Experience with the use of the drug "Estrovel" in the treatment of menopausal syndrome and concomitant estrogen-dependent diseases

Composition and release form

Pills1 table (0.5 g)
black cohosh racemosa (Cimicifuga racemosa) standardized to 2.5% content of triterpene glycosides30 mg
soybean extract standardized to 40% isoflavone content (active aglycone forms)62.5 mg
wild yam root extract standardized to 10% diosgenin content50 mg
indole-3-carbinol25 mg
nettle leaf extract30 mg
organic boron (as part of calcium fructoborate)1 mg
Vitamin E (from a natural source)16 mg
vitamin B62 mg
folic acid0.2 mg
5-hydroxytryptophan50 mcg
D,L-phenylalanine50 mcg

10 pcs in blister; There are 3 blisters in a cardboard pack.

Description of the drug

“Estrovel” is a dietary supplement; its main feature is that it is organically integrated into the hormonal processes that occur in a woman’s body. This product is absolutely safe. The effectiveness of the medicine is based on the fact that it contains only natural ingredients.

This dietary supplement should be used during menopause, as well as during menopause. This medicinal complex perfectly normalizes the functioning of the nervous system in women during their hormonal changes. "Estrovel" also has a general strengthening and calming effect.

The medicine is released in capsules of two hundred and fifty milligrams. The standard package contains thirty pieces, good for one month. The medication should be stored in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees. The price of the drug ranges from four hundred to four hundred and fifty rubles per package.

Reviews of “Estrovel” are presented at the end of the article.

Component Properties

Cimicifuga racemosa has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, relieving and eliminating hot flashes, sweating, palpitations and dizziness. Cohosh alleviates symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance during menopause, helps reduce muscle, joint and headaches, improves bone metabolism and leads to a reduction in calcium loss.

Soy isoflavones are substances of plant origin, similar in structure to estrogen, one of the main female sex hormones. They have an estrogen-like effect on the body when there is a lack of its own hormones, and also compensate for the negative effects of estrogen when it is in excess.

The use of isoflavones helps regulate hormonal imbalances during premenstrual syndrome (PMS), helps reduce the main symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, sweating, and headaches. They also stimulate the processes of renewal and strengthening of bone tissue.

Wild yam (Dioscorea) contains substances that are precursors to progesterone and other female hormones. Dioscorea helps normalize hormone levels during PMS and menopause. Wild yam prevents the development of atherosclerosis, has an antispasmodic effect and has a vasodilating effect.

Indole-3-carbinol is found in high concentrations in vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage.

Indole-3-carbinol has the ability to neutralize the negative effects of estrogens during hormonal imbalance during PMS and menopause. An important property of indole-3-carbinol is its ability to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Stinging nettle extract contains, in addition to vitamins C, B and K, carotenoids, flavonoids, and chlorophyll. Vitamin K is involved in hematopoiesis and has a hemostatic effect, which has a preventive effect in cases of menstrual irregularities. Vitamin K plays an important role in the formation and restoration of bones, ensuring the synthesis of osteocalcin, a bone tissue protein, thereby helping to prevent osteoporosis in menopausal women. Stinging nettle extract has a restorative and antioxidant effect due to its high content of vitamin C and carotenoids. It has a diuretic effect and reduces the symptoms of PMS associated with fluid retention in the body.

Boron (as part of calcium fructoborate, an organic form of boron) enhances the effect of phytoestrogens and helps increase the level of own estrogens in postmenopausal women. Boron significantly reduces the intensity of the development of osteoporosis, which is one of the most dangerous manifestations of menopause.

Vitamin E (natural origin) - softens hot flashes and mood swings, reduces fatigue, dizziness, palpitations and nervousness. Vitamin E helps restore reproductive function, eliminates menstrual irregularities, helps eliminate symptoms of vaginal dryness, and improves the condition of skin, nails, and hair.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) relieves PMS symptoms by reducing swelling caused by water retention in the body. Promotes the synthesis of endogenous endorphins, reducing the symptoms of PMS and menopause. Vitamin B6 increases resistance to stress, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis, and supports the immune system.

Folic acid helps strengthen the immune system and increases the ability to withstand stress and depression. Folic acid has an estrogen-like effect, slowing down the onset of menopause and weakening its symptoms, and also takes an active part in the processes of regulating the functions of the hematopoietic organs and has an antianemic effect.

