Nux Vomica in homeopathy: indications for use

Synonyms: Nux Vomica, Strychnos nux-vomica

Currently, homeopathic medicines are increasingly used to treat various ailments. Extremely diluted, minimal dosages of substances are used, which can cause symptoms similar to the basic signs of the disease. However, this non-standard approach has a pronounced therapeutic effect.

One of the most popular drugs in homeopathic practice is Nux Vomica (also known as Strychnos nux-vomica). It is made from the so-called emetic nut. Dilutions or tinctures are made from ground seeds of this plant.

Features of the composition and therapeutic effect

As the instructions say, Nux vomica is a homeopathic preparation based on emetic nut. Another name for this ingredient is chilibukha seeds. The drug is produced in the form of granules or drops. For their preparation, fine powder from the corresponding seeds is used.

In large dosages, this drug has a pronounced toxic effect. As a result, the patient experiences symptoms of a progressive disease. These include smooth muscle spasms, convulsions, nervous irritation, and hypersensitivity.

Transparent homeopathic drops with the smell of ethanol, presented in a dark glass bottle of 30 and 50 ml, in a cardboard package. This remedy has a powerful laxative and antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and detoxification, choleretic and hepatoprotective effects.

In the form of granules, this drug is odorless, presented in quantities of 30 pieces, and can be found either in a plastic pharmaceutical package sealed with foil or in a glass package, weighing from 5 to 20 grams.

The therapeutic effect is determined by the composition. After all, each substance has special pharmacological properties:

  • Chilibukha is an emetic nut that has proven effective in treating inflammatory phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the biliary tract and liver, constipation and hemorrhoids. In addition, this ingredient relieves the consequences of alcohol and tobacco abuse. It eliminates renal colic, headaches, sleep disturbances, increased excitability, and fights depression;
  • White step - effective for abdominal pain, bloating, pain in the right hypochondrium, chronic gastritis, stool disorders;
  • Club-shaped swimmer - has proven effective against various liver lesions of organic or functional origin, intestinal atony, problems with the gallbladder and biliary system, constipation, depression, and some mental disorders;
  • Bitter gourd is effective for renal and hepatic colic, disruption of the biliary system, and convulsive syndrome of the gastrointestinal tract. It has a powerful laxative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying effect.

Among the above ingredients, chilibukha seeds deserve special attention. This is a powerful toxin that contains the alkaloids brucine and strychnine. But according to homeopathic theories, with strong dilution the remedy will have a healing effect. Most of all, such alkaloids affect the nervous, circulatory, and digestive systems.

Large dosages penetrate the body, which provokes seizures, convulsive arching of the back, clenching of the jaw. If you adhere to the dosages indicated in the instructions for use, the effect on the spinal cord will be favorable, and reflex sensitivity will increase.

The drug, taken in large doses, reduces appetite and provokes burning pain in the epigastric region. This is accompanied by flatulence, sour belching, and constant constipation. In the recommended amount, the digestive system is activated. The process of absorption of various substances directly from the stomach is accelerated, spasms are minimized. The nervous system has a similar effect. A large number of active ingredients cause vasospasm and increase blood pressure. Weak dosages only speed up the work of the heart muscle.

Nux vomica (Nux vomica)

Description and indications for use of a homeopathic medicine

NUX VOMICA – incompatible with Ignatia and Zn. Sulfur is a complementary remedy to Nux. It is complementary to Argentum nitricum. When prescribing Nux vom. Sulfur or Sepia will be needed as complementary drugs. Nux women. is a business woman with a high level of testosterone. Eliminates symptoms of hemorrhoids. The most effective drug for duodenal ulcer. Fear of getting married (intense fear and aversion to marriage): for them, marriage is bondage. He thinks that his wife will limit his ambitions and career advancement. And then, marriage is an extra responsibility. Nux is so determined to get to the top that he is convinced that nothing should limit him (not his marriage, not his health). M.b. angry, they say: “I will kill you!” They do not forgive insults, anger and rage are expressed. To ease their psychological state during an outburst of anger, they need to take and break something. Any thing, not necessarily foreign (like x-but for Tuberculinum). In some cases, N.v. M.B. a complaining, whining person (in a state of decompensation), in a state of psora he might is similar to Staphisagria and under stress it will suppress anger and not show its temper, and at the same time these two drugs can only be distinguished from each other by their physical effects! Every conflict is about overcoming barriers and obstacles on the way to one’s achievements, therefore, when problems in the body begin, he may experience anxiety about his health. It is characterized by high hypertension and constipation with ineffective urge. Disgust. CHILDREN throw hysterics at the slightest remark. Tropicness to the liver. Condition N.v. occurs in mothers whose children have serious illnesses: autism, cerebral palsy. Mothers must work a lot in order to have money for treatment and constantly take care of their children (Natalia Avramenko).

