Antifungal nail polish Batrafen - reviews


The cream for external use contains the active component ciclopirox olamine , as well as a number of additional components: liquid paraffin, cetyl alcohol, myristyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, lactic acid, stearyl alcohol, polysorbate 60, sorbitan stearate, water.
Batrafen varnish contains the active component ciclopirox and a number of additional components: ethyl acetate, copolymer of butyl hydromaleate and methoxyethylene, isopropanol.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine has an antifungal effect.

The product has a wide spectrum of influence and has good penetration ability. The antifungal effect of Batrafen is associated with inhibition of entry into the cell and induction of removal from it of components that are necessary for the functioning of the cell.

The active component of the drug ciclopirox olamine is effective against yeast-like fungi, dermatomycetes, molds, and other species. There is also an antibacterial effect against most gram-negative bacteria and gram-positive microorganisms.


Cream for external use. Batrafen is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent with good penetrating ability. The active ingredient ciclopirox olamine is effective against dermatomycetes, yeast-like, mold and other types of fungi. It has an antibacterial effect against gram-positive strains of bacteria and most gram-negative pathogens.

Nail polish. Broad-spectrum antifungal drug. Active against Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton verrucosum, Trichophyton tonsurans, Trichophyton quinckeanum, Trichophyton equinum, Trichophyton concentricum, Trichophyton epilans, Trichophyton ferrugineum, Trichophyton gallinae, Trichophyton schoenleinii, Trichophyton soudanense, Trichophyton terrestre, Trichophyton violaceum, Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum , Microsporum audouinii, Microsporum langeronii, Microsporum nanum, Epidermophyton floccosum, Candida (Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei, Candida parapsilosis, Candida pseudotropicalis, Candida lipolytica, Candida guilliermondii, Candida brumpti, Candida utilis, Candida viswanathii), C ryptococcus neoformans, Histoplasma capsulatum, Sporotrichum schenckii, Torulopsis glabrata, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Torula bergeri, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium notatum, Absidia corymbifera, Mucor miehei, Pae cilomyces variotii, Fusarium solani, Madurella grisea, Madurella mycetomatis, Allescheria boydii, Cladosporium carrionii, Cladosporium trichoides, Phialophora jeanselmei, Phialophora pedrosoi, Phialophora gougerotti, Hormodendrum dermatitidis, Pyrenochaeta romeroi, Leptosphaeria senegalensis. The antifungal effect of ciclopirox is based on inhibiting the entry into the cell and inducing the removal from the cell of components necessary for its life. It has an antibacterial effect against gram-positive and most gram-negative pathogens. Suppresses the development of mycoplasmas and trichomonas.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

After Batrafen cream has been applied to a large surface of the skin and left for 6 or more hours, it may enter the bloodstream in small doses - approximately 1.3%. It is approximately 94–97% bound to plasma proteins in the body, the half-life is 1.7 hours. It is excreted in the urine.

Provided that nail polish is used for one day, the fungicidal concentrations are 20–30 times greater than plasma Cmax. of mycosis within 48 hours .


Cream. Aventis Pharma Ltd., India. Plot No. C-1, Madkaim Industrial Estate, Madkaim, Mardol Post, Ponda, Goa - 403404, India.

Nail polish. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, D-65926, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Consumer complaints should be sent to the address in Russia: 125009, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 22.

Tel.; Fax.

If the drug is packaged at Pharm CJSC, consumer claims should be sent to the address: 141345, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Svatkovo village, p/o Svatkovo.


Instructions for use of Batrafen (Method and dosage)

Antifungal agents Batrafen are used externally only.

Batrafen cream, instructions for use

The product in the form of a cream should be applied to areas that have been affected by the fungus twice a day. After application, dry the area treated with cream. It is necessary to practice therapy until the symptoms of the fungal disease disappear. Typically, treatment lasts about two weeks. To prevent recurrence of the disease, it is advisable to use the cream for another 1-2 weeks after the signs of the disease disappear.

Varnish Batrafen, instructions for use

Before applying varnish to the surface of the nail plate, you need to remove as much of the affected nail as possible, and file the remaining nail plate so that it is uneven. The product should be applied to the nail affected by the disease once a day, every other day, practicing this regimen during the first month of treatment. In the second month, varnish should be applied 2 times a week, in the third month – once a week.

During the treatment, once a week, the varnish must be removed using a solvent and the overgrown part of the nail plate must be cut off. If the varnish is damaged during the period between its application, only the part of the plate that was cleared of varnish should be coated with the product.

Treatment continues until symptoms disappear, but not longer than six months.

Antifungal nail polish Batrafen - reviews


Benefits: Works


Very high price for small volume

One of the main criteria for me when choosing an antifungal drug was the possibility of using it not every day (professional costs). The choice settled on the drug Batrafen in the form of a varnish.

First, I'll tell you about the disadvantages:

1. Very small volume of the jar, but a very high price (a little more than 2000 rubles).

2. A very drawn-out application algorithm (steam your feet, file your nails, only then apply varnish).

3. For me specifically, this is a minus; the instructions indicate to apply every two days (although I was assured that it can be done a couple of times a week).

4. Quickly erases from nails.

To be honest, I didn’t expect a positive result from use, but after some time after starting to use it became noticeable that a healthy nail was growing, i.e. the drug really worked.



easy to apply


1500 for 3 ml

I noticed that the nails on my little toes became brittle and crumbled when trimmed. I had suffered from nail fungus before and treated them with exoderil, but then my husband’s toenails suddenly fell out and he rebelled against exoderil. He is too lazy to apply the drug every day, he decided that it was easier to apply nail polish and forget about them for a week until the next application. I don’t know where he decided that it was necessary to apply Batrafen anti-fungal nail polish once a week - the instructions say once every two days, but this only became clear at home, when I began to read the instructions for the drug he brought. The tube of polish itself is tiny, as can be seen in the photo. There's not much varnish there at all. If we actually use it every other day, I don’t know how long it will last us. Before using antifungal varnish, you need to trim your nails, file the glossy part so that the nail is not smooth, and apply varnish. I started doing this procedure about three days earlier than my husband. After applying the varnish, the nails become smooth, as if they were covered with transparent varnish. It burns a little, especially in the area of ​​damaged nails.

