Is Lavomax and alcohol really a life-threatening combination?

pharmachologic effect

Lavomax tablets have an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

The active component stimulates the production of interferons in the body. After the administration of Lavomax, interferon is produced mainly by hepatocytes, intestinal epithelial cells, neutrophils, and T-lymphocytes.

After the antiviral drug Lavomax has been taken orally, the highest degree of interferon production occurs as follows: intestines-liver-blood. This process begins after 4-24 hours. Under its influence, brain stem cells are stimulated, antibodies , and the degree of immunosuppression is reduced. There is also a restoration of the T-helper/T-suppressor ratio.

Wikipedia shows that the medicine demonstrates effectiveness against a variety of viruses, including influenza , hepatitis , herpes , neurotropic viruses, and cytomegaloviruses .

The mechanism of its influence is associated with the process of inhibiting the translation of virus-specific proteins in those cells that have been infected. As a result, viral reproduction is suppressed.

Possible consequences of combination

As a result of joint use, patients may develop a complex depressed state, including suicidal thoughts and actions.
This condition is called interferon-induced depression in medical circles. This condition requires separate specialized therapy with antidepressant drugs. Active interferon production can negatively affect the body, enhancing the alcoholic effect. In other words, the negative impact on the liver, brain structures, cardiovascular activity and other body systems traditionally suppressed by alcohol increases many times over.

A patient with such a mixture may experience an epileptic seizure or acute respiratory failure (suffocation). Such reactions are considered life-threatening, so the question of whether it is possible to combine them disappears in itself.

The simultaneous use of intoxicating drinks with tablets can cause disruptions in the enzymatic production and metabolic processes of the body. The reaction to such mixing is unpredictable, so experts do not recommend following the fleeting desire to have fun at a party. The likely consequences are very dangerous, so you should not play with your health. Less dangerous is an allergic reaction that can occur as a result of mixing alcohol.

If it happens that you have to skip taking the drug, then its active components are still retained in the blood, and the body already has a considerable amount of interferon. Therefore, you should not combine incompatible things and expose your health to unnecessary risks. When combining alcohol with the drug, even if the symptoms that appear appear erased, it is necessary to call a specialist as soon as possible.

Indications for use

The instructions for the drug define the following indications for the use of Lavomax in adult patients:

  • viral hepatitis A, B, C;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • herpetic infection;
  • viral and infectious-allergic encephalomyelitis
  • tuberculosis ;
  • nongonococcal urethritis;
  • respiratory and urogenital chlamydia ;
  • influenza and ARVI .

Lavomax is used as part of complex treatment.


Experts warn patients undergoing treatment with Lavomax that it is impossible to combine it with alcohol until the end of the therapeutic course. This remedy is highly effective in the treatment of colds, bacterial and viral infections, however, its effectiveness can only be expected if all requirements and recommendations are met.

As for the effectiveness declared by the manufacturer, most patients confirm it, however, when combined with ethanol, many experienced health problems such as vomiting, drowsiness, headaches, etc. Therefore, be more prudent and take care of your health.

Lavomax tablets, instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of Lavomax, the tablets should be taken after meals.

Patients with influenza and ARVI are prescribed 125 mg of Lavomax in the first 2 days, then 125 mg every other day. A total dose of 750 mg is used throughout the course of treatment.

To prevent influenza and ARVI, you need to take 125 mg of Lavomax once a week for six weeks.

For the treatment of viral hepatitis A, 125 mg of the drug is prescribed twice a day, after which you need to take 125 mg of the drug every other day. The total dose per course is 1.25 g.

For the treatment of hepatitis B in acute form, a dose of 125 mg of drugs is prescribed in the first two days, then 125 mg every other day. The total dose per course is 2 g. If the disease is protracted, then the total dose per course is 2.5 g (that is, 20 tablets)

If a patient is diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B The total dose of Lavomax per course is 3.75-5 g. The duration of therapy can be up to 6 months. In this case, the doctor takes into account the results of laboratory tests that characterize the activity of the pathological process in the patient.

For hepatitis C in acute form, 125 mg of Lavomax is prescribed in the first 2 days, then 125 mg every other day. The total dose per course is 2.5 g. In the case of chronic hepatitis C, 250 mg is prescribed in the first two days, then 125 mg every other day. The total dose per course is 5 g. The duration of administration is determined by the doctor, taking into account laboratory parameters. Therapy can last up to 6 months.

When treating cytomegalovirus or herpetic infections, 125 mg of Lavomax is prescribed in the first 2 days, then in the same dose every other day. The total dose per course is 2.5 g. Treatment of genital herpes involves a similar dosage regimen.

Patients with non-gonococcal urethritis , respiratory and urogenital chlamydia are prescribed 125 mg in the first 2 days, then in the same dose every other day. The total dose per course is 1.25 g.

The complex treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis includes taking 250 mg of Lavomax in the first 2 days, then 125 mg every other day. The dose per course is 2.5 g.

In the complex treatment of neuroviral infections, the dosage is determined by the doctor on an individual basis. Treatment lasts 4 weeks.


Lavomax is able to influence both the immune system and the nervous system activity of patients. This factor sometimes causes adverse reactions such as chills, allergic reactions or dyspepsia. If you combine Lavomax with drinking alcohol, the likelihood of the above reactions increases many times over. Moreover, similar reactions occur in a more complex form.

When Lavomax interacts with alcohol:

  1. General condition worsens;
  2. Excessive fatigue is observed;
  3. It is difficult for the patient to concentrate and concentrate;
  4. The state of drowsiness increases;
  5. The ability to work is lost.

In addition, medications in combination with ethanol have a detrimental effect on liver tissue, nervous system and renal activity. Lavomax negatively affects the nervous system, causing short temper, irritability, and excitability. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to combine it with alcohol, which has a similar effect, otherwise both of these substances will mutually reinforce each other’s side reactions.

Lavomax's analogues

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Anaferon for children






Those who are interested in whether cheaper analogs of Lavomax are available for sale should be aware of the existence of drugs with similar effects, such as Amiksin and Tiloron . These drugs are produced by Russian pharmaceutical companies, so their cost is lower.

Actaviron , Tiloram and Tilaxin have a similar effect on the body .

Lavomax price, where to buy

How much the medicine costs depends on the packaging of the drug. The price of Lavomax tablets (6 pieces) is about 500 rubles. Packaging cost is 10 pcs. – about 850 rub.

The price of Lavomax in Ukraine is about 100 hryvnia per pack of 3 pieces. Buy medicine in a package of 10 pcs. possible for about 400 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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