When is Analgin allowed during breastfeeding?

Composition of the substance

The medicine is a strictly cylindrical tablet, designed with a chamfer and a score for convenient division into equal parts. Analgin tablets are usually dense white, sometimes with yellow splashes and a uniform yellowish tint.

The main active ingredient of the drug is metamizole sodium monohydrate. One tablet contains 500 mg. There are also tablets with a reduced dose of the active substance, equal to 250 mg.

In addition, the medicine contains a number of excipients, for example, potato starch, talc, calcium stearate and sodium lauryl sulfate.

The active components of the drug provide the drug with a pronounced analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Absorption of the components occurs in a short time through the gastrointestinal tract. After a certain period of time, it is excreted from the body by the kidneys without causing harm.

Composition and features of the drug

The active substance of Analgin is sodium metamizole, it is present in tablets in the amount of 250 mg or 500 mg. It is used to relieve mild to moderate pain attacks. It is contraindicated to take Analgin during lactation; it causes dangerous side effects on the child’s body.

The peculiarity of the drug is that the tablets may be contraindicated for the nursing mother herself. Analgin should not be used under the following conditions:

  • severe disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • presence of bronchial asthma;
  • pathologies of the hematopoietic system;
  • hereditary hemolytic anemia;
  • bronchospasm.

Important! Metamizole sodium causes allergic reactions with hypersensitivity to the component, causing anaphylactic shock in an adult. In many countries, Analgin has long been discontinued due to a large number of side effects, which is why doctors are afraid to prescribe pills to nursing mothers, even with acute attacks of pain.

What are the release forms?

Analgin is sold freely in pharmacies in two forms: tablets and a liquid solution in ampoules for injections. One ampoule contains 500 mg of metamizole sodium, water for injection acts as an excipient.

What effect does the drug have?

The effect of Analgin is based on the process of inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins - these are substances formed in human blood plasma and affecting the endocrine system. As a response, the temperature rises, pain and febrile syndrome occur. After taking Analgin, the production of these substances stops, pain shock is stopped, and inflammation is relieved.

What forms are allowed during breastfeeding?

The main component of Analgin, metamizole sodium, is also present in several drugs:

  • Revalgin;
  • Baralgin;
  • Pentalgin.

Since doctors prohibit nursing mothers from using Analgin in injections and tablets, you should refrain from taking the listed medications. They also negatively affect the health of the baby, causing allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock.

Instructions for use

If a nursing mother still needs to take some kind of medication for a severe headache or toothache, and there is nothing at hand other than Analgin, you can use it with the doctor’s permission. It is important to follow the instructions for use so as not to harm yourself and your baby. To keep the concentration of the active substance in milk as low as possible, it is better to take the tablet immediately after putting the baby to the breast. The maximum content of metamizole sodium in the blood is reached an hour after administration, and elimination takes several more hours. It is necessary to maintain this interval between feedings.

A nursing woman is allowed to take no more than 1 gram. of the drug during the day, which is two tablets. After consuming Analgin, it is important to monitor the baby’s condition to see if he or she develops dangerous symptoms in the form of skin rashes, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Attention! If it is necessary to use Analgin during lactation for a long time, then it is better to interrupt breastfeeding for this period. It is recommended to express incoming milk, but under no circumstances give it to the baby. A single dose requires a pause between breastfeeding of 2-3 hours, despite the fact that the medicine penetrates into the milk by only 1.5%.

Indications and contraindications

The scope of application of Analgin, instructions for which are included in the pack, is very diverse. It is used for pain of various origins, including those associated with injuries and surgical interventions, as well as those caused by tumor processes.

The instructions for use of the drug say that Analgin reduces pain in chronic pain of various origins. It facilitates the course of the disease in cases where it is not yet possible to carry out other correct treatment.

The pronounced antipyretic function allows the drug to be used at high temperatures during infectious diseases. It is used when other antipyretic drugs have failed to cope with elevated temperatures.

