What are Maalox tablets for? If you have a sick stomach, they will bring you back to life

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are very unpleasant and constantly bother a person. Treating them takes a lot of time and requires not only taking medications, but also following strict nutritional rules. Every person who has such problems begins to look for remedies that can help quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations. Before taking Omez, you should read the instructions for use.

Omez. Capsules

Help with ulcers

One of the high-quality and effective drugs that help with stomach ulcers is Omez. The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but before purchasing and taking Omez you need to read the description of the drug. Particular attention should be paid to contraindications and side effects. Also, if a specific gastrointestinal disease has been diagnosed, you should consult with your doctor.

What group of drugs does Omez belong to?

Omez is a drug from the group of inhibitors that has an antiulcer effect. The substance in the medicinal composition that affects the body is omeprazole, which inhibits H+K+ATP-ase, that is, the proton pump, in gastric parietal cells.

Due to this, most of the synthesized stage of hydrochloric acid is blocked. The result of this reaction is a significant drop in the level of secretion, both basal and stimulated, regardless of the irritating nature.

Prevention of ulcers and gastritis

  • All prevention of gastritis and ulcers is aimed at protecting the stomach and gastrointestinal tract as a whole from unfavorable factors that can become a trigger for the development of gastritis and ulcers. The very first thing is a balanced diet, in which “harmful” foods are excluded or strictly limited: fried foods, smoked and spicy foods, spices, semi-cooked and raw dishes from meat, poultry and fish, alcohol and smoking.

Important: Tobacco smoke spreads throughout the circulatory system instantly and, having a negative effect on blood vessels, can cause spasm, including spasm of the stomach vessels. Which can worsen the quality of the organ’s work.

  • The temperature of the food is also important. Too cold or too hot - drinks and solid foods can injure not only the gastric mucosa, but also the esophagus. Which can also cause serious illness.
  • The diet in general is also important. Long hungry breaks, constant overeating to the point of “breathing hard”, different meal times, eating before bed - all this is a sure harbinger of imminent problems not only with the stomach, but also with the nervous system.
  • Important: do not overuse medications and reach for the first aid kit at the slightest provocation. Uncontrolled use of vitamins, medications and dietary supplements is also a direct path to gastrointestinal disorders.

Interesting Facts:

  • It takes 7-10 seconds for food to enter the stomach.
  • The stomach of an adult can hold 1.5 liters of liquid
  • The stomach is not able to “stretch”. Even after overeating, he is able to return to his true size.
  • The muscles of the stomach are so strong that even if we eat upside down, the food will fall where it is needed and remain there.
  • The concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is so high that if there were no protective substances in the gastric juice and mucous membrane, it would burn out its own stomach. The stomach acidity coefficient (pH) is 1.2. Which allows you to digest small bones, wood and even plastic!
  • The stomach is very closely connected with the parts of the brain that are responsible for emotions. Thus, our emotions can directly influence the functioning of the stomach. The psychosomatics of stomach diseases says that if there is a disease, it means that a person does not “digest” the situation or people in his life well.

So keep an eye on your emotions to stay healthy and happy!

Efficacy of the drug

A noticeable result from taking the medicine occurs after one hour and lasts about a day. When the acute stage of inflammation passes, omeprozole is discontinued, and the secretory activity of the exocrine glands is restored within three to five days.

The intestines are cleared of this drug very quickly.

For patients with duodenal ulcer, maintaining intragastric pH is 3 units and lasts for seventeen hours.

Omez D

Release form of the drug

To avoid masking symptoms and making an incorrect diagnosis, the patient is examined before prescribing Omez. Especially with peptic ulcer disease, a precise exclusion of the presence of malignant development of the disease is revealed.

The release form of the drug Omez is acid-resistant capsules; the dissolution of the granules of the active substance is observed directly in the intestines. It is recommended to take the drug with a small amount of water in the morning. The drug Omez is available only in capsules and powders; there are no other forms. All three forms of release should be given:

Directions for use and dosage

Maalox suspension

The drug Maalox is used to treat patients over 15 years of age. When taking the drug, it is recommended to chew the tablets thoroughly until they are completely absorbed. The usual time of administration is one or two hours after meals, as well as before bedtime. If you have reflux esophagitis, it is recommended to take the medicine a shorter time after eating.

It is allowed to take tablets if there is discomfort or discomfort in the stomach area. In this case, a single dose of one or two Maalox tablets is sufficient.

The suspension is offered to customers in two forms:

  • in a bottle;
  • in small opaque bags.

In the latter case, they must be thoroughly kneaded with your fingers before use. The medicine does not need to be dissolved in water. The contents of the sachet are taken orally. Take one or two hours after meals and immediately before bedtime. One sachet contains 15 grams of suspension.

If Maalox is taken for stomach pain, it is enough to use one sachet for an effective effect. In the presence of reflux esophagitis, the suspension is taken after 30 - 60 minutes. If the patient suffers from a peptic ulcer, take the medicine half an hour before meals.

There is a limit on the dose that can be taken in one day. It should not exceed six sachets or, what is the same, 90 grams of suspension.

Dosage for various diseases

Omez. Insta

For any purpose, the capsules are taken orally and washed down with a small amount of water. Capsules should not be opened or chewed; they immediately lose their effect.

In most cases, Omez is prescribed for a course of approximately four to eight weeks.

Take one capsule per day, preferably in the morning. But if the disease is in an acute stage, the dosage may increase and the duration of administration may change. But all these parameters will be strictly determined by a specialist.

Dosage of the drug Omez D

The doctor should prescribe the exact dosage of the drug depending on the patient’s condition, but there is a certain regimen for taking Omez for various diseases.

