Report on the clinical effectiveness of the drug "MELAXEN" from Unipharm-USA (USA) in the treatment of insomnia


Melaxen (melatonin) is an adaptagen and mild hypnotic. In recent years, the role of melatonin in medicine has increased significantly. Based on it, a number of antidepressants and hypnotics (hypnotics) that act on melatonin receptors in the brain have been created. Melatonin is a natural hormone in the body, synthesized in the pineal gland from tryptophan. This is a multifunctional hormone involved in many biochemical processes. With the onset of darkness, a person's melatonin level increases, which leads to a decrease in body temperature, elimination of psycho-emotional stress, and induction of sleep. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that protects the DNA of brain cells from free radical damage. It has a wide range of proven pharmacological effects, including hypnotic, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antidepressant, adaptogenic, and anti-stress. Melatonin, used as the active ingredient of the drug Melaxen, is produced from amino acids obtained from medicinal plant materials and is an analogue of natural melatonin produced by the pineal gland. Normalizes circadian rhythms. Improves the quality of night sleep: reduces the period of falling asleep, minimizes the number of episodes of night awakenings, promotes good health and mood in the morning, improves the emotional coloring of dreams, making them more vivid, ensures the absence of lethargy, lethargy, and loss of strength after waking up in the morning.

Helps the body better tolerate jet lag. Reduces stress load. Strengthens immune status. Interferes with the release of gonadotropins. Does not cause tolerance, addiction or drug dependence. When taken orally, it is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Easily penetrates blood-parenchymal barriers, including the blood-brain barrier. Has a short half-life. Adults take half a tablet or a whole tablet once a day half an hour before going to bed. If the drug is used to adapt to time zone changes, then the first dose is taken one day before the flight, and then for the next 2-5 days - half an hour before bedtime. You should not take more than two Melaxen tablets per day. Possible side effects: drowsiness after waking up in the morning, headaches, dyspepsia, allergic reactions. The drug has a weak contraceptive effect, which should be kept in mind when prescribing it to women trying to become pregnant. The drug increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, so when taking Melaxen you should avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. During the period of taking the drug, it is recommended to refrain from work related to mechanisms that require attention and concentration. Melaxen potentiates the effects of other hypnotics.

Melaxen is an over-the-counter insomnia medication

In the fight against the problem of insomnia, all means are good. Medicines for insomnia, available in pharmacies in Moscow without prescriptions or by prescription, help cure the problem of insomnia. However, not all medications are as harmless as they seem at first glance. At an appointment with a somnologist in Moscow (if you make an appointment), you can get good advice on the causes of the problem of insomnia and its treatment. Overdose of a drug, rapid addiction and dependence are not positive aspects of some drugs. However, there are medications for insomnia that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but in simple cases they allow many patients to cure their sleep.

Melaxen is a drug that has proven itself exclusively on the positive side. It is for this reason that the doctor who treats insomnia (somnologist) at the Somnology Center in Moscow prescribes to his patients not some new, fashionable medications to combat sleep disorders, but the well-known Melaxen.

Melaxen is similar in composition to the natural hormone melatonin, which is produced during sleep. It is obtained from amino acids using synthesis. The complex chemical formula made it possible for many patients who had lost hope of a full and healthy rest to restore the quality of their sleep.

Melaxen acts on the body gradually and has no adverse reactions. The body gradually falls into hibernation (physical activity stops, the desire to sleep arises). The drug does not “rape” the body, but, on the contrary, gently guides you to sleep. The chemical formula of the drug has been repeatedly tested in independent laboratories and has received approval from somnologists at all Somnology Centers in Moscow.

Despite the fact that the drug Melaxen is one of the preferred medications for insomnia, sold in pharmacies without prescriptions, this does not exclude an initial consultation with a doctor treating insomnia, so we recommend making an appointment with a somnologist at the Somnology Center in Moscow for a full diagnosis and treatment .

The effect of Melaxen on a person suffering from insomnia

Time to fall asleep gradually decreases

Sleep becomes deeper and better quality. No anxiety

All natural circadian rhythms in the human body are restored

Abroad, Melaxen is considered more of a biological supplement and not a cure for insomnia, so it can be bought in pharmacies without a prescription.

Somnology center in Moscow in Khamovniki. Sleep Medicine Center

The somnology center in Moscow in Khamovniki has everything to treat insomnia in men, women, the elderly, teenagers and children. Polysomnography, cognitive behavioral therapy, CPAP therapy in Moscow are some of the modern methods used by somnologists to treat insomnia in Moscow. The head of the Center for Sleep Medicine at the Rehabilitation Clinic in Khamovniki is Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences - Roman Vyacheslavovich Buzunov .

–President of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Society of Somnologists”,

–Professor of the Department of Regenerative Medicine and Medical Rehabilitation with courses in pediatrics, nursing, clinical psychology and pedagogy of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Further Professional Education "Central State Medical Academy" of the Department of the President of the Russian Federation,

–Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences.


Work phone 5.5


Places of work:

Internet resources – personal website of R.V. Buzunova – website about CPAP therapy

YouTube channel:

Instagram: @buzunov_roman

To get advice on the problem of insomnia, you need to make an appointment with a somnologist BUZUNOV ROMAN VYACHESLAVOVICH in Moscow, call: +7 495 77 33 195.


+7(495) 77-33-195

Leave a request:

For more effective action, doctors treating insomnia at Somnology Centers in Moscow recommend adhering to several important rules. If you follow the recommendations of somnologists for taking Melaxen, you can quickly cure sleep and restore normal functioning of the body.

