Analogue of Essentiale forte N, what can replace the drug

Diseases affecting the liver cause severe pain and discomfort. Those suffering from such diseases are well familiar with the drug called Essentiale Forte N. The effectiveness of this drug has been proven by multiple trials of the drug. Essentiale Forte N is included in the category of hepatoprotectors, the main activity of which is to resume the work of liver cells and preserve their functional purpose. Hepatocytes, also called liver cells, are involved in regulating the metabolism that occurs in lipid and carbohydrate environments. What are the analogues of Essentiale Forte N?

How to replace Essentiale Forte liver tablets?

October 19, 2022



  • When is Essentiale prescribed?
  • How to choose the right analogue of Essentiale Forte?
  • Drugs - analogues of "Essentiale Forte"
  • Essliver Forte
  • Phosphogliv
  • Hepaphor
  • Heptor
  • Fosphonziale

Often, for liver diseases, doctors prescribe the popular remedy “Essentiale Forte N”. It saturates the organ with important phospholipids, supporting proper liver function. The only disadvantage of the drug is its high cost. Let's look at a list of Essentiale analogues that are more affordable.

Our liver performs many tasks in the body: it participates in the formation of immunity, fights infections, removes toxins, participates in digestion, blood circulation, metabolic processes, utilizes carbohydrates and lipids.

For problems with the liver, doctors often prescribe drugs to improve its functioning - hepatoprotectors. And the most famous drug from this group is Essentiale Forte. This German medicine can be purchased in capsule form and in injection form. You can buy “Essentiale” in a pharmacy without a prescription; the active substance of the drug is essential phospholipids (components of liver cells).

Against the background of liver diseases, the organ cells called hepatocytes are primarily affected. The drug contains phospholipids, identical in composition to natural ones. “Essentiale” helps the liver recover, perform its function of detoxifying the body, improves metabolic processes in the organ, regulates cholesterol levels, and normalizes the composition of bile.

Essentiale forte N caps 300 mg N30 (Sanofi)

Essentiale N is a hepatoprotector. Pharmacodynamics Essential phospholipids are the main elements of the structure of the cell membrane and cellular organelles. In liver diseases, there is always damage to the membranes of liver cells and their organelles, which leads to disturbances in the activity of enzymes and receptor systems associated with them, deterioration in the functional activity of liver cells and a decrease in the ability to regenerate. The phospholipids included in the drug Essentiale Forte N correspond in their chemical structure of endogenous phospholipids, but are superior to endogenous phospholipids in activity due to their higher content of PUFAs (essential fatty acids). The integration of these high-energy molecules into damaged areas of hepatocyte cell membranes restores the integrity of liver cells and promotes their regeneration. Cis-double bonds from PUFAs prevent the parallel arrangement of hydrocarbon chains in the phospholipids of cell membranes; the phospholipid structure of the cell membranes of hepatocytes is “loosened,” which increases their fluidity and elasticity, improves metabolism. The resulting functional blocks increase the activity of enzymes fixed on membranes and promote normal physiological pathways of the most important metabolic processes. Phospholipids, which are part of the drug Essentiale forte N, regulate the metabolism of lipoproteins, transferring neutral fats and cholesterol to sites of oxidation, mainly by increasing the ability of HDL to bind to cholesterol. Thus, there is a normalizing effect on metabolism lipids and proteins; on the detoxification function of the liver; to restore and preserve the cellular structure of the liver and phospholipid-dependent enzyme systems, which ultimately prevents the formation of connective tissue in the liver and promotes the natural restoration of liver cells. With the excretion of phospholipids into the bile, the lithogenic index decreases and the bile is stabilized. Pharmacokinetics More than 90% of phospholipids taken orally are absorbed into small intestine. Most of them are cleaved by phospholipase A to 1-acyl-lysophosphatidylcholine, 50% of which is immediately reverse acetylated into polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine during the absorption process in the intestinal mucosa. This polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine enters the bloodstream through the lymph and from there, mainly bound to HDL, enters the liver. Pharmacokinetic studies in humans were carried out using dilinoleyl-phosphatidylcholine with a radioactive label (3H and 14C). The choline part was labeled with 3H, and the linoleic acid residue was labeled with 14C. Cmax 3H is achieved 6–24 hours after administration and is 19.9% ​​of the prescribed dose. T1/2 of the choline component is 66 hours. Cmax 14C is achieved 4–12 hours after administration and is up to 27.9% of the prescribed dose. T1/2 of this component is 32 hours. In feces, 2% of the administered dose of 3H and 4.5% of the administered dose of 14C are found, in urine - 6% of 3H and only a minimal amount of 14C. Both isotopes are more than 90% absorbed into intestines.

