Indications for use

"Gumivit": The best enterosorbent!

To achieve the desired effect during consumption, drink at least 2 liters. more water than usual. Good health is affordable not only for well-off people. You can maintain it in proper condition using inexpensive, but no less effective means. Among the most popular is the treatment and prophylactic complex “Gumivit Active”.

"Gumivit Active" is called a new generation enterosorbent . This is the fruit of many years of research into the effects of humic acids on the human body. They are effective natural detoxifiers and adaptogens found in nature. Humic acids have the unique property of selectively binding toxins synthesized in the body and penetrating from the outside. This allows you to use Gumivit to cope with infectious diseases, parasitic infestations, allergic manifestations and a wide range of other pathologies.

Indications for use

First of all, the Gumivit biocomplex stimulates the body’s own defense systems to fight pathogenic microflora, viruses and parasites. Its components normalize and accelerate protein metabolism in cells and enhance membrane activity. Humic acids are able to bind free radicals and act as a donor (or acceptor) when interacting with them, protecting cells from degeneration.

At the moment, “Humivit” is the only product based on humic acids used by official medicine for therapeutic purposes. It is recommended to take it for:

  • Development of severe infectious diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, malaria, tetanus, rubella).
  • Penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body (dysentery, bacterial enteritis, salmonellosis, yersiniosis, enterocolitis, intestinal infections).
  • Parasitic infestation (helminthiasis, giardiasis).
  • Viral infections (ARVI, influenza, herpes, enteroviral infections, HIV).
  • Consequences of immunodeficiency and allergic reactions (asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, dyshidrosis, acute urticaria, alopecia areata, hay fever, eczema, dermatitis).
  • Vascular pathologies and blood diseases (atherosclerotic changes, arterial hypertension, leukopenia, anemia).
  • Acute intoxication (alcohol, drug and chemical poisoning, accumulation of heavy metal salts in the body).
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies (pancreatitis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, dyspepsia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, reflux disease).
  • Damage to the liver and gallbladder (hepatitis of all types in acute and chronic form, cirrhosis, cholecystitis).

The ability of humic acids to bind toxins is used to alleviate the condition of pregnant women with severe toxicosis. "Gumivit Active" is prescribed to cancer patients for use during recovery periods after courses of chemotherapy and radiation.

Clinical trials

Results of clinical trials of the drug Gumivit

The basis of the biologically active food additive Gumivit is sodium humate, obtained from humic acids of oxidized brown coal.

As an enterosorbent, Gumivit meets all the requirements for this class of drugs:

-does not have a traumatic effect on mucous membranes;

- does not absorb oxygen and proteins from the blood and lymph;

-does not disturb the mineral balance in the body;

-has a convenient dosage form;

-does not cause dysbacteriosis;

-is well evacuated from the intestines;

-does not have a toxic effect on the organs and tissues of a biological object.

In experimental toxico-hygienic studies, data were obtained indicating not only the safety of Gumivit, but also its various positive effects on the animal body. The model experiment also demonstrated the antisclerotic and hypolipidemic effects of the drug.

Clinical trials of Gumivit took place with the participation of more than 2.2 thousand patients from 1993 to 1999 in leading medical institutions in Vladivostok, which are the clinical bases of Vladivostok State Medical University. In observation groups for all forms of pathology, Gumivit was included in traditional treatment regimens in full accordance with the annotation - in the form of an aqueous solution with a dosage of 0.5-1.0 g 1-2 times a day between meals. The control groups were individuals who received only traditional treatment.

A. The effectiveness of Humivit in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases of infectious and non-infectious etiology, chronic pancreatitis

The drug was included in the treatment of a wide range of diseases: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic pancreatitis, chronic gastritis, chronic enterocolitis, chronic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis. The time of use of Gumivit was regulated in accordance with the average healing time for the specified pathologies with conventional methods of treatment. Patients receiving traditional therapy and distributed according to nosological forms in a comparable number of observations were taken as a control group.

According to the results, attention is drawn to a faster relief of symptoms of intoxication and a significant reduction in the healing time of diseases - by 3-8 days, depending on the nosology and severity of the disease. Pain and flatulence were significantly reduced, which can be explained by the pronounced sorption, complexing, and bioregulatory properties of Humivit.

B. The effectiveness of Humivit in infectious diseases

The drug showed high effectiveness in the treatment of salmonellosis, dysentery, unidentified food poisoning, staphylococcal intoxication, viral hepatitis A, viral hepatitis B. All diseases had an average severity. As in previous studies, the effect of Gumivit can be explained primarily by its detoxification and bioregulatory properties.

