Acne cream OJSC "Akrikhin" Azelik - reviews

Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands; it is a medical and social, and not just an aesthetic problem. Acne treatment can take years; patients often experience relapses after a seemingly successful solution to the problem. Unfortunately, no drug manufacturer or cosmetology clinic can guarantee that acne will never bother you again. But modern pharmaceuticals offer drugs that can take control of the disease and improve the quality of life.

Pharmacological effects of Azelik-gel

The main active ingredient of Azelik gel is azelaic acid. Penetrating deep into the layers of the epidermis, it produces a number of positive effects:

  • antibacterial
    - the drug has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms that cause acne (strepto- and staphylococci, propinobacteria acnes);
  • anti-inflammatory
    - due to inhibition of the production of inflammatory cells;
  • keratolytic
    - prevents keratinization of the upper layers of the epidermis and the formation of comedones;
  • brightening
    - the gel suppresses the activity of pigment cells.

As a result of eliminating the bacterial flora and stopping inflammation in damaged structures, blood circulation is normalized. Nutrients and beneficial microelements penetrate cells better, improving metabolic processes and accelerating regeneration.

Bacterial organisms are not resistant to azelaic acid, so there is no need to worry that the medicine will be addictive.

During treatment with the gel, excess sebum secretion is eliminated, pores and skin are cleansed, facial relief is evened out, and redness disappears. The drug eliminates free radicals, thereby preventing premature age-related skin changes.

Acne: treatment and prevention

For acne, treatment should perform the following tasks:

  • Preventing the appearance of new acne. To do this, you need to choose the right skin care products, follow the diet recommended for people suffering from acne, and stop using cosmetics with comedogenic ingredients.
  • Stop the inflammatory process. Local antibiotics work well for this. Reduce sebum production. A noticeable effect is achieved when the level of secretion decreases by at least 30%. To achieve this, topical retinoids can be included in therapy. Azelaic acid also reduces the production of fatty acids5, which means skin oiliness is reduced.
  • Suppress bacterial growth. The topical antibiotic clindamycin and azelaic acid (Azelik®) exhibit antibacterial activity against propionibacteria and Staphylococcus epidermidis.
  • Elimination of follicular hyperkeratosis. Azelaic acid (Azelik® gel) suppresses the formation of comedones, affecting the processes of keratinization.

Effective treatment of acne must be comprehensive; for example, for papulopustular rashes, the topical antibiotic clindamycin and azelaic acid gel (Azelik®) can be used.

Indications for applying the gel

Azelik facial gel is recommended for use for:

  • papular and pustular acne on the skin of the face or body;
  • small red pimples;
  • oily skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • comedones (blackheads);
  • rosacea;

  • melasma - a disorder of pigment production, which is manifested by the formation of uneven dark spots in the face or neck;
  • rosacea;
  • manifestations of post-acne - scars, scars, vascular changes, dents.

When painful red spots appear - the first harbingers of acne, spot application of the gel is recommended. This procedure will stop the further development of inflammation and also prevent the formation of acne marks on the skin.

Considering the effectiveness of Azelik gel against age spots, you can use it to get rid of freckles. This effect is due to the ability of the main active component to block the production of tyrosinase, an enzyme involved in the synthesis of melanin.

Azelik gel, the indications for which are extensive, is not used to treat severe inflammatory formations on the skin surface, which are accompanied by the appearance of pimples with abundant purulent contents.

Peeling with azelaic acid


A study was conducted on the effect of AA, which is part of the surface peeling, on the secretion of sebum in various areas of the face in women.

Research data:

  • 11 women aged 49-71 years
  • Measuring sebum levels with a sebum meter
  • Peeling course – 5 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks


Decreased sebum production

even out skin tone,

narrowing of pores,

reduction of inflammatory elements of acne.

How does AK work as part of a peeling?

  • Has a sebum-regulating effect;
  • Evens out skin tone;
  • Works against acne and prevents the appearance of new rashes;
  • Increases skin tone and elasticity;
  • Evens out skin texture.


