"Goldline": reviews of those losing weight about the drug, instructions for use, comparison of analogues

Let's look at the reviews of those losing weight about Goldline tablets.

The product is a new generation drug that is aimed at combating excess weight. It makes it possible to normalize body weight without a grueling diet and exhausting workouts. When taken regularly every day, these capsules have a targeted effect on fatty tissue, effectively reducing appetite, and at the same time significantly reducing the amount of food consumed. This drug has two forms: “Goldline Light” and “Goldline Plus”. Reviews of those losing weight about Goldline abound.

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The drug contains 10 or 15 mg of sibutramine as an active substance, as well as microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulose microcrystalline), lactose (Lactose), colloidal silicon dioxide (Silicium dioxide colloidal), magnesium stearate (Magnesii stearas).
The composition of the Goldline 10 mg capsule body includes: gelatin (Gelatine), titanium dioxide (Titanium dioxide), sodium lauryl sulfate (Sodium lauryl sulfate), dyes (sunset yellow and quinoline yellow).

To make the body of Goldline 15 mg capsules, the following are used: gelatin (Gelatine), titanium dioxide (Titanium dioxide), sodium lauryl sulfate (Sodium lauryl sulfate).

Composition of the capsule cap: gelatin (Gelatine), titanium dioxide (Titanium dioxide), sodium lauryl sulfate (Sodium lauryl sulfate), dyes (diamond blue and acid fuchsin D&C33).

Characteristics of "Goldline Plus"

Goldline Plus capsules are produced by the same manufacturer and represent a more advanced pharmacological formula . In addition to sibutramine, the main component of the drug, the composition contains microcrystalline cellulose, which acts similarly to fiber. This composition allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds, and according to reviews, its effectiveness reaches 80–85%.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Goldline is a centrally acting agent for the treatment of obesity.

Its active substance sibutramine is a prodrug that exhibits its pharmacological properties in vivo due to primary and secondary amines - products of drug metabolism, which are characterized by the ability to inhibit the reuptake of monoamines (mainly serotonin and norepinephrine ).

The use of the medicine allows you to increase the feeling of satiety, reduce the need for food, and also increase thermal production. These effects are achieved by increasing the content of neurotransmitters in synapses and, consequently, increasing the activity of central serotonin (type 5-HT) and adrenergic receptors.

Sibutramine also has the ability to act on brown adipose tissue through indirect activation of β3-adrenergic receptors.

Weight loss, in turn, is accompanied by an increase in serum concentrations of high-density lipoproteins and a decrease in the concentrations of low-density lipoproteins, total cholesterol, uric acid and triglycerides.

Neither sibutramine nor its metabolic products:

  • do not inhibit the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO);
  • do not affect the release of monoamines ;
  • do not have an affinity for a sufficiently large number of neurotransmitter receptors (including serotonin types 5HT1-, 5HT1A-, 5HT1B-, 5HT2A-, 5HT2C-; adrenergic beta 1, 2 and 3, as well as alpha 1 and 2; dopamine D1 and D2; benzodiazepine, muscarinic, NMDAR, histamine H1-).

After taking p/os, sibutramine is absorbed from the digestive tract by at least 77%. During the first passage through the liver, the substance is metabolized under the influence of the P4503A4 isoenzyme to mono- and didesmethylsibutramine , which are its active metabolites.

The substance is quickly distributed throughout the tissues. The protein binding rate for sibutramine is 97%, for its metabolites - 94%.

T1/2 of sibutramine - 1.1 hours, metabolites - 14 and 16 hours (for mono- and didesmethylsibutramine, respectively). After hydroxylation and conjugation, active metabolites are biotransformed into inactive ones, which are eliminated mainly by the kidneys.


Having an anorexigenic effect on the body, the drug reduces the patient’s appetite. Sibutramine is a prodrug. And the effect on certain processes in the body is carried out thanks to metabolites that are capable of inhibiting the reuptake of monoamines.

The main principle of its operation is to increase the activity of adrenergic and serotonin receptors. After the substance is transformed into the liver, its level of bioavailability reaches 77%, which makes it possible to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect:

  • The feeling of hunger is reduced, and the feeling of fullness lasts longer.
  • There is an increase in processes associated with intracellular thermal production.
  • Lipid deposits are broken down.
  • Total cholesterol and uric acid levels decrease.