Meta: Gives undue influence to details. Independent. Impatient. Conscientious. They work very efficiently. Purposeful. Punctual. They rely on themselves for everything. They work for 14-15 hours, without food. Until the work is finished they cannot rest. If his condition does not improve after the medicine, he goes to another doctor. Very confident and makes decisions easily. Great sense of duty. Sensitive. Insomnia. Strong, muscular, dense. Highly intelligent, ambitious, competent. Fast. They struggle with situations, do not abandon a task halfway (Sulfur can abandon a task they have started, they make plans). Finds his own solution, is independent. Pragmatist. Doesn't listen to his emotions - practitioner: is it right or wrong, i.e. whether it harms the cause or not. It works very efficiently. Strong sense of duty. Works day and night. Exaggerates the importance of his achievements. He competes until he gets sick, but that doesn’t bother him—the main thing is the goal. Makes the team work. Everyone should work like him. Does not recognize any restrictions in its activities. Sex is a stimulant for them. Hypersexual. They may become alcoholics. The nervous system is very sensitive to noise, it is in a hurry - to the point of exhaustion. Breaks things. Better after vomiting. Due to chronic fatigue, they can become pessimists. They take out their problems on loved ones. Constant tension leads to the fact that they react to trifles and cannot tolerate contradictions (Lyc., Plat.) - dictators. After work he comes home and goes to bed, but wakes up at night from thoughts about work, does the work and goes to bed in the morning. Syphilitic Nux. – suicidal thoughts, wants to kill others, aversion to company, muscle twitching (Hyosc., Agar.), pessimism. Children of Nux. take away toys from other children; they have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The child behaves respectably, like a professor.

At the reception, he is not inclined to discuss emotions, but only what worries him now! Very irritable, if this is not the case, no medication is prescribed. Irritability in the stomach manifests itself in the form of gastritis, heartburn, vomiting, constipation, tenesmus. With renal colic, pain radiates to the thighs and tenesmus during urination.

The most universal and fundamental character trait of Nux. is a thirst for power combined with the ability to seize power and confidently use it - a conqueror. These are very powerful people, unless they are crushed by misfortunes (although it takes a lot of them to crush them) and if they have not overstrained themselves. He feels more naturally in power than any other const. type; in fact, without power he cannot. happy. He was born to command, does it with confidence and is often filled with nobility.

A true warrior is a Nux., and all representatives of this type have warriorship in their blood. Success is not enough for him, they need complete victory, it is this that gives meaning to his life. The moment when the enemy lies at his feet is the sweetest for Nux. After the victory, he does not rest on his laurels. He quickly re-mobilizes his power and seeks new battles and conquests. A warrior is not only skilled in the art of war - he is fearless, he has a very active psyche and body, he is honest and noble. Soldiers Kali carb. or Na mur., filled with a sense of duty, may fight bravely for their homeland, but they are happy when the war ends and they can return home. Warrior Nux. enjoys the struggle and feels discomfort in other conditions. He recognizes the power over himself only of his own destiny and does not tolerate the dominion of anyone, with the exception of another warrior Nux., whose skill and experience surpass his own. If he is part of a team, he can, gritting his teeth, carry out an order with which he does not agree, but this is given to him with great difficulty; he quickly rises through the ranks, reaching a position where he doesn't have to answer to anyone.

