Experience of using the drug Milgamma in an endocrinology department

Osteochondrosis is a disease associated with severe pain in the intervertebral discs. Pain begins to bother you from the initial stage. The cause of the disease is pinched nerve endings, which is characterized by sharp, unpleasant painful sensations. Numerous methods are used to eliminate the manifestation of these symptoms. The most effective treatment for them is a course of injections. Medicines with an analgesic effect are also suitable. They are used to eliminate inflammation. Typically, such drugs have a positive effect on the nervous system. Such drugs include the drug "Milgamma".

"Milgamma" injections: reviews for osteochondrosis

“Milgamma” injections: reviews for osteochondrosis, rules for using the drug, indications and contraindications - we’ll talk about all this in the article.

How does osteochondrosis develop?

The basis of the human skeleton is the spine, which contains from 33 to 35 vertebrae. They are connected through intervertebral discs, which serve to strengthen the spine and provide shock absorption. Thanks to them, the spinal column gains mobility and elasticity. Each intervertebral disc contains a jelly-like substance surrounded by a hard fibrous ring. Hyaline cartilage covers the intervertebral disc both above and below.

An unpleasant complication of osteochondrosis, if untreated, can be a herniated disc, which is much more difficult to get rid of than its “predecessor”

Due to this pathology, metabolic disorders occur and blood circulation suffers. During the first, or initial stage of the disease, the strength and mobility of the intervertebral discs decreases. The disks themselves seem to be getting smaller. Cracks and protrusions occur in the fibrous ring, as the load increases due to abrasion. Eventually, the annulus fibrosus may rupture, causing a herniated disc. In the later stages, all of the above leads to curvature of the spine and serious mobility impairments.

What causes osteochondrosis?

Our spine requires regular exercise. Evolutionarily, he is adapted to perform active actions, but excessive load will only harm him. Osteochondrosis occurs for completely different reasons. They can serve as:

  • congenital injuries and spinal injuries;
  • genetic factor;
  • metabolic problems;
  • infections;
  • natural causes, that is, aging of the body;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • influence of chemicals;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • flat feet;
  • exposure to vibrations (for people with professions that involve long journeys, for example, truck drivers).

Osteochondrosis can occur due to a lack of measured physical activity, as well as due to curvature of the spine

There are also several factors that increase the risk of developing osteochondrosis:

  • obesity and poor eating habits;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • work related to driving or computer;
  • smoking;
  • excessive exercise in the gym;
  • poor posture;
  • constant stress on the legs associated with uncomfortable shoes and heels;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress.

An increased risk is observed among people involved in sports, loaders, and construction workers. Stressful situations also have a negative impact on health, including the spine. It is not recommended to walk with your head down, as this can provoke the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

Types of osteochondrosis

There are three main types of this disease.

Table No. 1. Types of osteochondrosis.

How to treat osteochondrosis?

First of all, a diagnosis is required. Diagnostics involves taking an anamnesis, palpation, hardware and laboratory examination. This helps the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and determine a set of treatment measures.

Osteochondrosis can be treated with medications, surgery and physiotherapy. Treatment is carried out comprehensively. A miracle drug for this disease has not yet been invented. The patient must go through a set of treatment procedures, mainly ointments, gels, capsules, tablets, injections, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to manual therapy and massages, which will improve and enhance the effects of medications. Some folk remedies may also be beneficial, such as herbal infusions.

Osteochondrosis must be treated comprehensively, resorting to drug therapy and folk remedies, as well as exercise therapy and physiotherapy

The treatment is slow, so the patient needs to be patient and follow the doctor's recommendations. During treatment, bed rest is recommended. This is the easiest way to reduce the load on the spinal column. It is better to sleep on a hard surface. Initially, doctors try to reduce pain in the spine, then they prescribe anti-inflammatory medications, as well as drugs that eliminate swelling. It is allowed to use ointments and gels with similar effects. At the same time, medications are used to help relax muscles, improve blood circulation, as well as drugs that restore cartilage cells. The best results are achieved by taking medications and physiotherapy together. After the above measures, patients undergo a course of ultrasound, electrophoresis, magnet, etc.

Reasons for using injections

Injections, as a method of treating all types of osteochondrosis, benefit from a number of reasons.

By suction speed . The substance enters the body much faster compared to drug treatment. Capsules and tablets require at least half an hour before they begin to release their components into the body.

Exact dosage . The advantage of injections over tablets is their dosage. By injection, the substance is not lost when it enters the body, when some of the active substance of the tablets breaks down due to the action of stomach enzymes on them.

Injections are a faithful assistant in the fight against osteochondrosis

Precise interaction on the painful area helps to get rid of unpleasant effects on the entire body. For example, when a drug is injected into the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae, it affects only this specific area without affecting other human organs.

Injections usually give better results than drug treatment.