The high effectiveness of Humivit has been proven for gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases of infectious and non-infectious etiology in children. It is remarkable that upon receiving the test results, experts found it possible to replace traditional detoxicants (activated carbon, hemodez) with Humivit for all diseases. During clinical trials, no side effects were observed in either adults or children.

B. Results of clinical trials of Gumivit for diseases of the circulatory system with lipid metabolism disorders

Patients were selected for observation in groups similar in clinical picture of diseases, with lipid metabolism disorders, characterized mainly by an increase in the level of total cholesterol and total lipids in the blood serum. The condition of those observed was judged by the results of special instrumental studies (blood pressure, heart rate, ECG, etc.), characterizing the clinical picture of the disease, as well as by the results of laboratory tests (lipid metabolism indicators). The data obtained indicate that traditional methods of treatment and rehabilitation for diseases of the circulatory system were quite effective. However, the use of Gumivit has significantly increased the effectiveness of the treatment process, reducing the level of low-density lipoproteins in the blood, which gives grounds to recommend Gumivit as a necessary component in the complex treatment of the above diseases.

D. Results of clinical trials of Gumivit for allergic diseases, immunodeficiency conditions and skin pathologies

During the studies, both adults and children were observed with diseases such as hay fever in the rhino-conjunctival form, allergic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, true eczema, structural immunodeficiency, acne vulgaris, neurodermatitis, acute urticaria, alopecia areata, dyshidrosis . Humivit, included in the usual treatment regimen, helped relieve the main symptoms of the disease and reduce sensitization of the body. In all patients taking Gumivit, itching and skin rashes completely disappeared in a short time (on average 5-7 days earlier). In atopic dermatitis, the weeping of the skin disappeared within the first two days. With alopecia, hair growth was observed on the affected areas of the head. In chronic forms of the disease, long-term stable remission was observed in all cases. On average, after 14 days, the activity of ACaT and ALaT normalized, and the level of eosinophils in the blood decreased to normal.

D. Results of clinical trials for anemia, leukopenia in children

With the use of Gumivit in children with anemia and leukopenia, red and white blood counts significantly improved. In iron deficiency anemia with an initial hemoglobin level of 96-108 g/l without the use of iron supplements, after 20-30 days the hemoglobin level increased to 116-126 g/l. In this regard, it is advisable to include Gumivit in the treatment regimen for anemia and leukopenia in children.

E. Results of clinical trials of Gumivit for intoxications of various origins

Clinical trials were carried out at the Department of Oncology of the Vladivostok State Medical University, Primorsky Regional Oncology Dispensary, and Maternity Hospital No. 3 in Vladivostok. In the main group, Gumivit was used against the background of traditional detoxification measures for the specified group of patients.

The greatest positive effect of the drug Gumivit was observed with mild and moderate toxic manifestations (myelodepression, dyspeptic syndrome). In a number of patients, blood counts were restored within 7-10 days without the use of other drugs. It is possible to improve the healing processes of post-radiation epitheliitis in breast cancer.

The use of Gumivit was highly appreciated by patients at the oncology clinic, who urgently demanded its inclusion in the system of treatment measures due to the pronounced subjective feeling of improvement in their condition. It should also be noted that the specialists of the oncology clinic considered it advisable to completely replace the traditional detoxicants used to relieve intoxication syndrome during intensive treatment of malignant tumors.

The condition of patients with toxicosis of pregnancy was assessed very positively, which, according to the initial survey, significantly improved when Gumivit was included in the treatment regimen.

G. Results of clinical trials of humivitis for dysbacteriosis in children

Humivit was used against the background of traditional treatment of dysbacteriosis using eubiotics and antibacterial therapy. A comparison of the data obtained between the observation group and the control group indicates a significant advantage of including the drug Gumivit in the treatment regimen for dysbacteriosis in children. The results of clinical trials confirm numerous literature data on the positive effect of enterosorbents in dysbiosis, which is due to detoxification of the body and normalization of intestinal microflora.


Thus, during clinical studies, good therapeutic results were obtained from the use of Gumivit for various diseases. At the same time, no side effects, allergies or resistance to the drug were identified.

Clinical trials have determined the scope of application of the biologically active food additive Gumivit:

- intoxication of the body, caused by the intake of toxic substances from the environment and as a result of metabolic disorders, in particular, due to poor nutrition and various diseases;

-alcohol and drug intoxication;

- entry of radionuclides into the body;

-immunodeficiency states;

- allergies;

- infectious and toxic hepatitis, cholecystitis, inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, intestinal infections), microbial and non-microbial food poisoning;

-peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

-leukopenia, anemia of various origins;

- protein metabolism disorders and fermentopathy;

- diseases of the circulatory system with lipid metabolism disorders;

-inflammatory diseases of the skin.