Fever due to an infectious disease with an inflammatory processHypersensitivity to the active component of the drug
Headache of various originsInhibition of hematopoiesis
Pain syndrome, mild or moderateKidney or liver failure
NeuralgiaHereditary hemolytic anemia
MyalgiaIndividual intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid
Biliary, intestinal or renal colicNasal polyps
Various injuries accompanied by pain and inflammation of varying intensityBronchial asthma caused by long-term use of acetylsalicylic acid
The period after surgery characterized by painPregnancy, especially in the first trimester, as well as in the last 6 weeks before birth
Lactation period
Children up to 8 years of age

Most often, Analgin is used for headaches or toothaches, but its use is much wider than indicated in the instructions for the drug. In combination with antispasmodics, Analgin has shown high effectiveness in the fight against renal or biliary colic.

Analgin is strictly contraindicated for children.

There are not as many prohibitions on the use of the drug as there are for other similar drugs. However, you should be careful and not take the drug uncontrollably. It is important to take into account the patient’s condition and consult with a doctor to choose the right treatment regimen.

Analgin: the great deceiver

“My head (tooth, back, stomach, etc.) hurts, I can’t help it...” - “Take an analgin tablet!” How many times have we heard and said these words ourselves? This year, Analgin - translated from Greek as “bezbolin” - is the hero of the day. He turns 90 years old. Age, it would seem, is venerable; it’s high time to calm down and quietly live out your life behind the backs of other, young and zealous drugs. But why does the history of this ancient medicine still cause so much emotion and controversy, even among doctors?

Path of pain

Analgin was synthesized as if by accident by the German chemist Ludwig Knorr in 1920. He tried to ensure that the pyramidon, created almost 30 years earlier and very popular at that time (the name is also familiar, isn’t it?) would dissolve better in water. And to do this, he added the remainder of sulfuric acid to it. The result was a “soluble pyramidon”, but it turned out to be so much more effective and safer that it soon received its own name - analgin.

True, now it is known under this name, perhaps, only here and in Bulgaria, which traditionally produces a lot of analgin. In the rest of Europe they don’t even know the word. They call it “sodium metamizole” - remember this name just in case.

And now a surprise: analgin does not cure any pain, and does not cure anything at all. Like many other drugs, it is symptomatic. That is, it simply prevents the pain signal from the suffering organ from reaching the brain. And the brain is sure that there is no pain.

Factories and production lines for the new painkiller were being built everywhere. In 1938, its production was mastered in the USSR. Our doctors fell in love with analgin immediately and passionately. It quickly relieved pain of a spasmodic and inflammatory nature, and sharply lowered the high temperature.

In the early 2000s, Russians annually ate more than 530 tons of analgin in tablets and received another 50 tons in the form of injections - about 7 tablets and 0.3 ampoules per nose. A little bit, would you say?

But none of the other painkillers even came close to such popular love.

Enemy and friend number one

Pain is perhaps the most paradoxical manifestation of life. On the one hand, it is absolutely necessary as a signal of illness, injury, or mental distress. On the other hand, from time immemorial humanity has been making an incredible amount of effort to get rid of it. A huge number of drugs with very different mechanisms of action have been created. Yes, in the end, the same opium and cocaine were created as painkillers and only then turned into God knows what.

Traditional medicine of all countries of the world has in its arsenal remedies for pain. Various baths and massages, aromas and sounds, poultices and lotions, acupuncture and moxibustion, meditation and yoga, prayers and induction into trance. Modern medicine has added its own technologies - crossing the nerve along which the pain impulse travels, implanting special pumps into the body that regularly inject a dose of medicine into a person, exposure to lasers, weak currents, light... But the pain still lives.

Dubious reputation

At first, nothing in analgin caused alarm. In the old reference books, only something like “possible individual intolerance” was said about it. But information gradually accumulated that the life-saving “bezbolin” causes unwanted side effects. The worst of them is agranulocytosis, that is, a decrease in leukocytes and granulocytes in the blood. These are white blood cells that protect our body from all external and internal enemies. Agranulocytosis manifests itself as a terrible sore throat - ulcers in the throat and mouth, fever, severe malaise.