Peeling with azelaic acid is ideal for adult skin prone to inflammatory acne and rosacea; Peeling is effective for enlarged pores and oily skin; Azelaine peeling works against age spots.

Use by pregnant women and children

The main contraindication to the use of the drug is individual sensitivity to its composition. Since azelaic acid is a low-toxic substance, and, penetrating the skin, does not enter the systemic bloodstream, using Azelic during pregnancy or during breastfeeding is not prohibited.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that acne in expectant mothers is often associated with hormonal changes in the body, and therefore disappears without a trace after pregnancy.

If such changes in the skin do not cause much concern, then it is better for a woman to try traditional methods based on the use of medicinal herbs.

As for children, to eliminate rosacea the medicine is used by patients over 18 years of age. But given the tendency for acne in adolescents, applying the gel is practiced from the beginning of puberty, but not earlier than 12 years of age.

How to use the gel

Azelik gel should be applied correctly to skin that has been previously cleansed with a special product or water. If the skin is prone to severe oiliness, then for an additional antiseptic and drying effect it is recommended to clean it with simple laundry soap. After washing, the face or body is thoroughly blotted with a towel so that the skin is completely dry. Next, squeeze 2.5 ml (equivalent to a 2.5 cm strip) of the product onto clean hands and apply it locally to the affected areas, rubbing in lightly.

The procedure is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

In advanced cases, the doctor may recommend a comprehensive treatment regimen, which, in addition to Azelik, will include other drugs with local or systemic effects.

Azelik can be applied not only to the face - the gel is suitable for treating skin problems on the back, chest, and neck area.

Don't expect an immediate effect. The first positive results can be noticed after a month of use. The course of treatment with Azelik lasts from 3 to six months. After the condition of the skin is normalized, the drug can be used for prevention. To do this, it is enough to apply it to known problem areas of the face or body 1-2 times a week. In this case, the duration of use can be 1 year.

Fighting acne: treatment with Azelik® gel

Azelik® gel is based on 15% azelaic acid. Thanks to the micronized substance, it easily overcomes the stratum corneum, dissolving in the channels of the sebaceous glands and between skin cells. In addition to the main component, the composition includes the emollient squalane1, which helps soften and moisturize the skin.

Azelik® has a complex effect, affecting several links in the pathogenesis of acne, although the main blow is to bacteria and follicular hyperkeratosis. Azelik® has the following 2.5 actions:

  • reduces the synthesis of fatty acids, which contribute to the appearance of acne;
  • suppresses the development of abnormal melanocytes, which are the cause of hyperpigmentation, that is, it has a depigmenting effect.

Approximately 2.5 cm of Azelik® gel is enough to treat the entire face. In patients with acne, the first signs of improvement usually become noticeable after 4 weeks. To get the best results, use the drug for several months5.

Important nuances when treating with Azelik

To achieve the desired result, it is important not only to apply the gel correctly, but also to follow some rules:


Clindovit is a gel based on antibacterial and hormonal components for the treatment of acne and pimples. Read more >>

  1. The simultaneous use of Azelik with other medical or cosmetic products that contain acids is prohibited. Such combinations may cause skin burns.
  2. A separate towel should be provided for the face.
  3. During the entire course, it is strictly forbidden to squeeze pimples. It is also worth reducing any touching of your hands to problem areas.

  4. When applying, avoid getting the gel on the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth, as well as scratches, abrasions, wounds and other mechanical damage to the integrity of the skin. If such contact does occur, it is necessary to rinse the mucous or damaged surface under plenty of running water.
  5. Makeup can be applied no earlier than 30 minutes after applying the gel.
  6. If during therapy the skin becomes excessively dry, then the use of moisturizers is allowed.
  7. Azelik gel increases the photosensitivity of the skin. Therefore, in summer it is better to apply it before bed. Before going outside, you should apply sunscreen to your skin. For the same reason, it is advisable to reduce the time spent in direct sunlight.

