Lugol for children with sore throat - how to treat a child’s throat

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Shutofedova Ksenia Yurievna

General practitioner

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When can Lugol be used for laryngitis? When it comes to inflammatory processes in the throat, one of the treatment methods is considered to be lubricating the mucous membrane with iodine compounds. The use of Lugol has both pros and cons. The main thing is to know the contraindications to its use.

Operating principle

Before characterizing the properties of Lugol, it is necessary to understand what components are included in this drug. The main components of the solution are:

  • iodine (5%),
  • Potassium iodide (10%),
  • purified water (85%).

To treat ENT diseases of the throat, pharmaceutical companies began to produce Lugol with glycerin. It is this additional component that helps to further soften the mucous membrane, which is important for a constant feeling of dryness and tickling.

The healing properties of this iodine solution have been noticed for a long time, since it is Lugol that has a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial effect. Now this drug acts more as a secondary treatment for laryngitis, since stronger drugs are available in pharmacies. For greater comfort in using Lugol for laryngitis, it was produced in the form of an aerosol or spray.

The main task of the solution is to fight bacteria, viruses and fungi. This drug affects gram-positive, gram-negative and protozoan pathogenic microorganisms.

After applying the solution to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, an increase in the production of mucus by secretory cells located in the respiratory tract begins. Due to this action, the process of expectoration or detachment of sputum begins. After the first use of the composition, the following changes are observed:

  • Tissue inflammation is reduced;
  • Hoarseness of voice decreases;
  • The frequency and intensity of barking cough during laryngitis is reduced;
  • The mucous membrane is moisturized;
  • Tissue swelling goes away.

Often, herbal extracts, oils, and anesthetics are additionally introduced into the composition of this medicine, which minimizes the likelihood of developing laryngospasm or laryngeal stenosis. Lugol alone will not be able to eliminate barking cough, hoarseness and sore throat, so it is often chosen only as an auxiliary therapy.

Benefits of solution treatment

The drug Lugol is available in the form of an aerosol and a solution intended for gargling and mouthwash. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the presence of the main active ingredient - iodine.

The component helps remove pathogenic agents from the mucous membranes, preventing them from settling in cells and spreading to the lower respiratory organs. The action is aimed not only at viruses and bacteria, but also against fungus.

The benefits and harms of the drug in treatment

The drug Lugol began to be produced many years ago, and already at the beginning it proved itself well in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat in adults and children.

To prevent choking due to an allergic reaction, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test before using the drug.

The antiseptic effect is not the only advantage of using the medication. The drug is prescribed not only for inflammation of the throat, but also in the complex treatment of wounds and burns on the mucous membranes, which makes it possible to classify it as a broad-spectrum drug.

The advantages also include:

  • the ability to choose the method of application, since Lugol is available in several forms;
  • use of the product in precise dosage due to the presence of a convenient dispenser;

  • economical use (due to the bottle with a dispenser, the product is enough for more than one course of treatment);
  • affordable cost of the drug, which makes it possible for every average person to purchase it.

There is also a downside to therapy. For example, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug often occurs. If a person has iodine intolerance, the risk of developing side symptoms such as swelling and itching of the treated mucous membranes increases.

How to use Lugol for laryngitis?

Laryngitis is more than just a loss or change in voice. This disease is highly dangerous, because in the absence of proper treatment, attacks of suffocation or asphyxia may develop. Often these are the consequences observed in children under 5 years of age, since their ENT organs have not yet fully formed.

For laryngitis in children, Lugol is used only after a doctor’s prescription. The use of this medicine for children under one year of age is contraindicated, as the likelihood of laryngeal spasm increases.

Aphonia or loss of voice will not go away on its own. To restore normal functioning of the vocal cords, it is necessary to carry out deep irrigation of the pharynx. For such purposes, it is better to use sprays with dispensers. Modern drugs have a long cannula through which the solution flows. Lugol must be applied to both walls of the throat for the antiseptic effect to be comprehensive. If the treatment of the throat is of poor quality, the course of the disease will last. During this time, a bacterial infection may join the viral form of the disease. This form of laryngitis can only be treated with antibiotics.

Lugol's spray is easy to use. Aqueous solutions of this substance are appropriate for treating children. Such compositions do not have a bitter aftertaste, easily irrigate the walls of the throat and are completely safe when ingested.

Adult patients can use this remedy as a simple lubricant of the mucous membrane. This method of treating the throat is quite difficult for children. When you press firmly on the tissue, a natural gag reflex will appear. If such a procedure does not cause difficulty or discomfort, then lubricating the throat is best done with a sterile bandage or cotton swabs.

There are several options for using Lugol. The first option is to apply the solution to a bandage, which is pre-wound in the form of a tampon. The second option is to soak cotton swabs in Lugol. Treating the throat in this way is not very convenient, since the cotton swab covers a small area of ​​the mucous membrane. There is a third option, which only a few decide on. To do this, the patient wraps a sterile bandage around his finger and moistens it in an iodine solution. The throat treatment is carried out independently, without the help of others. This technique is the only possible for some people, but there is no guarantee that the throat was lubricated specifically at the sites of inflammation.

