Visoptic eye drops 0.05% 15ml fl cap 1 pc. in Moscow

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Alpha adrenomimetic , which has a vasoconstrictor and anti-edematous effect. Reduces swelling of the conjunctiva, soreness of the eye mucosa, burning, lacrimation. The vasoconstrictor effect begins a few minutes after application and lasts 4-8 hours. It can be used in the form of nasal drops, which act as a decongestant (reduce blood supply to the mucous membrane, reduce swelling , eliminate nasal congestion).


Systemic absorption when instilled into the eyes is low.

How to choose and use eye drops for fatigue and redness?

Keep in mind! Independent choice of drops is possible only in the absence of serious problems with the organs of vision.

In other cases, drugs can only be recommended by a specialist who prescribes drops for eye fatigue and they are divided into the following types:

  • vitamin products that have a protective and strengthening effect on the cornea and conjunctiva;
  • some antibacterial drugs that eliminate redness that occurs during infectious diseases, and also have an additional protective and moisturizing effect for dry eye syndrome;
  • drugs that have a healing effect;
  • vasoconstrictors , quickly eliminating redness of the eyes (used for short-term use, as over time one develops an addiction to such solutions);
  • antihistamines that have a decongestant effect;
  • moisturizers that do not have significant therapeutic effects and are used exclusively in case of overstrain of the visual organs.

Important! When using drops, you must strictly follow the attached instructions, but sometimes the dosage of the drug is not indicated or the possibility of use as needed is mentioned.

Before picking up a bottle of the product, you must wash your hands, and the tip of the bottle itself must not touch the surface of the eye during instillation.

These precautions are necessary to prevent infection in the eyes.


  • glaucoma;
  • corneal dystrophy;
  • bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • foreign body of the eye;
  • acute cardiovascular failure;
  • increased sensitivity.

It is prescribed with caution for high blood pressure , arrhythmia , hyperthyroidism , diabetes mellitus , pheochromocytoma , severe forms of coronary artery disease , and during treatment with MAO inhibitors , which increase blood pressure.

Side effects

Local reactions:

  • increased intraocular pressure ;
  • pupil dilation;
  • burning and hyperemia of the eyes;
  • burning in the nose, sneezing, secondary swelling of the nasal mucosa, dryness of the nasal mucosa (when applied to the nose).

Systemic reactions:

  • increased blood pressure ;
  • heartbeat;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • tremor;
  • nausea;
  • insomnia;
  • hyperglycemia.

Visoptik, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Visoptic eye drops are prescribed to adults and children over 3 years of age. Apply 1-2 drops 2 or 3 times a day in each eye. Continuous use of drops for more than 4 days is not allowed. If there is no improvement after 2 days of using the drops, you should consult a doctor.

If pain in the eyes intensifies, vision disturbances in the form of double vision and “floating spots”, or headaches occur, you should urgently consult a doctor. Contact lenses are installed 15-20 minutes after instillation and removed before the next instillation, avoiding direct contact of the drops with the contact lenses. After using the drug, short-term blurred vision and dilation of the pupil are possible; this must be taken into account when driving and caution must be exercised.

Causes and symptoms of tired and red eyes

For your information! Redness is a natural reaction of conjunctival tissue to overstrain and the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation emanating from a computer monitor or TV.

But redness can also occur with prolonged lack of sleep or exposure of the eyes to negative weather conditions (hypothermia, wind, ultraviolet radiation).

In people with dry eye syndrome, weakened eye muscles and ophthalmic inflammatory or infectious diseases, such signs appear faster and are more pronounced.

The disorder may additionally be accompanied by a burning sensation, a stinging sensation and a feeling of the presence of foreign bodies under the eyelids.

Foggy eyes can often appear when your eyes are tired.

Before trying to get rid of such symptoms with eye drops, it is important to be examined by an ophthalmologist.

After all, redness and fatigue of the eyes may not be an independent phenomenon, but signs of serious pathologies that require an integrated approach and the use of only moisturizing and protective solutions will not be enough.


Overdose is possible due to accidental ingestion, especially in young children. Manifested by pupil dilation, cyanosis , nausea, convulsions, the appearance of arrhythmias , increased pressure, respiratory failure, pulmonary edema central nervous system depression with collapse and coma. Treatment: gastric lavage, activated carbon , oxygen inhalation. Symptomatic treatment consists of the use of anticonvulsants, antihypertensives and antipyretics.