When is Essentiale prescribed?

The drug is prescribed for the following problems (for treatment and prevention):

  • chronic hepatitis of any etiology;
  • fibrotic changes in the liver;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • fatty hepatosis (“fatty liver”);
  • liver damage from alcohol, drugs, toxins or poisons;
  • toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • liver dysfunction due to somatic diseases;
  • as part of complex therapy of psoriasis;
  • radiation and radiation injuries.

Contraindications to taking Essentiale Forte: age under 12 years, allergy to soy products. Capsules are taken with plenty of water. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Essentiale is usually well tolerated, and side effects are very rare. Sometimes possible minor disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, skin rashes. If you are taking blood thinners, be sure to tell your doctor. The drug is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Essentiale Forte N
A.Nattermann, Germany

Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, fatty liver of various etiologies, toxic liver damage, alcoholic hepatitis, liver dysfunction in other somatic diseases, toxicosis of pregnancy, prevention of relapse of gallstones, psoriasis (as a means of auxiliary therapy), radiation syndrome.
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Essentiale forte N for restoration of liver cells capsules No. 30

A country

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Active substance



Hard gelatin opaque capsules No. 1 are brown in color, containing an oily paste-like mass of yellowish-brown color. 1 capsule contains: active ingredient: phospholipids from soybeans, containing 76% (3-sn-phosphatidyl) - choline (synonyms: EPL, essential phospholipids ) – 300 mg; auxiliary ingredients: solid fat – 57,000 mg, soybean oil – 36,000 mg, hydrogenated castor oil – 1,600 mg, ethanol 96% – 8,100 mg, ethyl vanillin – 1,500 mg, 4-methoxyacetophenone – 0.800 mg, ?-tocopherol – 0.750 mg. Capsule composition: gelatin – 67.945 mg, purified water – 11.495 mg, titanium dioxide (E 171) – 0.830 mg, yellow iron oxide dye (E 172) – 2.075 mg, black iron oxide dye (E 172) – 0.332 mg, iron dye red oxide (E 172) – 0.198 mg, sodium lauryl sulfate – 0.125 mg. Release form: Capsules 300 mg. 10 or 15 capsules in a blister of PVC and aluminum foil, PVC/PTFE and aluminum foil or PVC/PE/PVDC and aluminum foil.1) 3 blisters of 10 capsules each with instructions for use in a cardboard box.2) 2 blisters of 15 capsules each with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

