Epam 07 30ml. Propolis + herbs to fight viruses for colds, flu, acute respiratory viral infections and allergies

It's no secret that medicine has a significant number of very diverse areas of activity. And if the non-medical community has at least general ideas about some of them, others, on the contrary, are growing with incredible speed with various conjectures and myths that have little to do with reality.

A similar fate befell gastroenterology. We invite you to familiarize yourself with seven myths that have not only become entrenched in the minds of patients, but are also the subject of constant struggle among specialists in this field. But first things first.


Echinacea purpurea herb extract, yellow hawthorn fruits, royal jelly, propolis, mumiyo, thyme herb, sandy immortelle flowers, common yarrow herb, oregano herb, St. John's wort herb, stinging nettle leaves, peppermint leaves, great plantain leaves, motherwort herb five-lobed, chamomile flowers, bergenia rhizomes, Scots pine buds, Scots pine needles, silver birch leaves and buds.

EPAM 7: properties of the drug

EPAM 7 contains plant extracts and bee products, which are known for their ability to strengthen the body's defenses. The product also includes mumiyo, a substance of natural origin that has immunomodulatory, regenerative, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects, increases the adaptogenic capabilities of the body and its resistance to infections. Royal jelly and propolis, when taken together, represent a unique means for maintaining health, nourishing the body with the most valuable active substances and preventing a wide variety of diseases. Propolis combines its immunomodulatory and antibacterial properties with the antioxidant, stimulating and restorative properties of royal jelly, and together they act as synergists (mutually enhance and complement each other’s effects). Echinacea is an effective natural immunostimulant that strengthens the immune system, increases the body's defenses, reduces allergic manifestations, and has antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Hawthorn fruits improve the general condition of the body and relieve headaches. Thyme herb has antiseptic, antispasmodic, antibiotic, antiviral, fungicidal and bactericidal properties, helping to maintain strong immunity. Immortelle tones, has antiviral properties, and supplies the body with antioxidants. Yarrow provides anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiallergic and wound-healing effects. Oregano herb is an excellent natural antiseptic that alleviates the condition of respiratory tract diseases, promotes the removal of sputum, and helps with bronchitis and pneumonia. St. John's wort stimulates the immune system, has antiviral and antibacterial activity, and improves the body's antioxidant defense. Nettle supplies the body with a number of valuable vitamins, cleanses the blood, mint has an antiseptic and antispasmodic effect, helps with colds and viral infections, increases the antitoxic function of the liver, and plantain leaves relieve inflammation and kill pathogenic microorganisms. Motherwort is an excellent general tonic. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect and alleviates the condition against the background of infectious diseases. Bergenia thickleaf has adaptogenic, immunomodulatory, antispasmodic and antipyretic effects. Pine buds and needles help treat colds and provide support to the body during general weakness. Birch leaves and buds relieve inflammatory processes, are excellent disinfectants, and exhibit antimicrobial activity.

The various components of EPAM 7 in combination have the following properties: - increased resistance to viruses, infections and all kinds of environmental irritants; — formation of a protective layer upon contact with the mucous membranes of the organs of the respiratory complex of the body; - reducing the percentage of cholesterol in the body; — stimulation of recovery after serious illnesses; — normalization of metabolism; - analgesic effect of propolis, as well as increasing immune status; — antioxidant effect of flavonoids; - increasing resistance to mental and physical stress.

From application experience

For healthy people to improve performance and vitality: take EPAM 7 1-3 drops 3 times a day. You can drink without a break or in courses of 2-4 months when signs of fatigue or a cold appear.

For colds, flu, ARVI, tick-borne encephalitis: during the acute period, 6-10 drops orally every 1-2 hours, then 4-5 drops 3 times a day until complete recovery.

For acute and chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, and nasal congestion: drop EPAM 7 into the nose, diluting 2-4 times with warm boiled water. Instill 1-2 drops of solution into the nose for acute conditions after 1-2 hours, as it improves, 3-4 times a day, course 2-3 months.

For preventive purposes during a flu epidemic: 3-4 drops orally in 1 tablespoon of warm boiled water 3-4 times a day or into the nose, diluted in the manner described above, 1-2 drops of solution 3-4 times a day. Take for the entire period of the epidemic.

For chronic fatigue, emotional overload, depression and to improve performance: EPAM 7 taken orally 3-4 drops 3-4 times a day for 2-3 months.