If the effect does not appear after a month of use, you should additionally consult a doctor.

Acne cream OJSC "Akrikhin" Azelik - reviews


When acne started appearing, I didn’t pay attention to it. But over time the situation became even worse. In order not to completely ruin the skin, I turned to a doctor for help. He prescribed Azelik for me. Despite the fact that it contains azelaic acid, it does not dry out the skin and does not cause allergies. On the contrary, the gel is quickly absorbed and is not felt on the skin. I've been using it for about a month and recently noticed that the number of breakouts has started to decrease.


Due to the fact that as a teenager I was careless with my skin and sinned with using an abundance of cosmetics, I developed acne. I treated him with Azelik gel, which, unlike similar products, does not dry out the skin and actually reduces the number of rashes. The main component in the composition is azelaic acid, which has an antimicrobial effect. By the way, the gel is odorless and almost transparent, so it is invisible on the face.

Valeria Koftun

I can’t even look at sweets without getting sprinkled. I really don’t know how people with acne survive, or if it’s just me who was unlucky. The most annoying thing is that the cake breaks out quickly, but then getting rid of these pimples is not so easy. Recently I started using Azelik gel for treatment. It contains azelaic acid. I apply it 2 times a day, in the morning before work and in the evening before bed. After it you can use cosmetics. It helps me a lot. The directly visible effect becomes noticeable after about a month.


My daughter is 16 years old and we are faced with the fact that she began to have a lot of rashes. We contacted a dermatologist and he advised us to go on a diet and apply Azelik topically. After following the doctor’s recommendations and the course of treatment, the rashes went away and the skin cleared up. But when I first used it, my daughter experienced slight discomfort due to a burning sensation. As a result, we can highlight the main advantages of the drug: effective and affordable price. The disadvantage is a slight burning sensation the first time when used.


I have problem skin. No matter what creams I tried, none helped. That was until I found Azelik at the pharmacy. After a month of use, the skin became noticeably clearer. As soon as the slightest hint of a pimple appears, I immediately apply this cream. So, I apply it every day before bed. I liked the affordable price and the results after use. Recom

I recommend it to everyone!

Makarova Maria Viktorovna

Great cream! Replacement of expensive skinoren.


In the fight against acne, Azelik is the best assistant! I tried a bunch of different gels and creams, but none saved me. Now everything is almost perfect, but sometimes you have to use it. Recommendations: avoid sunlight, apply a thin layer at night!

Yana Dudina

I bought it for my daughter, her teenage acne has now started to break out and her forehead is very broken out. The gel is easy to apply, but gives a slight burning sensation, especially on severely inflamed acne, but overall my daughter is happy, the skin really gets cleaner and cleaner every day and there are no scars left after acne.



This drug contains 15 percent azelaic acid, the same as skinoren. The gel is white and odorless. Unlike Skinoren, it does not dry out my skin and there are no side effects. Not like from Skinoren, if you want you can go to my profile and read a review of Skinoren. I stay away from Skinoren and all I can say is that it simply disfigured me. Made my skin even worse. When I saw this gel at the pharmacy, I hesitated for a long time to buy it. I also see azelaic acid, however, it costs less. I purchased it at my own risk, because my pores are clogged and the clogged ones form non-inflamed elements, closed comedones. This means that I only applied it to problem areas, just a drop. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that your skin must be moisturized when using such products, even if your skin is oily (there are light moisturizing creams for oily skin), because if the skin becomes dry, then you will not only have ugly skin with further consequences, and also additional sebum production. I didn’t really pay attention to whether the gel worked or not, I just applied it. And about the second week I see that the skin has become much cleaner and smoother. I was surprised. I thought, did this gel really help? Most likely he. Although the manufacturer says that the first results should be expected after 4 weeks of treatment, I saw them on the second. It’s not like skinoren, I’ll repeat it again, plus there are no side effects and the price is lower. But the main thing is still the effect. The Russian manufacturer did not disappoint! In general, I recommend it to everyone, it’s an excellent, excellent product. Much better than skinoren and baziron, from which, of course, I personally didn’t have much of an effect. It’s just that it’s apparently difficult to find. I only saw it in one pharmacy and I’m afraid that it will run out(((((Finally, this remedy made me happy and free from endlessly swearing in the mirror with thoughts: oooh, is there a new bad thing there(((