Take 1 capsule twice a day with a small amount of water. The drug is taken after consulting a doctor and 15-20 minutes before meals.

Dosage of the drug Omez Insta

30 minutes before a meal, pour the contents of the sachet into a glass. Add 1-2 tablespoons of water there, mix everything thoroughly until a suspension is formed and drink immediately. It is not advisable to dilute the drug with other liquids.

Omez Intsa is used to quickly relieve an attack of heartburn, and for this a single dose is sufficient.


Active substances with pH-dependent absorption

Reducing the acidity of gastric juice when using omeprazole can increase or decrease the absorption of pharmacologically active substances.

Nelfinavir, atazanavir

When used concomitantly with omeprazole, a significant decrease in plasma concentrations of atazanavir and nelfinavir may be observed.

The simultaneous use of omeprazole and nelfinavir is contraindicated. Concomitant use of omeprazole (40 mg daily) reduces nelfinavir exposure by approximately 40%, and mean exposure to the pharmacologically active metabolite M8 is reduced by 75-90%. The interaction may involve a mechanism of CYP1C19 inhibition.

Concomitant use of omeprazole with atazanavir is not recommended. Coadministration of omeprazole (40 mg daily) and atazanavir 300 mg/ritonavir 100 mg in healthy volunteers resulted in a 75% reduction in atazanavir exposure. Increasing the atazanavir dose to 400 mg does not compensate for the effect of omeprazole on atazanavir exposure.

Administration of 20 mg omeprazole per day with 400 mg atazanavir and 100 mg ritonavir to healthy volunteers resulted in an approximately 30% reduction in atazanavir exposure and was comparable to exposure with a single dose of 300 mg atazanavir and 100 mg ritonavir.


Concomitant treatment with omeprazole (20 mg daily) and digoxin in healthy volunteers increased the bioavailability of digoxin by 10%. Although glycoside toxicity with omeprazole is not a common event, increased monitoring is necessary, especially when treating elderly patients.


In a crossover clinical study, the duration of taking clopidogrel at a loading dose of 300 mg (75 mg per day) and the combination of clopidogrel with omeprazole at a dose of 80 mg was 5 days. Exposure to the active metabolite of clopidogrel was reduced by 46% (on day 1) and 42% (on day 5) when clopidogrel was coadministered with omeprazole. The mean time to platelet aggregation inhibition was reduced by 47% (24 hours) and 30% (day 5) when clopidogrel and omeprazole were co-administered.

Another study showed that taking clopidogrel and omeprazole at different times did not prevent their interaction, which is likely due to the inhibitory effect of omeprazole on CYP2C19.

Observational and clinical studies have provided conflicting data on the clinical impact of these PK/PD interactions on the development of severe cardiovascular events.

Other medicines

The absorption of posaconazole, erlotinib, ketoconazole and itraconazole is significantly reduced, and their clinical effectiveness is accordingly impaired.

Avoid co-administration of omeprazole with posaconazole or erlotinib.

Medicines metabolized by the CYP2C19 isoenzyme

Omeprazole moderately inhibits CYP2C19, the main enzyme in the metabolism of omeprazole. Therefore, the metabolism of other drugs also metabolized by CYP2C19 may be reduced and their systemic exposure increased. Examples of such drugs are R-warfarin and other vitamin K antagonists, cilostazol, diazepam and phenytoin.


In a crossover clinical study, administration of omeprazole 40 mg to healthy volunteers increased the Cmax and AUC of cilostazol by 18% and 26%, respectively, and one of the active metabolites of cilostazol by 29% and 69%, respectively.


Monitoring plasma concentrations of phenytoin is recommended during the first two weeks after initiation of omeprazole therapy and in case of dose adjustment of phenytoin. Monitoring and subsequent dose adjustment of phenytoin should be carried out until the end of treatment with omeprazole.

Unknown mechanism of interaction


Coadministration of omeprazole and saquinavir/ritonavir is well tolerated in HIV-infected patients and also results in a reduction in saquinavir plasma concentrations of approximately 70%.


Coadministration with omeprazole increases the serum concentration of tacrolimus. Increased monitoring of tacrolimus concentrations and renal function (creatinine clearance) should be carried out, with tacrolimus dose adjustments if necessary.

The influence of other drugs on the pharmacokinetics of omeprazole

Inhibitors of the isoenzyme CYP2C19 and/or CYP3A4

Given the metabolism of omeprazole through the isoenzymes CYP2C19 and CYP3A4, drugs that can inhibit these enzymes (such as clarithromycin and voriconazole) may increase the serum concentration of omeprazole, reducing the rate of its metabolism.

Side effects

Omez is a potent drug and it changes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, with its long-term use, the following troubles may occur:

  • constipation or diarrhea
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea, flatulence, vomiting
  • taste disturbance
  • dry mouth

Therefore, if a person taking Omez observes these manifestations, he should immediately stop taking the medication and consult a specialist.

In addition, there is such a thing as an overdose. If the patient experiences confusion, pain in the back of the head or tachycardia, this indicates an overdose of Omez. It is necessary to call emergency assistance in such cases.

What do Maalox tablets help with?

Maalox will help with heartburn

This medicine is effective in the following cases:

  1. Exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  2. Hiatal hernia.
  3. In this way, dyspeptic disorders can be treated (examples include heartburn, epigastric discomfort or pain, or sour belching). They can be a consequence of the use of certain types of medications, or the result of poor diet or excessive alcohol consumption.
  4. Reflux esophagitis is observed (we are talking about food entering the esophagus from the stomach).

It is important to emphasize that Maalox can be used not only for treatment, it will also be effective as a prophylactic against the occurrence of such diseases.

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