Gastroenterology is a field of medicine that covers diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and related organs (liver, pancreas, gall bladder). The influence of balanced functioning of the gastrointestinal tract on the health of the body is great. The process of digestion and assimilation of nutrients from food, the coordinated interaction of the liver, gall bladder and proper nutrition determine the tone of the body, active life and ultimately affect the condition of the skin, hair, heart and kidneys.

The scope of activity of a gastroenterologist is multifaceted and interconnected with a number of related areas of medicine. The specialist diagnoses the organs, identifies foci of the disease, prescribes treatment, and, if necessary, proper nutrition. He is responsible for the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Gastritis;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Colitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Ileitis;
  • Proctitis.

Along with the most common diseases listed, there are a number of specialized areas of activity of a gastroenterologist, when highly specialized knowledge in the field of oncology, surgery, etc. is required. For example, the scope of activity of a hepatologist is liver diseases and everything connected with them, a gastroenterologist oncologist specializes in tumor processes, a gastroenterologist surgeon supervises surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

How effective is treatment via the Internet?

In recent years, “popular” medicine has been developing at hyperbolic speeds. Hundreds of websites are appearing, explaining the causes of diseases, performing remote diagnostics, prescribing treatment, and advertising so-called “folk remedies” for illnesses. So, by looking at a site of this kind, you can conduct a self-diagnosis within a few minutes, identify the disease, and immediately receive a “treatment prescription.” Without tests and examinations, easily, quickly and free of charge, a “doctor” without education or qualifications recommends diets, medications, and cleansing of the body. Such self-medication, at best, will not have any effect on the body, at worst, it will aggravate the situation. It’s one thing when a specialist with a medical education provides popular information to show the essence of the problem, talk about existing treatment methods in Russia or abroad, medicinal and herbal preparations, their effects on the body as a whole or on certain systems and organs, and warns about possible consequences in the absence of treatment, etc. It’s another matter when correspondence recommendations and advertising of dosage forms are provided in the form of a “prescription”.

In this regard, the role of a gastroenterologist as an educator is strengthened: it is necessary to explain to the population that refusal of professional medical care, if necessary, is fraught with serious negative consequences.

It is impossible to recommend treatment in absentia based on reports from site users, much less prescribe medications. Perhaps a person mistakenly identifies the disease. If the patient has a number of chronic concomitant diseases, for example, diabetes, heart and vascular diseases, an incorrectly prescribed drug can provoke a sharp deterioration in health, and sometimes lead to death. Before transferring information from medical sites to yourself, make sure that you are dealing with certified specialists in their field. When advertising a treatment method or medications, a competent gastroenterologist will definitely indicate that before treatment it is necessary to consult with the attending physician and conduct an examination. Be carefull!


Adults: 10 drops (0.5 ml) 2 times a day under the tongue during meals. Shake the bottle before use. Duration of treatment: 1 month.

Echinacea purpurea herb extract, yellow hawthorn fruits, royal jelly, propolis, mumiyo, thyme herb, sandy immortelle flowers, common yarrow herb, oregano herb, St. John's wort herb, stinging nettle leaves, peppermint leaves, great plantain leaves, motherwort herb five-lobed, chamomile flowers, bergenia rhizomes, Scots pine buds, Scots pine needles, silver birch leaves and buds.


Activation of the body's defenses
The Epam 7 product includes extracts of plants and beekeeping products, which are known for their ability to strengthen the body's defenses. Their active substances increase resistance to infections, viruses and adverse environmental influences, and also have a positive effect on various allergic diseases.

A rich source of tannins (polyphenolic compounds) are hawthorn fruits, the extract of which is included in the preparation in high concentration. Hawthorn is traditionally used in the treatment and prevention of colds. The tannins contained in it, when in contact with the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, form a protective layer against infections and irritants. Hawthorn improves blood circulation, stimulates the heart muscle, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and speeds up recovery after serious illnesses.

Flavonoids of medicinal plants in Epam 7 are natural immunomodulators; they help the body fight foreign agents and negative environmental factors. In addition, flavonoids have antioxidant functions and help normalize metabolism. Their action is complemented by iridoids, which act as natural antibiotics and are contained in plantain and yarrow extracts.

For full functioning, the body's defenses need decenoic acids , their sources are royal jelly and propolis. Bee products are known as powerful biostimulants that help strengthen the body. Royal jelly is a powerful adaptogen that increases resistance to physical and mental stress. Propolis has an analgesic effect, improves immune status and contains minerals, vitamins and amino acids necessary for the body: calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, B vitamins, vitamins C, E and A, glycine, alanine, etc.

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