The results obtained during clinical trials can become the basis for the widespread use of enterosorbent Gumivit for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, which can have a good health effect for the population, significantly reduce morbidity rates, and improve the demographic situation.

Thus, the good therapeutic results obtained in the course of research are the basis for the widespread use of the drug Gumivit for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, which can have a positive health effect for the population, significantly reduce morbidity rates, and improve the demographic situation.


calling themselves LLC NPK "KOVO" sell a counterfeit product under the name "GUMIVIT", known in Russia. Chemical analysis of the counterfeit drink concentrate powder under the names “GUMIVIT” and “GUMINAVIT” showed a very high, many times higher than the maximum permissible concentration, content of toxic elements: lead and arsenic. This poisonous powder is also used to produce a counterfeit drink - a biologically active food additive under the same name "GUMIVIT". This drink has a disgusting taste and smell and can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Lead and arsenic are highly toxic poisons that are not excreted from the body and, when accumulated, lead to various serious diseases. It is well known that consumption of foods high in arsenic leads to the development of lung, kidney, and bladder cancer.

Protocols for the chemical analysis of GUMIVIT and GUMINaVIT powders manufactured by LLC NPK KOVO are presented below.



Beneficial features

The therapeutic complex "Gumivit Active" is fast-acting and highly effective. At the same time, it is absolutely harmless, since it contains only natural ingredients.

Among the wide range of beneficial properties of enterosorbent, the following should be highlighted:

  • Removing toxins and waste products from the body . Thanks to the selective binding potential, the active substances of humic acids neutralize and remove metal salts, radionuclides, synthetic and organic toxic compounds.
  • Fighting allergens . Significantly reduces the threshold of sensitivity of the immune system to various types of irritants.
  • Restores the natural intestinal microflora . Envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines with a film of active components, eliminating signs of dyspepsia and dysbacteriosis.
  • Free radical binding . Prevents pathological cell degeneration that causes cancer and premature aging.
  • Antibacterial and antiviral action . Strengthens the body's defense systems in the fight against harmful viruses and bacteria. In particular, it neutralizes about 94 percent of E. coli.
  • Improving the condition of blood vessels . Reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and accelerates the process of treating atherosclerosis.
  • Immunomodulatory and restorative effect . Allows you to quickly strengthen your immune system even after a protracted illness or destructive treatment procedures (irradiation, chemotherapy).

Component Properties

A complex of highly purified humic substances obtained using a unique technology, contained in the Humivit product, acts on the body as:

  • antioxidant: is a powerful free radical scavenger;
  • soft enterosorbent: removes toxins and pathogenic bacteria without affecting beneficial microflora and without disturbing the balance of microelements; binds and removes allergens and heavy metals from the body, as well as excess cholesterol;
  • antimycotic and bactericidal agent: effective against Candida albicans, Proteus Vulgaris, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Salmonella Typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis and pyogenic streptococci ( Streptococcus pyogenes);
  • catalyst for cellular respiration: promotes oxygen saturation of red blood cells;
  • hepatoprotector: restores liver function;
  • antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent: active against colds and infectious diseases, including for the prevention of the influenza virus;
  • restorer of a weakened immune system: regulates the ratio of T and B lymphocytes.

Humivit also inhibits the action of stress hormones and activates regeneration processes in the dermis and mucous membranes.


“Humivit Active” is a one percent aqueous solution of sodium humate. It contains:

  • Humic acids are an effective selective enterosorbent.
  • Amino acids are the nutritional basis for cells.
  • Fulvic acid is a regulator of metabolic processes.
  • Natural antibiotics are active agents in the fight against infections.
  • Antioxidants are free radical neutralizers.
  • Cytokines are hormone-like proteins responsible for the state of the immune system.
  • Natural fungicides are antifungal compounds.
  • Vitamins, microelements and enzymes.

Instructions for use Gumivit Active (liquid)

The frequency of doses, duration and dosage depend on the individual characteristics and type of disease. On average, the dosage is selected based on:

  • For adults:
      prevention – a quarter glass twice a day between meals for 2 weeks,
  • treatment - the dosage is the same, increase the course of administration until the result is achieved,
  • for poisoning - take 100 ml of solution up to 4 times a day.
  • For children and teenagers:
      1-5 years – 8 ml twice a day after meals (after 1-1.5 hours),
  • 5-12 years – 25 ml twice a day after meals,
  • Over 12 years old – 50 ml twice a day after meals.

