A randomized controlled study of the effectiveness of Tabex in the treatment of tobacco dependence

Levshin V.F., Slepchenko N.I. Radkevich N.V. RONC named after. N.N. Blokhin RAMS


Tobacco and tobacco smoking (TS) are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the modern population (2, 7). At the same time, according to the World Health Organization, the development and implementation of methods to reduce the prevalence of smoking and, in particular, assistance in quitting smoking, are recognized, based on the criteria of cost and effectiveness, as the most promising area for the prevention of many chronic non-communicable diseases (12). The need to develop methods and introduce medical assistance in cessation of tobacco use into health care practice is due, first of all, to the fact that the vast majority of regular smokers suffer from a certain type of disorder, tobacco addiction. Therefore, only 3-5 out of 100 people who want to quit smoking manage to quit smoking on their own without any help (10). Other smokers require some medical care. Among the various methods of helping to quit smoking and treating tobacco addiction, drug therapy plays a significant role. The number of drugs offered for the treatment of tobacco addiction is growing, but not all of them undergo sufficient testing and objective assessment of their effectiveness.

In particular, there are only three drugs on the Russian market that have undergone proper clinical trials on a larger or smaller scale to evaluate their effectiveness in the treatment of tobacco addiction : Nicorette (nicotine replacement therapy drug), Tabex (cytisine) and Chantix (varenicline). Of these drugs, Tabex has the longest history of use in the treatment of tobacco addiction, at the same time, the least number of special clinical studies have been devoted to this drug. There are a relatively small number of publications devoted to controlled studies of Tabex, and all of them indicate greater or lesser effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of tobacco dependence (6, 13). However, due to the lack of relevant research, the effectiveness and indications for the use of Tabex continue to be discussed and studied. In particular, to our knowledge, a randomized, double-blind controlled study of the use of Tabex in the treatment of tobacco dependence has not yet been conducted in Russia.


Tabex (cytisine) is a drug for the treatment of tobacco dependence of the n-cholinomimetics group from the Bulgarian pharmaceutical. The active ingredient of the drug is the alkaloid cytisine, extracted from broom. It interacts with n-cholinergic receptors, acting as an antagonist to nicotine. Cytisine stimulates the receptors of the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system, excites chemoreceptors located at the site of the expansion of the internal carotid artery (the so-called carotid sinus) and promotes more intense secretion of epinephrine by the adrenal cortex. Increases blood pressure and stimulates the respiratory reflex. A special feature of Tabex is that it provides the opportunity to systematically quit smoking for a person who does not have sufficient willpower to give up the bad habit once and for all. Smoking must be stopped no later than the fifth day from the start of pharmacotherapy. The effectiveness of the drug was tested in randomized clinical trials involving patients with an impressive smoking history. About 60% of them completely gave up smoking; in 30% of cases, a partial result was achieved, which consisted in reducing the number of smoking episodes during the day from 20-30 to 4-5. Only in 11% of cases a negative result was obtained, which in most situations was caused by an unmotivated refusal of pharmacotherapy until the required saturation of the body with the active substance of the drug. The pharmacological effect of Tabex is based on its ability to cause unpleasant sensations of nicotine overdose against the background of smoking, which motivates a person to either completely give up this habit or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

The Tabex package contains 100 tablets of 1.5 mg of active ingredient. The course of treatment is 25 days, the average number of tablets per course is 100. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually. For people with low smoking intensity, it may be lower: its selection is carried out based on the patient’s well-being. The drug does not affect the psychophysical state and does not impair the ability to engage in activities that require concentration and attention. With a mechanism of action similar to nicotine, cytisine has a much higher toxicity threshold. Tabex is prescribed only to those patients who have seriously decided to work towards completely quitting smoking. For persons with a smoking history of more than 40 years, the drug is prescribed only after an interview with a doctor. Drug therapy with Tabex against the background of continued smoking can cause potentiation of the negative effects of nicotine and, ultimately, provoke nicotine intoxication. Provided the prescribed doses are followed and the doctor's recommendations are followed, the drug has no serious side effects. During treatment and upon its completion, there is an improvement in the patient's general condition due to the elimination of nicotine intoxication.