About a month has passed. there are no side effects either. There are only a few closed comedones left. I’m happy, I’ve practically stopped staring in panic at the mirror. The terrain is smooth, there are practically no bumps... post-acne has decreased by 80 percent. I bought it in reserve. I'm thinking of taking more... just in case...

So, a month or more has passed since I haven’t used the product. The skin is great.





Upon first opening, a lot of gel comes out due to pressure.


Hello readers and friends. I began to worry about inflamed acne on my face, especially on my chin and forehead. Since I have a friend who is a skin doctor, I turned to her. She prescribed me some kind of chatterbox, which they made for me at the pharmacy, and Azilik gel 5g. I can say that in just 2 applications the inflammation has subsided noticeably. The cream is applied very easily, in a thin layer, just a little bit is needed. It is written that only the inflamed areas should be smeared, but my doctor said to smear the entire face. I repeat that you need to apply a little, because when it dries you will see a white coating where you overdid it. Composition and description, everything is as it should be in the instructions for use. I recommend this gel, of course, with your doctor's permission.



removes redness, no new rashes appear




In my previous reviews, I already told my long story of struggle for facial skin. After a course of acnecutane (review and BEFORE photo here), the doctor recommended consolidating the result and using Skinoren or Azelik for 2 months. I decided not to overpay) The result is that in 2 months the red spots disappeared, the skin smoothed out a little. Compared to what it was, the result is obvious) Photos before can be seen here

The cream itself is pleasant, although it leaves a whitish tint after absorption. The tube lasted for a month.

My next review will be about removing deep scars and post-acne that cream cannot cope with. This will be either peeling or laser.





The price has gone up a lot


My sister uses this gel; since she was a teenager, she has often had a rash; now it’s rare, but it still pops up. In terms of its functions, it is the same skinoren, only cheaper. Previously, it cost around 250 rubles, but now it has become much more expensive, now it costs 500-600 rubles. It helps my sister quite well, but if you use it often, it becomes addictive and helps less. I've used it a few times when I had minor breakouts. Thank God I suffered from acne in my teens and now. But sometimes something still pops up. The gel spreads well and is quickly absorbed, then a slight tingling occurs. It is used quite economically. The effect of this gel is undoubtedly.



relieves inflammation, whitens acne marks


Dries the skin


My skin, of course, is not perfect, but it’s not entirely problematic either. I wouldn't call her fat, more like combination. Unwanted pimples often appear on the forehead and chin. I used Skinoren all the time. When I once again went to the pharmacy to get it, alas, it wasn’t there. But I was offered to buy an analogue of Skinoren - “Azelik”, which also turned out to be much cheaper. I decided to try it. In principle, I liked the cream. It dries out pimples, relieves inflammation, and makes pimple marks less noticeable. But it can only be used locally, otherwise it will dry out and tighten the skin. And there is no point in applying it widely, it does not prevent the appearance of new rashes. I think it copes with its basic functions for its price.


The topic of acne remedies is very broad, but no panacea has been found. For me personally, Azelik cream is one of the best products so far. I’ll say right away that this product did not cure my acne and people with this problem understand that such products can only help maintain the skin in the best condition. And if you have never had such a problem and it appeared one-time, so to speak, then without a doubt this cream will save you.