The drug has a number of contraindications, including:

  • hypersensitivity to its components;
  • the patient has organic causes of obesity;
  • mental illness;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa ;
  • Tourette's disease;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • arrhythmia and tachycardia ;
  • obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • cerebrovascular diseases (including, but not limited to, transient cerebral circulatory disorders and strokes );
  • arterial hypertension (when blood pressure is more than 145/90 mm Hg);
  • severe or liver dysfunction
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • prostate adenoma , which is accompanied by the appearance of residual urine;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • taken in combination with MAO inhibitors or other drugs that affect the central nervous system (and also if less than 14 days have passed since their discontinuation);
  • simultaneous use of other anorexigenic drugs;
  • established alcohol, drug or drug addiction;
  • age over 65 years and under 18 years.

It is recommended to prescribe Goldline with caution to patients with mild to moderately severe disorders of liver and/or kidney function, neurological disorders (including mental retardation and increased seizure activity, including a history), motor or verbal tics (including a history), insufficiency chronic blood circulation, coronary artery diseases (including a history), cholelithiasis , arrhythmia ; controlled arterial hypertension , as well as if hypertension is noted in the anamnesis.

Patient reviews

Evgenia, 27 years old, Simferopol: “Since childhood, I have been prone to obesity, so I have dreamed of losing weight for a long time. I tried different remedies, and last year the doctor told me about Goldline capsules. I started taking them and within 3 months I lost 10 kg. During treatment, I tried to eat less and walk more. I was pleased with the result and decided to stop there.

But after a couple of months, disappointment set in - the kilograms began to return. I turned to the nutritionist again. He said that 3 months was too short a period, so the result was not permanent. He advised me to start a new course. We'll have to repeat it. I’ll immediately count on six months.”

Alevtina, 41 years old, Novosibirsk: “Goldline Plus was prescribed by a nutritionist after conducting an examination. I had not taken any medications for weight loss before. I started taking 10 mg and then switched to 15 mg. There were side effects, but tolerable. At the beginning of treatment, the pressure either increased or decreased. I also constantly felt dry mouth, so I drank a lot of water. But this is good, because water cleanses the body.

In just over a month I lost 5 kg. Then the weight seemed to stop at the same level. But after 3 months the result was already stronger - minus 10 kg. In just six months I lost about 15 kg. This concludes the course. 3 months have passed since I finished taking the capsules. The result remains. Another plus is that I began to eat less. I completely gave up confectionery.”

Side effects

The most common side effects associated with the use of the drug Goldline occur in the first weeks of treatment (they are usually observed during the first month). Over time, their severity and frequency of occurrence decrease.

In general, side effects associated with taking the drug do not pose a threat to health and are reversible.

The most common adverse events (occurring in at least every 10 patients):

  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling of dry mouth;
  • constipation.

Sometimes (occur with a frequency of 1-10%) the following may appear:

  • headache;
  • increased anxiety;
  • dizziness;
  • paresthesia;
  • vasodilator effect (including hyperemia of the skin);
  • moderate increase in heart rate (on average 3-7 beats per minute);
  • tachycardia;
  • increased blood pressure (at rest, they increase by an average of 1-3 mm Hg);
  • heartbeat;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids ;
  • nausea and change in taste;
  • increased sweating.

At the initial stages of treatment with Goldline, a more significant change in blood pressure and pulse rate is possible (usually such phenomena are observed in the first 4-8 weeks of taking the drug).

In isolated cases, such clinically significant side effects were recorded as: skin itching, development of flu-like syndrome , dysmenorrhea , back and abdominal pain, edema, paradoxical increase in appetite, drowsiness, bleeding, convulsions, increased thirst, runny nose, depression, mood lability, irritability , nervousness, anxiety, acute interstitial nephritis , rheumatic purpura , transient increase in the activity of liver enzymes in the blood , thrombocytopenia .

One patient with schizoaffective psychosis , which most likely existed before the start of drug treatment, developed acute psychosis .

The body's response to stopping Goldline, which manifests itself in the form of headaches and increased appetite, rarely develops.

evidence that withdrawal symptoms , withdrawal symptoms , or mood disturbances may occur after stopping treatment.

Comparison of analogues

Sibutramine is the active ingredient in such well-known drugs as Lindax, Meridia and Reduxin. All these analogues, like Goldline, are used to treat obesity.

These analogues have no significant differences either in composition or in the mode of action on the body. Also, the presented products are similar to Goldline in their contraindications and effect. The fact is that all these drugs contain sibutramine, which causes a similar effect on the body. The only difference is, perhaps, the price. And it must be said that Goldline is more profitable than its analogues, since its price is more acceptable to the buyer.