Instructions for use TABEX

Tabex should be prescribed only when the patient has a serious intention to quit smoking. Treatment with the drug and continued smoking may lead to increased side effects of nicotine (nicotine intoxication).

There is not enough clinical experience with the use of Tabex in patients with coronary artery disease, heart failure, arterial hypertension, cerebrovascular diseases, obliterating arterial diseases, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcers, diabetes, renal or liver failure. The use of Tabex in this category of patients should be carried out after a thorough assessment by the attending physician.

There is not enough clinical experience with the safe use of Tabex in children under 18 years of age and in adults over 65 years of age, therefore its use in these age groups is not recommended.

The medicinal product contains lactose. Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not use this medicinal product.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Tabex does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate machines.

Preclinical data

Toxicological studies of the drug on rats for 30 and 90 days show good resorption and the absence of toxic effects on hematopoiesis and internal organs. Oral administration of the drug in mice for 45 days and in rats and dogs for 180 days does not cause toxic changes in hematopoiesis and internal organs, with the exception of dystrophic changes in the liver of varying degrees. Single oral doses of cytisine (1 and 5 mg/kg) and nicotine (1 and 5 mg/kg) did not cause changes in heart rate or prolongation of the QT interval in male and female guinea pigs.

Cytisine at doses of 1 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg has a better safety profile in relation to the gastric mucosa compared to nicotine when used at the same dose in rats. When studying cytisine and nicotine at equimolar concentrations in isolated hepatocytes, it was established that cytisine causes significantly weaker toxicity in relation to hepatocyte viability and GSH depletion compared to nicotine. At the same time, cytisine shows a more pronounced toxic effect on the lipid peroxidation product, MDA.

Cytisine (6.25-200 µM) shows extremely low nephrotoxic potential in in vitro studies on human embryonic renal epithelial cells compared to nicotine and other nephrotoxic drugs.

With 5-day use of cytisine and nicotine in rats, significant changes were found in the walls of the renal blood vessels in the group that used nicotine at a dose of 5 mg/kg, followed by the groups that used nicotine at a dose of 1 mg/kg and cytisine at a dose of 5 mg/kg , in the group of animals treated with cytisine at a dose of 1 mg/kg, there are minor changes.

A comparative study of the genotoxic potential of cytisine, nicotine and well-known genotoxic substances (mitomycin C and cyclophosphamide) shows that cytisine does not exhibit clastogenic activity in therapeutic doses. There is no data on the carcinogenic potential of cytisine.

Cytisine at doses of 3 mg/kg and 4 mg/kg does not cause embryotoxic effects in rats. In chicken embryos, the use of cytisine in therapeutic doses does not cause embryotoxic or teratogenic effects; however, in high doses the drug has an embryotoxic effect.

The active ingredient of Tabex is the alkaloid cytisine.

It is a natural extract of the seeds of the Cytisus Laburnum plant. As an agonist of acetylcholinergic receptors, cytisine blocks them from attaching nicotine, reduces dependence on it and at the same time stimulates the release of dopamine. A drug. Tabex is licensed and approved for use in Russia as a prescription drug.

The purpose of this study is to study the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug TABEX in the treatment of tobacco dependence in smokers who quit smoking and to assess the possible side effects of the drug in a controlled and randomized trial.

Material and methods for studying the effectiveness of Tabex

The study was conducted on the basis of the prevention department of the Russian Oncological Scientific Center named after. N.N. Blokhina. For more than 5 years, the department has had a permanent service to help you refuse TC. Information about the work of the assistance service in refusing TC is disseminated through medical institutions in Moscow and their medical personnel, as well as through some local media and the Internet. Advisory assistance in quitting smoking, as well as provision of the drug TABEX under the research program were provided free of charge.