In any situation, he feels obliged to independently control what is happening and therefore treats external rules as an insult to his authority. The result is the Nux warrior. often becomes a lone warrior (Rimbaud). Unlike Na mur., Nux. he fights not because of the anger that overwhelms him, but because this is his place in life - this is what he likes to do and what he knows how to do best. After defeating an opponent, he does not feel anger toward him and will either forget about him or may become his friend. For such a person, life consists of battles and the pleasures of struggle. He cuts the truth from the shoulder (straightforward). He speaks the truth, never taking into account the feelings of others. All great commanders belonged to the Nux type: Genghis Khan, Macedonian. Not only were they excellent military strategists, but they had an unyielding determination and an unstoppable desire for power - they expanded their empires so greedily that they reached gigantic proportions and could no longer be controlled. Nux. - a good strategist. Whether he wants to win the favor of a pretty woman or take over a rival company, he plans his actions with the utmost care, and when the right moment comes, he does not hesitate to strike a decisive blow.

In Namur. or Ars. the same thoroughness can be seen, and the Ars. may also exhibit the same cunning, but they lack the iron grip that makes Nux successful. When he succeeds, he lets out a victory cry and raises his fists in a burst of self-assertion and self-praise: “I won! I am the best!". He has gigantic reserves of energy, giving him the ability to fight tirelessly until the battle is won. This vigor is the result of his physical strength and toughness and comes from his unbending determination. They live such an active life that everyone around them literally falls off their feet. They spend a lot of time on active extreme sports, which they pursue with the same persistence and enthusiasm with which they pursue their careers. He cannot stand it when an insolent person offends the weak. He is a knight for his wife. The greater the degree of danger facing the family, the more courageous Nux becomes. – he combines rage with determination. Knight of Nux. may be confused with the Causticum transducer. Both are very open, honest and courageous, protecting the weak. But the knight Nux., despite all his gallantry, is quite pragmatic, unlike Causticum, who cherish unrealistic hopes of overcoming injustice. Whereas Causticum throws itself into large-scale projects to correct all that is wrong and completely eradicate the suffering of mankind, Nux. takes on specific cases, fighting injustice only when he encounters it.

Cruelty towards the weak makes him resentful, but then he returns to ordinary life, while Causticum is constantly caught up in his mission. Heroes such as Batman and Superman are based on the Knight of Nux. They are always practical and help people in specific situations, rather than trying to rebuild the political or social structure of society. Nux. always strives for the top, and for some of them the top is maximum balance of mind and body, a state of peace of mind and chastity. Spiritually oriented Nux. They strive for their lofty goals with the same persistence with which others strive for wealth and power. They spend long hours in prayer, fixing their attention on high things with the same concentration with which others focus on battle, and (in the early stages of their spiritual practice) they explode just as violently if they are distracted from prayer. When they achieve the wholeness they strive for, they relax again and begin to enjoy the world, but at a higher level. The tradition of being subordinate to a spiritual guide on the way to the heights of spiritual life is very suitable for Nux., who strives to bend the knee to one greater than himself, but only until he himself achieves greatness. Nux. will never agree to remain second forever. Nux. in power m.b. both a ruthless tyrant and to be a strict, but fair and decent boss. The Lord of Nux., who himself broke through to power, is the most terrible despot of all possible (“dictator”). He goes his own way in all things, and compromise means weakness for him. He constantly thinks about expanding his empire and for this he resorts to deception, violence and blackmail. Such people are ruthless and never do noble deeds unless it benefits them. Many tyrants have charm and attractiveness. They maintain their power by intimidating the dissatisfied and deceiving the crowd. They convince the masses that they have their interests in mind and nothing else. When Jung met the dictator Mussolini, he fell victim to his charm. He wrote about the currents of energy and optimism emanating from him, which distinguished him favorably from the gloomy impression that Hitler made on Jung. This contrast reflects the difference between the relatively mentally healthy Nux dictator. (Mussolini) and the deranged dictator Stramonium or Veratrum a. (Hitler). Dictator Nux. very pragmatic. He keeps his life firmly under control and can only transfer a small part of responsibility to others, and only to those whom he trusts (most often relatives.

