Artra MSM, 60 pcs., 1690 mg, film-coated tablets

Component composition of Arthra and its pharmacological action

The instructions contain the following components of the medication:

  • chondroitin;
  • glucosamine;
  • MCC;
  • octadectanoic acid;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • calcium hydrogen phosphate;
  • croscarmellose sodium.

The medicine is produced in tablets with a protective film coating, packaged in polyethylene jars. The packaging additionally contains instructions from the manufacturer.

Artra is a regulator of regenerative processes:

  1. Exogenous glucosamine - enhances the production of cartilage elements, protects them from various damage by chemicals. The element is used for the production of glycosaminoglycans in the body and has an anti-inflammatory spectrum of action.
  2. Chondroitin is a secondary nutrient for cartilage. With its help, the production of hyaluronan and proteiglycans is activated, and the aggressive effects of free radicals are suppressed. The ingredient acts as a stimulator of repair mechanisms in cartilage, reduces the activity of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of cartilage tissue. The element provides the necessary indicators of synovial viscosity.

If the patient has osteoarthritis and takes the drug, the symptoms of the pathology are relieved and the need for NSAID therapy is reduced.

Description of the drug "Arthra"

The medication is available in tablet form. The composition of the drug includes:

  • – sodium chondroitin sulfate (500 mg);
  • – glucosamine hydrochloride.

The tablets have an oval shape, convex on the sides. There is a blotch on the white shell. Some tablets may have a yellowish color. On one side there is a stamp "ARTRA". The tablets also have a pleasant aroma.

The drug stimulates the restoration process in cartilage tissue and reduces the risk of its destruction. The active component stimulates the formation of tissue for compounds and has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

When glucosamine hydrochloride enters the body, it protects the cartilage matrix from the pathological effects of NSAIDs and glucocorticosteroids.

Chondroitin sulfate sodium is a substrate that is involved in the formation of healthy cartilage tissue. It stimulates the formation of collagen fibers and proteoglycans. It inhibits elastases, enzymes and hyaluronidases, which destroy the cartilage matrix. Chondroitin is needed to ensure synovial viscosity and protect tissues from the harmful effects of free radicals.

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The drug relieves the symptoms of osteoarthritis and reduces the need to use non-steroidal drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect.

The bioavailability parameters of glucosamine are 25%. Glucosamine quickly enters cartilage tissue, as well as internal organs (kidneys, liver). The medication is excreted through the bladder. It will take about 3 days for complete removal from the body.

The bioavailability parameters of chondroitin are 13%. The substance is excreted through the kidneys. The half-life is approximately 7 hours.

Adverse reactions

Therapeutic procedures can cause non-standard responses in the body. Glucosamine, which is part of Arthra, causes dyspeptic disorders, active gas formation, discomfort in the epigastric region, diarrhea or constipation.

Secondary side effects include:

  • attacks of dizziness;
  • insomnia and drowsiness during the day;
  • cephalgia, swelling in peripheral tissues;
  • allergic reactions with redness of certain areas of the skin, dermatological rash, obsessive itching;
  • accelerated heartbeat.

In some cases, chondroitin causes the development of individual intolerance to the drug. If non-standard symptoms appear, the patient should consult a doctor and describe in detail the changes in the condition and the main manifestations.

Artra MSM forte

Artra MSM Forte is available in tablets; their therapeutic effect is explained by the following medicinal components:

  • Sodium hyaluronate contains 10 mg.
  • Chondroitin sulfate sodium 400 mg.
  • Glucosamine hydrochloride 500 mg.
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 1.3 g.

The medicine contains the following substances as additional components:

  1. MCC.
  2. Aerosil.
  3. E576.
  4. E341.
  5. Stearic acid.
  6. E468.

The shell includes the following components:

  • E464.
  • Titanium white.
  • Syrup.
  • E553b.
  • E110.
  • E1200.
  • Medium chain triglycerides.

The drug is available in biconvex oval-shaped tablets, which are coated. Their color can vary from pale yellow-orange to dark orange. The drug has a specific smell.