5-Hydroxytryptophan, an amino acid found in the seeds of the Griffonia plant, is a natural precursor to serotonin. Together with vitamin B6, it increases the synthesis of endorphins, which are responsible for reducing the perception of pain and positive emotions, allowing to alleviate the symptoms of menopausal syndrome, especially hot flashes. 5-hydroxytryptophan is an antidepressant that is effective in treating PMS. It has a beneficial effect on symptoms such as despondency, depression, tension, anxiety, emotional instability, tearfulness, irritability that occur in the last week of the cycle.

D,L-phenylalanine is an amino acid with analgesic properties. This ability of phenylalanine is due to its ability to block enzymes that break down neuropeptides that reduce the sensation of pain. Due to its ability to influence the synthesis of mediators involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, phenylalanine and its derivatives are used as antidepressants.

Estrovel has a positive effect on various manifestations of menopause for a number of symptoms:

helps normalize unstable blood pressure;

reduces the intensity of headaches and dizziness;

reduces the frequency of hot flashes;

reduces feelings of weakness, fatigue and nervousness;

improves mood, increases sexual activity.

Developments of scientists

Scientists do not stop developing new medications that can minimize all these unpleasant symptoms or do without them altogether. One of these drugs is “Estrovel”. According to reviews, it is very effective. Every lady now has the opportunity to test the effects of this complex on herself in order to be able to appreciate it. Let's look at the composition of this medicine, read the instructions for use and find out the opinion of doctors.

Contraindications to taking dietary supplements

The rich content of all kinds of herbal components does not pose any danger to women who take this medicine. However, it is necessary to take into account the following contraindications for taking this drug:

  • The presence of individual intolerance to one or more components, which can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Age up to fourteen years.
  • Pregnancy along with breastfeeding.

To avoid side effects during treatment, you should strictly adhere to the dosage volume recommended by your doctor.

Reviews from women experiencing menopause about Estrovel are mostly positive. More on this later.

Which patients should consider taking the drug?

According to reviews, “Estrovel” can bring a noticeable improvement against the background of such conditions when women have stable hormonal changes, which can be:

  • Menopausal time, which is marked by well-being that significantly worsens the quality of life, which is expressed in hot flashes, mood swings, dizziness and pain, and increased fatigue.
  • Restructuring of the body due to surgical removal of the ovaries.
  • Presence of premenstrual tension syndrome.
  • Prevention of premature aging.

In any case, before starting treatment, you need to study the instructions for use for “Estrovel” in detail. The price, according to reviews, confuses many.

Reviews about the drug "Estrovel"

Reviews from gynecologists about this drug are mostly positive. Thus, in their comments, doctors advise taking these phytohormones to women who feel the first symptoms of menopause, as well as against the background of early ovarian depletion. Gynecologists like that it contains practically no ingredients that can cause side effects, such as dizziness, allergic reactions, and so on. This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews for “Estrovel”.

Some gynecologists write in reviews that it manifests itself ambiguously in different patients. For example, for some it completely eliminates the symptoms of menopause, while for others it only slightly softens their severity. Experts are confident that you should not expect a noticeable effect from this dietary supplement in the first days, and moreover, weeks of use, which is explained by the fact that the effect of the drug is cumulative.

The drug "Estrovel", according to doctors, has a not very pleasant smell, which patients often complain about. But it is noted that this medicine copes especially well with the appearance of hot flashes, which, a week after taking them, cease to be acute, making women feel much better. In general, doctors note that for many of their patients, it usually takes only a few days for their condition to noticeably improve.

Judging by the reviews, in their practice, gynecologists often prescribe Estrovel to patients. They say that this medicine is perfect for women with physiological or surgical menopause. It is also reported that this drug is well tolerated, against the background of which many patients notice an improvement in their condition and a decrease in the symptoms of menopause, plus, they have a decrease in anxiety and improved sleep. Doctors call Estrovel the drug of choice for women for whom hormonal medications as replacement therapy are contraindicated. In addition, it has a positive effect on the condition of the mammary glands and is excellent for long-term use, but not more than a year.

Doctors often recommend, according to reviews, “Estrovel” during menopause to their patients who are afraid of gaining weight, since this particular drug is an excellent alternative to hormonal analogues. Women also report that thanks to this remedy they began to sleep more peacefully, they lost sweating and irritability over all sorts of trifles.

Instructions for use "Estrovel"

The drug should be taken with meals. In order to eliminate the symptoms of menopause, take one tablet twice a day. The total duration of such a course is, as a rule, from two months until a positive result is achieved. According to reviews, the price of “Estrovel” is quite high.

To eliminate symptoms during menstruation, the drug is taken in the same dose for two weeks before the start of the cycle. If the indicated dosage regimen is not enough to achieve effectiveness, the use of the drug can be increased to three or four tablets.

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