Concomitant use with MAO inhibitors ( nialamide , phenelzine , iproniazid ), antidepressants (tricyclics), and guanethidine causes hypertension and tachycardia . Drops are used 10 days after stopping taking MAO inhibitors . Use with guanethidine additionally provokes mydriasis and temporary visual impairment. Combined use of resepina , insulin , atropine , general anesthetics, and propranolol increases the risk of adverse cardiovascular reactions.

List of the most effective drugs

Eye drops for fatigue and redness are available in large quantities on the market. Different solutions are made on the basis of different components, but among such preparations there are also very close analogues.

Note! The following list of ophthalmic drugs that help eliminate symptoms can be distinguished:

  1. Cornergel. It is recommended to use when discomfort symptoms appear during long periods of work at the computer, when the cornea is red, and when discomfort occurs as a result of using contact optics. The drug is used 3-5 times a day (as needed).
  2. Visine. One of the most popular remedies that relieves fatigue, providing a vasoconstrictor and anesthetic effect. The effect of the drug appears immediately after instillation. The drug can be instilled three times a day.
  3. Systane. A drug based on polymers similar in characteristics and composition to human tears. When instilled, the product forms a protective film, preventing tissue from drying out, as well as protecting them from external influences. It is enough to use drops 1-2 times a day.
  4. Inoxa. The drug relieves fatigue and has a moisturizing effect. It helps a lot if a person has to stay at the computer all day long. The drug is instilled as needed, but not more than four times a day.
  5. Visomitin. A product based on active substances that moisturize eye tissue and stimulate metabolic processes in them. Due to this, the drug has not only a protective, but also a restorative effect. Drops are instilled three times a day.
  6. Artelak. The drug contains hyaluronic acid, which has a slight therapeutic effect and saturates the eye tissue with microelements necessary for normal activity. Typically, drops are used 3-5 times a day, placing one drop in each eye. But in case of serious problems, a specialist can prescribe an individual course of treatment with a specific dosage and frequency of instillation.
  7. Vitafacol. A drug that normalizes metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the cornea and lens. The drug is often prescribed as an additional treatment for cataracts. But with severe chronic eye fatigue, it can be used as a strengthening drug without causing addiction. The optimal dosage is three drops of two drops in each eye.
  8. Blink intensive . The product helps to eliminate redness of the eyes, which is not pathological in nature, but occurs as a result of vasodilation due to excessive visual strain. The medicine has a long-lasting effect and additional moisturizing effect. And thanks to the absence of chemically active substances, you can use the drops during the day an unlimited number of times according to your own feelings.
  9. Ophtolic. A moisturizing solution that has a moisturizing effect on the cornea. It is advisable not to use such a product without the approval of an ophthalmologist, as some components of the drug can cause allergic reactions. The drug is instilled no more than twice a day, one or two drops.
  10. Riboflavin . A drug with a strengthening and immunostimulating effect, which can be used both to relieve symptoms of fatigue and to prevent ophthalmic diseases. It is enough to instill the product in the morning and evening, one drop at a time.
  11. Irifrin. Complex action drops designed to treat eye symptoms, while soothing the vascular tissue, thereby relieving redness. The product is used once a day every other day - this is enough to stimulate the recovery mechanisms and eliminate the symptoms of fatigue.
  12. Visor . The product is almost a complete analogue of Visine, but contains additional vitamin supplements that help strengthen eye tissue. This remedy is instilled four times a day at equal intervals. Usually the drug is not used for long-term use: a week after use it is necessary to take a break of several days.
  13. Visoptic . The optimal product for people who use contact optics. If fatigue accumulates in the eyes when wearing lenses during the day, you can instill this drug up to three times a day if discomfort occurs. It is worth considering that the drug is not suitable for everyone: if after two days the negative symptoms do not disappear, you should choose a similar drug. Long-term use of the product is also not recommended: drops can be instilled for four days in a row, after which you need to take a break of the same length.

Reviews about Visoptika

The use of Visoptik reduces exudation and hyperemia of conjunctival vessels. Patients who have used this drug note a quick effect on conjunctivitis and irritation of the eye mucosa, as well as its reasonable price.