The active substances of the drug slow down the progression of osteoarthritis , they suppress the destruction of cartilage tissue and promote its restoration. The medicine relieves pain and inflammation, improves blood supply to the subchondral bone plate.

Methylsulfonylmethane is an organic sulfur-containing compound. It is part of hormones and proteins such as collagen, elastin, keratin, and has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Sodium hyaluronate is a homoglycoside from the group of acid glycosaminoglycans. It is part of the synovium; it is this substance that gives the viscoelastic properties of the synovial fluid. It forms a layer on the inner side that protects cartilage tissue and synovium from inflammatory mediators, free radicals and mechanical damage.

Basics of Arthra Therapy

The instructions emphasize that in the first 21 days from the start of treatment, the drug is taken one tablet twice a day. Subsequent treatments are reduced to one tablet daily and can last several months.

The medication is used to treat patients over 15 years of age; the therapeutic effect obtained and the absorption rates of Arthra components are not related to the time of day or meals. Obtaining sustainable therapeutic results requires prolonged manipulation over one half year.

As a secondary drug to improve the condition of the musculoskeletal region, patients are prescribed Arthro-Active. The daily dosage of capsules varies from 4 to 6 pieces. Treatment lasts 2-4 weeks, followed by a two-week break and resumption of manipulations.

The abstract does not indicate any reported cases of accidental drug overdose. In theory, the drug can provoke adverse reactions when taking a large number of tablets. In this case, the patient will be prescribed symptomatic therapy.

Materials and methods

As part of the study, we assessed the effectiveness, tolerability and safety of the drug ARTRA MSM compared with the drug ARTRA in patients with knee OA when taken continuously for 4 months. The study included 100 sick men and women aged 45-75 years with significant (according to the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology) Kellgren-Lawrence stage II-III knee OA, with pain when walking >40 mm (according to VAS). Patients were examined monthly, the dynamics of the WOMAC index, the “get up and walk” test, the effectiveness of therapy according to the doctor and the patient, and quality of life were assessed using the EQ-5D questionnaire.

Patients were randomized into 2 groups. Group M ( n

=50) received ARTRA MSM according to the regimen: 2 tablets per day in the 1st month, then 1 tablet per day, group A (
=50) - ARTRA according to the same regimen. Group A included 47 women and 3 men, the right CS was conditionally accepted as the target in 70% of cases, the 2nd radiographic stage was observed in 88%. Concomitant diseases were present in 84% of patients. Group M consisted of 49 women and 1 man, the right CS was conditionally accepted as the target in 72% of cases, the 2nd radiographic stage was diagnosed in 78%, concomitant diseases in 88% of patients.

Before the start of therapy, both groups were comparable in age, duration of illness, body mass index and pain according to VAS (see table). All 100 patients completed the study. There were no deviations from the protocol. The calculation was carried out on a single population of recruited patients (50 in each group). The study recorded only one adverse event - constipation in a patient from group M, which was not the reason for interruption or cancellation of therapy.

Comparative characteristics of the examined patients before treatment* Note. * — average values ​​are indicated. BMI - body mass index.

Manufacturer's instructions

The abstract draws attention to certain nuances:

  • combination with anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents increases their spectrum of action;
  • combination with tetracyclines – activates their absorption;
  • taken together with penicillins reduces their effectiveness.

The drug should not be used simultaneously with glucocorticosteroids or anti-inflammatory drugs.

If during therapeutic procedures the patient experiences undesirable reactions from the digestive tract, then the dosage needs to be adjusted. The doctor should reduce the number of tablets. Lack of improvement requires discontinuation of the medication.

Comparison and how they differ

Artra and Artra MSM forte have the following differences:

ArtraArtra MSM forte
Best before date5 years.36 months.
Number of tablets per package30, 60, 100, 120.30, 60 and 100.
Side effectsDizziness.Nausea, vomiting.
Effect on the ability to drive a carThere is no data, but given the fact that the drug can cause dizziness, caution should be exercised.The medication does not affect the ability to drive a car or work with potentially dangerous mechanisms.
Duration of therapyAt least six months.Minimum 3 months.
OverdoseSigns of overdose are unknown.Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hemorrhagic rashes. The antidote is unknown; the victim’s stomach is washed and symptomatic therapy is prescribed.
ContraindicationsIt is forbidden to take tablets in case of severe renal impairment.You should take the medication with caution if you are intolerant to the composition of seafood.