Recommendations from a somnologist for taking Melaxen for insomnia

It is advisable to take a tablet (3 mg) 45-60 minutes before going to bed. The drug is not addictive, so if necessary, the patient can use Melaxen for a long period of time until complete recovery and restoration of the sleep disorder. It is better to take the drug on the recommendation of a somnologist at the Somnology Center in Moscow after undergoing comprehensive diagnostics. Self-medication can be dangerous to your health.

Cases of drug overdose are excluded. If you consume too much, the body itself removes toxins without causing a violent reaction. If the effectiveness of Melaxen is rather weak, you can try increasing the dosage to 6 mg.

Very rarely, side effects such as swelling and headaches may occur. However, these symptoms are not always caused by Melaxen. It is recommended to consult a somnologist at the Somnology Center in Moscow and undergo additional examination in order to more accurately diagnose the causes of insomnia and adjust treatment. Over the course of 2-3 days, you can observe yourself and track your dynamics.

Medicine is certainly good, but you must understand that it is not a 100% panacea for sleep disorders. To gradually free yourself from the problem of insomnia, try to “help” yourself and not stray from your daily routine. Melaxen improves sleep quality and promotes gradual correction without harm to the body. Somnologists at the Somnology Center in Moscow select an individual treatment regimen that will be most effective in each specific case.

Melaxen helps with disorders and disorders associated with circadian rhythms. Melaxen helps stabilize sleep after a vacation, long rest, or job change (daytime, nighttime). Even taking into account the fact that the medicine for insomnia Melaxen is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, a consultation with a somnologist is by no means superfluous. You can make an appointment at the Somnology Center in Moscow for consultation with a somnologist by calling the contact number on the website. The doctor’s individual approach will help you achieve the desired results and return to your normal rhythm of life.

The drug does not have direct indications for curing cancer, but when using the tablets, the risk of diseases related to oconology is reduced. Memory and general physiological condition of a person improves. The body feels healthy and vigorous. Even older people experience positive changes and smooth correction of sleep.

The drug cannot be classified as a contraceptive, but after the research, this is a fact. Melaxen has low contraceptive properties. This is important to consider for women planning to become pregnant.

Please note that if you have been taking medications for a long time and there is no improvement, chronic insomnia may be progressing. It is recommended to consult a doctor who can diagnose the causes of insomnia and prescribe treatment. At the Somnology Center in Moscow in Khamovniki, you can undergo a comprehensive diagnosis to identify the causes of the problem of insomnia and receive full treatment.

Test online:

Assess how you feel during the day to see if you have sleep disorders

Test online:

Check if you have sleep apnea

Instructions for use

Registration number: P-8-242 No. 015325/01 dated 08.29.08

Trade name of the drug: MELAXEN

INN: melatonin

Dosage form: film-coated tablets 3 mg.

Composition: Active ingredient -

Melatonin, 3 mg; excipients: calcium hydrogen phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate; shell: talc, shellac, isopropanol.


: round, biconvex, white to yellowish-white film-coated tablets, with a scored line on one side of the tablet.


. Adaptogenic agent.


: N05CM17

Characteristics of the drug


Melaxen is a chemical analogue of the biogenic amine Melatonin. Chemical formula N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine. Molecular weight 232. Dissolves in water, alcohol, lipids. Penetrates well through the blood-brain barrier. Synthesized from amino acids of plant origin.


It is a synthetic analogue of the pineal gland hormone. Normalizes circadian rhythms. Regulates the sleep-wake cycle, daily changes in locomotive activity and body temperature. Helps normalize night sleep (accelerates falling asleep, reduces the number of night awakenings, improves well-being after waking up in the morning, does not cause a feeling of lethargy, weakness and fatigue when waking up, dreams become more vivid and emotionally rich).

Adapts the body to rapid changes in time zones, reduces stress reactions.

Shows immunostimulating and pronounced antioxidant properties.

Inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins, and to a lesser extent, other hormones of the adenohypophysis - corticotropin, thyrotropin and somatotropin.

Does not cause addiction or dependence.


When taken orally, it is quickly and completely adsorbed and easily passes histohematic barriers, including the blood-brain barrier. Has a short half-life.


As a sleeping pill.

As an adaptogen to normalize biological rhythms.


Hypersensitivity, severe renal impairment, autoimmune diseases, leukemia, lymphoma. Allergic reactions, lymphogranulomatosis, myeloma, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, pregnancy and lactation.

Directions for use and doses

Inside. Adults take ½-1 tablet 30-40 minutes before bedtime once a day. As an adaptogen when changing time zones: 1 day before the flight and in the next 2-5 days, 1 tablet 30-40 minutes before bedtime. The maximum daily dose is up to 2 tablets per day.


Allergic reactions to the components of the drug and swelling are possible in the first week of use. Headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, morning drowsiness.


In case of accidental overdose: gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy. Increased severity of side effects.


Enhances the effect of drugs that depress the central nervous system and beta blockers. It is not recommended to take together with hormonal medications.

Incompatible with MAO inhibitors, glucocorticosteroids and cyclosporine.


During the treatment period, it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions. It is necessary to inform women who want to become pregnant that the drug has a weak contraceptive effect.

Release form

12 or 24 tablets in an aluminum foil/PVC blister. One or two blisters along with instructions for use will be placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 10-30°C, in a dry place, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children.


4 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Release from pharmacies

Without a doctor's prescription.

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