At Nux. clan mentality, he trusts only his own and only cares about his own). An example of this type is Nux. are the mafia bosses, with their respectable appearance, intimidation tactics and complete concentration of all power in their hands; ruling dictators; heads of multinational companies; media moguls - their passion for dominion forces them to absorb more and more new media, which they then use not only to influence the electorate, but also to influence the politicians themselves, who become increasingly dependent on them. Another type of Nux. (not a tyrant) – has much greater emotional health. He might also a workaholic, but still finds time for his family. At work he is quite harsh and corrosive, but he is aware of this and tries to be gentler. At the same time, at home he becomes good-natured and cheerful. He often enjoys spending time in a home environment that gives him the opportunity to feel warm and relaxed. At home he remains the King, but he may well delegate the decision on domestic issues to the Queen. She does not interfere with his work, and in most cases he does not interfere with housekeeping (usually he marries a woman who can provide him with family support and stability in the home). Margaret Thatcher is a typical Nux. not a dictator, although she ruled absolutely authoritarianly. Nux. – an extremely independent type, cannot stand it when people interfere in his affairs. He speaks directly, without diplomatic circumlocutions. Calls a spade a spade. Nux leaders. quickly recognize talent. For them, the very thought of the absence of an heir, someone who could continue the dynasty, is intolerable - they can entrust the results of their work only to someone who is accustomed to treat work as zealously as they do. A strict boss can belong to various const types. Often Nux. confused with Ars. Both are extremely concerned with efficiency and can exhibit a certain stinginess; both are concerned with the impression they have on others, although Ars. is particularly fixated on the details of his image and, unlike Nux., is equally pedantic in his private life. The fundamental difference between these drugs is the degree of confidence with which they achieve a high position. Ars. gives the impression of a very self-confident person, but he worries and doubts success much more than Nux., from which the external confidence of Ars. becomes more “fragile”. Unfavorable circumstances quickly bring to his face an expression of anxiety and concern, while Nux. very self-confident. Both types tend to get irritated when their subordinates do not live up to their demands, but Nux. loses his temper much quicker than Ars. A demanding boss, maybe. and Namur. Many Namur. are at the same time perfectionists, workaholics, and maybe They are no less demanding of their subordinates than of themselves. Other bosses Na mur. M.B. angry, splashing out aggression on subordinates. Unlike Ars., Nux. accepts double standards. He feels like a king and expects others to carry out his commands, believing that he himself should not set an example for them. Of the three types listed, Nux. least inclined to obey rules and order. Nux. - the most natural leader and he feels more calm and confident in this role than representatives of other types, with the exception of Sulfur, also born for leadership. Although Nux. and becomes irritable when things don't work out, he is much more cheerful and cheerful than Ars. and Na mur., when things are going well. Success works on Nux. like life-giving moisture - he becomes very cheerful and perky with his subordinates. This is a very sociable type who especially enjoys the company of smart, reliable people, as well as people with high sexuality. Head of Nux. M.B. very generous, as long as his position is not threatened. If he feels threatened, he becomes petty and vindictive. Moreover, he may have paranoid ideas regarding competition (“it seems that he is being persecuted”). Even when he is at the top of his game and his position is secure, he may become nervous if a younger, albeit less experienced, wrestler appears on the scene, even if he cannot threaten his position in any way. Irrational irritation quickly turns into anger, expressed in obsessive attempts to crush the newcomer. He can go very far in his desire to denigrate his “rival” (“jealousy,” “propensity for slander”), although everything will indicate that he cannot threaten him in any way. Nux. loves competition in sports and other games, but in work where the stakes are too high, he will defend his position as a leader with all his might, stopping at nothing. Unlike the stubborn Lycopodium, whose arrogance is nothing more than a reaction to an internal inferiority complex, Nux. radiates an aura of confidence and superiority over others. Somewhere in the middle is Ars., sometimes reminiscent of a troublemaker, sometimes showing the manners of a born aristocrat. An experienced observer can recognize a Nux individual. by the way he carries himself. Like a true king, he carries his head proudly, but this pride is calm, not tense (unlike Ars. and Lyc.). His gait is either fast and confident, his head is set straight, his eyes look forward, he is not distracted to the sides; or it is a relaxed, sweeping step. This relaxed, swinging gait is very characteristic of Nux. (and also for Sulfur, whose pride looks just as natural). Many Nux. become specialists, often in more than one field. They have a natural craving for exclusivity, and when this is combined with a sharp, insightful mind, we see a person who has a huge store of knowledge in the areas of interest to her. Nux connoisseur. in fact, he knows a lot, but he is not always right about everything. However, he often acts as if he had never made a mistake. He is very self-confident and can overestimate his capabilities. Like another knowledge-hungry type, Sulfur, Nux. I am happy to share what I have learned. He loves to do this. Both types tend to brag. Unlike the Kali expert, the Nux expert. has good contact with the audience. Like Sulphur, Nux. good storyteller. It is intellectually neat, like Kali carb., but more pragmatic. If Kali carb. will thoroughly know the device of this particular car, then Nux. will go further - he will disassemble this car and reassemble it, while modifying something - just for fun. If his car breaks down, he can fix it himself. Nux connoisseur. differs from others in that his interest in knowledge is dictated primarily by practical necessity. In fact, everything Nux. does is results-oriented, including his specialist knowledge. Lyc connoisseurs. and Sulf. They love knowledge for the sake of knowledge and can get carried away with minor details that have no practical value. Experts Na mur., Ars. and Kali carb. very meticulous and love to put together the smallest details with the risk of missing the main thing. In contrast, Nux. strives for the essence, ignoring side information. For example, homeopath Nux. can develop a system for identifying drug types using a very limited set of distinguishing criteria for each type. If he sees that the patient fits into these criteria, he can ignore a hundred small problems, because... he does not need them in his quest. In contrast, homeopaths Na mur. or Kali carb. will strive to record as much information as possible, choosing information taking into account all the data they have received. Nux. has no equal in his ability to extract the essence from information. He focuses with extraordinary precision on the very essence of the problem. This tactic is very different from the painstaking work of the intellectuals of Kali c. and Lyc., on the way to the essence, carefully chipping away small pieces from a block of information. At Nux. There is neither the intellectual inspiration and originality of Sulfur, nor the latter's love of abstract ideas, but the ability to grasp the essence of Nux. no rivals. Nux. may not sleep at night, burning with excitement and constructing plans for future achievements in his head. A very large number of surgeons are Nux. Surgery attracts them with the opportunity to achieve fame and status through good use of a scalpel. Nux. it often seems that he can cope on his own, without relying on the experience of others, and this feature becomes one of his vulnerabilities.