I’ve been using it for three weeks now, my husband uses it less. So far I have not observed any special effect. I liked Exoderil more, it flowed everywhere and around the nail and the new nail plate was already growing healthy, after three weeks it was definitely clear that the drug had an effect. there is no such thing here. But it looks like you need to be treated for at least three months, so we’ll see. My first impression of Batrafen varnish is not very good yet.


Advantages. Convenient

Flaws. Expensive

I was not surprised to read reviews that Batrafen did not help in treatment. The doctor prescribed me Batrafen or Lotseryl - any of these two drugs for treatment, of my choice, since it turns out that Batrafen is an analogue of Lotseryl. The doctor also explained to me that Loceryl, in his opinion, is more effective, because when applying it, it is necessary to file the nail each time and do an alcohol treatment. Batrafen doesn’t require this - he varnished his nail and went. I’ll say right away that to treat the fungus, I had my nail tested and was prescribed a comprehensive treatment, which included treating the shoes, a course of tablets, antifungal drops, cream and batrafen or loceryl. In my case, Batrafen (or Lotseril) should have completed the treatment and consolidated the result. The course of using this varnish requires patience and is long, but the result is guaranteed if the doctor prescribes the complex of products correctly. I used both products, Batrafen and Lotseryl, but the effectiveness of Batrafen turned out to be lower, because during the course of treatment with Lotseryl, the affected plate was cut off each time and treated with alcohol before applying varnish.



An effective antifungal agent


Time and money

When buying shoes, everyone has to try them on - otherwise how can you buy them! So I also bought summer sandals, tried them on, everything was as it should be, but I couldn’t figure out whether they fit or not, so the kind saleswoman advised: take off the shoes and try them on on your bare feet. I took the advice - the result was fungus, first of the skin, and then of the nail. I also went to the doctors, where the examinations involved long, incomprehensible terms, etc. At the pharmacy they suggested Batrafen varnish to me.

Before use, you need to file the nail plate and apply the polish as usual. It must be worn every day, and the old layer must be removed before each application. In general, everything is written in the instructions. After six months of use, the roughness went away. True, I used it in combination with another drug “Orungal”, such tablets. You need to take them in courses, it’s also written in the instructions. One drawback - all this fun is oh so expensive. Varnish is around 1,100 rubles and tablets are 2,500 rubles, but you need a lot of them.



Helps against fungus, although you don’t have to wait long


Very expensive product, small amount of varnish

My husband and I used to use Ecoderil drops to treat nail fungus. My husband had a fungus on his fingernail for a long time. Exoderil did a good job. But it needs to be dripped every day, and therefore, when we decided to treat a fungus on my husband’s big toe nail, we began to look for a remedy that would not need to be applied every day. Several years ago, my husband had surgery for an ingrown toenail and it grew back gray and thick. We naively thought that he was like this because of the operation, but another medical examination at the departmental clinic put everything in its place - the diagnosis was a fungus. We decided to try Batrafen on the recommendation of a doctor. This drug was on the list of recommended drugs.

In the advertising on TV, everything is shown so beautifully, I varnished it and that’s it. We were sure that we needed to apply varnish once a week, or even less often, but in reality it turned out to be wrong.

We were disappointed with several things.

Firstly, the volume of the varnish is very small - only three grams. We are now using our second bottle. The first one left in two months. We put polish on all our toenails.

Secondly, Batrafen varnish must be applied correctly and it is not as easy as a simple varnish.

First, you need to steam your feet, file off the top glossy part of the nail, then apply varnish and apply it every two days. Once a week, remove layers of varnish and reapply it after a bath.

The brush of the varnish is quite convenient, although small.

You have to close the varnish tightly, which I did every time, but due to the not very convenient shape of the lid and because the lid is glued, I cannot open the varnish. My husband also did this only with his teeth, which is why there are dents on the lid.

The polish doesn't last long on the nails. Out of curiosity, I applied Batrafen varnish to my nails and the next day the glossy shine was no longer there. True, I was cleaning my fingernails, and the polish could have washed off. He's apparently not very durable. But it lasts longer on my feet, it seems to me.

Frankly, we didn’t smear every day. And I didn’t have much hope that we would cure the fungus with Batrafen varnish. It seemed to me that the drug should get under the nail fold. Otherwise there is no point in treatment.

However, a month after periodic use, I noticed that the nail was growing back pink, and not grayish, as it was at the beginning of treatment.

I don't know if there are cheaper analogues. We decided to use the drug until the bitter end, until the nail plate is completely replaced.

In principle, if there are no financial difficulties and you have time, then it is quite possible to treat nail fungus with Batrafen varnish.


Level 4 ATX code matches:


Gentian violet





Lamisil Dermgel

Lamisil Uno


Salicylic acid

Salicylic ointment

Keto Plus







Baziron AS

Analogues of the drug Batrafen in the form of an ointment are the drugs Ciclopirox , Dafnedzhin .

An analogue of Batrafen varnish is Loceryl .

Which is better: Batrafen or Lotseril?

Lac Loceryl affects the structure of the fungal cell membrane, as well as the process of their biosynthesis. The active ingredient of the drug is amorolfine . In general, the effect of this drug is similar to that of Batrafen, and its price is slightly higher.

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