For example, the cost on Goldline starts from one and a half thousand rubles, while Reduxin and Lindax cost at least two thousand or more. Next, we find out what people who leave reviews on the Internet say about the drug “Goldline”.

Goldline tablets, instructions for use

How to take Goldline capsules

The starting dose of the drug is 10 mg/day. If the expected effect is not observed when using it (in situations where body weight decreases by less than 2 kg during a month of treatment), as well as if the drug is well tolerated, the dose is increased to 15 mg/day.

If there is no effect even when using a higher dosage (weight decreases by less than 2 kg per month), treatment with sibutramine is stopped.

In patients who do not adequately respond to the prescribed treatment, that is, within three months their weight decreases by less than five percent of the original, the duration of use of Goldline should not exceed 3 months.

The maximum duration of treatment is two years. This is due to the lack of reliable data on the safety and effectiveness of using sibutramine over a longer period of time.

You should not continue taking the drug if, after achieving weight loss during further treatment, the patient again gains three (or more) kilograms.

It is considered advisable to supplement therapy with physical activity and diet. Training should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who has sufficient practical experience in treating people suffering from obesity.

Instructions for Goldline Light

Goldline Light is a drug produced by the pharmaceutical company Izvarino Pharma LLC.

The official website of the tablets states that this product is not a drug and is used by overweight people who actively use physical activity to lose weight, as a dietary supplement.

The daily dose of the drug contains 48 mg of lipoic acid and 360 mg of l-carnitine (vitamin BT).

In combination with moderate physical activity and a low-calorie diet, weight loss with the use of the product increases by 22% with regular use for six months. In this case, the concentration of α-lipoic acid should be at least 1% of the weight of the total amount of food eaten.

With moderate intensity physical activity, fat burning increases by 36-55%.

In addition, α-lipoic acid is a good antioxidant, which, due to its ability to dissolve in both non-polar and polar solvents, exhibits its properties both in cells and in the extracellular space.

cATP-dependent protein kinase which influences human eating behavior , resulting in increased energy expenditure and decreased food consumption.

The effect of using the drug is dose-dependent.

In accordance with the instructions, take 1 or 2 Goldline Light capsules approximately 15-20 minutes before the start of training and then within 60-90 minutes after it ends.

Lipoic acid is a medication prescribed for cirrhosis or fatty liver , hepatitis A , and chronic hepatitis . Lipoic acid is not available without a prescription because it often causes the following side effects:

  • severe allergic reactions (this may be itching, urticaria or systemic allergic reactions);
  • dyspepsia.

At the same time, in the instructions supplied with the Goldline Light dietary supplement, the manufacturer does not warn about the possibility of developing such side effects.

You should also remember that taking capsules should not be combined with taking any multivitamin complexes, drugs for the treatment of anemia and other drugs that contain calcium, potassium, iron or magnesium ions.

Composition of the drug "Goldline Light"

The active ingredients of this drug are L-carnitine along with alpha-lipoic acid. L-carnitine ensures proper fat burning, against which the resulting energy is distributed as efficiently as possible, increasing physical and, in addition, mental performance. The component carnitine itself, which is present in all living cells, can have a positive effect on many processes:

  • Favors the growth and development of newborns.
  • Improved metabolism.
  • Help in maintaining health.
  • Increased life expectancy.

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The main function of this component in the drug is to transport fatty acids to cells. Then they are further transported to the mitochondria. Mitochondria are the so-called cellular energy production stations. This entire process ensures fat breakdown. Thus, fat deposition is prevented. In other words, L-carnitine increases the body's ability to burn fat, as a result of which its endurance and, in addition, activity increase. Reviews of those losing weight about Goldline 10 mg confirm this.

Alpha lipoic acid is the second active ingredient of this drug, which specifically affects the entire digestive system. Interacting with enzymes, this acid:

  • Helps accelerate fat burning processes. Such processes become most effective in combination with physical activity.
  • Activation of the breakdown of proteins and amino acids, which ensures the production of the necessary energy even with a limited amount of food.

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In addition, this acid can improve the mental and emotional state along with the overall well-being of a person. Thanks to the complex action of both components, regular use of the drug ensures effective weight loss by accelerating fat burning, increases endurance and improves overall tone.

There are reviews of people losing weight about this. "Goldline" is considered a very effective drug.


To date, there is not enough data on sibutramine . An increase in the severity of adverse reactions is considered the most likely.