Any const. type can become a sybarite and a reveler, but 4 types are most predisposed to it: Nux., Lach., Tub., Lyc. For all its determination, Nux. inclined to give free rein to sensual pleasures. His thirst for excitement, food, alcohol and sex is as insatiable as his thirst for power. One of the most vulnerable points of Nux. is arrogance and a tendency to follow one’s passions. He is usually very unsophisticated in his desires. Like a child, he satisfies his whims without thinking. Just Nux. love a quick snack on the run, while engrossed in play or work. Others are gourmets who prefer to have a small feast at least once a day. The latter often gain weight. Many Nux. get a thrill from victories, danger, abundant food, alcohol, sex. They love to drive fast cars, earn tons of money and lead a luxurious and hectic life at the same time. Nux. he has fun as passionately as he works. He cannot remain quiet for long, because... he feels restless, just like Tub. Both types are hedonists, and any adventure is a necessary stimulant for their nervous system. Nux. does not like silence, he has a habit of carrying a radio or player with him everywhere, even to the bathroom. Likewise, while working, he likes to chew something all the time. His dislike of silence is similar to his dislike of salads, plain water and stillness. He requires constant overstimulation, and vegetables seem too bland to his oversaturated palate. During rest, he may be very cheerful and enthusiastic. He loves speed and is equally fascinated by the flight of an RC airplane and a racing car. Nux. love computers for work and play. Computers are similar: Nux is just as fast and versatile. sees himself in them. Nux. loves to “play war” - be it shooting at a shooting range, a playground or computer “conquering the world.” Nux. needs company, and like the other two playboys, Lyc. and Tub., he prefers the company of women because... For him, men are either rivals or undeserving individuals. For him, it is preferable to be surrounded by enthusiastic fans. If he remains without company for a long time, he feels restlessness and loneliness, like the Ph types close to him. and Tub. Like Sulfur in Nux. a broad soul and his enthusiasm is very contagious. At holidays, he is the life of the party - they can sing, play pranks and suddenly rush into unusual adventures - jump into the water in full dress or steal a license plate from a police car (impulsiveness, mischief). In any situation, when it comes to satisfying his desires, he is very impatient. He spends money as quickly as he earns it and tends to buy luxury items. Adult male Nux. can be as happy as a child with a new car he bought. Nux. lives in a state of constant stimulation and is therefore susceptible to nervous exhaustion. After many years of falling asleep late, disordered and abundant eating, excess alcohol and nicotine, sex, he may eventually break down. At the same time, he simultaneously experiences increased nervous tension and exhaustion - irritable weakness, similar to the state of withdrawal in an alcoholic. He cannot relax, and he cannot act effectively. Like someone suffering from a hangover, in a state of nervous exhaustion Nux. irritable and wants to be left alone. He is hypersensitive to any stimuli, especially noise, light (they love dark glasses) and rich food. Insomnia. He lies awake for hours, overwhelmed by an influx of various thoughts. The sleep is unrefreshing and they wake up exhausted in the morning.