PharmacodynamicsEssential phospholipids are the main elements of the structure of the cell membrane and cellular organelles. In liver diseases, there is always damage to the membranes of liver cells and their organelles, which leads to disturbances in the activity of enzymes and receptor systems associated with them, deterioration in the functional activity of liver cells and a decrease in the ability to regenerate. The phospholipids included in the drug Essentiale® forte N correspond to their chemical structure to endogenous phospholipids, but are superior to endogenous phospholipids in activity due to their higher content of polyunsaturated (essential) fatty acids. The integration of these high-energy molecules into damaged areas of hepatocyte cell membranes restores the integrity of liver cells and promotes their regeneration. The cis-double bonds of their polyunsaturated fatty acids prevent the parallel arrangement of hydrocarbon chains in the phospholipids of cell membranes; the phospholipid structure of the cell membranes of hepatocytes is “loosened,” which increases their fluidity and elasticity and improves metabolism. The resulting functional blocks increase the activity of enzymes fixed on membranes and contribute to the normal, physiological pathway of the most important metabolic processes. Phospholipids included in the drug Essentiale® forte regulate the metabolism of lipoproteins, transferring neutral fats and cholesterol to sites of oxidation, mainly due to the increase the ability of high-density lipoproteins to bind to cholesterol. Thus, there is a normalizing effect on the metabolism of lipids and proteins; on the detoxification function of the liver; to restore and preserve the cellular structure of the liver and phospholipid-dependent enzyme systems; which ultimately prevents the formation of connective tissue in the liver and promotes the natural restoration of liver cells. When phospholipids are excreted into bile, the lithogenic index decreases and bile is stabilized. Pharmacokinetics More than 90% of phospholipids taken orally are absorbed in the small intestine. Most of them are cleaved by phospholipase A to 1-acyl-lysophosphatidylcholine, 50% of which is immediately reverse acetylated into polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine during the absorption process in the intestinal mucosa. This polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine enters the bloodstream through the lymph and from there, mainly bound to high-density lipoproteins, enters the liver. Pharmacokinetic studies in humans were carried out using dilinoleyl phosphatidylcholine with a radioactive label (3H and 14C). The choline moiety was labeled with 3H, and the linoleic acid residue was labeled with 14C. The maximum concentration of 3H is reached 6-24 hours after administration and is 19.9% ​​of the prescribed dose. The half-life of the choline component is 66 hours. The maximum concentration of 14C is reached 4-12 hours after administration and is up to 27.9% of the prescribed dose. The half-life of this component is 32 hours. In feces, 2% of the administered dose of 3H and 4.5% of the administered dose of 14C are found, in urine - 6% of 3H and only a minimal amount of 14C. Both isotopes are more than 90% absorbed in the intestine.

Indications for use

— Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, fatty liver of various etiologies, toxic liver damage, alcoholic hepatitis, liver dysfunction in other somatic diseases. — Toxicosis of pregnancy. — Prevention of relapse of gallstone formation. — Psoriasis (as an adjuvant therapy).— Radiation syndrome.

Mode of application

Inside. The capsules should be swallowed whole with a sufficient amount of water (approximately 1 glass). For adolescents over 12 years of age and weighing more than 43 kg, as well as for adults, Essentiale® forte N is recommended to take 2 capsules - 3 times a day with meals. As a rule, , the duration of use is not limited.


The interaction of the drug Essentiale® forte N with anticoagulants cannot be excluded. It is necessary to adjust the dose of anticoagulants when used together with Essentiale® forte N.

Side effect

The drug Essentiale® forte N is usually well tolerated by patients. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), side effects are classified according to their frequency of development as follows: very often (? 1/10), often (? 1/100, Contraindications Hypersensitivity to phosphatidylcholine , soy, soybeans or other ingredients of the drug. Children under 12 years of age (lack of sufficient evidence base). Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding Pregnancy The use of Essentiale® forte N during pregnancy is not recommended without medical supervision. There is not enough research. Period breastfeedingTo date, no risks have been identified when using products containing soy during breastfeeding.However, due to the lack of appropriate studies involving women during breastfeeding, the use of Essentiale® forte N during breastfeeding is not recommended.


The use of Essentiale® forte N in doses exceeding the recommended ones may lead to increased side effects.

special instructions

Essentiale® forte N may cause severe allergic reactions because it contains soybean oil. Patients should be informed that taking Essentiale® forte N does not replace the need to avoid the damaging effects of certain substances on the liver (for example, alcohol). Supportive care phospholipids is justified only if the subjective signs of the condition improve during treatment. Patients should be advised to consult a physician if symptoms worsen or other unclear symptoms occur.

How to choose the right analogue of Essentiale Forte?

Analogues of “Essentiale” are identical in composition (“Essliver”, “Essential phospholipids”, “Phosphogliv”, “Phosphonciale”) and similar in action (“Karsil”, “Heptor”, “Gepafor”).

If you decide to replace Essentiale with an inexpensive analogue, be sure to consult your doctor. Choose products with a similar composition - then they will act like Essentiale. The form of release and dosage of the analogue also matters - based on this, the doctor will determine the course of treatment.

