When is it recommended for infants to take Linex, reviews from young mothers

The birth of a child is a happy and exciting moment for any woman. But after returning home with a small package, problems begin. The baby often experiences colic, which can be followed by constipation and digestive system disorders. Usually young parents cope on their own, without resorting to medication. But if neither dill water nor a warm towel on the tummy helps, it is recommended to try giving Linex to infants; reviews of its use note the positive effect of the drug on the baby’s body.

pharmachologic effect

Linex for children contains bifidobacteria , which help normalize microflora .

Bifidobacteria BB 12 is present in breast milk, so they begin to colonize the baby’s intestines immediately after birth. In breastfed infants, approximately 60-91% of the microflora is bifidobacteria. This strain is safe, as it is well tolerated and demonstrates high clinical efficacy in children from the first days of life.

Under the influence of bifidobacteria, a gradual natural formation of microflora occurs, and a natural environment is created for the influence of digestive enzymes .

Children's Linex promotes the proper formation of immunity , reduces the likelihood of developing infectious diseases, and reduces the risk of developing atopic dermatitis and allergic reactions to food in children.

Linex powder also maintains the balance of the composition and state of microflora in children suffering from colic and other digestive disorders. The drug normalizes microflora even after taking antibiotics .


There are 20 sachets in a package.

Each sachet is designed for one use. Packaging - 1.5 g.

Information from the manufacturer.

The drug is produced in Slovenia.

I was very pleased that you only need to take Linex once a day, unlike Acipol. The contents of one sachet must be dissolved in the mixture or any other liquid. The powder dissolves very easily and quickly.

I was also pleased that there is no need to buy the entire package - you can purchase the required quantity individually. The baby was prescribed antibiotics for 5 days; I purchased 5 sachets of Linex. The cost of one piece was 26 rubles.

My baby is bottle-fed - formula, porridge + complementary foods - vegetables, fruits, porridge and some meat. The stool is regular and daily.

Despite the simultaneous use of antibiotics with Linex, the stool was only after two days, and then only at the end of the third day. But no loose stools were observed at all while taking antibiotics.

By the way, when taking AB together with Acipol, Linex and other similar drugs for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, do not forget about the time interval of 1-2 hours between doses of these drugs. When taken AT THE SAME TIME, the antibiotic neutralizes the effect of the probiotic, destroying bifidobacteria, which means Linex will not work. For some reason, this important information is not mentioned in the instructions, and doctors do not always mention this when prescribing these drugs together.

I am an inexperienced mother, but on a whim, instead of mashed potatoes with meat, I switched the baby to a lighter food - zucchini with yolk. Immediately after finishing the course of antibiotics, bowel movements became daily and regular again.

From what is written above, we can conclude that this drug is not effective enough when taking antibiotics and will not save you from minor constipation. Moreover, constipation was caused by only 5 sachets, which were taken once a day!

Linex for children is also intended for bloating and colic, but I cannot judge the effectiveness for these symptoms. After all, thanks to the formula that is ideal for the baby, we don’t have these problems. And about the budget formula, and how to competently and correctly transfer your baby to it, you can find out in my review - Bellakt Formula.

In our case, Linex was not effective enough when taking antibiotics, so it’s up to you to decide whether to buy it or not, depending on the problem. I can’t help but note that the stool was restored almost immediately after stopping the antibiotics and Linex, so there was still an effect.

I came to the conclusion that for the prevention of dysbiosis while taking antibiotics, Acipol is still the best option. And Linex is best used for intestinal and rotavirus infections, when the disease is ALREADY accompanied by frequent loose stools.

I will be glad if my review is useful to you!

Health to you and your children!

Indications for use of Linex

Linex for infants and older children is recommended to be taken as a dietary supplement as a source of probiotic microorganisms .

It is recommended to take this remedy for newborns who have the following factors that negatively affect the microflora:

  • birth by cesarean section or during premature labor;
  • late breastfeeding;
  • early transition to artificial feeding;
  • long stay in the maternity hospital;
  • immaturity of the motor function of the child’s intestines;
  • lack of balanced nutrition;
  • cessation of breastfeeding and introduction of complementary foods;
  • process of teething, etc.

Description of the drug

The drug contains beneficial bifidobacteria

Linex is a drug that includes compounds of various bifidobacteria, non-pathogenic enterococci and lactobacilli. When it acts on a small organism, the drug recognizes the characteristics of ongoing indigestion, identifies the causes of dysbiosis and has a beneficial effect, softening painful sensations and completely eliminating them.

The drug has the ability not only to neutralize painful discomfort in the stomach, but also to cure dysbiosis in a short period of time.

Linex stimulates the elimination of allergic reactions, helps improve weakened immunity, restores microflora in the stomach and normalizes the digestion process.

In addition, the medication helps reduce the baby’s body’s susceptibility to the effects of infectious pathogenic bacteria.

