica has a very complex chemical composition. It contains tannins (about 5%), tannins, phytosterols, alkaloids, organic acids (malic, fumaric, lactic, ascorbic), coloring substances (arnidol, lutein, faradiol), arnicin (up to 4%), gum, choline , carotenoids, cynarin, betaine , inulin, helenin; essential oils containing palmitine, proazulene, aurinic, fumaric, palmitic, malic, lactic acids; and a number of other biologically active substances.

Bitter and tannin (up to 30%) substances, phytosterols, resins, gum, and essential oil were found in the rhizomes of the plant.

Arnica oil is rich in esters, florol, hexyl capronate; angelic, isobutyric, formic acid; vitamins and antioxidants. The use of oil allows you to normalize fat metabolism, speed up metabolism and the removal of toxins, and improve the functioning of the skin.

In cosmetology, the oil is used to care for problem skin, as part of massage creams and decorative cosmetics, as a rejuvenating and antibacterial agent, to treat hair loss and dandruff.

The roots and flowers of the plant are widely used as medicinal raw materials in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry (in homeopathy, arnica is often used in the form of creams, ointments, extracts, patches, decoctions, tinctures).

When using herbs to make homeopathic remedies, the raw material is ground, and then diluted and shaken many times. Thanks to this processing technique, it is possible to gradually reduce the initial dose of the active substance and at the same time increase its effectiveness.

This method is called potentiation. To make it clear in what dilution the substance is used in the preparation, special labeling is used: for example, if “Arnica 6” is indicated on the bottle, this means that it is a homeopathic preparation of Arnica in the sixth hundredth dilution.

Potentiation allows you to reduce the concentration of the original active substance so much that it begins to correspond to the concentration of neurotransmitters - special complex biochemical compounds in the body.

It is these compounds that regulate cellular processes and human life. Thus, it is believed that homeopathy is a therapy that has a normalizing effect at the cellular level.

Precautions when using arnica preparations

Avoid contact of ointment, cream or gel with the mucous membrane of the eyes.

During treatment with Arnica drops or tincture, it is recommended to avoid driving and performing work that poses a risk to health and life.


Arnica preparations have proven themselves as an effective and fast-acting remedy for acute soft tissue injuries, chronic sports injuries, arthrosis and osteochondrosis .

They have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. They are recommended for myocardial dystrophy , in case of chronic fatigue of the heart muscles , as a restorative remedy after heart attacks and strokes . These medications also help with insomnia and speed up recovery after childbirth.

Reviews of Arnica ointment indicate that the product not only quickly eliminates bruises and hematomas, but also helps combat phenomena such as lactostasis (milk stagnation in nursing women) and post-acne .

Products from the herb arnica have a wide range of pharmacological activity and are available in several dosage forms, which allows the consumer to choose, depending on the indications, the most suitable one for each specific case.

Using ointment for wrinkles on the face

Most of the effects that Arnica ointment has are used to solve various aesthetic problems in cosmetology. The plant composition helps restore the skin as a result of damage. Arnica enhances lymphatic drainage in nearby tissues, activating metabolic processes.

When the first signs of age-related changes appear, it is necessary to provide the skin with proper care using specially selected products. Some of the products are too expensive, and the effect of their use may be minimal or even absent. In this case, you should pay attention to pharmaceutical drugs that contain powerful active ingredients.

Arnica ointment copes well with shallow expression wrinkles

“Arnica” ointment (instructions for use are presented above) is actively used to smooth out the fine network of wrinkles on the face. Due to the peculiarities of the composition and the presence of petroleum jelly, the product tightly covers the surface of the skin, retaining moisture and maintaining its elasticity. Arnica extract has a beneficial effect on delicate facial skin, eliminating dryness and flaking.

To ensure that an allergic reaction does not occur on the face, before use, it is recommended to check its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​skin - behind the ear or on the crook of the arm. If there are no unwanted reactions, then the drug can be used on the face.

When used systematically, the active ingredients will help smooth out facial contours, eliminate wrinkles and tighten sagging tissue. The product is applied to the skin of the face before going to bed, and after sleep, its remnants are removed by washing.


The price of Arnica montana preparations varies depending on the form of release and the manufacturer.

You can buy mountain arnica herb in Ukraine for an average of 35 UAH (50 g package). Online stores that sell medicinal raw materials offer delivery to almost all cities of Ukraine (Odessa, Kyiv, Nikolaev, Kharkov, etc.).

On the Russian pharmaceutical market, 25 grams of flowers will cost approximately 195 rubles. Delivery is also possible to any city: Simferopol, Ufa, Irkutsk, Nalchik, etc.

The price of Arnica ointment in Russian pharmacies is from 45 to 240 rubles (depending on the manufacturer and the volume of the tube), in Ukrainian - from 130 to 170 UAH. Arnica tincture can be purchased for an average of 140 UAH or 220 rubles. The cost of Arnica-Hel cream is 430 UAH/590 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Arnica-GF ointment (25g)Homeopathic Pharmacy LLC

    175 rub. order

show more


  • Arnica 75 ml cream balm LLC "Flora-pharm", Ukraine
    29 UAH. order
  • Balsam Arnica and horse chestnut Ecolla 30 g TOV "MNVO" Biokon", Ukraine

    26 UAH order

  • Urgo Arnica 50 g gel Laboratoriz URGO, France

    139 UAH. order

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