Bladder pain - what symptoms indicate a diseased bladder?

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder.

The bladder is a hollow organ designed to store urine. Urine is produced by the kidneys and travels down the ureters to the bladder. Urine is removed from the bladder through the urethra (urethra). The walls of the bladder are formed by a special type of muscle; the inside of the organ cavity is lined with mucous membrane.

Most often, inflammation in cystitis affects only the mucous membrane, but in some cases, the muscle tissue of the walls of the bladder can also be involved in the inflammatory process.

Causes of cystitis

The causes of cystitis can also be a decrease in general immunity, chronic stress, the onset of sexual activity, narrowing of the urethra, hypothermia, stagnation of urine in the bladder (the habit of enduring until the last), unbalanced nutrition, hormonal disorders, pregnancy, childbirth, and surgery on the urinary system.

Another reason is taking medications. The causes of cystitis can also be a decrease in general immunity, chronic stress, the onset of sexual activity, narrowing of the urethra, hypothermia, stagnation of urine in the bladder (the habit of enduring until the last), unbalanced nutrition, hormonal disorders, pregnancy, childbirth, and surgery on the urinary system.

Also, inflammation in the bladder can cause the body to react to certain allergens. In women, cystitis occurs most often. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the female reproductive structure. The urethra is located close to the entrance to the vagina and the anus. Therefore, it is very important to constantly monitor the quality of intimate hygiene.

Symptoms of cystitis

  • frequent urge to urinate – during the process of urination itself, pain and burning may occur in the urethra, as well as a feeling of incomplete bowel movement.
  • pain in the lower abdomen - there is a feeling of fullness in the bladder. Another sign of cystitis is itching and burning in the perineum. In some cases, patients do not attach importance to pain and discomfort if they are not too pronounced. This can lead to chronic disease and complications.
  • the appearance of pathological impurities in the urine (mucus, blood, pus) - the color of the urine can be from pale pink to a brick shade. The presence of impurities indicates the presence of a virus in the human body. With the development of cystitis, sharp pain in the urethra may appear.

Common bladder problems for women


Do you visit the toilet often? It's tiring and inconvenient, but it can be cured!

Women are much more likely than men to experience discomfort associated with infections. Not only because of frequent inflammation of the organ. The anatomical design of the urethra , pregnancy and childbirth , hormonal changes and even a sedentary lifestyle contribute to various diseases of the urinary system.

Fortunately, there are increasing opportunities to treat and prevent the consequences of urinary tract diseases. To do this, you need to consult a doctor . Sometimes, for therapy to be effective, you should visit several specialists - a urologist , a gynecologist , and also a psychologist . Even if treatment lasts a long time, it should not be canceled. And also, you don’t need to give up your sexual and social life.

Urinary tract overactivity

This disease consists of a sudden urge to urinate , even if the bladder is not full. The reaction is instantaneous, sometimes the person does not have time to run to the toilet. The causes of the disease are not reliably known. It is assumed that neurological disorders, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity , and excess stimulants are the basis.


The urologist will give a referral for tests and ultrasound of the urinary system. This will eliminate possible defects in the anatomical structure and check whether the person has an inflammatory process, stones or other diseases. Sometimes a urodynamic test is performed. Research is necessary because hyperactivity is sometimes confused with cystitis - the symptoms are similar.


Therapy begins with keeping a urination for 7-14 days. The patient indicates the method, frequency, quality and disorders of urination . Then the doctor bladder training , which involves urinating . He will adjust the diet and prescribe special medications.

Urinary incontinence

The disease most often manifests itself as loss of bladder . A person simply sneezes, coughs or laughs and suddenly feels that their underwear is wet. Causes include urinary tract infections, gallstones, and certain medications. Occurs in women who have gone through difficult childbirth , as well as during menopause . This condition may be caused by an overactive urinary system.


It is necessary to do general tests and urine , as well as an ultrasound . The person must present for this test with a full bladder . The doctor will check to see if urine during the spasm that accompanies the cough.


Exercises for the Kegel muscles are prescribed. The training consists of stopping the flow of urine by suddenly tensing the muscles and relaxing them after a few seconds. If exercises do not help, then vaginal preparations with estriol and medications that reduce bladder .

Good effects in the treatment of urinary are achieved by treatment with botulinum toxin ( Botox ). To treat stress urinary , such as after childbirth , surgical procedures are used to support the bladder .