Nux. used to dominating relationships. Those who are more rude and focused on physical strength tyrannize everyone, including their wife and children. He is indifferent to the suffering of others, and although he may maintain the appearance of a family for social reasons, he spends most of his nights with his mistresses. Even more humane Nux. selfish in their relationships. An ordinary Nux husband. respects and loves his wife, but always puts his own interests first. Therefore, most men Nux. often have to deal with outbursts of anger from his wife, who is irritated by his selfishness. These outbursts come as a complete surprise to the husband, who considers himself a great lover and provider and usually does not notice his thick skin. Nux men. They are surprisingly simple-minded in their insensitivity and sincerely try to improve. But these attempts do not last long, since Nux. can concentrate on one thing, and therefore his desire for power and exciting stimuli prevails over the desire to be an “ideal husband.” Those who are more sensitive in their relationships with their wives play the role of knights, at least for some time. They choose a prudent and caring woman as their wife, who stabilizes their life, makes sure that he eats properly and has the opportunity to rest. Most women living with Nux. begin to play the role of their husband's secretary, as this is the only way that they can receive at least some of his attention and love. Knight Nux responded. (when not very busy) treats his wife like a queen. He likes to dress her in luxurious dresses, invite her to the best restaurants and treat her with courtesy and admiration. Nux. considers his family as an extension of himself and is inclined to be proud of it (even when he constantly tyrannizes his family). He spoils the children, treating his daughters like princesses and his sons like heirs to the throne. A weak or feminine son is a grave grief for the father of Nux., who will try not to notice such a son, paying attention to stronger children. Nux. selfish and if he has a hard day, he can collapse in his wife's arms and she has to fuss with him like a child. He may exaggerate his ailments when he is sick in order to get even more care from her. Nux. may fight bravely with an enemy on the battlefield, but when the battle is over, he will open his wounds to a woman and will enjoy watching her fuss around him. Nux. owner and therefore he is more jealous than others. Even if he himself cheats on his wife, the thought that she chose him over someone else makes him furious. N.v. M.B. soft and shy person!

Nux Woman. born for leadership. A homeopath who sees a strong career woman has to choose between Nux., Ign. and Namur. Unlike the other two types of Nux. not sentimental. Nux woman. has not become rigid as a result of the emotional pain she has experienced, and therefore there is less “reactivity” in her actions. An example of the “reactive” actions of strong women Ign. and Namur. – a strong defensive reaction to criticism. In contrast, the Nux woman. she will get angry in response to criticism, but her anger will not be mixed with fear, and like a man of the same type, she will either ignore her opponent or crush him. Nux girl character. characterized by calm determination.