The story is that I began to look for a new product for care after an exacerbation on my face, remembering that at the age of 13 Zenerite helped me a lot, I bought it and regretted it, the effect was exactly zero, apparently the addiction remained in place even after years, just like that I will say that I tried Baziron AS earlier for almost 4 months and it was my biggest mistake (I will write a separate review about this soon). So I got to Klenzit S and Azelik. An interesting story happened with the combination of these creams, I read that if you use them together, the effect will be much better, so I applied klenzit at night, and azelik during the day, and this continued for two months during which I realized that put

Almost no flax effect was observed, and for some unknown reason I simply stopped using klenzit, leaving only azelik, after which I was pleasantly surprised by the effect of this remedy. The attached photo is not for the faint of heart.

Literally over the next month, I felt significant changes in my skin for the better, the pimples healed in the shortest possible time, literally a day or two, the skin evened out, but most importantly, all the inflammation went away.

For me, first of all, the result is this:

  • eliminates inflammation as quickly as possible
  • everything heals much faster
  • Personally, it brightened my complexion a little, which in my case is a plus, since there are signs of post-acne

Also on the positive side I would like to include the ability to apply it under cosmetics, the main thing is to apply it evenly and smear it well so that after drying there are no white streaks left, so that if applied correctly, the cosmetics will lie on top without any problems.


  • Unfortunately, it does not help from closed comedones and blackheads.
  • When I apply it, I feel a very unpleasant burning sensation, and sometimes it can be extremely unpleasant to endure.
  • I’ll also clarify that it did not prevent the appearance of new acne, but those that appear go away faster and more painlessly.

As for the price, I buy 30g for 670 rubles, I don’t think it’s cheap, but relative to the same Skinoren and Baziron, the difference is felt. This volume lasts me almost a month.



It’s rare for me to have a pimple, but it’s true. I don’t get one pimple that I squeeze, no.. I get at least 5 pimples at once: on my chin, nose, near my lips, and of course on my forehead. They are all in visible places, they hurt a lot, but they take a very long time to go away. There is no point in wiping them with different clearils, tonics, clean and clear! money is wasted, the skin condition worsens, and pimples heal instead of 2 weeks - a whole month, and other pimples begin to appear around.

I’ll make a list by speed of action:

1st place AZELIK

I'm currently on my third day of using it and I'm delighted. Huge red boulders are already at the stage of a small red spot (this is usually after 1.5 weeks of not touching the pimple), yesterday I used a scrub to remove traces of many incipient pimples, the skin is very dry

2nd place Skinoren

We know that its composition is the same as Azelik, only at a price of 800 rubles or more. It’s an unpleasant situation, so I won’t describe exactly the same remedy.

3rd place Baziron

With regular use, you will get rid of pimples within a week or a week and a half, and after 1.5 months you will prevent the appearance of new ones for a certain period of time

4th place Zenerit

helped for a long time, a lot. 2 weeks to heal existing acne, about 2 - 3 months to prevent the appearance of new ones (that is, several courses)

Each of these products is incredibly drying to the skin, so if you have 1-2 pimples, it is better to apply only to them, and not to the whole face.

ABOUT AZELIKA personal notes:

- the skin is reddish, but even in tone! that is, there is no strong difference between spots from healing acne and the basic skin tone.

- it stings quite strongly compared to other means.

- just like the others (except for zenerite), it leaves white stains on the skin

- the skin around the lips peels, although I apply it away from the eyes and lips

-available for sale in every pharmacy, at a price of 350-420 rubles for a 30 g tube (MOSCOW)

- the packaging is more “Russian” compared to Skinoren =) this is noticeable right away, but who cares about the packaging. The content is excellent

Baziron used to be a favorite in the tough fight against acne, but now Azelik has naturally become. Girls, I recommend it to everyone! It couldn't be better!