Recurrent cystitis

A constant urge to urinate and discomfort, a burning sensation in the lower abdomen , are the first signs of infection. With frequent urges, it is difficult to empty the bladder completely. The release of every drop of urine is accompanied by intense pain and burning. When such symptoms appear, you need to consult a urologist .


Referrals for tests .


If intense pain appears in the lower abdomen or lumbar area, in addition to high fever and nausea , you should urgently consult a urologist . The doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to prevent pyelonephritis . Treatment lasts from a week and should not be interrupted, even if the symptoms of infection have completely disappeared. Only a certain dose of the drug will get rid of bacteria.

Published in Urology Premium Clinic

How does cystitis manifest during pregnancy?

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s protective functions of the immune system decrease. Therefore, when a pathological organism enters the body, it causes an inflammatory process much faster.

The development of cystitis is facilitated by features of female physiology. The shorter and wider shape of the urethra, its proximity to the vagina and intestines, contributes to the rapid transmission of infections from neighboring organs.

With this disease, the walls of the bladder become inflamed, which leads to disruption of its functions. The symptoms of cystitis are quite specific - they are difficult to confuse with other pathologies. A woman may experience frequent, painful urination, blood in the urine, and fever.

First of all, a woman should visit a urologist. He will prescribe the necessary tests, examinations and advise you to undergo additional consultation with a gynecologist. This allows you to exclude the presence of genital infections, which can lead to bacterial vaginosis, colpitis, and thrush.

How to treat cystitis in pregnant women? The diet, immunity and hormonal status are corrected, and blood circulation is improved. Then it is necessary to begin the fight against pathogens (Escherichia coli, Candida fungi, STIs, viruses), and restore the damaged structure of the bladder.

Where to go if you have pain when urinating?

You should not strive to endure discomfort or hope for miraculous self-healing. Carelessness in matters of one's own health can provoke chronic inflammation, as well as the occurrence of other complications. According to many patients, early diagnosis is the key to a quick return to a full and healthy life.

If men experience pain when urinating, we recommend making an appointment with a urologist. To clarify its price or get advice on other issues, contact us in a convenient way.

Cystitis in children

Taking into account the fundamental anatomical differences between the sexes, cystitis occurs in girls almost 4-10 times more often than in children of the opposite sex.
Signs of pathology in children are varied. Pain appears when urinating, in the urethral canal, in the lower abdomen or in the side. Also, the number of urinations may increase, and urinary incontinence and leakage may occur that were not previously observed.

Children show moodiness, which increases during urination and bowel movements. At the same time, appetite is impaired, anxiety appears when it is necessary to sit on the potty due to fear of pain, burning, and stinging. Intoxication of the body occurs, which is manifested by elevated body temperature and chills.

Clinical manifestations vary depending on the age of the child. In young children, general symptoms predominate. In addition, children at a young age cannot always indicate what bothers them. In older children, signs of intoxication are no longer observed; urination disorders and pain syndrome come to the fore.


Conservative therapy

Many patients are prescribed a special diet. Patients with cystitis are advised to avoid spicy and fatty foods and increase the amount of fluid they drink. With ICD, the diet is determined taking into account the composition of the stones. The treatment regimen includes the following methods:

  • Inflammatory diseases.
    The basis of therapy is antibacterial agents. For candidal cystitis, medications with antifungal action are prescribed. For paracystitis, sulfonamides are additionally used. Uroseptics, NSAIDs, combined herbal remedies, intravesical instillations, exercise therapy, inductothermy, UHF, iontophoresis, and laser therapy are recommended.
  • OZM.
    Catheterization is performed. For psychosomatic and neurogenic ischuria, the genitals are irrigated with warm water and m-cholinomimetics are administered subcutaneously. If urinary retention occurs while taking sleeping pills and antidepressants, drug withdrawal or dose reduction is required.
  • Traumatic injuries.
    For tears and contusions, catheterization is performed. When shock develops, anti-shock measures are carried out. Preoperative preparation for complete ruptures includes antibiotics, hemostatics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and medications to stabilize hemodynamics.
  • Malignant tumors.
    Surgical techniques are complemented by intravesical immunotherapy, contact or external beam radiation therapy.