Various allergic reactions can also occur - from a common runny nose to Lyell's syndrome, in which all the skin literally falls off a person. Anaphylactic shock is possible, which can cause death in a matter of seconds.

By 1970, so much information had accumulated about undesirable effects that the risk of death with its use was calculated at 7%. The World Health Organization has recommended abandoning the outdated medicine. And many countries listened. By 1990, about 40 countries stopped using metamizole sodium in medicine, and many rashly stopped production. Although in some places it is still sold in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription.

Read the instructions

But does pain, which every person encounters more than once in life, need to be treated with something? Naturally, at the same time, competitors of analgin began to gain points - acetylsalicylic acid (better known to us under the trade name aspirin) and paracetamol. Although both are not sugar either, they have side effects that are no less dangerous. Now many experts say that the anti-analgin campaign was launched by competitors. And it seems to have been a success.

But by the mid-90s of the last century, scientific publications had already appeared that the risk from using analgin was greatly exaggerated - in fact, it does not exceed two cases of side effects per million person-days of use. But the job was done. Our medical authorities reacted very late: recently analgin was removed from the list of vital and essential medicines, leaving competitors on it. After all, they cost more.

“The statistics of undesirable consequences of using analgin are high not because it gives relatively more side effects,” says Deputy Chairman of the Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, President of the Interregional Public Organization for Pharmacoeconomic Research, Doctor of Medical Sciences Pavel Vorobyov. — But because it itself is used much more widely. And it is most dangerous not as a single drug, but in combination medications - simply because the consumer does not know about it, and it is not customary to read the instructions for use. My opinion: combination medications with analgin should be banned.

And yet the story of the 90-year-old “bezbolin” is not over yet. The same aspirin is 23 years older than him, but he is not going to give up.

Genetic myths

Defending themselves from criticism, the manufacturers of analgin found an armor-piercing argument. At scientific conferences they began to say that different peoples react to analgin in different ways. Due to differences in the gene that is responsible for allergic reactions. They say that among Europeans, up to 17% have “gentle” gene variants, which is why they banned analgin, but among Bulgarians there are only 3%, and among Russians only 0.1. Therefore, we are not afraid of any allergies.

“There is no reliable scientific data on this matter,” Professor Pavel Vorobiev destroyed all our dreams.

Instructions for use

Independent and uncontrolled treatment with the drug is not allowed. Consultation with a doctor before using the tablets is required. This can be done at the MedArt clinic by making an appointment at a convenient time.

It is recommended to swallow each tablet whole without chewing it first. Be sure to drink plenty of water.

For acute pain, it is recommended to take a tablet with a dosage of 500 mg. If the intensity is pronounced, you can take two tablets at once, but keep in mind that no more than 3-4 tablets can be used per day. In this case, the course should not exceed five days from the start of treatment.

Analgin, the use of which is caused by spasms or fever, requires determining the exact dosage. As an antipyretic, tablets are taken in the smallest amount that is safe for the body, and also gives a reaction to high temperature. The course of treatment is no more than three days.

For children over 8 years old to 14 years old and weighing from 32 to 53 kg, a single dosage of the substance is 500 mg of the active component of the drug, that is, take one Analgin tablet. You can take up to four tablets per day, which is a multiple of 2000 mg of the substance.

Adult patients and adolescents over 15 years of age and weighing more than 53 kg can take 1-2 tablets at a time, which is a multiple of 1000 mg of the active ingredient. You are allowed to take no more than eight tablets per day, which is equal to 4000 mg of the active ingredient.

There are special conditions for elderly patients, as well as people suffering from kidney or liver failure. In this case, the minimum effective dosage of the drug is taken. High doses should be avoided, or the course of taking the drug should be significantly shortened.

Analgin, the dosage of which is determined by the nature of the disease, is effective and is often present in the medicine cabinet.