Essliver Forte

An Indian drug for liver cell restoration, sold in the form of capsules and injections. Essliver Forte capsules can be purchased without a prescription. This is a hepatoprotector with a combined composition: phospholipids plus vitamin B (thiamine), riboflavin, vitamin E, nicotinamide, etc. “Essliver Forte” stimulates metabolic processes in the liver, restores organ cells, regulates fat metabolism, improves the composition of bile, protects the liver in stress conditions. The effect of phospholipids is enhanced by vitamins. The drug is prescribed for problems with lipid metabolism, cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis, liver damage from toxins, drugs, alcohol, and radiation. Among the contraindications

– hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
The course of treatment with Essliver lasts approximately three months, and the dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor. Side effects
are practically not observed, very rarely - gastrointestinal disorders, rashes. Essliver Forte should be used with caution in children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Essliver forte
OJSC "Nizhpharm", Russia

Lipid metabolism disorders of various origins;
fatty liver of various etiologies; cirrhosis of the liver; alcoholic and drug-induced liver damage; drug-induced liver damage; radiation damage to the liver; psoriasis (as part of combination therapy). from 98


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A Russian drug for the liver, which can be bought in the form of capsules and lyophilisate for preparing a solution. Phosphogliv contains essential phospholipids and sodium glycyrrhizinate. It is a hepatoprotector that stimulates the immune system and protects against viruses. “Phosphogliv” protects liver cells from negative influences, stops the development of cirrhosis, improves the liver’s function in removing toxins and purifying the blood. "Phosphogliv" is prescribed for chronic and acute hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, liver damage from toxins, drugs and alcohol, liver fibrosis, in the complex treatment of neurodermatitis, eczema and psoriasis, and in case of poisoning. Contraindications:

age up to 12 years, intolerance to the drug components, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Take Phosphogliv with plenty of water. Side effects
include digestive disorders, decreased potassium levels, increased blood pressure, and swelling.

JSC Pharmstandard-UfaVITA, Russia

The combined drug Phosphogliv has membrane-stabilizing, hepatoprotective and antiviral effects.
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A domestic drug that is an analogue of Essentiale not in composition, but in effect. You can buy Gepafor without a prescription; it is sold in capsule form. This hepatoprotector contains milk thistle extract and lacto-bifidobacteria. The product slows down damage to hepatocytes, reduces the negative effects of free radicals, and reduces inflammation. The beneficial intestinal bacteria in the composition improve metabolic processes and help the absorption of vitamins, minerals and lipids. "Gepafor" improves the flow of bile and prevents the formation of stones in the gall bladder. The drug is prescribed for damage to liver cells (including alcohol and drugs), hepatitis, cirrhosis, obesity, and viral liver damage. Contraindications:

allergic reactions, pregnancy and lactation, childhood.
The dosage is determined by the doctor, the course of treatment is a month. If necessary, treatment courses are repeated after two to three months. “side effects”
, sometimes allergic reactions or loose stools.

Probiotics, Russia

Gepafor is a combined multicomponent drug with targeted hepatoprotective action.
Used by adults of all age groups in complex therapy in the treatment of: - toxic liver damage (including drugs); — acute and chronic hepatitis, including medicinal ones (including those developed during the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs) and to restore normal intestinal flora; — chronic hepatitis of various etiologies, including dysfunction of the biliary tract; - liver cirrhosis; — conditions after hepatitis; - acute viral hepatitis. The drug is used for prophylactic purposes in cases of chronic intoxication (including occupational intoxication), long-term use of medications and alcohol. from 295

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Composition of the drug

Essentiale forte N - capsules

The composition of the drug Essentiale Forte N includes phospholipid compounds that are essential for the body. Their activity is based on the normalization of all types of metabolism occurring in liver cells. At the same time, the effect of this drug is aimed at restoring the structure of hepatocytes, as well as their functions. Phospholipids included in Essentiale Forte N prevent the development of fibrosis in liver tissue.

Essential phospholipids are similar in structure to the phospholipids found in the liver. Therefore, liver cells often mistake incoming medicinal components for their own. At the same time, essential phospholipids perform the same functions as the liver cells’ own compounds.

This incredible similarity of phospholipids is achieved through the high concentration in them of a special group of compounds containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. Unsaturated linoleic acid plays a major role among these acids. The functions of phospholipids include their formation of structural components of many parts of cells and the cell membranes themselves. These organic compounds are indispensable for cell differentiation, and also ensure the processes of their division and restoration (regeneration).