Recruitment of individuals into groups for the clinical trial was carried out from among smokers who sought help in quitting smoking during 2008. Persons were included in the study taking into account the following conditions:

— age 18-60 years; - experience of regular smoking for at least 3 years; - smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day; — motivated to quit smoking; — living in Moscow and available for contact by phone; — no contraindications to taking the drug specified by the manufacturer of the drug; — those who agree to participate in the study and with its terms (signed the Information Agreement).

All persons included in the study underwent a certain examination and psychological support before prescribing the drug.

Standard examination of smokers included:

— filling out a standardized questionnaire clarifying demographic data, smoking history and smoking behavior of the smoker, the degree of tobacco dependence and the level of motivation to quit smoking; — a survey regarding previous and concomitant diseases, current well-being and existing complaints; — measurement of height, weight, pulse, blood pressure, apnea (time of holding your breath while exhaling); — measuring the level of CO in exhaled air using a CO detector.

Standard psychological support for smoking cessation included:

— strengthening motivation to quit TC, — training in methods of psychological preparation for quitting TC, — training in methods of overcoming the desire to smoke after quitting TC, — explanation of the basic principles of treating tobacco addiction and the purpose of this clinical trial. — prescribing a course of medication and instructions on the regimen of drug use, a plan for quitting TC and subsequent consultations.

Individuals included in the study received TABEX or placebo. The tested drug TABEX contains the alkaloid Cytizin, which is an active agonist of nicotine neuroreceptors, reduces nicotine addiction, and alleviates withdrawal symptoms and depression. One tablet of Tabex contains 1.5 mg of Cytisine. The drug is intended for oral administration (per os).

The placebo drug completely copies the Tabex drug in appearance, but does not contain its active pharmacological component. The placebo drug is also intended for oral administration (per os). The standard course of medication, the same for Tabex and placebo, is 100 tablets for 25 days.

The distribution of smokers into groups (receiving TABEX or Placebo) was carried out randomly and double-blind. Randomization was performed using a randomization code generated by an external statistician, who kept it and made it available to the investigators only at the end of the study during the evaluation phase.

To track study participants and assess the results of tobacco dependence treatment, all patients were offered a minimum of 2 follow-up visits to a smoking cessation service at 1 and 4 weeks after starting medication, and a minimum of 2 telephone contacts at 3 and 6 months. from the start of treatment.

Control examinations included

— control of the treatment regimen and administration of study drugs; — assessment of changes in smoking behavior with mandatory measurement of CO levels in exhaled air; — determination of the nature and degree of manifestation of withdrawal syndrome and clarification of the dynamics in subjective complaints and sensations of patients during the period of taking drugs; — objective examination and examination of patients, taking into account possible dynamics in objective examination data (weight-height index, pulse rate, blood pressure, apnea); — psychological support and recommendations for preventing relapse in cases of continued abstinence and motivation for a new attempt to quit in case of relapse of TS.

The analysis of the collected data included a study of the comparability of two groups taking Tabex and placebo, based on a set of anamnestic and status indicators and characteristics, and an assessment of the effectiveness of tobacco addiction therapy by groups and subgroups of the test population of smokers.

The criterion for abstinence status (successful cessation of TC) was the patient’s own report of complete cessation of TC for a period of more than a week at the time of the last contact with him and assessment of his smoking status. During control examinations, abstinence status was necessarily confirmed by measuring the level of CO in exhaled air, not more than 9 ppm.

Statistical processing and analysis were carried out on a computer database using statistical programs.

Tabex tablets - reviews


Tabex certainly helps, but you need willpower and self-control. When I started drinking for the first time, I didn’t smoke for 5 years after that. But out of stupidity I smoked a couple of times... and it all started again. I drank Tabex for the second time (I drank it for a total of 15 days, if not less), only on the 6th or 7th day did I quit smoking. Half a year has passed, everything would have been fine if I hadn’t decided to “play around” again. The pampering lasted for a year... This is the third time I’ve quit using Tabex. The first 2 days I ran to smoke after each pill... On the third day I barely smoked 2 pieces. I tried again, it didn’t work... But this time I will definitely take the course to the end.