PS if you know a “harder” remedy, write in the comments! I’ll be glad to try it and write a review!



treats acne, relieves inflammation



The problem of “problem” skin has been accompanying me since I was 12 years old, and now I’m well over 20, and no matter what I do, sometimes wild inflammations still appear, and not just one or two pimples, but a bunch at once. Sometimes this is due to inflammation in the female area, sometimes due to severe stress (and everything starts a month after this stress), and sometimes it is not clear for what reason. Of course, I am treating all this with doctors, but as the gynecologist said, this problem may never go away, and you need to constantly support the skin with external medications and periodically internal ones. A gynecologist, endocrinologist, cosmetologist, and the Internet help me with this. I did a bunch of different procedures with a cosmetologist, they help relieve inflammation well when there are a lot of them, and when one pimple pops out, of course I don’t go kill it with the help of a cosmetologist, but use Azelik. So, my standard treatment regimen: in the morning - Antibiotic (I won’t say which one, everything is strictly individual) for external use for 3 months, in the evening - Azelik for 6 months. After 3 months, I use a topical antibiotic only locally for inflammation, and Azelik every other day at night. BUT. When something goes wrong (and in the spring and autumn there is a relapse of inflammation), an antibiotic in the morning, under makeup, or just without makeup, and in the evening, first with a thick layer of Azelik for inflammation, and after two hours with a thin layer of antibiotic. Azelik is a white cream, odorless. If you apply a thin layer, it stings a little, but it’s not too noticeable. But when I apply it in a thick layer on the inflammation and let it dry, then the acupuncture begins, it’s clearly noticeable, sometimes it’s not pleasant, I tried so many painful procedures in the cosmetologist’s office that Azelik is like stroking a feather for me. After this layer dries, a white coating remains on the skin, which can be easily removed by simply brushing it off with your hand or a napkin. The most pleasant moment is when you wake up in the morning and your face is noticeably improved and smooth. I also noticed that when you apply Azelik to your cheeks, the skin after it is soft, velvety and smooth. It is clear that the composition contains acid, which helps remove the keratinized layer, but there is not so much of it in the cream that the face will look like after peeling (although after peeling you still need to wait until the layer of skin falls off... what a horror). In general, the face becomes very pleasant to the touch, and after a couple of days it looks good. Azelik is the same Skinoren, only from a different manufacturer and three times cheaper. After a long and persistent search, I bought this cream for 400 rubles, although in our city the price was 700 rubles and 550 rubles, but as a treasure hunter, I bought it the cheapest. It lasts me an average of three months of daily use, a lasting effect appears after 3 months of use, and the first visible improvements in the skin, especially if an atomic bomb exploded on your face, after about the third day of use. In summary, the advantages of this product: - quick effect - really treats and relieves inflammation - not very expensive - if you don’t overdo it, you can also use it under makeup. I wish everyone to get rid of skin problems forever and be healthy!



Good composition, fast action, effectiveness


Did not find

I am glad to welcome readers of the site. In this review I will tell you about Azelik Acne, a treatment for acne and pimples. As a result of a hormonal imbalance, I started having skin problems. Acne and pimples began to form on it, which I could not cope with. I tried a bunch of products to improve the condition of my skin, but none of them were effective. On the advice of a professional cosmetologist, I decided to purchase Azelik Acnea. The price for this product is quite high - around 490 hryvnia. However, I needed to fix the problem, so I was ready to pay any money. I used the product strictly according to the instructions. The consistency is pleasant, there is no pronounced smell. There were no side effects from using the product. Within two weeks of using the product, the condition of my face has improved significantly. I completely forgot about the appearance of rashes on the skin. Overall, I am very pleased with the use of this product, so I recommend it if indicated!



Is there a result


A slight burning sensation, the result is not 100%

I would like to talk about this product briefly and to the point. This is a medicinal product, in the price segment, like similar drugs, 350-700 rubles, depending on the volume. It’s better to take a large one, it’s just enough for a course of 1 month. The gel caused a slight burning sensation for me, at first it’s unpleasant, then you get used to it. A more or less noticeable result came after 2 weeks: the skin really became cleaner, and this applies not only to the number of rashes, but also to blackheads (they simply became less noticeable). However, it was not possible to completely cleanse the face. I used it for about a month, but didn’t take the risk for longer because I was confused by the composition, which was completely made up of incomprehensible chemical names. Within another month, the skin condition became the same. Perhaps after Azelik it was necessary to switch to a more gentle, but also medicinal remedy. But we always self-medicate instead of turning to a specialist. As a conclusion, I can say that the product really works, you just need to use it wisely!