The variety of functions performed by phospholipids is due to their special amphiphilic properties that stimulate the processes of cell membrane permeability. Their activity improves the performance of cell membrane functions, including as a result of ion exchange. Special properties help phospholipids carry out intracellular respiration and all stages of complex biological oxidation occurring in cells. Phospholipids help bind various enzyme compounds inside mitochondria as a result of their intracellular respiration. Thanks to the activity of phospholipids in cells, oxidative phosphorylation occurs, which is an integral stage of energy metabolism in cells.

During the normal functioning of the body, the formation of phospholipids meets the growing demands of hepatocytes, the structure of which contains them in abundance. When all kinds of diseases develop in the liver, there is a disruption in the structure of cell membranes, as well as in the functioning of enzymes. There are disruptions in the formation of phospholipids, due to the lack of which the functioning of cell membranes ceases. Mitochondria, consisting of more than thirty percent phospholipids, are the first to suffer from such failures. An insufficient amount of phospholipids in mitochondria slows down many metabolic processes, especially oxidative phosphorylation, which is important for the whole organism. The lack of phospholipid compounds also affects the functioning of fat metabolism, which stops and fatty degeneration occurs.

The therapeutic effect of Essentiale Forte N helps eliminate liver problems and also stimulates the processes of restoration of cell membranes.


Domestic drug for the treatment of the liver. You can buy Heptor in tablets or as a lyophilisate for injection. This hepatoprotector is an analogue of Essentiale, not in composition, but in action. The active substance of the drug is ademetionine. “Heptor” dilutes bile and helps it drain better, restores organ cells, protects against fibrosis and free radicals. The drug reduces the level of bilirubin and bile acids, which reduces skin itching. Heptor is prescribed for bile stagnation, cirrhosis (and conditions preceding it), fatty hepatosis, chronic hepatitis, negative effects on the liver of drugs, alcohol, and viruses. The drug also has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, so it is prescribed for stress and depression. Contraindications:

genetic diseases, age under 18 years, intolerance to the components of the drug.
The drug is prescribed with caution to elderly people who have heart and kidney diseases, as well as those who take antidepressants and products with tryptophan. Side effects
include disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, and skin rashes.

Veropharm / Lance-Farm, Russia

Heptor belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors with antidepressant activity.
It has detoxifying, regenerating, antioxidant, antifibrosing and neuroprotective effects. from 658


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This liver drug is available in the form of capsules and ampoules for injection and is sold without a prescription. The hepatoprotector contains essential phospholipids in combination with silymarin (a substance from milk thistle extract). "Fosphonciale" is indicated for diseases of the liver and gall bladder. The drug normalizes metabolic processes in the liver, improves its functioning, restores and protects organ cells, slows down the development of fibrosis, and has a choleretic effect. Phosphonciale is prescribed for acute and chronic hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis, gestosis in pregnant women, intoxications of various natures, and lipid metabolism disorders. Contraindication

– only intolerance to the components of the drug.
The course of treatment is three months (in some cases up to 12 months). Side effects
are minor digestive disorders.

Kanonpharma Production (Canon), Russia

As part of complex therapy: chronic hepatitis of non-viral etiology;
fatty liver of various origins; alcoholic hepatitis; liver cirrhosis, liver dysfunction due to other somatic diseases; psoriasis (auxiliary therapy); lipid metabolism disorders, prevention of liver damage due to chronic intoxication (long-term use of medications, alcohol, work in hazardous industries). from 404


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In addition to Essentiale Forte N, scientists have developed many other medications that help liver cells return to performing their functions. Arriving at the pharmacy, the pharmacist will offer a huge range of medications that have a positive therapeutic effect on liver diseases. In addition, analogues of this drug are much cheaper, and the effect of their use is the same as when using the drug Essentiale Forte N.

Similar substitutes for Essentiale Forte N contain the same medicinal compounds as the drug itself. The names of these medicines are assigned by international nomenclature.

Essliver forte

Essliver forte - capsules

One of the most well-known substitutes for Essentiale Forte N is a drug called Essliver Forte. This drug has become widespread among the Russian population due to its low price. Despite this, this drug has some disadvantages. The drug Essliver forte requires a long course of administration. Typically, taking this drug is calculated from three to twelve months of use.

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