Both chondroprotectors can be purchased without a doctor's prescription, but self-medication with them is prohibited . Only the doctor must decide which medication is best individually for a particular patient, taking into account the severity of the pathological process and the presence of contraindications.

Medicine and healthComment


Non-standard manifestations of treatment require a revision of the prescribed regimen. The list of popular analogues of Arthra is presented:

  • Arthrom MSM Forte, KONDROnova Tazan, Teraflex;
  • Chondroflex, Chondroglyuksid, Adgelon;
  • Alflutop, Biartrin, Gamma-plant;
  • Discus Compositum, Synovial, Traumeel S;
  • Rumalaya, Tselyu T, SINOART, Chondrotek Forte.

Substitutes are selected by the attending physician after undergoing a repeated laboratory diagnostic examination. The cost of analogues starts from 295 rubles, which allows you to choose an inexpensive and effective product.

Results and discussion

Analysis of the results allowed us to establish a significant reduction in pain according to VAS in both groups (see figure, a). A decrease in pain intensity was noted by the end of the 1st month of therapy and persisted throughout the entire observation period. There were no differences between groups in WOMAC pain scores across visits.

Dynamics of pain assessment according to WOMAC (a) “get up and walk” test (b) and during treatment with ARTRA MSM and ARTRA.

Both drugs reduced stiffness after just 1 month of therapy; There were no differences in the dynamics of morning stiffness between the groups.

In terms of their effect on the functional state of the joints and the total WOMAC index, both drugs gave similar results: a decrease in indicators was noted in both groups from the second visit. The improvement was maintained in all components of the WOMAC index throughout the entire course of therapy, and the differences found within the groups were statistically significant.

Analysis of the “get up and go” test (time spent getting up from a chair and walking 5 m) showed a significant decrease in the time spent in both groups, however, in group M these differences reached statistical significance already on the second visit, and in group A - only on the third. Changes in this test already from the second visit in group M indicate a more rapid action of ARTRA MSM (see figure, b). This is confirmed by assessments of the effectiveness of treatment carried out by the patient and the doctor. These assessments, which were practically different and reflected a more rapid onset of a positive effect in group M: “significant improvement” and “improvement” were noted by 60% of patients already at the second visit, while in group A - only 38% of patients ( p

=0.02). From the third visit, there were no differences in the effectiveness of treatment between the groups.

When assessing EQ-5D, positive results were also obtained: a significant improvement in these indicators was observed from the third visit in both compared groups.

Tolerability of the drugs was very good, there were practically no adverse events.

Artra, how to take it more effectively. Pharmacokinetics of Arthra

Artra tablets are a drug that can stimulate the regeneration of cartilage tissue cells. The main composition of the product includes chondroitin in the form of sulfate and glucosamine in the form of hydrochloride. These components effectively complement and enhance each other’s action, which allows the following effects on the patient’s body:

  • eliminate inflammation both in cartilage tissue and in the muscles surrounding the joint;
  • increase joint mobility;
  • reduce pain caused by thinning of cartilage and its degenerative changes.

IMPORTANT!!! Since the active components take part in metabolic processes, this enhances the restoration of junction cells, and the regeneration of connective tissue begins. The result of therapy with such drugs is the strengthening of the protective functions of the joint and its tissues.

This product stimulates the synthesis of collagen - an essential component of the cells of the musculoskeletal system, ensuring their elasticity and slowing down the aging process in them. The components of the medicine improve the composition of the synovial fluid that fills the periarticular bursa and slow down the activity of those enzymes that destroy cartilage cells. The last factor promotes regenerative processes.

Taking Artra helps reduce the dosage of medications aimed at eliminating inflammation in tissues, and this has a positive effect on the health of the entire body and especially the liver and kidneys, which ensure the neutralization of chemical components. Artra itself is also excreted unchanged through these systems, along with the waste products of the body.

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