Excellent tool! I quit on the 7th day! Now 3.5 years have passed during this time and the thought of smoking has not arisen, although almost everyone around me smokes! I recommend! Health to everyone!


Excellent tool! I quit on the 7th day! Now 3.5 years have passed during this time and the thought of smoking has not arisen, although almost everyone around me smokes! I recommend! Health to everyone!


Smoking experience: 18 years. There were cases when I didn’t buy it for a month and a half. But this only happened maybe twice. My husband and I have been wanting to quit for a long time. But nothing worked for me or for him. As soon as I think about it, I need to quit running around and smoking even more often. The result is a pack for a day, and that was not always enough. Well, my last hope is pills. I told my husband and in the evening he bought them. We started taking it together. Already on the first day I smoked not 20 but 12-13 cigarettes. On the second day 6-7, on the 3rd day five of them climbed up. The instructions say that if you can’t quit after 5 days, you need to postpone the idea for 2-3 months and stop taking the pills. I was able to give up on day 6. My husband is on day 7. Sometimes there is a desire to smoke, but it is not as physically difficult to bear as before. All you need is a mint candy or chewing gum or something that will last for a long time. Nowadays, cigarette smoke is perceived as something that blocks the throat. I want to move away from the person who smokes next to me. And at home, if guests smoked on the balcony and didn’t close the door properly, I open the windows to let it out because it’s disgusting to be there. I recommend it to everyone who is not contraindicated. There is clearly an effect.


I am 51 years old and have been a smoker for 33 years. I decided to quit taking Tabex, I’ve been taking it for 3 days now. There are no side symptoms. I noticed that I crave cigarettes less. All it takes is a couple of puffs, but it feels like you’ve smoked a whole one. Probably just a strong desire to quit, but Tabex decided to finish drinking it to the end.


These pills helped me, I didn’t smoke for 2 years, and then I foolishly started smoking, I thought that I would smoke one and not do it again, then I didn’t want to either, but in the company I decided to take another puff and away I went. Now I bought it again and will drink it strictly on time and the scheme, then they only help. Good luck to everyone. A friend of mine took several pills, now he hasn’t smoked for 10 years. Good luck to all.


They really help.. I smoked only 10 cigarettes in a day.. and before in the evening the pack was gone.. I catch myself thinking.. I haven’t smoked for three hours. But I don’t want to smoke.. during the day when I smoked, I felt like I was lighting the first cigarette in my life


Many thanks to the developers of Tabex. I haven't smoked for 1.5 months. I'm proud of myself that I don't smoke anymore. Without the pills nothing would have worked. If someone writes that pills don’t help, it means they have no desire to quit smoking. Advice for anyone who wants to quit smoking. Some people mistakenly think that if they haven’t quit within 3 days, it means it’s not helping. For example, I completely gave up cigarettes on day 11, when the number of cigarettes smoked per day decreased to 5. I was a heavy smoker, smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day. The only thing when using pills is to find the strength to tell yourself that from now on you won’t smoke anymore and that at that moment there are no cigarettes at hand, you yourself feel that there is no desire to smoke and you don’t get any pleasure from smoking cigarettes, but only habit. And I told myself that I no longer smoke at 11 pm and threw away the last 4 cigarettes. In the morning I didn’t have any agony, but only a slight feeling that something was missing and that’s all. During this entire period I smoked 3 times in my sleep and woke up in horror. Remember that pills are designed to make it easier to quit smoking. When taking the tablets there is no such effect as from cough tablets, I drank and stopped coughing. Tabex reduces the desire to smoke.