This is due to the difficulties of removing the breakdown products of the substance from the body. Since they are excreted by the kidneys, in such cases excretion will be slow or difficult, so the dosage is reduced to the minimum effective. During a long course of treatment, the doctor prescribes constant monitoring of the patient’s condition with regular leukocyte counts and blood monitoring.

Side effects

It is forbidden to use the drug for severe pain in the stomach, the origin of which has not been identified. Until a proper diagnosis is made, Analgin is not used in therapy. If the dosage and duration of the course of taking the tablets are not observed by the doctor, as well as when taking the drug under existing contraindications, allergic reactions may occur.

Most often, side effects are manifested by a skin rash, quite intense, as well as Quincke's edema. Less commonly observed are Lyell's and Stevens-Johnson syndromes, as well as anaphylactic shock. With long-term use of the drug as an anesthetic, changes occur in the blood formula.

Instructions for use of analgin highlight several side effects:

  • risk of developing thrombocytopenia or leukopenia;
  • bronchospasm attack;
  • a strong decrease in blood pressure;
  • malfunctions of the renal system.

When the first signs of deterioration in the patient’s condition appear, it is important to immediately stop taking the drug and report the incident to the treating doctor. To change painkillers, you need to visit a doctor to clarify the need to change the medication.

An overdose of a substance occurs in case of prolonged use of the drug, more than a week in a course in increased dosages, as a pain reliever. This may be manifested by nausea and vomiting, delirium, impaired consciousness, shortness of breath, and a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

If dangerous conditions of the body are determined, you should immediately consult a doctor and stop taking the drug. It is important to perform gastric lavage and also start using saline laxatives. They also increase their drinking regime and follow a diet. In particularly difficult cases, you will have to go to the hospital and undergo a hemodialysis procedure.

Pregnancy and lactation

Research on the effects on the body of pregnant women taking Analgin has not been carried out to a sufficient extent. As a result of animal studies, no serious disturbances in the functioning of the body were identified.

And yet, the drug can provoke serious perinatal problems, so taking the drug in the first and third trimester is strictly prohibited. The use of a substance in the second trimester occurs with extreme caution, under the supervision of a doctor, and only when the potential benefit to the mother is higher than the well-being of the fetus.

The drug is also not used during breastfeeding, as it easily passes into breast milk and can harm the baby. Feeding is allowed only 48 hours after completion of the drug.

The dosage of analgin for children is also prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication is not allowed in case of pathologies or fever in a child. Even half of a pill taken can have a detrimental effect on the body, so you should first undergo tests and get detailed advice from a qualified doctor. Only a doctor can prescribe medication in accordance with the nature of the disease.

Is it possible to drink the product while breastfeeding?

The annotation for the medication states that it is contraindicated for women carrying a baby and lactating. But what do doctors say about this? Is it possible to take Analgin while breastfeeding? Some doctors allow breastfeeding women to take tablets for acute pain when there are no other anesthetics in the house, but with great caution.

The fact is that, penetrating into the body of a newborn with mother's milk, Analgin can cause a violent allergic reaction, up to anaphylactic shock (and this can be fatal for the baby). A baby’s fragile digestive system can cause peeling and itching on the epidermis, red rashes like urticaria, and abnormal bowel movements in a newborn.

Anaphylactic shock is a much more dangerous reaction on the part of the infant’s immune system. In this case, marbling and blueness of the child’s skin, decreased blood pressure, cold sweat, breathing problems, swelling of the larynx and face, and irregular heartbeat are noted. Few mothers know about the possibility of such a reaction of the baby to Analgin, planning to take a seemingly harmless pill.

Interaction with other drugs

In the case of simultaneous use of Analgin with cyclosporine, the level of the latter in the blood can be significantly reduced. It is important to inform your doctor about this; you may need to increase the dosage of the drug if you need to take a painkiller.

Severe hyporemia can occur when the substance is combined with chlorpromazine. Elderly patients are at high risk of developing hematological toxicity when used concomitantly with methotrexate.

