Siofor® 1000 (Siofor® 1000)

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

Excess weight and obesity are a problem of an aesthetic and medical nature. It has been proven that it is responsible for a number of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular and endocrine ones. A special connection between obesity can be seen in the case of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This is a disease in which cells lose sensitivity to insulin and are unable to take up glucose from the blood. Medicine approaches the treatment of obesity traditionally, using drug therapy. Among the prescribed drugs is Siofor. Carrying out therapy with its help, doctors noted that patients simultaneously lost weight due to a decrease in appetite and normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood. This discovery did not go unnoticed by the public. Today, a hypoglycemic agent of synthetic origin is of interest not only to patients of the endocrinology department in the clinic. People who are dissatisfied with their figure actively use Siofor 500 for weight loss.

Composition and release form

Siofor® 500

Film-coated tablets1 table
metformin hydrochloride500 mg
excipients: povidone; hypromellose; magnesium stearate; macrogol 6000; titanium dioxide

10 pcs in blister; There are 3, 6 or 12 blisters in a box.

Siofor® 850

Film-coated tablets1 table
metformin hydrochloride850 mg
excipients: povidone; hypromellose; magnesium stearate; macrogol 6000; titanium dioxide

15 pcs in blister; There are 2, 4 or 8 blisters in a box.


Structural analogues of Siofor 500 are pharmaceutical products with the same dosage of metformin:

  1. Glucophage (Merck Sante, France). The price for 60 tablets is about 150 rubles.
  2. Bagomet (Quimica Montpellier SA, Argentina). The cost of 60 doses is approximately 320 rubles.
  3. Gliformin (Akrikhin, Russia). Price for 60 tablets – 140 rubles.
  4. Diaformin (Ranbaxy, India). The cost of 60 tablets is about 130 rubles.
  5. Formetin (Pharmstandard, Russia). Price for 60 doses – from 90 rubles.

This is only a small part of the drugs similar to the product of Berlin-Chemie AG. In fact, there are more than 25 of them. They all have the same active substance – metformin, so the indications are similar.


Hypersensitivity, diabetes mellitus type 1 (insulin-dependent), complete cessation of endogenous insulin secretion in diabetes mellitus type 2, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic precoma, coma, liver and kidney dysfunction, cardiac and respiratory failure, acute phase of myocardial infarction, severe infectious diseases, surgery , injuries, conditions with enhanced decay processes (for example, in tumor diseases), hypoxic conditions, chronic alcoholism, lactic acidosis (including a history), following a calorie-restricted diet (less than 1000 kcal/day), childhood.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Irina, 34 years old

I became acquainted with the medicine Siofor 500 when I was being treated for gynecology. Recommended by the doctor. She was the first who guessed to perform a hormonal analysis, thereby identifying polycystic ovaries. Before this, I was prescribed various hormonal drugs, which ultimately led to cycle failure. But I couldn’t understand why my weight was growing.

I took the medication at a dosage of 500 mg of metformin for 4 months, again, on the advice of a doctor. I bought it at a regular pharmacy. Issued without a prescription. The package contained 60 tablets. Of course, after reading the instructions, I was a little shocked that the drug was intended for diabetics. The doctor reassured me. She said that it has long been used to treat gynecological disorders, and very successfully. The tablet is easy to swallow. I drank 1 a day for three days, and then 3. I was afraid of contraindications, but fortunately, I only felt slightly nauseous, and even then not for long. During the course, I completely normalized my cycle. But losing weight somehow didn’t work out. The medicine did not make my appetite disappear; on the contrary, it appeared. It was later that I learned that it was necessary to further limit carbohydrates. My conclusion: Siofor is good for the treatment of polycystic disease, but for weight loss it is better to look for something else.

Anastasia, 28 years old

I really want to share my experience of improving my figure with Siofor at a dosage of 500 mg (it is dangerous to take a larger dosage for weight loss). A year ago, with a height of 163 cm, I weighed 103 kg. I felt accordingly – terrible! The last straw was the photographs in which I was captured next to a slender friend. Against her background, I looked like a mountain.