After applying Lugol, doctors do not recommend eating or drinking. The iodine solution should remain on the tissues for at least 20-30 minutes.

Many people prefer sprays or aerosols. In addition to convenient and deep throat irrigation, the patient does not risk receiving an overdose of the drug. In sprays, doses are controlled, so it is enough to maintain the exact number of injections.

When and how to use the drug?

The main indication for the use of Lugol's drug in adults and children is an infectious and inflammatory process in the oropharynx. This, in turn, can be caused by the following diseases:

  • purulent sore throat;
  • pharyngitis;
  • influenza or acute respiratory infection;
  • purulent otitis or atrophic rhinitis with pathogens moving to the throat.

The use of the drug by a pregnant woman in the second and third trimesters is strictly prohibited. This limitation is indicated in the instructions for the medication. Gargling is allowed only in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

When breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use the drug in any form of release, since if accidentally swallowed, the main substance passes into breast milk.

Other contraindications to the use of Lugol include the following conditions:

  • disruption of the thyroid gland in the form of thyrotoxicosis;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • failure of the kidneys or liver;
  • diathesis and Dühring's dermatitis.

Spray and solution are not prescribed for the treatment of sore throat for children under 6 years of age.

Instructions for use

The medicine in aerosol form is very easy to use. For a sore throat, you need to apply 4-5 sprays to the area of ​​the inflamed tonsils or to another area of ​​the oropharynx. In case of accidental contact with eyes, you should immediately rinse them with water or use sodium thiosulfate solution, if available in your first aid kit.

The daily dosage of Lugol's drug for angina is up to 6 sprays. If you need to wash out the lacunae, the medicine is sprayed every 2 days up to 5 times a day.

You can gargle with Lugol's solution. The advantage of this method over spraying the composition is that during rinsing, all hard-to-reach areas that are not exposed to the spray are treated.

How to prepare and use the rinse:

  • Dissolve a few drops of Lugol in clean water in a volume of 250 ml (it is important that the temperature of the liquid is not very high or low, as this can aggravate the inflammatory process);

  • gargle 2-3 times a day, maintaining equal intervals between procedures;
  • you need to ensure that the product does not accidentally enter the esophagus (this will prevent an allergic reaction from the digestive system).

At home, you can prepare the product yourself, which perfectly replaces the finished drug: take soda, iodine and clean water in equal parts, mix, place in a bottle with an aerosol. This composition has a similar therapeutic effect.

Doctors' recommendations

To enhance the therapeutic effect of the solution, Lugol is allowed to be mixed with salt or soda. They do it this way: take 250 ml of purified water, pour in 0.5 tsp. salt or soda and 1 tsp. finished medicinal product. Mix the ingredients and gargle up to 7 times a day.

What rules must be followed:

  • to cover the entire inflamed surface of the throat while gargling, you need to tilt your head back a little;
  • while gargling, you can pronounce the letter “Y”, since in this case the root of the tongue drops, and the medicine spreads to all parts;
  • You need to gargle for 20-30 seconds, no less, keeping the same break between manipulations;

  • After treating the oropharynx with Lugol, you should avoid drinking and eating for 30-40 minutes to ensure complete absorption of the active ingredients.

Since the use of the drug is limited during pregnancy, it can be replaced with a strong chamomile decoction, which is used for gargling. Use only warm decoction. If it has cooled down, it can be reheated in the microwave.

Lugol during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Before using Lugol, a pregnant woman should visit her doctor, therapist or otolaryngologist. The drug contains iodine, which poses a potential danger to the fetus. If there is a sufficient amount of this element in the mother’s body, then its excess can cause pathologies in the development and formation of the baby. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with a lack of iodine in her body, then the drug is not dangerous either for her health or for the fetus. In this case, all that remains is to control the dosage of the drug.

The main thing to remember is that Lugol is a product for external use.

Excess solution after application to the mucous membrane should be spat out and not swallowed. If a small amount of the drug does get inside, then there is no need to sound the alarm. The concentration of pure iodine in the solution is relatively small, and potassium iodide is not able to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

If a pregnant woman still wants to treat laryngitis with iodine, but with minimal risk to health, then Lugol inhalations can be used. This procedure is carried out only in the absence of high body temperature. The high effectiveness of this method of treatment is noticed for purulent pharyngitis or tonsillitis. The Lugol's amount is determined by the attending physician.

In general, this medicine is safe for the health of a pregnant woman. Nowadays, a total lack of iodine in the body is increasingly being diagnosed, so some doctors, after examining the thyroid gland of their patients, recommend taking iodine solutions orally.

The use of Lugol during breastfeeding is also discussed with your doctor. Often, iodine solutions are used during this period, but only as an external preparation.

Can children use Lugol to treat their throat - composition

The active substances of the drug, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic flora, are iodine and potassium iodide. And glycerol, present in the composition as an additional substance, softens the effect of the drug on the mucous membranes and skin.

The drug is used in pediatrics.