Analgin should be used with acetylsalicylic acid and bupropion with great caution. The drug interacts and reduces the effectiveness of antihypertensive substances.


  • Characteristics of analgin (tab. No. 20)
  • Where can I buy ?

Composition: 1 tablet contains: metamizole sodium 500 mg Pharmacological action: Analgesic-antipyretic.

It is a derivative of pyrazolone.

It has an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, the mechanism of which is associated with inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis.

Indications for Use: Pain syndrome of various origins (renal and biliary colic, neuralgia, myalgia; for injuries, burns, after operations; headache, toothache, menalgia).

Fever in infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Method of Administration: Orally or rectally, adults are prescribed 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day.

The maximum single dose is 1 g, daily dose is 3 g.

Single doses for children aged 2-3 years are 50-100 mg; 4-5 years - 100-200 mg; 6-7 years - 200 mg; 8-14 years - 250-300 mg; Frequency of administration: 2-3 times/day.

IM or IV slowly for adults - 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day.

The maximum single dose is 1 g, daily dose is 2 g.

In children, it is used parenterally at a dose of 50-100 mg per 10 kg of body weight.

Interaction: When used simultaneously with analgesics, antipyretics, and NSAIDs, mutual enhancement of toxic effects is possible.

When used simultaneously with inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, the effectiveness of metamizole sodium may decrease.

With simultaneous use, the activity of indirect anticoagulants, oral hypoglycemic drugs, corticosteroids, and indomethacin increases due to their displacement from connection with blood proteins under the influence of metamizole sodium.

When used simultaneously with phenothiazine derivatives, severe hyperthermia is possible; with sedatives, anxiolytics - the analgesic effect of metamizole sodium is enhanced; with tricyclic antidepressants, oral contraceptives, allopurinol - the metabolism of metamizole sodium is disrupted and its toxicity increases; with caffeine - the effect of metamizole sodium is enhanced; with cyclosporine - the concentration of cyclosporine in the blood plasma decreases.

When metamizole sodium is used in combination with pitofenone hydrochloride (has a direct myotropic effect on the smooth muscles of internal organs and causes its relaxation) and with fenpiverinium bromide (m-anticholinergic), their pharmacological action is mutually enhanced, which is accompanied by a decrease in pain, relaxation of smooth muscles and reduction of elevated body temperature.

Side Effects: Allergic reactions: - skin rash, Quincke's edema; - rarely - anaphylactic shock.

From the hematopoietic system: - rarely, with long-term use - leukopenia, agranulocytosis.

Local reactions: with intramuscular injection - infiltrates at the injection site.

Contraindications: Severe renal and/or liver dysfunction, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, blood diseases, hypersensitivity to pyrazolone derivatives.

Use during pregnancy and lactation: Use with caution during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and in the last 6 weeks.

Overdose: Symptoms of an overdose of Analgin manifest themselves in the form of: - severe hypotension; - hypothermia; - shortness of breath; - palpitations; - nausea; - tinnitus; - weakness; - vomiting; - impaired consciousness; - delirium; - drowsiness; - convulsive syndrome.

The possibility of developing hemorrhagic syndrome, acute agranulocytosis, liver and acute renal failure cannot be excluded.

The lethal dose in tablets is from 15 to 20 grams.

Treatment: gastric lavage (the procedure is carried out using a tube), induction of vomiting, use of saline laxatives and enterosorbents, alkalization of urine, forced diuresis.

Subsequently, therapy is symptomatic, aimed at regulating and maintaining the impaired functions of vital organs.

Special Instructions: With long-term use, it is necessary to monitor the peripheral blood picture.

Metamizole sodium is used in combination with pitofenone and fenpiverinium bromide as an analgesic with an antispasmodic effect.

Use with caution in children in the first 3 months of life.

Precautionary measures

Particular care should be taken when treating patients who receive cytostatic drugs, as well as people with atopic bronchial asthma and hay fever.

If symptoms of sore throat, stomatitis, chills, difficulty swallowing or fever are detected, you must immediately stop taking the drug and consult a specialist.