Pharmacological group of vitamin Milgamma

Agents that affect tissue metabolic processes. B vitamins (Milgamma) do not contain mineral complexes.

The active ingredients of the drug are B vitamins: B1 (thiamine), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).

The choice of the form of administration of this medication into the body depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, whether ampoules with a solution or tablets

The active ingredients of Milgamma injections are B vitamins: B1 (thiamine), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), as well as lidocaine, which has local anesthetic properties.

Milgamma tablets are intended for oral administration. Their composition is identical to the injection solution (B vitamins - active substances benfotiamine 100 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride 1) and differs in the absence of lidocaine hydrochloride and the presence of excipients.

Information about the drug

The drug intended for the treatment of osteochondrosis is called "Milgamma". It contains vitamins belonging to group B and which are neurotropics. It has a positive effect on the nerve and muscle systems, increases blood flow and reduces pain. The metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates in the body improves. This occurs due to the effects of vitamins B1 and B6, their other names are thiamine and pyridoxine. They have a positive effect on the body's systems, specifically the nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

The drug also contains vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin. Thanks to it, pain is reduced. The nervous system returns to normal under its influence.

Functions and sources of B vitamins

The group of B vitamins is quite extensive: eight vitamins. They are united by a similar chemical composition, but have different properties, purpose and number. B vitamins are water soluble and play a very important role in metabolism.
It is very important that a person’s diet includes foods that contain these vitamins. So, 8 B vitamins:

  • B1, or thiamine.
    This vitamin was one of the first to be discovered by the entire group. The vitamin of vivacity and spirit is considered an “anti-nervous” vitamin because it has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and brain function. Thiamine converts carbohydrates into energy, supports muscle function and heart function9. This vitamin can be found mainly in plant foods: cereals, sprouted grains, cereals, bran, etc.
  • B2, or riboflavin,
    is involved in the production of erythrocytes - red blood cells, also takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, is indispensable for healthy skin, nails, hair growth, promotes growth, and prevents cancer formations. It is important for the process of iron absorption and hemoglobin synthesis. This vitamin is found in green vegetables, mushrooms, pasta, bread, fish, milk and meat9.
  • B3(PP), or nicotinic acid,
    helps to establish enzymatic processes and is involved in carbohydrate and cholesterol metabolism. Promotes successful absorption of all nutrients. The most vitamin B3 is found in eggs, fish, meat, kidneys, liver, buckwheat, and green vegetables.
  • B5, or pantothenic acid,
    plays an important role in metabolism, in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, participates in the formation of a strong immune system, increases hemoglobin in the blood, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and nervous system. Pantothenic acid is found in eggs, meat and fish products, brewer's yeast, soybeans and mushrooms9.
  • B6, or pyridoxine,
    has a beneficial effect on metabolism, many metabolic processes occur with its participation - it regulates the action of enzymes, has a beneficial effect on the function of the nervous system, liver, hematopoiesis, on the immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems10. In the human body, about 80% of vitamin B6 is found in muscles, liver, myocardium and kidneys. Without it, the synthesis of neurotransmitters (substances that are responsible for mood and brain function) and the synthesis of prostaglandins (substances that regulate heart function and blood pressure) are impossible. There is a lot of pyridoxine in nuts, especially walnuts and hazelnuts, tomatoes, carrots, cereals, cabbage, citrus fruits, berries (strawberries, cherries).
  • B7, or biotin,
    is important for regulating blood sugar levels, as it is part of the enzymes involved in glucose metabolism. Vitamin B7 is also responsible for the normal functioning of the sweat and male gonads, nervous, immune and digestive systems, bone marrow, skin and hair. The richest sources of vitamin B7 are the liver and kidneys of large animals, yeast, legumes (soybeans, peanuts), cauliflower, nuts, boiled eggs, spinach, and beets10.
  • B9, or folic acid,
    is necessary for growth, development of the circulatory and immune systems. It is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy for the formation of the fetal nervous system. Contained in green vegetables (parsley, celery, spinach, cabbage), as well as tomatoes, legumes, nuts, beets, bananas9.
  • B12, or cyanocobalamin,
    is responsible for the growth and development of the nervous system and promotes the formation of nucleic acids. B12 is found only in products of animal origin: poultry meat, offal (liver, heart), seafood, sea fish, eggs9.

How to use?

Initially, foci of inflammation are reduced, for which analgesics and drugs aimed at stopping them are used. After this, blood circulation is restored, for which drugs containing B vitamins are used. This includes the drug “Milgamma”.

To give an injection, use a solution that is in ampoules. It should be administered slowly to prevent fainting and seizures.

"Milgamma" is used for all forms of osteochondrosis, but most often for cervical and lumbar. It is used to restore intervertebral discs when they are degeneratively damaged. It is better to take Milgamma in the form of injections, as they have a number of advantages over tablets.