At first, like all normal women, I rushed to diets. I started counting calories, limited sweets and gave up fried foods. Then I added exercises, simple and homemade. But all this was given to me with such difficulty. I wanted to cry from fatigue and powerlessness. It’s good that a friend advised me to try medical weight loss. I bought Siofor without a doctor’s prescription and began taking 2 tablets in the morning and 2 in the evening. Eliminated sugar, bread, butter. My course with the medicine lasted 4 months. I eventually lost weight to 78 kg. I was satisfied. I'm planning another course.

Marina, 32 years old

I once had the imprudence to buy this drug to lose weight, and now I want to warn all girls against the mistake. The backstory probably won’t surprise anyone: I gained a lot of weight, tried a lot of diets, went to the gym, and then decided to deal with the problem differently. Well, my body didn’t understand that I needed to lose weight through diet and exercise!

I read reviews about how to take Siofor 500 for weight loss and about the medicine itself on one forum for those who strive for the ideal like myself. The price turned out to be quite reasonable; you can buy it at any pharmacy. What to expect? I went and bought it. I started drinking the same day, ½ tablet in the morning and evening. I started losing weight literally right away. I lost 7 kg in a month. Then the problems started...

One day, as usual, I took the medicine and... lost consciousness. Okay, my husband was home. I called a doctor, they pumped me out and examined me. When the doctor found out about the drug I was taking, he wrote out a referral for a blood test to check my sugar levels. And guess what? The result was simply shocking. No one could understand how I walked before this. Admitted to the hospital in a hypoglycemic state. The result was 6 days on a drip and several weeks at home on sick leave. Do you still think that Siofor, even with the lowest dosage of metformin, that is, 500 mg, can be taken for weight loss? Think again!


Sulfonylurea derivatives, insulin, some NSAIDs (aspirin), oxytetracycline antibiotics, beta-blockers, MAO inhibitors, ACE inhibitors enhance the hypoglycemic effect. Glucocorticoids; drugs containing female sex hormones (contraceptives); thyroid hormones; some sedatives and hypnotics (phenothiazine derivatives); diuretics, nicotinic acid derivatives weaken the hypoglycemic effect.

Taking cimetidine may increase the risk of developing lactic acidosis.

Drinking alcohol during treatment with the drug increases the risk of developing severe side effects (hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis).

Directions for use and doses

Orally, before meals, without chewing, with a sufficient amount of water. The dose is set individually depending on the blood sugar level.

Siofor® 500

Start with a daily dose of 1–2 tablets. Siofor 500, then it is increased at intervals of approximately 1 week to an average daily dose of 3 tablets. Siofor 500. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets. (Siofor 500). If the daily dose of the drug is more than 1 tablet, it is divided into 2-3 doses. The duration of use is determined by the doctor. It is prohibited to increase the daily dose without permission.

Siofor® 850

Start with a daily dose - 1 tablet. Siofor 850, then it is increased at intervals of approximately 1 week to an average daily dose of 2 tablets. Siofor 850. The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets. (Siofor 850). If the daily dose of the drug is more than 1 tablet, it is divided into 2-3 doses. The duration of use is determined by the doctor. It is prohibited to increase the daily dose without permission.

Instructions for use

The product of Berlin-Chemie AG is a serious drug. Its use for weight loss is possible, but only under medical supervision and following the manufacturer's instructions for use.

How to use

Before you begin a course of weight loss on medication, you need to determine the basic level of insulin and glucose in the blood. This will help to accurately determine the duration of the course and the correct dosage. The standard dose for losing weight is 1 tablet per day, which is taken during the daily meal, without chewing and with a sufficient amount of water. If it is extremely difficult to refrain from overeating in the evening, you can add 1 more tablet during dinner.