Patients with AUR, if catheterization is impossible, undergo an epicystostomy. Depending on the nature of the pathology, the following surgical interventions are performed:

  • Paracystitis:
    opening, drainage of phlegmons and abscesses of the peri-vesical tissue, intestinal plastic surgery or augmentation cystoplasty for detrusor wrinkling against the background of chronic purulent inflammation.
  • Cystolithiasis:
    endoscopic lithoextraction, percutaneous suprapubic litholapaxy, transurethral cystolithotripsy, open suprapubic cystolithotomy.
  • Cysts:
    percutaneous puncture of a cystic formation, one-stage or two-stage excision of the cyst.
  • Tumors:
    laser resection, electrocoagulation, electroresection, TUR of the bladder, partial or radical cystectomy followed by ureterocutaneostomy or intestinal plastic surgery.
  • Foreign bodies, injuries:
    revision of the abdominal cavity with suturing of the bladder, endoscopic removal of foreign objects, open cystotomy.

Types of cystitis

There are several classifications of pathology: by course, type of inflammation, causes. We will dwell in more detail on the classification according to the course of the disease.

  • Acute cystitis appears several hours after exposure to a harmful factor. It has pronounced symptoms of the inflammatory process with a tendency to progress. If acute cystitis is not treated or the wrong therapy is used, there is a high probability of developing a chronic form.
  • Subacute cystitis has a blurred clinical picture. Symptoms are mild or not present. It may be accompanied only by pain and urination problems, but there are no symptoms of intoxication of the body (fever, aches, chills).
  • Chronic cystitis occurs due to untreated acute cystitis. It is characterized by a sluggish course, the symptoms are not expressed, and sometimes it is completely asymptomatic. That is, the factor that provokes inflammation in the bladder remains, without revealing itself in any way, but at some point a sharp exacerbation occurs with all the ensuing consequences: frequent and painful urination, burning, itching, cloudy urine, ailments, etc.


Bladder tumors may not produce any symptoms for a long time. Pain is usually caused by fairly large tumors. At the same time, the danger of bladder tumors is that even a benign tumor can lead to serious complications in the form of urinary retention.

All organ tumors can be divided into the following groups:

  • Exophytic papillomas.
    These are small tumors that attach to the mucous membrane with a thin stalk. The tumor is considered benign, but in 3-5% of cases it transforms into papillary transitional cell carcinoma.
  • Inverted papilloma.
    This is a benign nodular neoplasm that does not pose a threat to the patient’s life.
  • Transitional cell carcinoma.
    A neoplasm that is life-threatening to the patient and affects an organ. As the tumor grows, cancer cells can spread beyond the bladder, affecting other organs and tissues.

Tumors are most often recommended to be removed due to the risk of blockage of ducts and urinary retention.

Surgical intervention

Diagnosis of pathology

A urologist diagnoses and treats cystitis. Only a specialist knows how to properly treat this disease in order to avoid chronicity of the inflammatory process and not cause harm to health.

You can get examined and diagnosed at the nearest clinic. However, this takes time, since you need to wait 2-3 weeks for an appointment with a doctor. But in the presence of acute or subacute cystitis, time is the most valuable resource. Therefore, the best option is to contact the Medunion private medical clinic. Here you can sign up for an examination today and see a doctor tomorrow.

The urologist will determine your general health, ask about previous diseases, frequency of urination, and medications taken. Next, the specialist palpates the abdomen, kidney area, and lower back.

Cystitis in men - looks and feels the genitals. Examines the prostate gland - rectally.

Cystitis in women - assesses the condition of the mucous membrane, female genital organs, palpates the bladder and ureters.

The following tests may be needed for diagnosis:

  • general urine analysis
  • Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko
  • bacteriological examination of urine
  • cystoscopy
  • Ultrasound of the bladder and abdominal organs, including the kidneys

Features of pain when urinating in men

When contacting doctors, it is important to be as honest as possible. This will help to collect a detailed and complete history. The urologist will identify the exact location of the pain, its nature: sharp, increasing, aching. Also of great importance is the moment at which the pain appears: after urination, at the initial stage or in the middle of the process of emptying the bladder.

It is important to observe your own body and note other sensations against which pain appears:

  • non-physiological discharge (white plaque on the head of the penis, purulent foam, etc.);
  • problems with erection or after sexual intercourse;
  • cloudy urine;
  • itching, etc.

Sometimes you may need to consult other specialists when creating a treatment plan. At our clinic you can make an appointment for:

  • appointment with a venereologist;
  • appointment with an endocrinologist.
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