It is important to use the drug correctly so as not to harm your health.

When using "Milgamma" for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, sudden movements should be avoided so as not to damage the nerve endings going to the spine. During pain due to lumbar osteochondrosis, Milgamma is used when all other available treatment methods have been tried. This drug can be combined with ointments and gels to enhance the therapeutic effect. Doctors usually advise using Milgamma together with diclofenac. In this case, injections should be given at different times of the day.

The doctor should leave instructions on how many days and in what dosage the medicine should be used. Usually the course lasts from 5 to 10 days. If the effect appears quickly, Milgamma injections can be replaced with tablets of this drug. The dosage depends on the nature of the pain syndrome. Milgamma injections are usually given 2-3 times a week.

How to give an injection correctly?

Rules of application

In order for the treatment to bring the desired result, be sure to consult your doctor before using the vitamin preparation.

  1. The most effective treatment for strengthening and enhancing hair growth is intramuscular injections of Milgamma. They are prescribed 2 ml daily or every 1–2 days (depending on the basic state of the body and the rate of hair loss). The drug is injected deep into the muscle tissue. The course of treatment ranges from 5 days to 4 weeks. When the condition improves, patients reduce the frequency of injections or switch to a capsule form (dragees).
  2. Milgamma solution is also used externally. To do this, the contents of one ampoule bottle are rubbed into the hair roots with massaging movements. It is not advisable to add the contents of the ampoule to masks, shampoos and conditioners, since their solubility in these products is low and the drug will not have the expected effect.
  3. Milgamma tablets are prescribed from 2 to 3 tablets per day. Take orally with plenty of water. The course ranges from 2 weeks to several months.

Important! The results from using the drug usually appear quickly, and the effect itself is more stable than external hair products.

B vitamins help solve those problems in the body that are masked behind superficial manifestations - in the form of falling out and weak hair, oily or, conversely, dry scalp.

In addition to strengthening the hair follicle and stopping baldness, the balance of the scalp is restored, dandruff and increased oiliness disappear. The hair becomes more “alive” and elastic, and a healthy shine appears.

One of the easiest ways to speed up hair growth is with growth activators. You will learn more about them in the following articles:

  • in what cases is the growth activator Follicapil used;
  • what is the secret of the effectiveness of hair growth enhancer Nioxin;
  • pros and cons of Medicomed hair lotion;
  • How does Ultra hair system hair growth spray work?
  • Estel otium unique tonic is the choice of professionals.

Possible side effects

It is worth remembering that this drug has some side effects. If they appear after the first doses of the medicine, you should seek help from a doctor. The main adverse effects include itching, allergies, angioedema, increased sweating, nausea, dizziness, convulsions, and changes in heart rate.

Side effects usually occur due to incorrect or too rapid administration of the drug. Similar effects also occur if the correct dosage is not followed.

It is not recommended to use this drug for more than six months, as there is a high risk of problems with the nervous system. The drug may cause frequent headaches.

In some cases, side effects may occur, but this usually happens if the patient used the drug without consulting a doctor.

Sometimes it provokes diarrhea and other diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. It affects the heart, lungs, and causes the development of tachycardia and high blood pressure.

Sometimes side effects manifest themselves in the form of problems with sleep, increased anxiety, loss of consciousness, paresthesia, problems with hearing and vision.

Shelf life and drugs with similar actions

Milgamma tablets and ampoules can be stored for up to 2 years. The recommended temperature is 10-15 degrees; it should be stored in a dark place out of reach of children.

Drugs with a similar effect: Vitaxon, B1 complex, Neurolek ampoules, Neuromax tablets, Neurorubin, Neovitam, Neurobeks, Neuromultivit and others. All products should be used as recommended by a doctor.


An overdose of the drug manifests itself in increased side effects. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. "Milgamma" should not be used together with medications that contain levodopa. It also makes no sense to use it together with sulfate solutions, since they neutralize the effect of vitamin B1.

Instructions for use MILGAMMA® COMPOSITUM

The content of thiamine in the human body is about 30 mg. Due to the high metabolic rate and limited storage of thiamine, a sufficient daily intake is necessary.

Thiamine deficiency often occurs in adolescents, the elderly, with alcohol abuse, in patients on hemodialysis, after gastrointestinal surgery, with long-term malnutrition, deficient diet and parenteral nutrition. The minimum requirement of thiamine in humans is 0.2-0.3 mg/1000 kcal. To prevent vitamin B1 deficiency, its daily replenishment should be 1.3-1.5 mg/day in men, 1.1-1.3 mg in women. During pregnancy, an additional 0.3 mg of vitamin B1 per day is required, during lactation - 0.5 mg/day.

The content of vitamin B6 in the human body is 40-150 mg, 1.7-2.6 mg is excreted in the urine, enterohepatic circulation is 2.2-2.4%.