Odorless, good for acne


It slides under foundation, although the instructions indicate the possibility of using it

Hello everyone. Recently I was faced with the problem of severe acne on my face. And since I work in a fairly large company, this prospect did not suit me at all. I tried many remedies and got desperate. In the end, my mother brought this gel and said “smear.” Apply to clean and dry skin, dry with a thin film (which, by the way, rolls off if you apply a matte foundation on top). Sometimes you feel a certain tingling in the area of ​​the rash (the acid is still in the composition...). But in principle, the skin becomes smooth, inflammation decreases, and acne gradually goes away without much inflammation. I’ll add a review maybe in three months))

Adverse reactions after use

A feature of the gel is the deterioration of the skin condition and frequent side effects in the first 2 weeks of use. In most patients, the skin turns red, itches, and the treated area peels or stings. Many people note an increase in the number of rashes and excessive dryness of the skin. In such a situation, you should temporarily reduce the frequency of procedures to 1 time per day or completely stop using Azelik, wait until the condition of the epidermis stabilizes, and then resume therapeutic procedures.

As a rule, after some time the skin adapts to the effects of the drug. But if such reactions occur after the third attempt, then it is better to abandon the medication altogether and consult a doctor for an alternative prescription.

AZELIQ (gel)

normal, and the existing minor problems promised to be easily eliminated.
But before we come to see a cosmetologist, we were strongly recommended to treat our skin with Azelik gel for at least a month. The price of this product in the pharmacy horrified me. At first we bought a small tube, just tiny, it cost 300 rubles. We had to at least try to see if it would suit our skin. We didn’t find anything bad, so we decided to try to continue the treatment and complete the cleaning process. Therefore, we bought a large tube, which ruined me for 700 rubles.

Gel "Azelik" from "is designed to combat acne. Many, many scary chemical names in the composition indicate that the product is serious and poisonous. For acne, of course. It was not clear to me how the gel should act on acne. It always seemed to me that the only remedy for acne was to squeeze, squeeze, and squeeze again. Steam first and uproot these black dots along with the white rods. This is how they treated them when I was a child. And it helped! And to anoint it, and it all dissolves on its own... a dubious forecast... And at a huge cost. We applied the gel once a day. The manufacturer's note in the instructions about 2.5 cm of gel was completely unclear to me. Do I need to squeeze out a 2.5 cm long strip of gel? But then even a 700-ruble tube won’t be enough for a week. Or maybe you need to apply a 2.5 cm thick layer of gel on your face? No. Nonsense. In general, we just usually applied the gel to the acne areas.

The ointment stung the skin, especially in the first days. The burning sensation indicated that the product was working, and a positive result was very likely. The gel is almost completely odorless. White color. A month passed, no changes occurred on our face. But we have a cleaning ahead of us in the cabin, which should solve everything.

I was not present at the cleansing. But my daughter said that in addition to the use of some special devices, ordinary squeezing also took place. What did I say? You can’t do without this! After this cleaning, our face suffered, there were spots and traces of cleaning left. So far it was not even clear what this process had brought us. I had to wait a week for the skin to calm down to take the final photo. What have we achieved? My daughter likes the result, she says her face has become cleaner. But I don’t see any changes at all. It seems to me that it is as it was. If it got better, it was only a little bit. Therefore, as a result, I am writing - the gel helps, but very little. When buying a product for that kind of money, I expected a better effect, that my face would be cleaner, my skin would be smoother. To be honest, I find it difficult to recommend the product or not. Most likely no. It is much more effective to monitor your skin daily and regularly use regular products to cleanse teenage skin. This way is simpler and more reliable. And buying this product before cleaning, it seems to me, was unnecessary, it’s just commercialism. The effect of this gel does not justify its price.