The solution is used to combat infectious and inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx caused by pathogenic bacteria:

  • angina;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • angular stomatitis.

Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibit resistance to active components. Therefore, it is not advisable to use the drug for diseases caused by these pathogens.

For sore throat

Applying the drug to inflamed tonsils destroys pathogenic microbes that lead to the onset and progression of the disease.


Systematic use of the solution promotes the accumulation of iodine. For people with problems with the thyroid gland, this is not acceptable. It is very important to tell your doctor if your child has these types of problems. Has contraindications:

  • allergy to iodine;
  • decompensation of heart function;
  • hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland;
  • liver and kidney diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • recent medical use of radioactive iodine.

You need to be careful with the dosage of the drug, since frequent and abundant application can lead to excessive irritation of the mucous membrane.

At what age is it prescribed?

The solution can be used with caution from 1 year.

Sprays are suitable for older children who are able to hold their breath while irrigating their throat.


To prevent self-medication from causing an even worsening of the condition, you need to know the main contraindications to the use of Lugol. This medicine is prohibited for use in children under 4 years of age. Iodine solution is highly dangerous for people who have individual iodine intolerance. Allergies to this composition are often diagnosed in childhood.

To check the presence or absence of an allergic reaction, it is enough to apply 1-2 drops of the composition to the skin of the wrist or elbow. If after application within 10-15 minutes there is no redness on the skin, itching, swelling, or rashes, then the composition is completely safe. If such changes occur, use is strictly prohibited.

Lugol should not be used by people who have pathological processes in the thyroid gland. This composition poses a high danger for those people who suffer from hyperthyroidism (excess of hormones). Iodine solutions should not be used to treat laryngitis for people with the following diseases:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Nephritis;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Nephrosis;
  • Pyoderma;
  • Acne.

Women who are breastfeeding and pregnant should consult a doctor before using Lugol's.

Compatibility with other drugs and alcohol

Before using the drug, you need to study the instructions and pay attention to the possibility of using it simultaneously with other medications. Iodine cannot be used in complex therapy with the following compounds:

  • based on essential oils;
  • containing an ammonia solution;
  • with the presence of metal compounds;

  • drugs that have a depressing effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • with compositions based on sodium thiosulfate.

If the active substance is accidentally ingested, iodine increases the irritant effect of drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

As for the possibility of combining the drug with drinking alcohol, it is impossible to answer unequivocally whether it is possible or not. Although the instructions do not prohibit such interaction, you should not abuse alcohol during the treatment of a sore throat.

The components of alcoholic beverages reduce the body’s immune defense, increase the symptoms of the inflammatory reaction, and slow down recovery. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink alcohol until the end of treatment for oropharyngeal disease.

Overdose and side effects

If the use of Lugol was not under the supervision of a doctor, then there is a high probability of side effects or overdose. In adults, an excess of this drug can cause persistent changes in stool. Patients may experience nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

In the event of the development of thyroid pathologies, patients who have used Lugol can provoke hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. If such a patient still has parallel problems with the cardiovascular system, then the risk of a sharp deterioration in well-being increases sharply. If the patient has a history of endemic goiter, then improper use of iodine compounds triggers the development of thyrotoxicosis. Only doctors at the clinic’s hospital can help such a patient.

Using Lugol in large quantities provokes a number of changes in well-being:

  • The appearance of severe dryness in the throat;
  • Development of uncontrolled lacrimation;
  • Excessive salivation;
  • Tachycardia;
  • The appearance of Quincke's edema;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Strong excitability.

If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately seek help from your doctor. If there is a sharp deterioration in health, then you should call an ambulance.

Good to know - What causes a cough with a metallic taste in the mouth?

How to suspect an overdose?

If you significantly exceed the daily dosage of the drug used or accidentally take an increased volume of the drug orally, symptoms of overdose occur. Among them:

  • damage to the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and respiratory organs in the form of laryngitis, rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.;
  • severe swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • increased salivation;
  • lacrimation and signs of conjunctivitis;

  • the appearance of a rash on the skin (iodine acne);
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

In case of severe overdose, the general temperature may increase and weakness may occur. A metallic taste appears in the mouth.

If there are signs characteristic of an overdose, there is no need to self-medicate. First of all, you need to stop using the composition and consult a doctor who will tell you how to restore the functioning of the organs and systems involved in the pathological process.

Symptoms of overdose are often confused with allergic manifestations. If a person did not use an increased dosage of the drug or accidental ingestion of the composition is excluded, then the clinical picture is caused by an allergy to the components.

Lugol's drug is excellent for sore throats, but has some contraindications for use. Therefore, before using the composition, you need to study the instructions and weigh the pros and cons.


If for some reason the use of Lugol is prohibited, then you can find an equally effective analogue. The following sprays are substitutes for this drug:

  • Agisept;
  • Hexoral;
  • Tantum verde;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Inhalipt;
  • Miramistin.

The choice of drug is made by the doctor, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient. The dosage and frequency of use is calculated taking into account the patient’s age, as well as the advanced state of the condition.

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