On the Internet you can find another version of how to take a medicine marked “500 mg” to normalize weight: during the first 7 days of the course, take 1-2 tablets before meals, from the second week - 3 tablets per day. You should remember to be careful and not exceed the maximum permissible dose of metformin per day - 3000 mg (this dosage only applies to type 2 diabetics!).

Important! In order to prevent an undesirable reaction of the body to metformin, it is better to start getting acquainted with Siofor 500 with small doses, that is, ½ tablet per day. This dosage is recommended for 2-3 days.

The optimal course for weight loss is 3-4 weeks. A longer period of use should be monitored by laboratory tests of urine and blood.

Additional measures

Excessive physical activity while taking the medicine is undesirable. It is strictly forbidden to engage in fitness and running, since there is a high risk of developing lactic acidosis, a painful condition in which the level of lactic acid in the blood increases. The condition is characterized by complete loss of appetite and decreased body temperature.

Changes in diet for those taking medication for weight loss, on the contrary, are indicated. Doctors usually recommend a low-carb diet. This tandem allows you to achieve weight loss faster and promises a number of positive aspects for those losing weight:

  • lack of acute hunger;
  • no strict dietary restrictions;
  • guarantee of stable weight;
  • prevention of return to original weight after completion of the course.

Important! It is worth understanding that with prolonged weight loss on the drug from Berlin-Chemie AG and a low-carbohydrate diet, an exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of new diseases associated with the digestive tract are likely.

An example of a three-day menu for losing weight

Day 1

  • Breakfast: 100 g boiled chicken fillet, 2 eggs.
  • Snack: unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: 200 ml of beef broth and a piece of meat, cucumber.
  • Afternoon snack: orange or apple.
  • Dinner: 100 g each of vegetable salad and steamed fish.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese and half an apple.
  • Snack: 150 ml of natural yogurt, preferably homemade.
  • Lunch: 200 ml of lean cabbage soup without potatoes, 150 g of vegetable salad with sunflower oil.
  • Afternoon snack: unsweetened tea.
  • Dinner: 200 g stew of eggplant, cabbage and carrots.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: 50 g of green peas, several boiled sausages.
  • Snack: a handful of nuts.
  • Lunch: 200 ml of vegetable soup with chicken broth, steamed beef cutlet, 100 g of cabbage and carrot salad.
  • Afternoon snack: 150 ml homemade yogurt.
  • Dinner: 200 g vegetable stew without potatoes.

Important! Trying to enhance the effect of the drug by reducing the caloric content of the diet is categorically incorrect and dangerous.

Throughout the entire course of losing weight with the drug, you need to adhere to a sufficient drinking regime - about 2 liters of ordinary water per day.

According to some data, therapy with Siofor 500 increases the likelihood of pregnancy in women of reproductive age.

Side effects

Almost all those who lose weight note that at first, when taking a medication with a dosage of the active substance of 500 mg, the following unpleasant symptoms become their companions:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • intestinal colic;
  • headache and dizziness.

Possible adverse reactions to taking metformin in an increased dosage may include the following:

  • skin allergic reactions;
  • complete and partial loss of appetite;
  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia and metallic taste in the mouth.

Important! Long-term use of the drug leads to impaired absorption of vitamin B12 and its deficiency in the body.


To prevent diet pills from causing serious health problems, before starting the course you need to carefully study the contraindications presented by the manufacturer. The absolute ones include:

  • diabetes mellitus type I;
  • age under 18 and after 65 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • history of ketoacidosis and lactic acidosis;
  • hyperglycemic coma;
  • chronic liver and kidney pathologies;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and respiratory organs;
  • hypocaloric diet (less than 1000 kcal per day);
  • alcoholism.

Relative contraindications to taking the drug, as well as reasons for stopping therapy, are the following:

  • increased body temperature;
  • intestinal infections accompanied by large loss of fluid;
  • various injuries and burns.

Drug Compatibility

Drugs containing metformin are incompatible with drugs from the following groups:

  • affecting blood clotting;
  • containing alcohol (using the medicine simultaneously with alcohol is also strictly prohibited);
  • iodine-containing radiopaque ones.