Analogues and substitutes

Azelik gel is freely available, so you can purchase it at any pharmacy. The average price of a tube with a capacity of 15 g is 403 rubles. If for some reason you cannot buy the gel, then you can replace it with any other external product based on azelaic acid, since the difference lies only in the manufacturer and cost. Today there are such analogues:

  1. Azogel
    — comes in the form of a gel, has high antiseptic properties, so it helps well against acne and rosacea. Average price - 405 rubles. for 15 g of product. You can purchase Azogel in pharmacies only by pre-order.

  2. Azix Derm
    - has the same indications as Azelik. At the same time, the official instructions for use recommend using the medicine with caution for people with bronchial asthma. The cost of the gel is 663 rubles.

  3. AcneStop
    - a cream with a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and depigmenting effect. Available in tubes of 30 g. Price - 913 rubles.

  4. Skinonorm
    - Available in the form of gel and cream. The first dosage form is recommended for use for rosacea and oily skin. The second - for hyperpigmentation and excessive dryness of the skin. Both the gel and the cream are good at eliminating acne and clogged pores. Price in pharmacies - from 620 rubles.

  5. Skinoren
    is a very popular gel, identical in its properties to Azelik. But the fact that Azelik is produced in Russia (), and Skinoren - in Italy, significantly affects the price. In pharmacy chains it ranges from 1300-1800 rubles.

There is another complete analogue of Azelik - Azelex. It is produced in California (USA). At the moment, the drug is under re-registration, so it is impossible to find it in pharmacies. A brief overview of local products, which have different compositions, but similar indications, is presented in the table:

Drug nameRelease formActive ingredientIndications for applicationAverage price, rub.
AdaklinGelRetinol metaboliteJuvenile acne, acne, pustular rashes530,00
BasirionGelBenzoyl peroxideAcne740,00
ZerkalinAlcohol solution for external useClindamycinAcne, comedones310,00
ZeneritePowder for preparing external solutionErythromycin, zinc saltsAcne, overactive sebaceous glands650,00
Klenzit-SGelClindamycin, adapaleneAcne, open and closed comedones726,00
KlindovitGelClindamycin phosphateAcne372,00
CuriosinGelZinc hyaluronatePapulopustular acne, comedones450,00
ResorcinolSolution for external use, powder for preparing external solution, ointmentMeta-dioxybenzeneFungal infections of the skin, eczema, dermatitis, seborrhea, acne, itching due to an allergic reaction or manifestations of herpes.not available in pharmacy chains
EpiduoGelAdapalene, benzoyl peroxideSevere acne3950,00

In cases where the use of products based on azelalaic acid causes severe side effects, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the possibility of replacing it with the above drugs.

Acne: treatment of different forms of acne

Developing a treatment plan is the prerogative of doctors. Depending on the causes of acne, your team of specialists may include a dermatologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, or gastroenterologist. Therapy will depend on what stage of the disease you start at. There are the following forms of acne:

  • Comedones. There are closed and open. The first are white formations that do not reach the surface. The gradual accumulation of epithelial cells, dust, sebaceous secretions, and pigment leads to the appearance of open comedones with a black head appearing above the skin.
  • Papules. Dense red-blue bumps that make the skin uneven.
  • Pustules. Ulcers with softer contents than papules. If their diameter does not exceed 5 mm, they, as a rule, heal without a trace, otherwise they may leave scars.
  • Knots. They are large infiltrates that are located in the subcutaneous fat and dermis. During healing, tissue scarring occurs.
  • Cysts. Red-blue cavities filled with pus, like nodes, leave behind scars.

The comedonal form is a mild stage of acne. You can fight such a rash using topical medications, for example, Azelik® gel from the Russian one. Papulopustular formations indicate the transition of the disease to the middle or moderate stage. This is a signal that it is time to resort to complex therapy. Nodules form with severe acne. It is recommended to take any medications under the supervision of a doctor; for nodular acne, it is especially important to be observed by a specialist.

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