Good day everyone! I want to say one thing about Tabex, it only helps those who really want to quit smoking! I myself have been smoking for about 19 years (although there was a 3-year break, then I quit myself). The number of cigarettes I smoked began to approach 2 packs a day! I realized that what was next was a disaster and decided to quit. It took me a long time to set up, but……. I realized that this time I simply couldn’t do it myself. I know people who quit smoking with the help of Tabex. Without hesitation, I went to the pharmacy and bought two packs (for myself and my wife). We accept the 2nd day. I can say the following about my feelings: yesterday (the first day) I smoked, but with each tablet less and less... This morning (the second day of taking), according to a long-term habit after breakfast, my hand itself found a cigarette and a pack, the desire to smoke was there, but not like this usually, so - after the first puff I realized that I didn’t really want to smoke, the cigarette was rubbish! In general, I smoked half a cigarette somehow, more out of habit. Now, as I write, the time is 11:07 (am), I have smoked half a cigarette in total, plus the first one in the morning. I consider this a VERY good indicator for myself (in normal mode I would have already destroyed 4-5 cigarettes). I believe that the drug fulfills its purpose 100%. If I have time, I will try to describe the subsequent days of treatment, since the feelings that I experience inspire real optimism. P/s: Guys (I’m addressing those who started smoking 4 times more after starting treatment), it’s obvious that you were just expecting a MIRACLE, you’ll start taking pills and be cured of tobacco addiction. Alas, this does not happen... We are all smokers - addicted people and nothing will come of it without our own strong desire. At least drink Tabex, at least go to Grandma. Good luck to you and a speedy victory over nicotine (and most importantly over YOURSELF!!!)


I have been taking Tabex for 19 days now. I haven’t smoked for 4 days since these 19. Sometimes, out of habit, I want to go and smoke, but I hold on. The bad thing is that the first 3 days without cigarettes are just terrible for your nerves!!!! I hope I don't even have to deal with this crap. I'm thinking about stopping taking pills. It all depends on you, and pills provide support to the body


I've been smoking for 20 years. There were attempts to quit smoking, but it lasted no more than a month. Tabex was recommended by a friend, he quit smoking and his wife hasn’t smoked for six months either. I've been drinking for 5 days now, I haven't smoked for two days now. The tablets make it easier to quit smoking, and this is written in the insert for them. The rest, i.e. I have to do it myself to completely give up smoking! Good luck to those who have chosen to continue living without tobacco smoke!


I bought Tabex in black packaging. For the first 5 days I smoked as usual, but in the following days I began to realize that I was disgusted by every cigarette I smoked. The longer I continued to drink on the course, the less desire I had to light a cigarette, not because I don’t want to, but because when you light a cigarette it becomes disgusting. And so my 15 years of experience came to naught


Today is the 1st day I have not smoked for 7 hours


I bought the pills in 2022, took them... Half the course... And I'm free for 5 months.... . The first time was bad, but 7 days were enough for me... Previously, I smoked 2 packs a day. I admit that I am a smoker for 21 years…. My husband's dream has come true!!! If you want a good result, don't worry. Damn alcohol, otherwise everything will be in vain...


Smoking experience for more than forty years. I quit smoking on the ninth day of taking Tabex, I haven’t smoked for the sixth month. You could quit even in order to understand how great it is not to smoke. Tabex will definitely help you


A friend quit smoking for the seventh day, takes pills and doesn’t crave. And I was motivated today for the second day since I took pills and smoked one cigarette, it became so disgusting.


The pills help, you also need desire and motivation. You must follow the instructions strictly!!! I quit taking the pills and the result was, I didn’t crave it at all... I stepped on the scales and ran for cigarettes... stupid, I had to switch to a normal diet. The second time I decided to quit and set myself up (it takes a lot of money! The smell from the clothes! You are always looking for a place to smoke.... A respectable lady, aged, but how..... I bought Tabex before my vacation, on the fifth day I boarded the plane without cigarettes and most importantly, I was surrounded by people who didn’t smoke. I gained self-respect... Quit Tabex, but first set yourself up!!!