Increased caution is required when combining metformin with the following drugs:

  1. Diuretics. If you want to combine taking a product from Berlin-Chemie AG and medications with a diuretic effect, you need to be prepared for more careful and frequent determination of blood glucose levels.
  2. Salicylates. As practice shows, such a tandem results in hypoglycemia.
  3. Beta2-adrenergic agonists. The combination leads to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, which threatens to neutralize the direct purpose of Siofor.

Doctors warn about the existence of a ban on the simultaneous use of Siofor 500 and other medications containing metformin.

Storage conditions

Tablets should be stored in their original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees, away from sunlight and humidity. After the expiration date indicated on the package, the drug cannot be used.

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Precautionary measures

Particular caution is required when treating elderly (over 65 years of age) patients. The course of treatment with Siofor must be replaced with another antihyperglycemic drug 2 days before an X-ray examination with IV contrast, as well as 2 days before and 2 days after surgery under general anesthesia. Should not be prescribed to the elderly or those performing heavy physical work (due to an increased risk of developing lactic acidosis). During treatment, monitoring of renal and liver function is necessary. It is recommended to monitor blood lactate levels 2 times a year. When combining Siofor with other hypoglycemic agents, the ability to drive may be impaired due to the possible development of hypoglycemia.


To understand how metformin works, you need to understand the basics of carbohydrate metabolism.

Normal cell functioning is impossible without energy, the formation of which occurs during the breakdown of glucose molecules with the participation of oxygen. Glucose enters the body with food, after which complex saccharides are converted into simple ones in the small intestine. They are carried through the bloodstream to organs. Penetration of glucose through the cell membrane is possible only under the influence of the hormone insulin. The body is a “smart” system that has provided a mechanism for storing glucose in reserve: part of it is converted in the liver into glycogen, which is consumed in the event of an energy deficiency in cells in the absence of carbohydrates from food. If glycogen in the liver runs out and there are still not enough carbohydrates, the body begins to break down its own fat reserves from fat depots. The less glycogen, the sooner the process of subcutaneous fat consumption begins.

The drug Siofor 500 acts in all areas of carbohydrate metabolism:

  • reduces the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine;
  • helps glucose freely penetrate into cells, increasing the sensitivity of receptors to insulin;
  • delays the formation of glycogen in the liver;
  • activates the process of glucose absorption by tissues;
  • stimulates the process of fat breakdown, or lipolysis.

The effect of metformin on carbohydrate metabolism helps to reduce the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, which is of great importance in obesity.

The medicinal product of the company Berlin-Chemie AG is endowed with basic and additional effects that are of interest to type 2 diabetics and people who want to normalize weight. The main ones are:

  • normalization of blood glucose levels;
  • suppressing appetite and reducing cravings for sweets;
  • reduction in body weight.

Among the additional effects, the ability of the drug to dissolve microthrombi is especially notable, due to which there is an improvement in blood microcirculation in tissues.

According to the instructions, the medication is intended to reduce blood sugar levels. The weight loss effect is only concomitant, so you should not confuse Siofor with dietary supplements for weight loss and take it thoughtlessly. A serious drug affects all organs and systems of the body!

If you believe the research results, after just a week of using the weight loss product, the first results are observed. As reviews from those who have lost weight say, weight can be reduced by 1.5-2 kg at once. Over a month's course you can become 4-12 kg lighter.

Based on all of the above, we can highlight the advantages of using the drug Siofor 500 for weight loss:

  • instant results;
  • no need to increase physical activity;
  • an opportunity to get rid of the passion for sweets and the tendency to overeat.

The medication is universal - it is equally suitable for women and men, which can also be considered an advantage.

disadvantages :

  • wide range of contraindications;
  • high probability of regaining lost kilograms after stopping use.

Important! Since the drug is intended to eliminate the effects of obesity in type 2 diabetes, it can cause metabolic problems in healthy people. Even the minimum dosage of metformin (500 mg) is dangerous when self-medicated.

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