Linex is sold in a package that contains 10 sachets. Each stick contains 1.5 grams of medicinal powder. The internal content of the active component can be either snow-white or speckled, and also have a dull gray tint.

Linex belongs to the group of third generation drugs. It contains the following components:

  1. Lactobacillus acidophilus - these substances are often located in the human intestines. They prefer an acidic pH environment, which causes the bacteria to stimulate the production of such acidity in the intestines. The process is carried out due to the removal of lactic acid, which provokes the elimination of pathogenic bacteria sensitive to high acidity.
  2. Enterococci - they are in the digestive tract of any person. They promote active fermentation without causing the release of gases. They have increased endurance, which helps in the fight against pathogens.
  3. Bifidobacterium - helps to establish an acidic environment in the intestines.

Excipients are additionally added to the main active components. They help enhance the activity of the main ingredients. These substances are represented by the following composition:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • gelatin;
  • Magnesium stearate.

Methylhydroxybenzoate and propylhydroxybenzoate are also present in small amounts.

Linex for children, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The instructions for use of children's Linex stipulate that the supplement can be given to children from the first days of their life.

From the first days of life until the age of seven, children are advised to take 1 sachet for children once during a meal.

Children aged seven to twelve years should take 2 sachets per day with meals.

The bag must be opened immediately before use, the powder is mixed with juice, milk, and you can also mix it with other types of food for children. Do not mix with drinks whose temperature exceeds 35°C.

Experts recommend taking the drug for 30 days. If there is such a need, the course of treatment is repeated after 1 month. If the child was prescribed antibiotics at the same time, Linex should be given no earlier than 3 hours after taking the antibiotic.

Linex for children drops in a bottle 8ml

Product description

The dietary supplement Linex Children's Drops contains live lyophilized bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium, which restore and maintain the balance of the child's intestinal microflora. Bifidobacteria (probiotic bacteria) are usually present in the gastrointestinal tract and are called intestinal microflora. The microflora of breastfed infants consists mainly of these bacteria, and they are considered important in early childhood. They maintain a healthy acid-base balance necessary for the normal functioning of digestive enzymes, prevent the development of harmful bacteria, affect intestinal motility (peristalsis) and stimulate the development of the immune system. The healthy balance of intestinal flora can be disrupted by a number of factors, such as viral and bacterial intestinal infections (such as rotavirus infections), antibiotic treatment, or poor diet. An imbalance of microflora manifests itself in the form of colic, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation or atopic dermatitis. Adding bifidobacteria to the diet is useful for maintaining the physiological balance of intestinal microflora, as well as restoring the natural balance.


Sunflower oil (sunflower oil, antioxidants DL-alpha tocopherol and citric acid), lyophilized bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BB-12), sucrose, maltodextrin, antioxidant sodium ascorbate).

Release form

Liquid for oral administration – 8 ml in a bottle (with a dropper dispenser; screw cap with first opening ring); 1 bottle per package.


Restoring and maintaining the balance of the child’s intestinal microflora.

Recommendations for use

Children from birth - 6 drops per day with meals. Drops can be added to milk, dairy or other non-hot drinks. Shake well before use. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Take in consultation with your pediatrician. Duration of admission: 28 days. Repeated appointments are possible within a year.


— allergy to any ingredient of the product; — a deficiency of the immune system has been diagnosed (for example, HIV infection).

special instructions

This dietary supplement does not replace a balanced and varied diet. Before use, consultation with a doctor is recommended. Not a medicine.

Storage conditions

In original packaging at temperatures up to 25 °C. After first opening, store for 28 days. Keep out of the reach of children.

Buy Linex for children drops in a bottle of 8 ml in a pharmacy

Price for Linex for children drops in a bottle of 8 ml

Instructions for use for Linex for children drops in a bottle 8 ml

Linex price for children, where to buy

On average, the price of children's Linex is approximately 450 rubles for 10 pieces. It is best to check with the pharmacy how much the drug costs.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Linex for children sachets 1.5g No. 20Lek
    RUR 310 order
  • Linex for children sachets 1.5g No. 10Lek

    468 RUR order

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How to dilute Linex powder

Linex can be dissolved with breast milk or water

Linex can be administered to treat a child from the first days of birth. But correct therapy directly depends on the dosage of the drug. So you should follow a certain scheme for diluting the active substance:

  • baby’s age – from birth to 2 years – 1 tablet for 1 day;
  • 2-7 years - 1 sachet 2 times a day;
  • 7–12 years – 2 tablets morning and evening, preferably every 12 hours.

The contents of the sachet should be dissolved in a glass of breast milk or water. The resulting consistency is best administered using a bottle. It is recommended to administer the product 30 minutes before or just before feeding. This is necessary so that positive bacteria begin to act before breast milk enters the stomach.

The medicine does not have any smell or taste, so its administration is most often painless and without resistance from the baby. Therefore, the administration is carried out at the moment when the baby is hungry, and there will be no difficulty in administering the drug.

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