For acute abdominal pain, Analgin should not be used until the exact diagnosis is determined. Also, with long-term use of the drug, it is necessary to monitor and check the flow of peripheral blood by counting leukocytes.

In what cases is Analgin needed?

When does a nursing mother need Analgin? Typically, tablets are taken when pain develops - the drug is known for its ability to quickly relieve discomfort. According to the instructions, you can use the product to eliminate the following problems:

  • headache;
  • migraine;
  • myalgia;
  • toothache;
  • renal and biliary colic (used in combination with antispasmodics);
  • neuralgia;
  • fever during colds and infectious pathologies;
  • pain syndrome in the postoperative period;
  • heavy heavy periods.

On a note! In addition to the listed actions, Analgin is used for exacerbation of osteochondrosis, for colic in the abdomen and to alleviate the condition of tumor processes. If the drug is used in combination with other painkillers, a mutual increase in effect is noted.

Where to buy, how much it costs

You can buy the drug at almost any pharmacy; it is available without a prescription. At the same time, the price of analgin is affordable for every patient. The cost of a pack of blisters containing 20 tablets of the substance is about 1 ruble.

Analgin is a medicine that was actively used by our grandmothers during the USSR period, when a variety of drugs similar to today’s was not available on the pharmaceutical market. Traditionally, today it is one of the most accessible and inexpensive medicines with a wide range of applications in various pathologies. It is prescribed to adults and children when severe spasms occur. Or taken urgently in case of increased body temperature.

Permitted analogues

There come times in every woman’s life when she experiences fever, headache, toothache, and back discomfort, which requires taking a drug with anesthetic properties. Doctors allow nursing mothers to take several medications that are compatible with breastfeeding and, unlike Analgin, do not cause side effects in the baby. These medications include:

  1. Paracetamol is a tablet from the group of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The drug helps reduce temperature, eliminate pain and fever, and relieve aches in muscles and joints. Allowed during breastfeeding, but no more than 2-3 tablets per day.
  2. Ibuprofen is a drug that is available in the form of tablets and suspension. It has similar properties to Paracetamol and does not have a negative effect on the health of mother and child.

The appropriate dosage and frequency of administration in a particular case is determined by the attending doctor, depending on the cause of pain in the woman, the state of health of her and the baby. The drugs Paracetamol and Ibuprofen quickly cope with discomfort and inflammation, are more effective than Analgin and are approved for use during lactation. However, you should not get carried away with them, despite their effectiveness and safety - exceeding the dose and long-term use can also cause negative reactions from the child’s body.

The occurrence of pain, fever and colic in a woman who is breastfeeding is a reason to visit a doctor and find out the reasons for such symptoms. You should not start self-medication, since taking one tablet of such seemingly harmless Analgin can provoke disastrous consequences. Only a specialist can choose a safe and effective medicine that will not harm the baby and relieve the nursing mother from pain.


You can find a huge number of positive reviews online, as this is a time-tested medicine. The use of analgin is due to the low price of packaging the substance, as well as the popularity of the drug, because our mothers and fathers used it when such a variety of drugs was not on the market.

An excellent product, inexpensive and effective. I only get relief from headaches with Analgin. I always have it in my first aid kit and recommend it to my family. It’s very nice that regardless of price increases, a box of tablets can be purchased for just a ruble.

Anna, 45 years old

In a big city, headaches and muscle pain are constant companions. I always save myself with Analgin when I can’t stand the spasms. I carry it with me and always have a supply in the car. The low price of the drug is considered a huge advantage.

Sergey, 32 years old

I have been using Analgin for many years and don’t even look towards newfangled expensive products. He saves 100%. An excellent product that the whole family uses.

Valeria, 62 years old

There are practically no negative reviews of Analgin. Users consider the only disadvantage to be inconvenience in swallowing and poor dissolution of the tablets. In this case, it is recommended to simply drink it with plenty of liquid so that it gets into the gastrointestinal tract more quickly.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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