If a suspected overdose of Goldline occurs, you should notify your doctor.

There are no specific antidotes or special treatment. It is recommended to ensure the patient can breathe freely and keep the condition of the cardiovascular system under control. Further therapy is symptomatic.

Timely intake of activated carbon and gastric lavage procedure can reduce the absorption of the drug in the intestinal tract.

Patients who have high blood pressure may be prescribed β-blockers .

The effectiveness of hemodialysis or forced diuresis has not been established.

Reviews from doctors

Maria, 39 years old, nutritionist, Krasnoyarsk: “Both drugs are quite effective. Patients manage to lose weight by reducing their appetite. Many people complain about side effects, especially increased blood pressure. A dosage of 10 mg rarely produces results. Many people have to take 15 mg.”

Polina, 41 years old, endocrinologist, Kaluga: “When prescribing these drugs to patients, I try to explain that without changing eating habits and lifestyle, it is unlikely that they will be able to bring their figure back to normal. Only an integrated approach, including taking medications, following the principles of proper nutrition and vigorous exercise, will help get rid of extra pounds.”


The simultaneous use of sibutramine with inhibitors of microsomal oxidation (including the CYP3A4 isoenzyme) increases the plasma concentration of its metabolites, heart rate and provokes a clinically insignificant increase in the QT interval.

The metabolism of sibutramine is accelerated when used in combination with phenytoin , Dexamethasone , Carbamazepine , Rifampicin , Phenobarbital and macrolide antibiotics .

Serious interactions are possible in the case of simultaneous administration of several drugs that increase the concentration of serotonin in the blood.

In rare cases, serotonin syndrome develops when sibutramine is used in combination with:

  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which are used to treat depression and anxiety disorders;
  • certain antimigraine drugs (for example, dihydroergotamine or sumatriptan );
  • antitussives ( dextromethorphan );
  • opioid analgesics ( Fentanyl , pentazocine , pethidine ).

Sibutramine does not affect the action of oral contraceptives.

With simultaneous use of sibutramine with ephedrine , pseudoephedrine , phenylpropanolamine and combination drugs containing these substances, the risk of increased blood pressure and heart rate increases.

The substance does not enhance the negative effects of ethanol, however, drinking alcohol during treatment with Goldline reduces the effectiveness of dietary measures.

special instructions

Goldline diet pills are prescribed only in cases where all other measures aimed at weight loss are ineffective. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who has sufficient experience in weight correction for obesity as part of complex treatment (including physical activity, review of diet, habitual lifestyle, diet).

The period of taking Goldline at a dose of 15 mg should be limited in time.

In the first 8 weeks of treatment, heart rate and blood pressure should be monitored every 2 weeks. After this time, monitoring is carried out once a month.

For patients with arterial hypertension (when the pressure is at the level of 145/90 mm Hg), blood pressure and heart rate are recommended to be monitored more often and more carefully. If the pressure rises above the specified values ​​2 times, treatment with Goldline is stopped.

The appearance of chest pain, swelling of the legs, and progressive dyspnea may indicate the development of pulmonary hypertension (such conditions require consultation with a doctor).

Women of childbearing age should use effective contraception throughout the entire course of use.

Sibutramine has the ability to reduce salivation, cause a feeling of discomfort in the oral cavity, provoke the development of caries and periodontal , thrush .

During the treatment period, you should refrain from performing work that could potentially threaten your health and life, as well as from driving a car.

Indications for use of the drug and release form

The instructions for use say that Goldline plus is prescribed to the patient in several cases:

  • Obesity, related to nutrition and metabolism, when the mass index of the topic exceeds 30 milligrams per square meter.
  • Obesity associated with nutrition and metabolism, with a body mass index of more than 27 milligrams per square meter, if there is any risk factor caused by excess weight (type 2 diabetes mellitus or lipid metabolism disorders).

The medicine is produced and supplied to pharmacies in the form of capsules.


Level 4 ATC code matches:



Analogues by mechanism of action:

  • Reduxin
  • Fepranon
  • Goldline-Light

Structural analogues (generics):

  • Lindaxa
  • Meridia
  • Slimia

During pregnancy

The category of action on the developing fetus in accordance with the FDA classification is C. This means that animal studies have established a negative effect of the drug on the fetus, but strictly controlled studies of the use of the drug during pregnancy in humans have not been conducted.

It has also not been established whether sibutramine or its metabolites can pass into breast milk.