I came to the decision to quit smoking, I smoked for 30 years, I’m 44. I bought Tabex, was skeptical of course and started taking it, strictly according to the prescription, and at the same time took a sedative. It helped, I don’t smoke for two months, the desire arises but can be extinguished quickly, there is no withdrawal, I’m great!!! I did it, I’m very happy, I just got rid of the condals!!!!!!


Good evening! I bought Tabex, which I hope for. I understand perfectly well about the suggestions themselves. But to be honest, many of the symptoms are true! The first days you hold on, the rest you fight with yourself. It’s very difficult, although there are loved ones nearby who support me! May God help you!!!! I want this! Today is my 9th day, but I still smoke((((but I smoke much less. There is a moment when you smoke and realize that you don’t feel the taste of cigarettes. And you just hold the cigarette in your hands. How do you understand what you’re holding, you're wasting this cigarette! I still have half a course, I hope it will help me) and not only me! QUIT SMOKING!!! AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND HOW BEAUTIFUL DIFFERENCE IS))) GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE IN YOUR BENEFITS, I WISH YOU SUCCESS!!!


It’s too early to brag, but! I’m very tired of smoking, my head constantly hurts, I’m tired, etc. My husband and I decided to quit smoking before NG. We bought Tabex. We drink and don't smoke. I took 15 tablets and quit. Didn't smoke. I lit a cigarette. It’s not just disgust for cigarettes, but it’s also not the same buzz. But I smoked stubbornly. And again it smoked into all the chimneys. The other day I started taking pills again. On the third day I smoked 2.5 cigarettes. Today 2 days without cigarettes. I’m tempted to smoke, but as soon as I remember, the buzz will no longer be there and I’ll be discouraged. I continue to take pills. I’m gaining weight, but not from the pills, I’m thinking about buying Novopasit)))


I decided to write my review. Smoking experience 15 years. There were many attempts. At most I haven't smoked for 3 months. Then I sat on the electronic device for 2 years, after which I started smoking. Now I started taking Tabex. I drank for the 4th day. I stopped smoking (I lost the desire) on the 3rd day (after smoking 2 cigarettes in the morning). I haven't smoked a single cigarette now. At times, a minor desire arises, such as “to have a smoke,” but after taking a full breath, all thoughts disappear. I believe that the preparation works, but provided that the brain is properly tuned. Go for it.


The first time I quit without pills, it broke, I endured it hard, I didn’t smoke for two years, then I bought it again, I tried to quit, and it didn’t work out. Friends advised me that I haven’t smoked Tabex for two years, I decided, it seems to be normal, it doesn’t break, let’s see what happens next.


To quit smoking, you need even greater willpower. I took Tabex for only five days, just so that I wouldn’t vomit inside. I haven't smoked for two weeks. I'm determined to quit smoking and try not to even think about it.


I agree, this will absolutely not help for the lazy, who don’t know how to pull themselves together, everything is in their head, to quit you need to remove cigarettes from the house, throw your husband in the trash if he smokes and say goodbye to everyone who smokes, when I arrive at my son-in-law I grab a cigarette, he smokes right in the bathroom everything smelled like smoke; cigarettes are always lying on the washing machine. Now I don’t go to him and don’t communicate with those who smoke and everything is fine, there’s no craving, but as soon as you meet a smoker you immediately want to smoke, avoid these people at least for the first time