N.v. refers to the psoric miasm. He is irritable, passionate and very thorough. N.v. additional drug to Lyc. and Sulf. In some aspects Lycopodium resembles the present. with his irritability, impatience and dictatorial character. The main difference is that n.v. not internally cowardly, he is more reckless and daring, stronger and more expressive, more impulsive and explosive. This difference is visible from an early age. In childhood, Lycopodium is timid, withdrawn, and in the present day. - brave and mischievous. As an adult, N.V., having received a task, completes it by hook or by crook, overcoming obstacles like a road roller. Even with violence. Lyc. not so swift and courageous. He weighs every step and is in no hurry to do anything. If there is a serious obstacle, he hesitates and may retreat. N.v. may sometimes follow Sulfur or vice versa. They reflect opposite states: n.v. as clean as Sulf. dirty. N.v. as chilly as Sulf. hot N.v. swift and furious, and Sulf. lazy and carefree. Therefore, they are complementary. Lachesis, Apis, Hyoscyamus and present. most jealous drugs. Besides jealousy, Apis is businesslike and restless, Lachesis is sarcastic, Hyoscyamus is shameless and stupid, while n.v. absurd. Chamomilla and present very similar, but are incompatible drugs. They are both so sensitive, fierce and intolerant of pain that they can easily be confused. N.v. is an acute form of Sepia . Being also preoccupied with his work, business, having extreme irritability, he, like Sepia, is chilly and suffers from constipation. Sepia has 2 separate themes - relationships and work, between which there is a conflict. In a very acute situation, such as bankruptcy, a Sepia person may need n.v. N.v. complementary to Ignatia, which in turn represents the acute state of Natrum muriaticum, complementary to Sepia. For n.v. Sweating above the upper lip is typical. Desire for fat, spices, which worsen his condition. Indigestion from the slightest violation of the regime. Insomnia from 3 to 5 am.

The desire to break everything.
He suddenly jumps out of bed and tries to escape. Fear drives him from place to place. The patient reacts to stress as something very critical and makes a great effort to overcome it. Delusion: in the evening someone climbed into his bed and there is no room for him. The patient experiences the feeling that his place of rest has been taken away from him, and he experiences this as a shock. His reactions are impulsive and strong, he tries to return his resting place as soon as possible. Once this critical situation is overcome, he will be able to breathe. Share your interest!

Taking the drug according to the patient’s psychotype

Experts note that Strychnos Nux Vomica is used for a certain type of patient. As a rule, this drug is prescribed depending on the physiological characteristics, as well as the physique of the person. This homeopathic remedy is best suited for:

  • Hardworking patients who are used to working hard. These people are scrupulous, they constantly monitor the cleanliness of their home and office. Slightly arrogant, self-confident;
  • Irritable people who are often in a state of anger, manifesting themselves even towards inanimate objects;
  • Gambling people. Such people want to win in all matters, which is fraught with absurd actions, including drinking alcohol or even drugs on a dare;
  • Children prone to cruelty and aggression. They are disrespectful to others, parents and peers. They do not admit their mistakes, are envious and vindictive, and are often afraid of the dark;
  • Thin with a yellowish skin tone.

Indications for use

Considering the description of the homeopathic drug presented by the manufacturer in the instructions, Nux vomica has a fairly wide range of applications. It is used for various ailments. Most often, this remedy is prescribed for:

  • dispersion, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn, belching, bloating, hemorrhoids, liver disease;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve, loss of coordination, convulsions;
  • rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure;
  • myalgia, migraine, rheumatism;
  • cough and runny nose;
  • with inflammatory processes in the female genitourinary system.

Features of administration and dosage

Most sources emphasize that this homeopathic remedy is most often used in the 12th, 6th or 3rd dilution for stomach ailments, and in the 30th for intestinal diseases. For neuralgia - 30th or 12th. For mental disorders or nervous ailments - 200th dilution.

Granules or homeopathic drops for children are used in minimal quantities. Adults are often prescribed thirty drops per day. For children under 2 years of age, 2 drops are enough, for children under 6 years of age - 5 drops.