The need for vitamin B6 depends on the amount of protein taken and increases with increasing protein intake. The need for vitamin B6 in men is 2.3 mg/day, in women - 2 mg/day. An additional 1 mg/day is recommended for pregnant women, and 0.6 mg/day for nursing women.

Clinical data

Vitamins B1 and B6 belong to the B vitamins. Their deficiency can be determined using biochemical methods. Due to the lack of significant reserves of these vitamins in the human body, their intake must be carried out daily.

The main criteria for vitamin B1 deficiency:

  • decreased thiamine concentrations in whole blood and plasma, decreased urinary thiamine excretion, decreased transketolase activity, and increased erythrocyte transketolase activation coefficient.

Criteria for vitamin B6 deficiency are an increase in xanthine excretion after a tryptophan load, a decrease in the excretion of 4-pyridoxine acid, a decrease in serum values ​​of pyridoxine and pyridoxine-5′-phosphate, and an increase in the activation coefficient of glutamate-oxalate-acetate transaminase in erythrocytes.

Biologically active derivatives of thiamine and its fat-soluble derivative benfotiamine, thiamine pyrophosphate and thiamine triphosphate, play a key role in carbohydrate metabolism, being a coenzyme of pyruvate decarboxylase, 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and transketolase. In the pentose phosphate cycle, thiamine pyrophosphate is involved in the transfer of aldehyde groups.

Vitamin B6 in phosphorylated form (pyridoxal-5′-phosphate) is included as a coenzyme in various enzymes involved in the non-oxidative metabolism of amino acids. Involved in decarboxylation processes, it participates in the formation of physiologically active amines (for example, adrenaline, histamine, serotonin, dopamine, tyramine), takes part in transamination reactions in anabolic and catabolic processes (for example, as part of glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase, glutamate-pyruvate- transaminases, alpha-ketoglutarate transaminases).

Vitamin B6 is involved in four stages of tryptophan metabolism. During the synthesis of hemoglobin, vitamin B6 catalyzes the formation of alpha-amino-beta-ketoadipic acid.

Vitamins B1 and B6 are closely related in biochemical reactions to each other and the rest of the B vitamins.

Animal models have shown analgesic effects for both vitamins.

The results of experimental studies on animals show the antinoceceptive effect of vitamin B1 (benfotiamine). In the treatment of alcoholism, a positive effect on transketolase was noted. The effect of administering high doses of vitamin B1 is pronounced in Wernicke encephalopathy. On the other hand, it has been established that if the damaging effects continue, the administration of vitamin B1 does not have any effect.

Vitamin B6 affects the perception of heat and cold, as well as the functioning of motor, sensory and autonomic fibers.

Reviews about "Milgamma"

Reviews about this drug are mostly positive: people who have ever used Milgamma note that the manifestations of osteochondrosis have decreased and their general condition has improved. The quality of sleep has also improved. In addition, this product has a positive effect on the beauty of the fair sex: it can strengthen nails and improve the condition of hair thanks to the vitamins it contains.

Alexander, 49 years old:

“Excellent vitamin complex. Excellent combination of price/quality. Has proven itself well in cases of nerve conduction disorders. The effect occurs fairly quickly and lasts for a relatively long time. Courses may not be long enough. There is the possibility of step therapy.”

Anastasia, 38 years old:

“I have suffered with chronic tonsillitis all my life and have already given up treating it. As it turned out, it was in vain... a complication began - rheumatoid arthritis. I found out because my hip joint was inflamed. Well, at least the treatment turned out to be quite simple. I took milgamma compositum in tablets for a month. Now, everything seems to be fine, nothing worries me.”

Irina, 53 years old:

“Milgamma was prescribed by a neurologist - the indications are osteochondrosis and lumbago + sciatica! I give injections with Alflutop! The first injection was so painful that I was already limping - apparently there was such a reaction! Then everything was normal, but osteochondrosis is already permanent, so the drug needs to be injected once a day six months! Helps with lumbago!)))"

Review of the drug "Milgamma"

Anna, 38 years old:

“I have used this drug more than once, it is very helpful in treating osteochondrosis and pain in the lumbar region, this drug also helps with any herpes and even with boils. which used to often bother me, apparently this complex of vitamins improves immunity, I simply recommend it to others. Now I want to treat my husband with this drug.”

Lyudmila, 35 years old:

“I had lower back pain, after 5 injections there was a significant improvement, now I continue treatment 2 times a week, then I will switch to Milgamma compositum. It’s a pity that the kit doesn’t include a nail file for opening ampoules; without it, it’s difficult to open an ampoule with a woman’s hand.”

Ivan, 43 years old:

“Very effective drug. I was prescribed milgamma when my back hurt. I went to the doctor, he said that I just needed to do a course of several injections. I did everything as he ordered. It really helped. Life-saving remedy."

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