Hello everybody! This is a miracle pill! I’m quitting them for the second time, and in the end the third time, the first time after 14 years of smoking, I broke down after 4 months due to nerves and I had more of a psychological dependence, I quit the second time because I got pregnant, without the help of pills, what can I tell you? Guys, I’ll say it’s absolute hell to survive these withdrawal symptoms! I didn’t smoke for two years, then my husband and I started smoking, I started smoking again, I smoked for six months, I can’t quit, I can’t stop there, I was already desperate and then I remembered Tabex, I ran to the pharmacy, the first day of taking it nothing happened at all, I smoked as usual, on the second day a whole cigarette didn’t suit me anymore, the third day in the morning I made coffee and went out onto the balcony and bought a cigarette, but it was disgusting and smelled awful, I didn’t smoke until lunch, I took another cigarette, I didn’t get any pleasure, took a couple of puffs and gave the whole pack to my neighbor, my hands stink in my mouth, it’s disgusting, it’s terrible, I’m just turned away. And those who talk about willpower, it’s all bullshit, sorry, I don’t have it, I just know the difference between when you quit smoking using the willpower method and with Tabex, it’s heaven and earth. And those who write that they do not help, then for people like you, dear ones, there are instructions in which it is written in black and white that if there is no effect, you should stop and repeat after 4 months. And those who break in again and smoke more than shem smoked, then it’s unlikely that the pills are to blame, you made your own choice.


You are all fools, I personally know heavy smokers and they all quit, they haven’t smoked for a couple of years!!!! If you don’t want to start, don’t start. Someone writes, don’t spend your hard-earned money, so of course it’s better to spend this hard-earned money on tobacco manufacturers (here idiots!!!!) I myself, thanks to Tabex, haven’t smoked for 4 years now, with more than 10 years of experience.... And if you don’t have the desire, then don’t come here at all, nicotine addicts!!!!!!!!! !!!!!


The first time I quit using Tabex for 10 months, I started smoking on New Year’s Day. I smoked for a month and started taking Tabex again. On the 3rd day I stopped smoking. It helped a lot. Before that I smoked for 20 years.


Tabex is a great product!!! On day 5 I forgot that I needed to take pills! The main thing is to overcome the physical habit - smoke during a break, during advertising, while talking on the phone, etc. I smoked for 16 years, I haven’t smoked for 3 weeks!!! And I’m very afraid to start again, because it’s easier to overcome yourself in 2 minutes than to poison your body with necotin for the rest of your life! The first 2 days were hard, but with Tabex it’s easier! When I quit I suffered for 2 weeks. And I lit a cigarette at the first feast with alcohol, but I can’t handle Tabex and alcohol!!! People only 1000 rub. Quit smoking and don't regret it!!


I’m on the second day of taking the drug. I smoked one and a half and two packs a day, before it was red, now it’s light. I just went crazy from the first course, I immediately went to the minimum, I practically didn’t sleep at night. Today, on the second day, it’s now 20 minutes past four, I smoked so far 4 cigarettes.. It’s easier. But this is my achievement, I think. I was preparing for this... Mentally. I knew that there would be a pipe... Well, I don’t know, we’ll see what happens next. I’m going strictly on course


Hi all! My experience is 40 years. Tabex decided to try it because I have the strength and the will, but I don’t have enough willpower... Before I started, I studied a couple of forums and became convinced that with a certain degree of confidence in success I could get rid of this bad habit. I still can’t boast of quitting smoking completely, but!!! Day by day I began to smoke less. Yes, I admit, it’s already the second week, I’m not as fast as the stronger ones. But I don’t stop believing and fighting. I’m almost 55 and may not get another chance. I don’t know how the audience will react to my advice, but I will say: Tabex is just a help. We must be able to take advantage of it, and not wait for “mercies from nature.” Good luck and health to everyone!!!


I quit Tabex 2 times, didn’t smoke for a month, then started again. This requires willpower.


I smoked for 8 years. I didn't want to quit. A friend gave me a pack and tried it. I smoked a lot for the first 3 days, but on the 4th day I decided to consciously quit! I wanted to smoke and smoked only 1 cigarette in the evening. On day 5 I smoked 1 cigarette in the morning. I didn’t smoke for 6 days! On day 7, due to stress, I broke down and smoked about 7 cigarettes. On the 8th day there was a complete cessation of smoking and pills. I don’t want to smoke and I don’t need pills. The main thing is the desire to quit and willpower; if this is not there, then it’s unlikely that it will help.