Drops are used in 3 equal portions. They are diluted in water (100 ml.) and consumed before meals. In each case, the duration of use of Nux Vomica in the 30th dilution is discussed with the homeopath. It is important to take into account the patient’s specific indications, the condition of his body and an accurate diagnosis. It may be recommended to take a homeopathic remedy at night. You should not combine this remedy with food or take it on an empty stomach. Below is a table that clearly shows the permissible dosage of Nux vomica.

Age Drops Granules
2-3 3 1
3-6 5 2-3
6-12 7 4
12+ 10 5


It is recommended to take the drug 10 drops three times a day. Before use, the drops should be dissolved in 100 ml of water. You can also apply one teaspoon of boiled water under your tongue. It is better to use the product 15 minutes before eating or after it no later than 40 minutes.

Thus, the daily dose of the drug for adults is no more than 30 drops per day, children under 3 years old are allowed 9 drops per day.

Note! In case of exacerbations of the disease, the medication can be used for two hours, 8 servings, every 20 minutes. After which you can switch to the standard dosage.

Taking the drug during pregnancy

The homeopathic drug Nux vomica is indicated for pregnant women, regardless of the stage of fetal development. Such treatment is completely safe for the mother, does not in any way affect the growth of the fetus, and also does not have a negative impact on the natural course of pregnancy. The use of Nux vomica can significantly reduce nausea and vomiting, help prevent difficulties associated with bowel movements, as well as gas formation. Always consult a qualified physician before use.

Composition of the drug

The 100 ml bottle consists of four ingredients that have a long-lasting therapeutic effect, acting in combination:

  • Nux vomica (Nux vomica) – D2, D10, D15, D30, D200, D1000;
  • Bryonia – D2, D6, D10, D15, D30, D200, D1000;
  • Lycopodium (Lycopodium) – D3, D10, D30, D200, D1000;
  • Colocynthis - D3, D10, D30, D200.

Auxiliary components - 35% ethyl alcohol.

Nux vomica is one of the main components, used for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and is also a very effective remedy for eliminating the consequences of alcohol abuse and the negative effects of smoking on the body.

Bryonia, which is part of the drug, helps well with intestinal inflammation, hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis and constipation, congenital gastritis and other abdominal diseases.

Colocynth, another component of Nux vomica gomaccord, treats bloating, eliminates disorders of the biliary system, inflammation of the kidneys and liver. In addition, the component removes toxic substances and waste from the body.

Lycopodium is taken for damage to the liver and kidneys, biliary systems, long-term constipation, neuralgic disorders, and psychosis.

Compatibility with other medications

Experts agree that Nux vomica in 200 dilution can be combined with other homeopathic medicines. These include Sulfur, Sepia, Lycopodium, Cuprum metallicum. But its combination with such drugs as Ignacia and Aceticum acidum is unacceptable.

It is important to note that Nux vomica is a homeopathic antidote for the drug Nux Moshata. Therefore, such a remedy is often recommended in order to neutralize the negative effects of other drugs that did not achieve the desired pharmaceutical effect. Some homeopaths are confident that it is Nux vomica that helps restore balance in the body.

Meanwhile, there is also an antidote, Nux vomica, and more than one. These include Belladonna, Arsenicum album, Aconite, Thuja, Pulsatilla. But using Zincum metallicum and other zinc preparations using Nux Vomica 6c is strictly prohibited.

Basic contraindications

Contraindications to the use of Nux vomica include:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • condition caused by poisoning with brucine, strychnine;
  • asthma;
  • chronic vascular pathology;
  • heart disease;
  • Graves' disease;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • infectious and non-infectious hepatitis.

Before using this homeopathic medicine, it is strongly recommended to study the instructions and consult with a specialist.

Price for Nux vomica-Gomaccord, where to buy

The price for Nux vomica-Gomaccord drops 30 ml varies between 492 -650 rubles. You can buy Nux vomica-Homaccord in most pharmacies in Moscow and Russian cities.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Nux vomica-Gomaccord drops for internal use.
    approx. homeopathist. 30mlBiologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH RUR 649 order

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