Gumivit Active 500 ml,

Indications for use:

First of all, the biocomplex “Gumivit Active” stimulates the body’s own defense systems to fight pathogenic microflora, viruses and parasites. Its components normalize and accelerate protein metabolism in cells and enhance membrane activity. Humic acids are able to bind free radicals and act as a donor (or acceptor) when interacting with them, protecting cells from degeneration.

At the moment, “Humivit” is the only product based on humic acids used by official medicine for therapeutic purposes. It is recommended to take it for:

  • Development of severe infectious diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, malaria, tetanus, rubella).
  • Penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body (dysentery, bacterial enteritis, salmonellosis, yersiniosis, enterocolitis, intestinal infections).
  • Parasitic infestation (helminthiasis, giardiasis).
  • Viral infections (ARVI, influenza, herpes, enteroviral infections, HIV).
  • Consequences of immunodeficiency and allergic reactions (asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, dyshidrosis, acute urticaria, alopecia areata, hay fever, eczema, dermatitis).
  • Vascular pathologies and blood diseases (atherosclerotic changes, arterial hypertension, leukopenia, anemia).
  • Acute intoxication (alcohol, drug and chemical poisoning, accumulation of heavy metal salts in the body).
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies (pancreatitis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, dyspepsia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, reflux disease).
  • Damage to the liver and gallbladder (hepatitis of all types in acute and chronic form, cirrhosis, cholecystitis).

The ability of humic acids to bind toxins is used to alleviate the condition of pregnant women with severe toxicosis. "Gumivit Active" is prescribed to cancer patients for use during recovery periods after courses of chemotherapy and radiation.

Beneficial features:

The therapeutic complex "Gumivit Active" is fast-acting and highly effective. At the same time, it is absolutely harmless, since it contains only natural ingredients.

Among the wide range of beneficial properties of enterosorbent, the following should be highlighted:

  • Removing toxins and waste products from the body. Thanks to the selective binding potential, the active substances of humic acids neutralize and remove metal salts, radionuclides, synthetic and organic toxic compounds.
  • Fighting allergens. Significantly reduces the threshold of sensitivity of the immune system to various types of irritants.
  • Restores the natural intestinal microflora. Envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines with a film of active components, eliminating signs of dyspepsia and dysbacteriosis.
  • Binding of free radicals. Prevents pathological cell degeneration that causes cancer and premature aging.
  • Antibacterial and antiviral action. Strengthens the body's defense systems in the fight against harmful viruses and bacteria. In particular, it neutralizes about 94 percent of E. coli.
  • Improving the condition of blood vessels. Reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and accelerates the process of treating atherosclerosis.
  • Immunomodulatory and restorative effect. Allows you to quickly strengthen your immune system even after a protracted illness or destructive treatment procedures (irradiation, chemotherapy).


“Humivit Active” is a one percent aqueous solution of sodium humate. It contains:

  • Humic acids are an effective selective enterosorbent.
  • Amino acids are the nutritional basis for cells.
  • Fulvic acid is a regulator of metabolic processes.
  • Natural antibiotics are active agents in the fight against infections.
  • Antioxidants are free radical neutralizers.
  • Cytokines are hormone-like proteins responsible for the state of the immune system.
  • Natural fungicides are antifungal compounds.
  • Vitamins, microelements and enzymes.

Instructions for use:

The frequency of doses, duration and dosage depend on the individual characteristics and type of disease. On average, the dosage is selected based on:

  • For adults:
  1. prevention – a quarter glass twice a day between meals for 2 weeks,
  2. treatment - the dosage is the same, increase the course of administration until the result is achieved,
  3. for poisoning - take 100 ml of solution up to 4 times a day.
  • For children and teenagers:
  1. 1-5 years – 8 ml twice a day after meals (after 1-1.5 hours),
  2. 5-12 years – 25 ml twice a day after meals,
  3. Over 12 years old – 50 ml twice a day after meals.

During consumption, drink at least 2 liters of water more than usual.


: Has no contraindications. The product is not an allergen; its components are completely eliminated from the body.

Where can I buy

Natural immunomodulating enterosorbent “Gumivit Active” can be purchased in the “Russian Roots” online store. After confirmation of the order, the products are sent to the buyer by mail. A courier delivery service is available for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. You can purchase the product yourself at one of the Russian Roots herbal pharmacies.

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