This excludes the possibility of using the drug by pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

Reviews about Goldline

Comments and reviews from those losing weight about Goldline 15 mg and 10 mg are quite contradictory. Some note the high effectiveness of the product (some women claim that by taking capsules for weight loss, they lost 7-8 kg in 3-8 weeks), while others say that taking the drug did not give them the desired result, but only provoked a lot of unpleasant symptoms ( pressure surges, headaches, dizziness, weakness, etc.).

In addition, in some reviews of Goldline diet pills, women complain that after stopping taking the capsules, their appetite noticeably increased, and the lost pounds returned almost immediately.

Doctors in reviews of Goldline tablets write that sibutramine is a potent substance that can be sold in pharmacies only with a prescription. It has quite a lot of contraindications and often provokes side effects.

Thus, they recommend taking the drug for weight loss only after consultation with a specialist and a thorough assessment of your health.

The use of the drug is advisable for obesity (that is, when the patient’s BMI is more than 30 kg/sq. m, in exceptional cases - at least 27 kg/sq. m) and only in the absence of endocrine diseases, heart and vascular diseases, mental disorders and certain individual indicators that can be identified by the attending physician.

Only the attending physician can select the optimal dosage regimen (15 or 10 mg) and determine how long the treatment will be.

Often among reviews of Goldline there are also reviews of Goldline Light. Unlike Goldline, it is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement. As noted by women and girls who have taken the drug, the effect of its use is noticeable only if a low-calorie diet is followed and a sufficient level of physical activity is provided.

Simply taking capsules will not help you lose weight.

What to choose?

There is no significant therapeutic difference between these drugs. It is much more important to correctly select the optimal dosage and course of administration, which can only be done by the attending physician.

Some doctors recommend a combination remedy, while others prescribe taking classic Goldline capsules with regular fiber. But according to subjective reviews, Plus capsules turn out to be more effective and faster-acting.

Medicine and healthComment

Goldline price, where to buy

Price of diet pills in Russian pharmacies:

  • from 1400 rub. per capsule 10 mg No. 30;
  • from 3100 rub. per capsule 10 mg No. 90;
  • from 2000 rub. per capsule 15 mg No. 30;
  • from 3700 rub. per capsule 15 mg No. 60;
  • from 5300 rub. for capsules 15 mg No. 90.

The tablets are available with a prescription. If desired, they can be ordered online without a prescription. In large cities (for example, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow or Yekaterinburg), online pharmacies offer to buy Goldline with home delivery.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Goldline Plus capsules 15mg+153.5mg 30 pcs. Izvarino Pharma LLC
    RUB 2,372 order
  • Goldline Plus capsules 15mg+153.5mg 60 pcs. Izvarino Pharma LLC

    RUB 4,009 order

  • Goldline Plus capsules 15mg+153.5mg 90 pcs. Izvarino Pharma LLC

    5970 rub. order

  • Goldline Plus capsules 10 mg + 158.5 mg 90 pcs. Izvarino Pharma LLC

    RUB 3,453 order

  • Goldline Plus capsules 10mg+158.5mg 60 pcs. Izvarino Pharma LLC

    RUB 2,544 order

What is the difference?

Very often you can find information that Goldline Plus is safer and has received the status of a medicine only due to the presence of microcrystalline cellulose . There are opinions that it is produced in Russia, and Goldline is its Indian generic. These are all myths, since both drugs are produced by the same Russian manufacturer and both are prescription drugs due to the sibutramine content.

Goldline Plus causes the same side effects because it contains the same amount of active ingredient as Goldline. The only difference is that monocrystalline glucose stimulates additional processes in the intestines:

  • Absorbs and utilizes harmful substances.
  • Increases the feeling of fullness due to the fact that it swells in the stomach, causing a “false” feeling of fullness.
  • Normalizes stool.

Therefore, Plus capsules have a faster effect , but with the same indications and contraindications as regular medicine. Release forms and prices have slight differences due to the presence of an additional component in the Plus tablets.

"Goldline""Goldline Plus"
10 mg15 mg10 mg + 158.5 mg15 mg + 153.5 mg
30 pcs.1350 rub.1950 rub.1300–1600 rub.2000–2700 rub.
60 pcs.2200 rub.3100 rub.2000–2600 rub.3500–4000 rub.
90 pcs.3100 rub.2600–3000 rub.4600–5500 rub.

Goldline Plus capsules can be found in pharmacies much more often, so they have a pronounced price range.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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