We need a real incentive!!! You can't quit without incentive. For example, my daughter is allergic to an allergen exhaled by a smoker, so I started drinking Tabex to ease the craving for nicatine. I drank half the course. My mouth became dry and I no longer got the taste or pleasure from smoking. Quit. Smoked for 16 years.


My husband and I stopped smoking with the help of these Tabex tablets in a new version and don’t feel like smoking at all. At first there was dizziness and nausea in the morning when I tried to smoke, and it was even worse from cigarettes. It was even easier for my husband, since he did not smoke often; I had 16 years of smoking experience, and he had 20 years. We tried a lot of anti-smoking remedies and nothing helped, but this is it. The best way to quit smoking!!! Praise to the drug developers. They also took it strictly according to the instructions.


Thanks to the creator of the tablets! On day 8 I completely gave up cigarettes. I recommend drinking it to those who have a dream to quit smoking but lack the willpower.


A wonderful product. I gave up cigarettes already on the second day. I took a course of 50 tablets according to the scheme. I haven’t smoked for a month, I don’t have a problem, I don’t think I’ll ever smoke again. I’ve had 24 years of experience. Good luck to everyone and this is real


I smoked for 25 years and then quit using Tabex. I haven’t smoked for 6 years now and I don’t smoke. True, the disgust from cigarettes still hasn’t gone away. Doesn't work. I advise that if you drink according to the plan, it will definitely help. I’ll try it for my husband, maybe he’ll quit too.


I recommend Tabex, I had 10 years of smoking experience, I quit, these pills really relieve cravings, I haven’t smoked for 4 months


I haven't smoked for 10 days. Smoker experience 22 years. I tried to quit the bad habit several times, and after Tabax I started smoking even more. This time I bought them again, I became really crazy, I still can’t understand whether it’s their effect or whether I want to smoke. I also bet on a box of beer, I’m principled, I think I don’t want to lose the bet, how do the pills help. Two years ago I lost my 5 (tel), my wife said I’ll buy 6, just quit smoking, so I went and bought the 6th, but didn’t quit smoking. These pills are all rubbish, this time I’m in a serious mood, Beer warms the soul and you can’t smoke health anymore, just like you smoke expensive ones, even cheap ones, and you feel that it’s not tobacco.



I quit using Tabex (13 years of experience, 1 pack of cigarettes for 1.5 days). I stopped smoking altogether on the third day. I stopped drinking Tabex on the 10th (I just started to forget). I haven’t smoked since July 10, 2009, and in the summer of 2010 I started smoking again (about 1 cigarette a week). Now I smoke periodically, to avoid smoking I sometimes drink Tabex. In 2009 there was a strong desire to quit. And now he's gone. Tabex helped me + my own motivation.



Hello everyone…..You are all like me. You yourself quit smoking with the help of Tabex..and no matter what many people say, these pills really help..and most of all it helps and stimulates your desire to quit smoking……for example, I quit smoking on the 4th day Today is the seventh day of using pills and I don’t even feel like smoking (and I stopped taking pills since the 7th day) .... and I’m happy.. but most of all my wife is happy)))))))))


Natalya V.

I have been a smoker for 16 years and smoked more than a pack a day. When I was planning my pregnancy, I decided to quit. Before this, there were many attempts to quit, and I read books and gnawed carrots. At most I didn’t smoke for 2-3 weeks, then I relapsed. At a city forum, a girl talked about these pills. The pills are not cheap, but cigarettes cost many times more. I took the full course and stopped smoking on the fifth day of taking it. I can’t say that I didn’t have the urge to smoke at all, I did, but I can tolerate the pills. Sometimes there was a feeling that the pill was a placebo, which was probably intended. I managed to quit. The mild craving persisted for about a month after finishing taking it, then it went away completely. I haven't smoked for more than 2 years.

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