  • “... They act quickly, after 3-5 minutes the red mesh in the eyes disappears.”
  • “... They help get rid of pain, pain and redness of the eyes, cheaper than Visine. I like very much".
  • “... Long and continuous work at the computer causes discomfort and redness in the eye. I use Visoptic from time to time. No worse than Visine, which is several times more expensive.”
  • “... This is an assistant for tired eyes! Helps a lot."
  • “...An indispensable thing for a computer geek.”

Among the negative aspects of using drops, there is a short period of their use after opening the bottle (they are not used for a month), as well as a burning sensation when instilled. It should be remembered that these drops are prescribed for a short period of time, since long-term use may cause local adverse reactions (burning, dilated pupils, drug-induced conjunctivitis ) and systemic ones in the form of headache , increased blood pressure and insomnia . Tetrizoline is part of Cromosil and Spersallerg , which are used for allergic conjunctivitis .

VIZOPTIC (drops)

then we asked the pharmacist to choose something optimal for us.
We were offered Visoptic Polpharma eye drops, and we bought them. Externally, the packaging did not surprise us with anything special, a small compact package and, of course, with a corresponding eye pattern. The manufacturer of this drug is the brand Polpharma (Poland). I don’t remember previously having to buy medicines from this manufacturer, perhaps such drops appeared in our pharmacies recently. Among the features of the product, it is indicated that the drops can be used for 28 days after opening. This is not bad at all, considering that some eye drops, or rather most of them, need to be used within 6-7 days, but after that, the product is no longer suitable and most of the medicine has to be thrown away. On the back of the package, pictures show in which cases it is recommended to use this drug, below is the composition of the solution with the active ingredient tetrazoline and a list of excipients. Some recommendations for the use and storage of the product are described on the side of the package. The manufacturer's serial number along with the expiration date (07.2018) is stamped on the lid of the package Contents of the package. Instructions for the drug and two bottles of medicine, 5 milliliters each. This packaging filling is very convenient, after all, two mini bottles are more convenient to use than one large one, so a plus for rationality and economy. The instructions for the drops, as for any medicinal product, are very voluminous and on both sides I provide only basic information about the indications to the use of drops And also about the method of administration and dosage. Here I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this drug is approved for use in children over 2 years of age, but only with the recommendation of a doctor. As for the rest of the information on the insert, it is quite possible, and most importantly, necessary, to familiarize yourself with it. I will repeat again about the compactness of the bottle, it is small and will not take up much space either in your hand, or in your first aid kit, or in your purse, if you need to take the product with you. The bottle is re-printed with the manufacturer’s serial number and the expiration date of the drug. The bottle is closed with a cap, which opens with a slight twist, as evidenced by the initial tightness of the bottle. Under the cap there is an ordinary oblong spout with a small hole, in general the bottle is identical to the same nasal drops, so there are no difficulties in using it. The dispenser is quite convenient, in the process of applying it to it you just need to press lightly. The process of instillation with these means and any others is not very pleasant, but the result is worth it.

For my husband, these drops are good at relieving redness in his eyes and clearing away possible particles of sand and small scale, which also sometimes get into his eyes. The drops help me relieve pain in my eyes, tearing, and the same redness. Immediately after instillation, it is advisable to lie down for a while so that the drug begins to act. Literally within 10 minutes there is noticeable relief in the eyes. The cost of such eye drops is a little more than 50 hryvnia and this is for two bottles. Of course, the price in different pharmacies is different, but I think it is not very different. In terms of their effectiveness, Visoptic Polpharma eye drops turned out to be effective and worse than expensive analogues, and they help my husband and me well. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and consult your doctor.

I rate Polpharma's Visoptic eye drops highly.

Price for Vizoptik, where to buy

Visoptic eye drops can be purchased at any pharmacy. The cost of the drug in Moscow ranges from 135-190 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 126-160 rubles, you can buy the drug in Yekaterinburg for 134-140 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Visoptic eye drops 0.05% 15mlS.C.Rompharm Company SrL RUB
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Pharmacy Dialogue

  • VizOptic (eye drops vial-drops 0.05% 15ml) Rompharma

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  • Visoptic 0.5 mg/ml 5 ml No. 2 drops Warsaw FZ, Polfa AT, Poland
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